The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 27

Chapter 27: Water and fire

At this time, everyone saw that it was a little beast that looked like a dog, not a dog. It was one foot in size and had yellow hair. Only white hair was on the head. The eyes were round and dark. At this time, the eyes turned around and looked very cute. It’s just a trace of blood on the corner of his mouth.

Looking at Zhao Qichi again, the wound on his left shoulder cracked twice, and he sat down slowly, as if he had no energy.

The original name of this animal was the spotted possum. It was raised by Zhang Hanyun since childhood. It is still in its infancy. It is characterized by extremely fast speed, sharp teeth, and paralytic saliva. The blood seals the throat in adulthood, and it is very powerful.

It’s not that the spectators had never seen the spirit beasts in the competition, but it was the first time that a move to control the enemy happened. They were all shocked, seeing Zhao Qichi being taken off the field for treatment, and then looking at Zhang Hanyun’s gaze. The meaning is that with the help of this spirit beast, fighting is like fighting with two people.

Hua Lanting was also quite surprised. Yi Liunian had a similar spirit beast spotted flying lizard, but its speed and toxicity were not as good as this little mink. I don’t know how advanced the beast of Zhang Yaofeng was.

Among the people’s discussion, it was Wen Yin’s turn to appear soon. Hua Lanting and the others had never seen her make a move before, and they wanted to see how much this woman who had no power to restrain the chicken could perform this year. Where is the strength and high affinity water attribute spells?

Wen Yin’s game Yi Liunian naturally gave up training to watch the game. Wen Yin has always been the image of Xiaojiabiyu, and his pursuit of Yi Liunian is neither humble nor lukewarm.

Her opponent came from the Fourth Peak, named Lei Zehua, born tall and mighty. When she went on the field, she rode on a sturdy spirit beast unicorn horse and held a pair of giant golden urn hammers in her palms. This hammer is not ordinary. It is round, but the whole body is gold-colored drum, and the two ends of the hammer handle are as sharp as the heads of a big gun.

It turned out that Lei Zehua was a valiant general in the army, and he immediately worked hard. After entering the One Yuan Recovery Realm, he chose the combination of the horse and the hammer.

Everyone is in great interest. One side of this battle is Kong Wu’s powerful horse general, and the other side is a cowardly and weak lady. The contrast is strong, and it is probably very worth seeing.

After the two parties were named, Lei Zehua was not polite. With his legs clamped, the unicorn neighed, spread all four hooves, and rushed forward. Lei Zehua stretched his arms and smashed with two hammers. , Ma Jihuiwei, with astonishing aura, immediately arrived in front of Wen Yin.

Wen Yin only felt a violent wind rushing towards her face, exerting force with one step, and leaping up, aiming a long sword at the opponent’s body a little bit, a thin-chested Qiao Fanyun turned over with strength, and stabs Lei Zehua’s back with a sword back. .

Lei Zehua was skilled in imperial skills. After a missed hit, he rode his horse back and forth to pass the tip of the sword. Taking advantage of Wen Yinren’s back to himself in the air before landing, he smashed the stabs with two hammers, and went straight to Wen Yin’s back waist and back of the head. Come.

Wen Yin returned to the wind and danced with the willow pierced into the sky. He heard the sound of the wind suddenly rising behind him. The figure did not fall but rose. The second flight is a unique trick in Yuhengfeng’s light work. , Can transform continuously in the air.

At present, she can only exert her force twice, avoiding double-clicking and landing, the sword rushes up, and her feet are as fast as flowers and willows. The long sword in her hand moves to attack, but she does not force Lei Zehua’s double hammers to resist. Just relying on the change of body shape to attack around the unicorn horse.

Lei Zehua knew that Yuhengfeng Kunhuang’s sword was known for its aggressive offensive. Although there are many false moves, like white clouds, once there are flaws, the sword will immediately turn solid. There is a way that the mountains and the clouds come out of Xiu and go with the wind. Never returned.

If he was riding an ordinary horse, Wen Yin would attack the horses and the legs in all directions. It would have been difficult to cope with the left and the right. Fortunately, the spirit beasts are psychic, and he has a wonderful riding skills, and the horses and horses are almost united. The body can be turned at will, and the double hammers are short but flexible and have no flaws.

Over time, Lei Zehua was the first to change his tricks. Not only did the double hammers take on the aura to swallow up and down, they became heavier and more reachable. From time to time, the unicorn also emits an aura, forcing Wen Yin to dodge. This is the innate and supernatural power of the spirit beast.

As a result, a variety of methods were used, Wen Yin gradually became difficult to get close, his attack power was greatly reduced, and his body shape also slowed down. Lei Zehua was able to start to play the advantage of horsepower in short-distance sprints and full-strength attacks, and slowly suppressed. Wenyin’s defense is more defensive but less offensive. She suffers from strength and does not dare to directly face the heavy hammer. The situation gradually turned to Lei Zehua’s advantage.

Therefore, Wen Yin’s spiritual power increased, and the long sword in his right hand was also a low-grade spiritual weapon. It was hard and did not lose the heavy hammer. It could deflect the head of the hammer under side bumps. The sword energy during the gap-seeking attack was still strong, while the left hand pinched the skill. , The water magic spell is activated.

This method is called the Contradiction Water Control Technique, which is both offensive and defensive, and is at a higher level in the low-level spells.

Originally speaking, according to common sense, the disciples of the One Yuan Returning Beginning Stage entering the room are not enough to support the transformation of the spiritual energy, they can only attack in a straight line, and the weakening of the strength after three feet is not a threat, so the disciples should put more of the spiritual energy to one or two. The ruler is at most ten feet or so, so that it can exert the power of aura to hurt the enemy.

