The Group Pet Villain is Three and a half Year Old

Chapter 122

Chapter 119: One Hundred And Nineteen Children

Yoyo is also a very petty child.

If you say it is closed, it is closed!

She was going in the direction of the swing angrily, but she didn’t expect to climb the steps to swing on the swing, she was small, but the steps were high, and if she wanted to climb up, the boss would be useless strength.

Wait a step and turn back—

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; “Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

“Come on, cub! You can! Work harder on your hind legs!”

“Yes, yes, first step left leg, then right leg!”


Although I am stupid, I am not that stupid, thank you.

Hum hum hum finally got on the swing, Yoyo sat up, pulled the back of the swing by herself, and let the swing swing slowly.

In her hand is a basket of fresh bamboo shoots, which was transported by Yongze overnight.

Of course, Yoyo didn’t know this. She was lying on the swinging swing, basking in the sun, and the round dumplings were spread into a glutinous rice cake in the sun.

Yoyo, who started to fight with eyelids, took a bite of the bamboo shoot, closed his eyes, took a bite, and closed his mouth. The two very urgent physiological needs were fighting fiercely. Finally, when Yongze came over, Yoyo was already on the swing. Fell asleep.

Of course, even if the panda cubs are drooling in sleep, the passion of tourists taking pictures outside is not diminished.

Yong Ze, who came over in a breeder’s costume and a mask, looked at it and couldn’t help bending the corners of his lips.

Although she seems to be sleeping very comfortably, but after all, Yo Yo turned into a panda because of a fever, it is already late autumn, it is better not to sleep on the floor outside.

So Yong Ze bent down and gently picked you up, ready to send the cubs, which were almost turned into cakes, back to the tree house.

But just after taking a step, Yong Ze vaguely felt a little resistance.

Look down.

Oh, I have a panda on my leg.

“…You go and play first.” Yong Ze, afraid of arguing, said softly, “Wait until I send her back to play with you.”

This giant panda lying on his shoe is also half a cub. The other giant pandas are afraid of Yong Ze and dare not approach, but this one likes to climb on him.

But it is not a monster, and it cannot understand Yong Ze.

“Let go.”

Yong Ze sighed.

“I will walk if you don’t relax.”

The giant panda hugging Yong Ze’s calf on four legs could not understand what he said, and just hugged his leg foolishly.

Yong Ze had no choice but to drag the giant panda who couldn’t understand the words forward step by step. This panda is not light enough, and it must be hung on his lap with a sandbag.

This heinous behavior made the tourists feel distressed:

“How come you only hold the small one! There is another one under your feet!”

“The big baby and the second baby are both babies! Why is this breeder so eccentric!”

Seeing Yongze dragging the giant panda on the ground all the way, tourists can’t wait to climb over the wall and go in, pick up the one on the ground, hug and hold it high.

The pandas you don’t want can be donated to those who need them!

But despite the dissatisfaction of the tourists outside, Yong Ze calmly sent Yoyo back to her little bed.

As for the one on the foot, he took it down and educated it seriously:

“You have grown up, and it is common sense that I can’t hold you, you know? Don’t climb on me again in the future.”

Panda: ? The one you just hugged looks fat to me, doesn’t it? ?

Obviously, Yong Ze was so eccentric that he just stuffed a bamboo shoot into it, even if it was a pass.

When the zoo closed at six o’clock, Gu Qizhou and Yu Lan picked up Gu Miaomiao and Shen Jingchuan after school and came to the zoo to visit Yoyo who had been watched all day.

Then they were closed, and the scene where the monsters went to the cafeteria to eat hand in hand struck again.

There is only one, that is, Gu Miaomiao, who came to visit Yoyo for a bag of candy and chocolate, and was almost robbed by a group of little monkeys on the way.

Shen Jingchuan and Gu Miaomiao had a monkey head in their backhand. These little monkeys probably didn’t expect them to react so quickly, and they were actually held down by them.

“Go, go, you dare to rob tourists, be careful of Yongze’s head!”

Hou Shiyue, who was standing on the tree, gave an order, and the little monkeys all scattered.

Gu Miaomiao looked up at Hou Shiyue.

The little monkey on the tree asked:

“…are you here to look after Yoyo?”

Gu Qizhou and Yu Lan raised their heads to confirm that it was a monkey talking, and for a while they didn’t know how to answer.

“You know you?” Shen Jingchuan looked at him.

“I know.” Hou Shiyue said calmly, “I even stole her candy yesterday!”

Gu Miaomiao&Shen Jingchuan:…

“Who did Gu Youyou look like when you were in human form?” Hou Shiyue looked at the faces of the four, “Why do I feel that you all look different? Are you a family…hey Yo!”

The unsuspecting Hou Shiyue was still scrutinizing the faces of these people, when suddenly he saw that the most inconspicuous little girl raised her hand and was a big stone, and smashed it firmly on its forehead superior.

That’s right, it was the place where Yong Ze was knocked out yesterday.

“It hurts—”

A little monkey fell from a branch and landed steadily, but the forehead hurt even more.

The angry Hou Shiyue was about to speak when he heard that this little girl who looked like Sister Yoyo looked down at him coldly:

“Who do you look like? If you don’t look alike, maybe he looks like your father.”

Hou Shiyue: …? ? ?

This is the first time the monkeys in the mountains have been scolded by such a high-end.

