The Heaven-Slaying Sword

Chapter 23: Chapter: Anhui (4)

→ Fourth Chapter – Anhui (4) ←

Tang Hwa-seo grabbed Mok Riwon and stormed out of the inn. Following them from behind with a beaming face was Zhuge San.

As they walked in silence, Tang Hwa-seo’s expression worsened.

“Go away. Stop following us.”

“I’m headed this way too, so it’s not following.”

“Then go ahead of us.”

“Now now, why would we need to go separately? Esteemed Sister, you speak so coldly.”

Tang Hwa-seo turned around and looked at him with a face full of anger. Her fierce expression would have startled Mok Riwon, but Zhuge San continued smiling amidst the tension.

“Y-Young Lady… Why don’t we calm…”

”Young Hero Mok, do not say a word! You will be given a thorough lesson when we return!”

Mok Riwon made a tearful face, while Zhuge San had to suppress his laughter at the duo’s comedy act.


He had thought they were a couple, but clearly that wasn’t the case.

If he had to compare…

‘Ah, it’s like a mother-son relationship.’

How did they end up with such a dynamic?

Why were they traveling together, and why did Tang Hwa-seo assume this ill-fitting babysitting role?

In that moment, many questions raced through his mind. But even as they came and went, one thought remained.

‘Mother and son…’

Tang Hwa-seo stopped in her tracks and yanked his ear. Mok Riwon’s face turned deathly pale as she continued to scold him right in the middle of the streets.

Watching them, Zhuge San was reminded of a voice he longed for.

–San! How many times have I told you to stay away from the manure pit! Why don’t you listen to your mother!

He smiled bitterly, remembering the voice he had tried to forget, one he could no longer hear. Then he quickly composed himself and playfully said.

“Are you not being too harsh on Great Master Mok? He’s a grown adult, is he not? If you crush his spirit like that, then what?”

“Y-Young Master Zhuge!”

Mok Riwon startlingly stopped him.

He knew what might happen if he talked back during Tang Hwa-seo’s scolding.

“T-That’s alright…”

“Great Master Mok, you must assert yourself. If Esteemed Sister told you to jump off a cliff, would you?”

Mok Riwon blinked.

‘Hm, if the Young Lady says it, there has to be a reason…’

As Mok Riwon began to seriously contemplate this, Zhuge San laughed.

Tang Hwa-seo scoffed and uttered.

“You seem too interested in other people’s business, why don’t you go on your way?”

She was revitalized by Mok Riwon siding with her.

‘Well, it seems I’m outnumbered here.’

Zhuge San chuckled to himself and shrugged nonchalantly.

“I understand. I’ll leave for today, then. Great Master Mok, let’s meet again tomorrow.”

Zhuge San assumed a fist-palm salute.

After stealing glances at Tang Hwa-seo, Mok Riwon hesitantly mimicked the gestures. Even though this person had caused him distress, he decided that extending basic courtesy was the right thing to do.

“See you tomor…”

“Only looking.”

Mok Riwon promptly closed his mouth as she glared at the departing figure of Zhuge San like she wanted to kill him.

* * *

Unfortunately for Mok Riwon, Tang Hwa-seo hadn’t forgotten to scold him. While he was caught in the torrent of her nagging, he thought to himself.

‘I-It’s the Soul Ensnarement Technique. This must be the Soul Ensnarement Technique!’

This had to be evil sorcery that could shatter a person’s spirit.

Otherwise, how could each word strike so deeply into his heart?

“Do you understand?! Zhuge San will surely have a bad influence on you, Young Hero Mok! I do not want you to become a deadbeat!”

His fingers trembled.


He thought about Zhuge San.

Despite his fox-like demeanor and words, the term ‘deadbeat’ didn’t seem to fit him.

So, Mok Riwon pushed back with his opinion.

“T-That’s… not quite right.”


“Young Master Zhuge isn’t a deadbeat.”

Tang Hwa-seo was at a loss for words.