But once this magic power is ingenious, and second, Wenyin is naturally sensitive to water spells, so she can barely achieve a shield by luck, although it is not the size of a palm, it can make Lei Zehua’s single hammer attack return without success. When attacking, Lei Zehua must use the texture and weight of the hammer to resist.

Although the water vapor in the spear shape and shield shape is only faintly visible, and Wen Yin can’t do it easily, but she uses swordsmanship to open the bow from left to right, and is not afraid of heavy hammers in defense, and every time she attacks Lei Zehua, she has to do her best Responding, plus Wen Yin’s speed and free and infinite skill, were better than him. After a short period of time, Lei Zehua saw that he had tried his best and had no hope of winning. Although he could persist, most of the men in the army were outrageous and straightforward. However, if the skill is not as good as that of a person, he did not take the loss to a woman as a promise, and simply gave up.

Wenyin wins because he is open-faced but doesn’t have too many expressions, but Yi Liunian dances and dances with joy, as if he had won.

Next, Hua Lanting watched the competition between Song Feifei and Lin Xianjing. Song Feifei was heartless, knowing that he couldn’t beat Lin Xianjing, but he was brazen. On the contrary, he looked like he was striving to win. As soon as he came up, he rotated around Lin Xianjing’s shield, and a phoenix-winged Chaoyang sword only attacked. Failure to guard makes the upside down and flying up and down shocking, and the red light of the fire attack spell of the red flame and red flame technique makes the heart and blood extremely hot, and it seems that the firepower is extremely violent. The flames flew everywhere, and he kept shouting to cheer for himself.

In this way, she fought until the whole body’s spiritual energy was exhausted. She curled her head around her neck and closed her sword, her face flushed and she was dressed in red. Behind her sword, she stood in the middle of the court in a heroic posture, like a phoenix. Said: “So happy! So enjoyable! This girl is no match for Lin Yingxiong, Lin Shao is mighty, I wish my third brother a smooth promotion, so I can leave without giving it away.”

After finishing speaking, he left the field with his fists in all directions, leaving Lin Xianjing alone and shaking his trembling right hand, looking at the iris-shaped dovetail shield at the scorched scars of the cleavage knife with a helpless and speechless expression.

Then came Hualanting to play. This Second Peak’s opponent was dressed up in Taoist costume. He was a native of Xianzhou. He came from a cultivation family. He said rudely when he came up. It’s the turn of the disciples of the Construction Division to show off their prestige. Today, your master Daoist will show you the power of Xuanmen’s authentic Kungfu.”

Hua Lanting hasn’t answered yet. Yi Liunian, who is next to him, quit first, and said: “You fart! What’s wrong with the construction place? Dabi is better than kung fu and not from birth.”

Hua Lanting waved his hand to make Yi Liunian stop talking, his brows were also slightly frowned, and secretly said that this servant is a man who really thinks so or wants to irritate himself and mess up himself, Fang Cun, so he can take the opportunity to win? Glancing at Mu Huanhuan who was watching the battle, Hua Lan Ting said that his aunt could not tolerate his uncle, so I would beat him upright in the same way, and then said:

“Under the construction of Hua Lan Ting, you said your name is Ma, what Peng?”

“The poor way Ma Youpeng.”

“Oh, that’s a good name. Some friends came from afar. I’m sorry, ah, sorry, what is your name Youpeng?”

“Ma Yourong!”

“Yes, yes, UU reading Ma Daochang, fortunate to have a good time, no, I have a bad memory, what is your name Ma You?”

“Master Dao’s name is Ma Youpeng! You can remember it for me!”

Hualanting’s complexion changed: “Lord, I just can’t remember! I care who you are and who is the little one, and whether your aunt’s surname is Ma or Peng. Discriminates against my construction department and slaughter and feeds the chickens.” Vigorously, a bunch of ten percent spiritual energy during the entrance period penetrated through the Shaoshang Point and exploded and shot Ma Youpeng’s front door.

Ma Youpeng was standing at a safe distance three feet away. He heard Hua Lanting entertaining himself with words. In his anger, he was about to preemptively start his hand. Unexpectedly, the other party said that he would strike a preemptive attack. An aura came in an instant, and the sound was abnormal. Ear-piercing, he hurriedly stepped back and blocked it with a sword, and he heard a long sword landing.

Hua Lan Ting’s stature is still a finger. Ma Youpeng takes a step back and he uses aura to hedge. When the two sides touch the aura, his own aura collapses and Hua Lan Ting’s aura continues to hit the chest, and he retreats to the side in shock. , So he took a sigh of relief after retreating to five or six feet in a row.

I haven’t adjusted my breath yet, Hua Lan Ting stepped forward, calling continuously without distress. No matter how stupid Ma Youpeng is, he knows that Hualanting’s spiritual energy cultivation is far beyond his own. Otherwise, he would not be under such a great pressure at such a distance. He just wanted to try to fight back with a spell, and several spiritual auras roared in succession. Upside down.

Hualanting walked forward, and the aura with both hands continued to stimulate Ma Youpeng’s whole body. The beater Ma Youpeng was embarrassed like a gourd on the ground. His hair and gray face were scattered. In the end, the referee couldn’t stand it and call a stop.

Ma Youpeng didn’t really get hurt, and he still had the power to continue the battle. His ability would not be so bad, but he also wanted face, and now his face is both frustrated and resentful, and he has no intention to compare it anymore.

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