The Group Pet Villain is Three and a half Year Old

Chapter 121

Chapter 118: One Hundred And Eighteen Children

Peach flavored fruit hard candy is sweet.

Although the powdered sugar on the surface has been washed off with water, it is still a little sticky that will not melt. Candy next night, so she’s not picky at all.


Hou Shiyue suddenly made a sound.

“What’s your name?”

“My name is Gu Yoyo.” Yoyo blinked and asked, “What’s your name?”

“Hou Shiyue.”

After the two exchanged names, for some reason, Hou Shiyue looked at the dumb panda cub in front of him, and it seemed that it was not as unpleasant as it was at first.

In fact, he didn’t find her unpleasant at first.

Going to grab her candy was just curious about her reaction, after all, it was the first time he saw a panda cub, and it was such a clean cub.

The monkeys in the countryside have never seen such a white and clean little monster.

“…Why do you look at me like this?” Yoyo asked curiously, “Is something wrong with me? I’ve already taken a shower, did I get dirty on the tree again?”

Brother Yongze asked Sister Rabbit to wash it for her, and also used a very fragrant shower gel. Yoyo feels that except for her paws, she is quite clean.

“No, no…”

“That’s good.” Yoyo said happily, “I’ll just say, Brother Yongze clearly said that I’m not dirty when he blows my hair!”

Hou Shiyue was a little curious when he heard the words:

“Do you have a good relationship with that Yongze…?”

The panda cub showed a smile: “Yes, I like Brother Yongze the most!”

Hou Shiyue is a smart and precocious little monkey, many tourists go to the temple on the mountain to seek marriage.

Although he just grabs the tourists’ snacks every time, and messes up the red ropes tied to the tree by the way, but he has been immersed in it for so many years, at least he knows what love is.

So he widened his eyes:

“No! You can’t like him!”

The excited Yoyo was suddenly interrupted: “Why?”

“Because you are not a real little monster, you will change back!”

“What happened when you changed back?”

Yoyo really don’t understand, she likes brother Yongze, likes to play with him, does this have anything to do with whether she is a human or a monster?

Hou Shiyue explained:

“If you like someone, you want to be with him forever, but monsters and people can’t be together forever.”

Every lover who comes to the temple to make a wish under the tree will make a wish to the gods and be able to be with their lover forever.

Yo Yo, this is the first time I hear such a theory, and I don’t understand it.

Good friends must always play together.

She will never hate brother Yongze, if they don’t play together in the future, it must be that brother Yongze doesn’t like her anymore.

“Why not?”

Hou Shiyue answered this question very quickly.

He only went down the mountain for a few days, and he still remembered the exam questions clearly before going down the mountain.

“Do you know why we monsters have to be on the mountain for so many years before they are allowed to go down?”

Yoyo shook her head.

“Because the lifespan of monsters is too long, the big monsters say that it is not a good thing to live too long.”

As long as they don’t go down the mountain, the four seasons of the monsters pass quickly.

But after going down the mountain, the monsters will meet humans.

The world of human beings is colorful and changing with each passing day. The growth rate of monsters is slower than that of human beings.

Humanity is fragile like a fleeting morning dew.

Even monsters cannot face such encounters and separations again and again in the long years.

So encountering humans too early is a very cruel thing for monsters with long lives.

“…here’s why.”

After reading his full marks proudly, Hou Shiyue thought he could see Yoyo’s admiring gaze, but when he lowered his head, what he saw was a dull-looking panda cub.

Yoyo’s face is full of confusion of “what are you talking about”, “I’m so sleepy, are you finished?”

Hou Shiyue: “…I really play the piano to the panda!”

Can’t she move her human brain to appreciate his perfect test paper!

A good human being is smarter? ?

“Play the piano? What piano?”

Yoyo was confused and thought this little monkey was talking really strange.

“It’s a happy thing to live for a long time. If you die early, wouldn’t you eat less and a lot of delicious food?”

Children who still don’t understand what is forever separated said seriously:

“Furthermore, my brother Yongze and I have been very happy every day, playing games and eating together, although I don’t know what brother Yongze thinks, but I think he You shouldn’t regret being my friend, right?”

After finishing speaking, Yoyo asked Hou Shiyue:

“For example, brother Shi Yue, do you think it’s unhappy to meet me?”

Hou Shiyue was taken aback.

It makes sense…

Should be unhappy.

She even got herself shot!

…But when she asked, Hou Shiyue couldn’t say anything disgusting.

Under the moonlight, the panda cub sitting on the lawn was naive, with a round little head held high, and its small black eyes reflected a little light of the moon.

She said she did not dislike him being dirty.

“Ah.” Yoyo suddenly pointed to Hou Shiyue’s ears, “The ears are so red! Do you have a fever too?”

