The Holy Maiden of Light Wants To Change Jobs

Chapter 117 - END

The Eye of Hope is the most famous bounty hunter team in recent years. It has completed 100% of its tasks, never missed a single attempt, and only picks the kind of difficult and complicated tasks.

No one knows how many people there are in this team. Sometimes it is one man and one woman, and sometimes there are three men and two women. Even the guild has no way to restrain them. It can be said to be very mysterious.

There is even a legend that their captain is the saintess of the two religions, a legendary woman who changed the continent.

However, this is only a legend, after all, no one has seen that one with his own eyes for a long time.

Some people say that she has obtained the supreme power and left this continent to pursue a new world. Some people say that she is tired of all the fame and fortune, and is living in seclusion in a small town. If a young person can find her, she will get a reward.

Whether you want to be rich or powerful, you can.

An who heard this rumor: “…These people are afraid that they are not fools?”

Sylvia smiled lightly when she heard the words, “It’s definitely not smart anyway.” She was playing with a ninth-level magic core in her hand when she said this.

“The magic core of the Asluya beast doesn’t seem to be anything special. Why did that person charge such a high price? Going to the trading field is about half the price.”

Hearing this, An Qing lifted her eyelids and looked at Sylvia under the light. Now this little girl is fifteen years old. To be honest, she doesn’t look like the blonde and blue-eyed face before, but more like… Guan Ju.

In the blink of an eye, it has been five years since Guan Ju left.

“Don’t worry about them, anyway, the task items are handed over to the guild, we just need to get the reward.”

An turned over lazily, and since accepting part of Guan Ju’s power of light, he has come a big step closer to the perfect period.

Since Guan Ju and that guy left, the gods on the mainland have not been able to hide. Unlike before, who occasionally responded to believers, now it is like being bound by laws. Less and less of my own.

So it’s getting boring.

Ann also seemed to understand why her old mother went to all kinds of dangerous adventures. What she wanted might not be the things themselves, but… a value of living.

Just like the bounty quest that he and Sylvia are doing now, they have no shortage of money and money, but they really have nothing to do. At least they can encounter some interesting things while doing the quest.

Unfortunately, there are less and less interesting tasks and more things that are not challenging.

“An.” Sylvia called out, and at the same time, the hand that was playing with the magic core suddenly stopped, and the magic core disappeared in her hand in the next second.

Sylvia didn’t get up, and continued to maintain the movement just now, “Since you’re here, don’t hide.”

“Silvia, vigilance is good.”

Seeing that the person was an acquaintance, Sylvia pursed her lips, “Adonis, why are you here?”

This is a very busy person. Guan Ju abolished the power of the church and the nobles by himself, but he also needs someone to manage the people and do things that ordinary people cannot do by themselves.

So, regulation will appear.

Seven people sit and supervise each other, the minority obeys the majority, and the term of office is up to ten years. After ten years, they must step down…

In order to ensure relative fairness, Guan Ju thought of a lot of constraints, and Adonis was one of the first seven supervisory directors.

Now that the term of office has just passed halfway, it is a busy time, how can it suddenly come over.

Facing Sylvia’s doubts, Adonis spread his hands, “Anyway, I’m also a member of the Eye of Hope, but I don’t want to wait for this team to cease to exist after I abdicate.”

An’s eyes narrowed, “What do you mean?”

However, before Adonis could solve the puzzle, the space fluctuated, and the next second, Kloris appeared.

He was not surprised to see Adonis next to him, after all, there is no chaotic city in the world.

Both Cloris and Adonis are one of the seven directors. They have worked together for five years and are no strangers to each other.

Since he got the news, Adonis is probably the same.

“Hey, I’m one step ahead of you.”

Adonis said these words proudly as if he had won the game, but Cloris ignored this guy and glanced at him lightly, then looked at Sylvia and Ann who were a little puzzled.

“This mission is a trap.”

“They want to use you to draw… Guan Ju.”

Cloris didn’t talk nonsense, and directly stated the purpose of his coming, and when Guan Ju said the word, everyone present couldn’t help but be silent for a moment.

The world only knows the name of Sylvia, and only they know that person’s real name – Guan Ju.

The naming method that is different from that on the mainland also means that she is not from this world.

