The Growth of the Richest Man

Chapter 8

Chapter 8: Filming Of “No. 32, Area B” Begins

For Wang Le’s request, there are still people who are begging to act for free! Of course, Zhang Yong couldn’t ask for it, so he agreed on the spot, “Manager Wang, let’s just do it, the second male lead will be played by you. I originally wanted to give you a male lead, but because the male lead No. This role has too many scenes and may need to be repeated many times. I am worried that you may not have enough time, Manager Wang.”

Wang Le thought about it carefully, and felt that the second male lead was actually quite good, and said, “The second male lead is fine, but if I really want to play the leading male lead, I’m afraid I’ll ruin the movie. , what if the film doesn’t sell well at that time! Hahaha, I will also be a movie star in the future, and if I go to a female star, I will be considered an insider. By the way, when are you going to start shooting your movie?” Well, it turns out that this Fu Erdai starred in movies for this purpose.

Zhang Yong thought about it a little bit, the filming should be done as soon as possible, but this has to wait until the film equipment purchased online arrives, “It will take about a week, I still need to do some preliminary work. Prepare.”

After returning from the real estate company, Zhang Yong returned to his rental house. Many of the goods I bought from Baobao are shipped from the Beijing warehouse. The speed of express delivery in the same city is very fast, so just after a day, the books and movie equipment ordered online began to arrive one after another. Zhang Yong I began to seriously study directing skills and actor skills.

I also took the time to check the situation of Wang Le, the manager of Wangfu Century Real Estate Company, on the Internet. Zhang Yong didn’t know if he didn’t check it. When he checked it, he was shocked. It turned out that Wang Le turned out to be one of the four young men in the capital of this era. The national husband of this era is really this Wang Le, and Wang Congcong was still studying in the university in this era, and there are some gossips on the Internet that Wang Congcong in this era is still Wang Le’s little follower. I don’t know. Is it true or false.

A week passed quickly, and it was time to start filming.

Zhang Yong is going to shoot “No. 32 in Area B”. This movie is mainly about a beautiful woman, Gao Yutong, who was frightened into a crazy husband by seeing ghosts in the villa many times in order to cooperate with the doctor’s treatment. She and her boyfriend Mike entered the Yizhuang Villa to live at No. 32, District B, ready to use the camera. The whole process records the supernatural events that happened in the house, and solves the story of ghosts and mysteries. The plot of this movie is not very complicated, and the whole filming is in the villa. The key is that in 2011, this film created a box office revenue of 16 million yuan with a mere 70,000 yuan investment, which became a miracle of domestic film box office revenue.

The first shot of the film begins:

Li Li got out of the taxi, and Wang Le greeted him and asked, “I’m Wang Le from the company. I don’t know if I should call you Mrs. Shen or Miss Gao?” Wang Dashao played in his true colors, and didn’t even bother to change his name.

“Miss Gao is fine.” Zhang Yong said with a hint of dissatisfaction. Mike’s position is Gao Yutong’s former suitor, but he has never competed with Yutong’s current husband, so he can only play the role of Yutong’s male best friend.

“Who is this?” Wang Le asked Yutong suspiciously.

“I’m Mike.”

“My friend.” Li Li also said in a timely manner.

“Hello Mike (handshake), it’s very cold outside, let’s hurry into the house…”

“Cut!” Zhang Yong shouted.

The only shot in the entire film that needed to be shot outside the villa was done. . .

“Director Zhang, you use a home DV machine to make movies. Will the films you make at that time really be watched?” At the beginning of the filming, Wang Le was a little depressed. , After taking a shot, Wang Le asked.

“What I want to shoot is a documentary film. I use a camera to shoot it? That thing weighs dozens of pounds. I have to carry it all the time. How tired!”

Well, this reason is sufficient, otherwise Wang Le would have wanted to buy a camera to shoot.

. . . . . .

The movie plot of “No. 32 in Area B” every day is to eat, sleep, and chat. When it was time to chase after Li Li, Zhang Yong took the DV camera to shoot. When he needed to shoot both of them, Zhang Yong adjusted the angle of the DV camera and placed it on a tripod, and shot both of them. . .

Halfway through, Wang Le came to take a few more shots.

“No! I agreed to play the second male lead. Why do I only have so few shots! Every time I just read the lines, how can I become a big star!” Not too deep, Wang Le was a little dissatisfied.

“Would you like to let you play the role of Master Wang as well?” Zhang Yong said.

“Nima, there are only 3 characters in this movie, and this anti-No. 1 is not necessarily mine…”

I also need to insert a shot of a little girl playing a game. In order to save money, I asked Li Li to take out the video of her playing as a child to make up the number. . .

Movie distribution requires a good theater chain. In order to make the movie sell better, UU Reading Wang Le called Wang Congcong again and played the male No. 3, that is, the courier who only showed his face once. Wang Congcong has appeared in person, and his Wanda Cinema will always help to promote the film. . .

Finally, after more than a week of busy work, this low-cost movie that cost less than 70,000 yuan was finally finished.

There are actually only four and a half roles in the entire “B Area No. 32” movie:

Gao Yutong (played by Li Li): The rich man Shen Ang’s wife is skeptical about her husband’s encounter with a ghost at Villa 32 in District B, so she makes an appointment with her friend Mike to explore the long-closed villa.

Mike (played by Zhang Yong): Gao Yutong’s friend was invited by her to enter Villa 32 in Area B to explore the secret. In order to uncover the truth, he used a camera to record everything that happened after entering the villa.

Wang Le (played by Wang Le): The sales manager, selling the house to Shen Ang. But later, because Wang Le’s daughter died in a car accident near the villa and no one was rescued, Wang Le thought of taking revenge on the villa owner Shen Ang, pretending to be a ghost to frighten Shen Ang crazy; he sent Gao Yutong a video of his daughter playing, and wanted to take revenge on Gao Yutong.

Little girl (also starring Li Li…): Only appearing in the videotape, just playing cutely,

Courier (special role, starred by Wang Congcong, Wang Le has enough face): The courier only showed his face for fifteen seconds. . .

Zhang Yong’s money has almost been spent, so Zhang Yong can only handle the subtitles, opening titles and endings by himself. As for the movie theme song? Zhang Yong can write the theme song himself, but his voice is really not very good, but it doesn’t matter, he just found a bar resident singer to sing it, and it’s done for less than 3,000 yuan.

In this way, Zhang Yong’s first film written, directed, acted and edited was completed.

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