“…you’re talking nonsense! I don’t!”

Hou Shiyue interrupted her fiercely.

“I’m going back! You, you, remember me! Don’t let Yongze play me in the future! If you hate me, hit me yourself, don’t let him hit me!”

You Yo said clearly: “I know, you are afraid that Brother Yongze’s beating will hurt, right?”

“No! I’m not afraid!!”

Yoyo scratched her head, only spent three seconds thinking about what she said wrong, three seconds later she decisively gave up such a brain-burning thing, and slowly crawled back to her Small tree house.

I slept in the cozy little tree house, and woke up the next morning, it was already bright.

Yoyo sat up in a daze, and saw that the sun outside was already very bright, it should be ten o’clock without twelve o’clock.

She didn’t get back to her senses for a while, thinking she was at home, a panda got up after a fight, and wanted to ask why her mother didn’t wake her up to go to school, which made her late today.

As soon as I pushed open the door of the tree house—

“Ah ah ah ah there is a cub!!”

“So cute, so cute, didn’t it just wake up!!”

“Ah, oh my God, it’s coming! Hurry up and take a photo! I want to take a photo with it!”

Yoyo: “…”

She shrugged and decided to come back and calm down first.

Oh, it seems that Brother Yongze told her yesterday that the tickets for the zoo have been sold out today, so they have to open, so many tourists will come to see them.

And because Yoyo became a panda, she dozed off a lot. When she woke up, it was already very late, just in time for the most crowded tourists.

Accepting this reality, Yo Yo then summoned up the courage to put out her little head and look outside quietly.

In the past, she was the one who looked inside from the outside. This was the first time she looked at the outside from the inside. Yoyo also felt that the perspective was quite novel.

These are the tourists who are holding their mobile cameras and taking pictures frantically… From her point of view, it looks like a prisoner who is in a prison and wants to get out.


It’s spectacular.

The aboriginal giant pandas on the side glanced at the unseen Yoyo, as ordinary animals, they instinctively kept their distance from monsters, swinging on swings, climbing trees, climbing trees, flat ground Fall flat.

The panda pavilion is very large. The pavilion is arranged in a forest environment and the tourists are separated by a glass wall. Most of the tourists can only see it from a distance, but even so, the tourists are not less enthusiastic.

I was curious about what they had photographed, and took the initiative to walk towards the glass wall.


“The cub is here!! It’s here!!”

Excited screams erupted from the crowd, making Yo Yo stunned.

“Shhhhhh-so loud! Scared the cubs!”

“That’s right, everyone should be quiet! Stop making noise!”

The tourists calmed down spontaneously, all of them were silent, but still excited to take pictures

Being able to photograph panda cubs at such a close distance is not a chance for everyone!

When Yoyo was close to the glass wall, the screams of the tourists could not be suppressed, and they were so excited that they could not wait to pass through this wall and put this soft and waxy little The dumpling was hugged in his arms and rubbed vigorously.

The little paw sticking to the glass wall Yo Yo, who knows the crazy thoughts in everyone’s heart, she just scratched at the wall, stared at the mobile phone of the front row tourists, and stretched her neck to take a look.

—Give me Kangkang Give me Kangkang!

—Let me know if anyone has taken my ugly photo!

Yoyo kept watching silently, but a tourist in the front row understood her eager eyes and turned the phone over to show her:

“Can you see it? Do you want to see this?”

Although Yoyo didn’t speak, her small eyes followed naturally.

Well, this one is pretty cute! praise!


“It’s really watching!”

“Does this panda cub understand us?”

“It doesn’t matter if it understands or doesn’t understand it, it’s all cute! Hurry up and take a few more pictures!”

“Yes, yes! After taking the photo, send it to Weibo and send it to the circle of friends. Where can you see such a cute panda cub anywhere else!”

Everyone was excited about taking pictures and recording videos.

The much-anticipated Yoyo has a feeling that being a panda is more popular than being a human being.

She thought about the video of her mother walking the red carpet, this feeling… It’s almost the same as walking the red carpet, right?

What do you call this…

Looks like…

Beauty business?

Yoyo was photographed standing on the spot for a while, and suddenly I heard tourists say “it would be great if you could change your posture” “yes, yes, you can also pat the side.”

As an inspirational child who wants to be a beautiful girl, Yoyo decided to fulfill everyone’s wishes.

But when she was about to change her posture, she didn’t expect that she was not a beautiful girl, but a plump panda cub.

So turning around—

The panda cub under the camera slowly completed a perfect roll.


Visitors: …so cute TAT

After finally getting up, Yoyo looked back and saw that the tourists who saw her wrestling were even more excited than when she was posing for the photo, and even asked ‘so cute! Can you fall another one?” Unreasonable request.


This beauty will not be open for business today!

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