The Great Voyage: In the Straw Hat Group Krypton Gold Becomes God!

Chapter 19

Chapter 19 Spike (New Book For Collecting Flowers)

He is more than half a body taller than a Marine soldier!

It stands out among the Marine soldiers.

These Marine soldiers are obviously tall adults, but compared to this person, they are like a group of half-sized children standing on the adults!

He wears a metal jaw with the Marine’s mark.

The right arm started at the elbow and was replaced with a sharp axe.

He is the highest commander of this Marine Base, Monka!

The noise here finally attracted Colonel Monka.

Belumeb burst into tears.

My savior has finally arrived!

“Hahaha, my dad is here, you guys are dead!”

“I want Dad to sentence you all to death!”

“Dad, come and save me!”

Colonel Monka had a gloomy face, ignoring his son’s cry for help.

The veins on his forehead bulged, and he said with anger:

“There are so many rats breaking into the execution ground without authorization.”

“It seems that the people here still don’t respect me enough.”

“All soldiers, obey orders!”

“Shoot now! Kill all intruders!”

Bellumeb was stunned and shouted anxiously:

“Dad! Daddy!”

“I’m still here!”

“Save me first!”

The Marines were even more shaken.

Although they did not dare to violate the dictatorship of Major Monka, they were not walking dead, and they still had a conscience in their hearts.

A Marine officer hurriedly admonished:

“Wait, Colonel, Master Beilumabo is there too.”

Colonel Monka snorted coldly and said:

“Don’t mind him.”

“I don’t need such a stupid son.”

Officer Marine gritted his teeth and continued:

“Colonel, there are two more children there!”

“I can’t do it even on the Colonel’s orders.”

Colonel Monka squinted at the officer, didn’t speak any more, just swung his axe and slashed!

The Marine officer fell to the exclamations of many Marines.

“Who of you dares to disobey my orders!”

With blood dripping from the axe, the Marine soldiers were instantly infected with terror and executed the command to shoot without hesitation!

Bang bang bang bang!

Intensive gunshots rang out

“Ah ah ah ah ah!”

Belumeb was so frightened that he foamed at the mouth and passed out.

But at the moment when the bullet was fired, a figure with a straw hat suddenly rushed in front of everyone.

He opened his arms and saw that most of the bullets were going to hit him.

“No~ Yes~ Use!”

Luffy laughed, and a light orange protective film appeared around his body.

“Rubber rubber ~ air wall!”

All bullets hit this protective film.

This protective film is incredibly tough and elastic!

The bullets were directly bounced back!

This magical sight shocked everyone.

Zoro also widened his eyes in shock:

“You guys, where are you holy!”

Mo Chen was also surprised that Luffy had already mastered the use of the “Enhanced System”‘s noetic ability!

Luffy just ‘strengthened” the surrounding air with his telekinesis, giving the air the quality of rubber!

Colonel Monka had a lot of knowledge, and after being shocked, he quickly calmed down and said:

“Is it Devil Fruit?”

“It’s okay, give it to me!”

“Since the bullets don’t work, just hack them to death!”

The Marines continued to carry out Monka’s orders, ditching their firearms and drawing their sabers, dashing forward for hand-to-hand combat.

“Luffy, Mo Chen, don’t shoot, leave it to me!”

I just drank “Overlord Wine”, and a warm energy filled my body.

Zoro just felt like he had endless energy at the moment.

And he hasn’t touched a knife for 20 days. Now that he has two good knives, his hands are itchy.

The partner has already shown his strength, and he has to show it well!

Zoro’s blood boiled, and he rushed into the Marine soldiers rushing up in an instant.



“Ah! My hand! It’s broken!”

All kinds of screams were heard.

But no one died.

Against these Marines, Zoro uses the back of his sword.

He knew who the real enemy was.

Not far away, Colonel Monka’s pupils shrank.

“Pirate Hunter” is famous around here.

But Colonel Monka really didn’t expect the opponent to be so strong!

Without waiting for Major Monka to think about it, Zoro, who had already killed Marine, slashed directly at Monka with both knives!

“Second Blade Stream Flash!”.

Colonel Monka also immediately raised the axe in his right hand and slashed towards Zoro.


The two sides crossed.


The axe in Monka’s right hand split from the blade position, and the front half fell to the ground!


A bloodstain appeared on Monka’s chest, and his tall and sturdy body fell to the ground.

With just one move, the powerful Colonel Marine was defeated!


Zoro put away his knives, still with a devilish smile on his face, and said to Marine who was still standing:

“Who do you want to continue?”

“Sign up!”

The Marines looked at each other.

After a short silence, all the soldiers cheered:

“Monka was knocked down!”

“Long live Marine!”


“Go and inform everyone!”

Monka relied on power and terror to rule his subordinates.

When he was knocked down in public and relied on strength to suppress his subordinates, the terrifying image he created was completely shattered.

The soldiers found him not as scary as they had imagined, and they lost their awe of him.

The soldiers cheered and dispersed.

At this time, Zoro also fell down with a “pop”.

“Hey…As soon as I relax, I feel very hungry.”

“I still have three knives that have been taken away.”

“Please help me find it.”

“Then hurry up and take me to dinner.”

The little girl Carrie was very happy and shouted:

“Everyone, please wait and eat at my restaurant!”*

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