The Growth of the Richest Man

Chapter 20

Chapter 20: Exclusive License

“Yes, this “Love Apartment” can definitely save us, such a divine drama must not be taken by Tudou, PPLIVE, PPSTREAM, otherwise we will not be able to continue working in the field of online video broadcasting Yes. This is an opportunity, we must seize it, Secretary He, and hurry up and discuss with the “Love Apartment” crew about the exclusive authorization for the first round of online broadcasting of this series.” After careful consideration by Gu Yong, the CEO of , decided.

The current video playback industry is still in a chaotic era, and there is no leading company in the true sense. It is rare for a highly popular work to appear, so similar things have happened to companies such as Tudou and PPLIVE. They all want “Love Apartment” to enter their platforms and let their online video software occupy a larger market.

Tudou was officially launched on April 15, 2005. It is one of the earliest online video websites in China. In June 2006, Tudou received a venture capital fund of up to 66 million yuan. Tudou offered a price of up to 500,000 yuan per episode, wanting to buy out the copyright of “Love Apartment”.

PPLIVE is also a veteran in the field of online video, such as Super Girl in 2005, which was exclusively broadcast live by PPLIVE. PPLIVE offered 200,000 yuan per episode, hoping to obtain the exclusive authorization for the first round of “Love Apartment”. is not as generous as other companies. was established at the end of 2005 with only 18 million yuan of initial capital. After half a year of software development, Youku was launched in mid-2006. It has its own network video playback function. Youku, who has not yet raised financing, is currently almost in a state of depletion of funds, and is in a bottleneck period of development, so he is extremely eager to obtain the premiere rights of “Love Apartment”. What they proposed is that they can be divided into 30% of the advertising revenue of the website according to the playback volume of the film, and the guaranteed bottom line can reach more than 1 yuan per 10 effective clicks.

In the office of Yongli Film and Television Company.

After Penny received the authorization request from several major video websites, Zhang Yong was also in the company on this day, and Penny reported the situation to President Zhang Yong. This may be the biggest income since the company was established, so Zhang Yong called up all the owners of the company (in fact, there are currently three people in the company, Li Li, Tang Mingming, and Penny), ready to listen. Listen to their opinions.

“I…I don’t have any opinion on this kind of thing, I don’t know, but I think it seems that Tudou gave the most, the investment budget was only 5 million, they gave 10 million, we made a fortune, we went to Tudou to broadcast Right.” Penny is not good at this aspect of analysis, it seems that it is very good for her to be a secretary clerk, but let her manage the money, maybe she can’t even calculate how much money she has in her wallet.

Tang Mingming thought carefully, frowned, and said, “I think PPLIVE’s plan may be better. In addition to the money the company borrowed from the loan some time ago, in addition to the money spent on the camera and “Love Apartment”, there is still more than 1.2 million left. Yesterday Mr. Zhang added an additional investment of more than 200,000 yuan to the company (Zhang Yong’s November manuscript fee has been paid), and now the company has 1.5 million yuan in cash left on its books. There is no cash pressure for the time being, and there is no need to sell all copyrights. To Tudou. Although the one-time income of PPLIVE’s plan will be less, the sale of the second and third rounds of broadcasting rights in the future will bring us a steady stream of cash flow.” Tang Mingming’s account is very clear, Is a good housekeeper.

As the general manager of a film and television company, Li Li is also inexperienced. If it weren’t for her familiar relationship with Zhang Yong, she would not have been able to get this position, so during this period of time, she seriously made up for some of the film and television company’s situation: “I think the potato’s plan is better. Although Tang Mingming’s analysis is very reasonable, the current domestic situation is that the price of the second and third rounds of broadcasting rights has dropped exponentially, so the final income cannot even reach 10 million yuan.” Li Li was able to study the price of the second and third rounds of broadcasting rights, which is also a great growth during her time as general manager.

Youku was the playback software that Zhang Yong used the most in his previous life. At that time, Tudou had been acquired by other companies. After PPLIVE changed its name, it has lost its former glory. Only the inheritance of Youku was inherited. In Yong’s heart, the first choice is still the most familiar and cool. But if you choose the program with Kuwang, can it really be better than the other two programs? At this time, Zhang Yong was still a little suspicious. Perhaps, you should have a face-to-face talk with Youku.

After Penny’s communication, two days later, Zhang Yong personally went to Youku’s headquarters to discuss with staff.

Zhang Yong hopes that Youku will increase the proportion of advertising revenue, but the person in charge of Youku has been reluctant to give up on the plan of sharing 30% of the website’s advertising revenue, citing the high cost of website operation and maintenance. UU Reading However, after Zhang Yong intentionally revealed the potatoes to Youku, and PPLIVE also intends to obtain the broadcasting rights of “Love Apartment”, the person in charge of Youku seemed to be a little nervous, and they had a tug-of-war-style negotiation for more than an hour. After that, I finally agreed to increase the advertising share to 50%.

“Young man, it’s amazing, you really need some skills to do business with you.” The person in charge of Youku said.

“It’s not whether I have the ability or not, but what I have is self-confidence. I believe that the number of clicks on my video will definitely reach hundreds of millions, so the ratio of 2 will be tens of millions of income, how can I not be serious. “The agreement has been signed, and Zhang Yong has also started a joke.

“Well, young people are good, they can be so confident. Should we sign a supplementary agreement? If the number of clicks exceeds 100 million, I will give you 5% of the shares and 5% of the shares. If there are no clicks Over 100 million, and the share is reduced to 30%, how about it?”

“Ah, this kind of plan, you are the person in charge, can you make a decision?” The plan to design this kind of equity is not something that a low-level person in charge can decide. Zhang Yong doubts the identity of the other party.

“Actually, I am a cool boss.” Gu Yongjiang said.

“That’s fine, the free 5% stock, why not?” Zhang Yong agreed.

The supplementary agreement has been signed. Zhang Yong’s cool trip came back full of rewards.

But after Zhang Yong left, Gu Yongjiang smiled strangely again, and said in his heart: “Young man, you think you took a big advantage, but in fact it was me who took a big advantage. If you made a bad movie, Then I only need to give 30% of the money; if you can really click hundreds of millions, the 5% of the shares will be able to tie you and Youku together, and the 5% of the shares will be exchanged for such a talented director as you. It’s so cheap.”

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