Even though Mok Riwon knew him, she obviously knew him much better, so his words were frustrating.

However, Tang Hwa-seo held a prejudice that clouded her judgment towards him. The only person without prior knowledge of him was Mok Riwon, so shouldn’t he be able to view Zhuge San objectively?

“Young Master Zhuge is diligent. The calluses on his hands, the way he walks… and his reaction to my martial arts could only come from consistent training.”

“Perhaps he was forced to do that. How could that man who enjoys wandering around have seriously practiced while away from home?”

“I’m confident he did.”


“He was practicing even this morning. In fact, before we met. I can tell.”

Mok Riwon’s martial talent meant he had heightened sensitivity to the human body and martial arts beyond what most people possessed.

That was how he knew.

The breathing, muscular movements, and tremors in Zhuge San’s steps were evidence of his relentless training until now.

“Mm, his tastes may be questionable, but I don’t believe he’s a deadbeat.”

Mok Riwon said that with a proud smile, speaking his mind like a grown man should, just as Zhuge San had encouraged.

Tang Hwa-seo looked at him thoughtfully and took his words into consideration.

‘Now that I think about it…’

Mok Riwon hadn’t thought negatively of Zhuge San, despite all he had heard. In fact, he seemed to be fond of him, even after being harassed by him. The same one whose eyes would flare up at the sight of an evildoer. freēwēbηovel.c૦m

His sole dislike was Zhuge San’s past proposal to a married woman. And even that was out of moral principle.

‘Have I…’

Had she been wrong?

Tang Hwa-seo pondered quickly.

Being able to find flaws in herself based on the advice of others was one of her many strengths.

“…Perhaps he might not be a deadbeat.”

Tang Hwa-seo conceded on that point. She might have been wrong, and Zhuge San may have truly been diligent in his training.


“He will definitely have a bad influence on you, Young Hero Mok.”


“I do not wish for you to become someone who drools over every married woman he sees on the streets.”

“W-What! I’m not such a shameless person!”

“Is that what you say when you made a lecherous face upon hearing we were sleeping in the same room?”

He hung his head down in shame as he was being glared at.

“T-That was a misunderstanding…!”

“I’m sure it was.”

He felt truly wronged.

After all, if a beauty like Tang Hwa-seo mentioned sleeping in the same room, anyone, not just him, would naturally think the same.

Moreover, Mok Riwon was certain that even the venerable monks of Shaolin Temple would clutch their hearts if she decided to seduce them.

He felt so unjustly wronged. As his pettiness took over along with the need to prove his innocence, Mok Riwon let out all his emotions.

“Y-Young Lady, it’s your fault for being too beautiful!”

“Oh, I see… Wait, what?”

Tang Hwa-seo’s face went blank.

“Is it not your fault that I thought those things?! I am not at fault! Anyone would have reacted the same way I did!”

What was this man saying?

Her mind was reeling, unable to comprehend the sudden outburst.

“No, w-wait a moment…”

“This is your fault, Young Lady! For saying something so misleading!”


When Mok Riwon took a step forward, her eyes shook and she backed away.

‘W-What is this…’

A fleeting thought crossed her mind.

Was he trying to act cute so she wouldn’t keep nagging him? Or… was there something else?


Mok Riwon wasn’t clueless, so his words now meant one thing.

‘I-It’s the truth…’

The realization made heat rise to the top of her head, and her cheeks for some reason felt like they were burning up.

Amidst this, Mok Riwon slowly closed the distance between them.

“Admit it! I am not at fault! It’s the Young Lady’s fault for not explaining beforehand!”

“Ah, I understand, so… Enough…!”

“Don’t run away!”


Their toes touched.

Backed up against the wall with nowhere else to go, Tang Hwa-seo felt her head spinning as she looked at him straight in the face.


It was almost unbearable how handsome he was. The serious expression on his face had erased his usual foolish expression and highlighted his beauty.

Although he had apparently lived a rugged life in the mountains, his skin was flawless and fair, with no signs of sun damage or imperfections.

