The Hero of the Zerg is Not Easy To Be

Chapter 133

Chapter 133: Extra: The Love Story Of The Cubs (8)

A few hours later, Chen Junhua drove out the mecha, and the two insects hurried to see if he was injured, but fortunately he was not. It’s just that Chen Junhua’s mecha was seriously damaged and was close to being scrapped.

Chen Junhua carefully checked the mecha and confirmed that there was no Miye royal family left on it, and then gave the mecha to the mechanical maintenance engineer of the military department.

The mechanical repairer is a male bug, and his face is very stinky when he sees the mecha. “How can I repair this? Shall I get you a new mecha?”

Chen Junhua nodded, “Okay, Key Chen, sorry for the trouble. I have to say that your technology is indispensable to the entire Zerg, and you cannot have two.”

Key Chen smiled smugly, “That’s it, how is it? It’s not a loss to recruit me, right?”

Chen Junhua said, “Yes, blood is earned.” Key Chen happily left with the almost destroyed mecha.

Qing was funny. Seeing that Key Chen was far away, he asked, “Father, where did you get such a treasure?”

Chen Junhua touched Qing’s head, “You and the second child almost had an accident when they were young, do you remember? At that time, I drove the aircraft he built to rescue you…”

When Chen Junhua finished the story of his acquaintance with Key Chen, Qing said, “If you say that, he is also a lifesaver for the three of us?”

Chen Junhua nodded, “Let’s put it this way, he wasn’t an adult when I saw him, and he was a tech controller at the time, and he didn’t care about anything else. Now that the tech has improved, but his personality hasn’t changed much, it’s still very easy to coax. .” Qing looked thoughtful.

Chen Junhua left some of the military females responsible for blocking the meteor. He looked at the moon star and thought, the Miye royal family on the moon star, and the little Miye who burned to ashes when he went on an expedition. The atmosphere of the royal family is exactly the same.

If he had taken the little Miye clan on a whim, he would have really capsized in the gutter. Chen Junhua touched his chin and decided to set a dead rule for the military, not to bring anything unrelated to the mission on the warship.

Then, Chen Junhua brought Chen Yanyu and Qing together to find a planet similar to Meteor Star to resettle the people in batches. After ensuring that the people were settled there, the group of insects finally returned to the capital star.

After learning about the capital star at that time and dealing with the affairs for a few days, I began to prepare for the wedding of the second and fifth. Chen Junhua doesn’t have any opinion on the fifth’s wedding, they should be together, and the second one is debatable.

Chen Yansi was reluctant to return, but the wedding was very attentive. He specially brought him back to his hometown to hold a wedding. It was at this time that he realized that he should have known him, because his hometown was when he was a child. The mine star settlement where the refuge lived.

Chen Yansi didn’t believe it, he looked at him and said, “Why don’t I remember that I saw you?”

He was a little embarrassed, “I was very thin when I was young, and you often gave me food back then, but you may not remember.”

Chen Yansi remembered that the dirty little female worm was always beaten by the fourth child at that time. He couldn’t help sympathizing with the little worm who looked weaker than him at that time, so he would give him some food.

Chen Yansi’s eyes widened, “Are you that little female bug?”

He was a little helpless, “I was sent here just after the war, my father and mother were gone, and I met you here. I was adopted by my current father and mother after you left. Later, I went to the Capital Star to study, and after the second transformation period, I went to the banquet, and then I met you again.”

As for the fact that he liked Chen Yansi when he was a child, and was discovered by Jue, so that Jue did not allow him to appear within Chen Yansi’s line of sight, otherwise there is no need to say about hitting him.

Well… at the capital star’s banquet, Jue recognized him and beat him up in the name of being drunk, it should not be mentioned.

The banquet at that time was prepared for Jue and Chen Yansi. There were not many non-alcoholic beverages at the whole banquet. Just for the sake of his vinegar, Jue made a drunk dumpling that ripped apart the aircraft.

However, Jue’s brain is really not very easy to use. When he was a child, he thought that Jue was also Chen Yansi’s suitor, so he deliberately let Chen Yansi see Jue beating him, in order to win Chen Yansi’s sympathy.

It was also at that time that he found that Chen Yansi seemed to have an inexplicable love for the not-so-smart and miserable female insect, because when Chen Yansi gave him food, although he would say something to comfort him, there was always an inexplicable excitement in his eyes. , as if wishing he could be worse.

So he always provokes Jue frequently. Jue will be very angry every time he suffers a loss, and he will always go crazy and fight bugs regardless of the occasion. He also succeeded in impressing Chen Yansi with him.

After installing the future, he realized that Jue and Chen Yansi were brothers, so… he successfully offended the future brother of the hero. God knows, how sad he was when he knew the truth.

Fortunately, Jue loved his face and didn’t say anything about being framed by him. Admiral An thought he was being bullied and gave him a lot of things.

Later, when they would come back here from time to time, Chen Yansi seemed to have forgotten him, but Jue would remember to fight with him every time, so that he was beaten shamelessly every time, and he hadn’t seen Chen Yansi for more than ten years. .

Later, he went to Capital Star and saw Chen Yansi again at the banquet. He was still so good-looking, like a porcelain doll. He licked his lips, and decided to seek wealth and wealth at risk, and go to provoke Jue again.

Then it was known that he was beaten. He just wanted to be remembered by Chen Yansi. Who knew that he would be summoned by the Insect Emperor the next day.

Insect Emperor apologized to him very tenderly, and then asked him what compensation he wanted, he said, “Let me be a female servant for Chen Yansi Xiongzi.”