The person who desperately wants to go home doesn’t know… whether his wish has been fulfilled.

Chloris sometimes envied and admired Rainey, at least he had the courage and strategy to give up everything and go away, even if the outcome was unclear, at least he did.

More importantly, Guan Ju may not have felt that her attitude towards Lan Yinlai is so comfortable, which is something that can only be shown in front of people close to her.

From the beginning, he was excluded, not even eligible to compete.

“Tsk, I knew this task was not right.”

Sylvia sneered, this kind of look on her slightly immature face was not against harmony, but made people feel a little cold.

Anyone who is a little familiar with Sylvia knows that if you are targeted by this little witch, the general outcome is probably not much better than death.

“Give me the information, I’ll have a good chat with these guys who are too busy.” Sylvia reached out to the two of them, looking like they wanted to do something.

Cloris and Adonis glanced at each other and took out a scroll at the same time, “Be careful.” The two warned at the same time, inexplicably like an old father who was worried about his daughter.

Sylvia smiled and nodded, “I know~” She was about to say something when she suddenly took out a communication stone from the space, it was Bennett.

“Silvia, where are you now? That task is not right, don’t do it yet.”


Bennett took over all the shops in Guan Ju. After several years of development, he became a successful businessman. He also helped many orphans and women and opened many free schools.

I just don’t know if there are too many things to worry about, and people have become a little “mother-in-law”, especially for Sylvia, it’s not good to nagging.

So before Sylvia spoke, Ann interjected, “You are one step too late, Cloris and Adonis just said it.”

Bennett responded immediately, “Sure enough! Their goal is…”

“Guan Ju.”

The voices of several people sounded synchronously, which was called a tacit understanding, but after saying their names, they stopped talking, as if waiting for others to break the silence.

“Well, that’s it, I will pay attention to safety, let’s not talk for now, or those people might change their plans if we don’t come.”

After finishing speaking, hanging up the communication stone, Sylvia looked at the other two, “Then I and An will leave first?”

Adonis raised a big smile, “Wait, let me go too.”

He changed his appearance, “It just happened that I haven’t moved my muscles for a long time, but it’s time to move.”

Cloris blinked and his face changed, “Together.” As soon as the two short words came out, it showed his attitude.

Since you want to take a shot at Guan Ju, let’s bear the anger from them.

“Hahaha, that’s ok, so it’s not just Bennett and the old woman, we have all the eyes of hope?” The old woman in An’s mouth was referring to his mother, Fanny.

“Oh, I didn’t expect my dear son to call mother like that. I’m really sad.”

The familiar voice made An’s body froze, “I’m still worried about my son’s safety, so I came here to take a look.”

Fanny grabbed Ann and began to smack him, “Really, little heartless.”

An resisted incompetence, and could only show a pair of dead fish eyes and pretend that the body was not his own.

Sylvia snickered on the side, and then she thought of a good idea, “Why don’t we bring work Knight and have a collective action?”

“Okay.” Fanny was the first to respond, and when she clicked her finger, Bennett, who was holding the communication stone, appeared bewildered in front of several people.

If it wasn’t for these guys, Bennett’s Forbidden Curse Scroll would have been thrown out!

But now, he can only sigh helplessly, patted himself that there is no dust on his body, “So, what do you want to do?”

Sylvia smiled cutely, “Bennett, let’s play together~” Such an action was easily judged as “playing” by Sylvia, which was a strong confidence in the strength of himself and his partners.

So, on this day, a force that had been secretly hiding and planning for a long time ushered in a devastating blow.

Obviously the opponent is only five people plus a monster!

As the boss of this force, the most regretful thing before death is probably delusional thinking about someone.

A person who, although he existed for a short time, has left a bright mark in the hearts of many people.

After stretching their bodies, the people who were in a good mood quickly separated to do their own things. I don’t know if it was because Guan Ju’s name was mentioned today, they had a dream together.

In the dream, Guan Ju was in a strange room, dressed in strange clothes, very relaxed and relaxed. One of them was holding Lan Yinlai by one hand and greeted them with a bright smile.

“I came back successfully, you don’t have to worry, I’m doing well, so is Lan Yinlai…”

In their sleep, Sylvia and the others raised the corners of their mouths unconsciously. It was a wonderful dream.

I hope this dream lasts a little longer.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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