His long eyelashes drew shadows over his eyes, and his well-shaped nose and lips had a dangerously appealing contour.

Tang Hwa-seo’s eyes widened.

Standing face to face with the man she had consciously ignored until now left her unable to think straight.

In the end, no matter how hard she tried, she was still a woman.

A weak animal in the face of a handsome man.

And her decision as her mind was clouded was one befitting of a martial artist.

“Get… Get away from me!”



Her desperate, outstretched fist struck squarely against his upper abdomen.

Mok Riwon looked at her in disbelief, as if his entire world had just shattered.


Tang Hwa-seo realized her mistake too late and hurriedly apologized.

However, this incident granted Mok Riwon permission to befriend Zhuge San.

* * *

“So! That’s how I, Mok Riwon, was allowed to share this story with Young Master Zhuge!”

“I see…”

In the same inn they had met the day before, Zhuge San smiled as he approached Mok Riwon, who was once again alone due to Tang Hwa-seo’s absence.

Zhuge San was unaware of it himself, but he realized something from the story.

‘His face.’

His face was a weapon.

It was a truly outrageous weapon.

Even Tang Hwa-seo, who hadn’t flinched at the sight of Namgung Jincheon, was affected.

Thus, Zhuge San had thought she was indifferent to men, but…

‘Was even Brother Namgung not enough?!’

He couldn’t fathom just how high her standards were, but perhaps, he was beginning to understand them now.

It seemed it would take someone like the man before him to capture the heart of the Poison Phoenix.

‘What in the world…’

It was a very amusing discovery.

Zhuge San laughed quietly.

Mok Riwon wasn’t sure why he was laughing, but simply joined in.

“A-Anyway! The reason I brought this story up isn’t just that!”


“The fortuitous encounter! What is the fortuitous encounter you were talking about, Young Master Zhuge?”

Mok Riwon’s eyes were filled with heartfelt anticipation, but the person in question shook his head and replied delightedly.

“Just call me Brother Zhuge. I turned twenty this year, so wouldn’t that be more comfortable for you?”


Mok Riwon felt his heart flutter.

“Does that mean you’re suggesting we become sworn brothers?”

The only relationship in Mok Riwon’s life that involved friendship between brothers was between Mok Seon-oh and Ma Il-seok, who had gone through adventures together in the martial world and performed a myriad of chivalrous deeds.

The thought that he might have finally found such a friend excited him, and Zhuge San, upon being asked that, blinked a few times before bursting into laughter.

“Certainly! Why not? I shall call you Brother Mok from now on!”

“Understood! I’ll call you Brother Zhuge too!”

Mok Riwon hurriedly brought over two cups and poured bamboo leaf liquor into them, then handed one over. from frёewebnoѵē

“To commemorate! Have a drink, Brother Zhuge!”

“Fine, fine. But before that.”

Zhuge San grinned as he moved to sit beside Mok Riwon and slung an arm around his shoulders, much like the previous day.

“Brother Mok. Shouldn’t we do something to commemorate the day we’ve become sworn brothers?”

“Hm? What do you mean something we should do?”

“Chivalrous deeds.”


Mok Riwon’s heart skipped a beat, and his face was filled with intense emotions.

“Ch-Chivalrous deeds…!”

“Yes, chivalrous deeds.”

“Let’s go! We have to go at once!”

Mok Riwon stood up abruptly.

Zhuge San couldn’t stop himself from laughing and patted his shoulder.

“Yes! Let’s go at once!”

With that, he wrapped his arm around Mok Riwon’s shoulder and led him out of the inn.

“Where are we going?”

Zhuge San licked his lips and replied to that excited question.

“To a good place.”

Mok Riwon had no idea at the time.

That at the end of this road was the largest courtyard house in the city, where the ‘widow’ Zhuge San had mentioned yesterday lived.

Nor did he know that Zhuge San, the Strange Dragon, was a tenacious man who would accomplish what he set out to do, by any means necessary.

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