The Insect Emperor’s expression was very subtle at the time, and then he said, “Okay, but Yan Si is not yet an adult, so let’s get engaged first.” Before he had time to be happy, he was hollowed out by a few words from the Insect Emperor.

He originally thought that he knew what he had done before, and this matter was about to fall through. Who knew that the Insect Emperor still agreed to the engagement.

The male he had liked for many years was engaged to him, and now he was getting married again, and he was pregnant with their eggs, it was like a dream, it was so beautiful.

Chen Yansi’s mood was also a bit complicated at this time. Jue complained about his scheming when he was a child, and he always provokes himself, but he didn’t take it seriously at the time. After all, in front of Jue, who is not scheming?

Later, he told his father that he wanted to marry him. After his father went to meet him, he told him that he was not easy, but he had no problem marrying him. After the contact, he still felt that he was just a half-dumb.

Now that he knew his previous identity, Chen Yansi guessed a lot of things. For example, although Jue had a bad temper, it was the first time he had chased a bug for so long. Later, when I came back here, I didn’t see the little female insect, and Jue also said that the little female insect was killed.

Another example is that during their relationship, they didn’t mention anything they had seen before, but they mentioned it now. Chen Yansi knew something in his heart, but some things could not be revealed.

Chen Yansi touched Yu’s waist, “I heard that the first time you and Jue fought was in the woods next to you, why don’t we have a fight?” Yu was stunned for a moment, then nodded indiscriminately in agreement.

Chen Yansi asked if he had been fighting with Jue at first, and after receiving a positive answer, he said that he would also be fighting. So after the two worms finished fighting, he almost staggered to his knees on the ground.

Chen Yansi cleaned up again, and in the end, it was Chen Yansi who limped out of the woods. His feeling was right, Chen Yansi just liked the miserable appearance of female insects.

After the two worms finished their wedding at Mining Star, they hurried back to Capital Star to hold a wedding. Chen Yansi arranged the wedding scene and the wedding process by himself.

Finally, among the flying butterflies, they stood on the high platform to receive everyone’s blessings, embraced and kissed each other amid the cheers of everyone.

Chen Yansi was not in good health, and he was usually the same as growing up with a wheelchair, but at the wedding scene, he stood holding hands, walked the whole journey, and accepted all the blessings.

Looking at Chen Yansi trying to keep serious, but the smile slowly flowed from his eyebrows, he couldn’t help but recall the bits and pieces between them. Gradually, he thought that the hero clearly said that he wanted him to be a female servant, and finally When she got married, she still made him a queen. Thinking of this, he couldn’t help but smile sweetly.

After the wedding, the two insects returned to their new house. The next month was their marriage leave. They had nothing to do, and they could do whatever they wanted, whatever they wanted.

Chen Yanai was not so comfortable, thinking that this situation belonged to the collaborating and betraying clan, and he was also the son of the Maple Leaf clan who planned this.

If this matter hadn’t been discovered early, I don’t know what the consequences would have been, and I had no regrets throughout the whole process, and it also hurt Chen Yanai. Chen Yanai gave almost all of his contribution value to save his mind.

Although it was said to the outside world that Yi was seriously injured and stupid in order to protect Chen Yanai, the senior management actually knew what was going on, so the wedding of Chen Yanai and Yi could be said to be a very simple one.

Chen Yanai pulled Yi Yi, who was already stupid, and went through all the procedures, then returned to the room with Yi Yi. At this moment, Yi sat stunned, and after having destroyed part of his brain, he could no longer speak or think.

Chen Yanai took off their clothes in silence, touched his face lightly with his hand, and whispered, “You don’t want to serve me, but you will serve me for the rest of your life, I don’t know if you are still conscious at this time, Do you regret coming to provoke me?”

Naturally, Yi still didn’t speak. Chen Yanai kissed Yi and used him gently. Yi and her body’s instinctive reaction seemed to feel uncomfortable, so she wanted to push Chen Yanai away.

Chen Yanai grabbed the hand he pushed and refused, kissed him, then pulled Yi’s two hands to the top of his head and pressed them, and continued his movements. Later, Yi seemed to feel happy and cooperated obediently.

Chen Yanai hugged Yi to his lap and kissed recklessly, “It would be great if you weren’t undercover, so that I could marry you as soon as you were an adult, without having to delay for so long, or toss each other for so long.”

Yi didn’t speak, but two tears flowed from the corners of his eyes, but they were quickly mixed with sweat and shed together, even Chen Yanai didn’t notice it.

When Chen Yanai saw the male and female fathers again, it was already a month later. He took Yi to see the male and female fathers, and Chen Yansi and Qian were also there. His belly was already a little obvious, Chen Yansi saw his eyes and said, “Two eggs, so it’s more obvious.”

Chen Yanai smiled and said, “Congratulations.”

Chen Yansi nodded, “Thank you, you will have it soon.” Chen Yanai thought about the situation, smiled and didn’t answer.

Chen Junhua said, “Okay, Chen Yansi, you two have finally achieved a positive result, and live a good life. Don’t bully Chen Yansi, he has an egg in his stomach now, you male father, come to me and your daughter if you have something to do. Father will do.”

Chen Yansi and Ying nodded again and again, and after talking for a while, they left together.

Chen Junhua looked at Chen Yanai and said, “I said at the beginning that you should change one, but if you like it, if you like it very much, you have to hold him and not let go.

Although it is said that so many things have happened now, you have already married him after all, and you are allowed to play with his appearance, so you should treat him well. If you don’t like it that day, give him a ride, and you don’t know whether your liking is a blessing or a curse for him. “

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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