When I recovered, the Gu family had already gone to the panda house.

“…I knew yoyo no one would be bullied!” Gu Miaomiao exclaimed, “But it’s too much to be bullied by a broken monkey?”

Gu Qizhou couldn’t help reminding: “Monkeys are still very scary. I went to Mount Emei many years ago, and they almost took off my clothes…”

Shen Jingchuan: “That’s because uncle, you are really good at bullying.”

Gu Qizhou: “…”

If you have to say so, you can.

As the first day for the Gu family to embrace the Monster Zoo, Yongze specially arranged for an open-air BBQ by the small lake in the zoo. Those scenic spots are poor.

These little monsters appeared out of nowhere, a little scary.

Of course, there are also not scary ones, such as this red fox who gave Yu Lan a flower at this time, Yu Lan likes it very much.

“…Sister, you are so beautiful. This is the first time I have seen such a beautiful human being.”

“You are also beautiful, and this is the first time I have touched such a beautiful fox. Your fox fur is really… if you make it into a coat…”

Gu Qizhou: “Cough cough cough.”

“…If you grow up, you will be more beautiful. Are you a boy or a girl?”

The red fox answered honestly: “Our foxes only choose their genders after they are adults. I haven’t made up my mind yet.”

Yu Lan touched its tail with a serious tone:

“Hello male fox, my sister thinks you will definitely be a qualified male fox.”

Gu Qizhou: ? ? ?

Here Yu Lan hooked up with the little fox spirit, while Yoyo was held in Gu Miaomiao’s arms and almost felt bald.

“…What happened to that monkey? Was it bullying you? What else did he do other than grab your candy? Let me see him later and have to skin him… ”

The Yoyo in her arms complained:

“Sister, you can peel him, but don’t touch my head again, I think I’m going bald.”

Gu Qizhou looked at the group of chattering small animals by the lake. In fact, they looked no different from ordinary small animals, perhaps because they could talk and communicate, it was easier to get close.

“Brother Yongze, I want to eat that roasted marshmallow!”

“I want to eat too!”

“And that roasted ham! It’s not long before it’s cooked!”

Even the always indifferent Silent River was surrounded by a group of rabbits, vying to see his mechanical leg.

“Wow – are humans so smart? You can make your own legs!”

“Can I touch it? I want to touch it!”

All of this is wonderful and harmonious.

Incomprehensible, but not scary.

The only problem is-

“Little rabbit.” Gu Qizhou squatted on the lawn, caught a rabbit and asked, “Can you tell uncle, how old are you?”

White Rabbit winks:

“Uncle, I am two hundred and thirty-one years old!”

Gu Qizhou: … I’m taking the liberty of calling myself uncle.

He watched the little rabbit jumping away anxiously, and the golden light flashed on the way, and the little rabbit turned into a little girl of eight or nine years old.

…If this is more than two hundred years old, how old is Yongze?

Gu Qizhou did not dare to think deeply.

Yoyo obviously doesn’t think so much. In her eyes, even if Yongze is a thousand-year-old grandfather, it will not prevent her from becoming good friends with Yongze.

Of course, if Yong Ze also looks like an old grandfather, it will be another matter.

“This is for you.”

Yong Ze gave Yoyo the first bunch of marshmallows.

The charred marshmallows tasted even better than ordinary marshmallows. Yoyo relied on her big mouth after turning into a panda, so she ate a bunch of them in one go.


Yoyo held her face contentedly.

“Brother Yongze, I’m hungry alone, when can we eat barbecue?”

“What meat would you like to eat?”

Yoyo thought about it and smiled:

“Is the rabbit good!?”

The little rabbit who was waiting to eat the roasted carrot showed a terrified look.

Yoyo also seemed to realize that it was not good to eat rabbit meat in front of others, so she apologized slightly:

“I’m sorry, Tutu, you are very cute, but you are really delicious.”

TuTu panic.jpg

Yong Ze smiled and whispered in her ear:

“It’s okay, roast meat and roast vegetarian food are separate, we roast it over there.”

Everyone is a wild monster in the mountains. I have never seen any **** scenes. Eating rabbits in front of rabbits is really not a big deal.

In the zoo cafeteria, carnivores and herbivores are seated separately.

So it didn’t take long, Yoyo not only ate the fragrant rabbit meat, but also ate all kinds of meat skewers.


Yong Ze sat on the small table, dragging her chin to look at her.

“Delicious!” But Yoyo only ate a few skewers to taste the taste, “But the roasted bamboo shoots are the best!”

Youkai form will also affect your sense of taste compared to human form, which is normal.

He watched Yoyo eat happily, the corners of his lips curved, obviously very happy too.

It looks a little distant and unreal.

Yoyo, who took a bite of the bamboo shoot, was a little stunned and blurted out:

“Brother Yongze, will you be sad?”

Yong Ze was taken aback.

“Why are you sad?”

“Brother Shiyue said that in the life of monsters, human beings are like dew, and they will disappear at once.”

Yoyo’s tone was naive, she didn’t know how cruel her words were.

“Would you be sad if I also disappeared like dew? Would you regret that meeting me made you so sad?”

The wind blowing on the lake brought the coolness of autumn.

The gust of wind may have come from a distant mountain range, or it may have crossed a long river of time before reaching them.

Yong Ze stared at the children in front of him and lowered his eyes gently.

“I will be sad.”

“But I won’t regret meeting you.”

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