The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 25

Chapter 25: Agency show

Hua Lanting heard the interface and said: “Because of hard work, let’s go with the fate. The road is long and long, and I didn’t lose at the starting line. Qingjun, what do you think?”

Feng Qingjun smiled and replied: “The first place is crowded and stressed. It is really not a comfortable posture. The second and third place always want to surpass the past and become the first. I think it is still in the first place. If the one behind the first echelon is good, others will not look down on you, and you don’t have to be anxious, just wait for the strength to find the opportunity to overtake the car. What do you think of Wen Yin?”

Wenyin thought for a while and said: “I only compare myself with myself. It’s good to keep making progress without stagnating. I can protect myself and protect the people I want to protect. What’s your opinion, Han Yun?”

Zhang Hanyun responded: “It’s very simple. If you have a better skill, you should take care of me. If you don’t have the same skill, you can go home and practice again.”

Song Feifei said: “The invincibility of the world is naturally good, but a strong player has a strong midfielder. A mountain is always higher than the other. What should I do if I continue to practice but can’t beat others? In my opinion, it is just as good as the superior and the inferior. It’s easy to get old under too much pressure, but if there is something about Changchun Gong that is not old, I must have done it desperately. Are you right, Brother 3?”

Lin Xian was shocked and ignored her, and said, “Go up to the army, then cut down the diplomacy, and then attack the city. The so-called victory or defeat is unexpected, and it is a man who includes shame and shame. There are many talents in Jiangdong’s children. It’s short and long, and the best laugh is until the end. You say yes, brother Zhuge.”

Zhuge Yun hugged his hands and said coldly: “Family, friends, victory over me, yes, others, no. I want to go forward, or detour, insist on blocking me, God blocking and killing God, Buddha blocking and killing Buddha.”

Hua Lan Ting leaned up to the sky and said haha: “If you are serious, you will lose. Don’t be so heavy. Say no more. You will know if you have played. Come, come and go, life must be full of joy, poetry and wine take advantage of the golden age! It’s cool again, let’s go grilling.”

On the morning of August 16th, Jiayin year, the 60th generation of disciples, Dafangqi, arrived. The place was set on a large square between Mengbi Jiufeng and Houshan Douji Peaks. The square was divided into dozens of areas. Except for a small number of disciples who did not advance and who were injured, a total of 640 people participated in the competition. The top ten were eliminated from the first day to the third day in the morning and afternoon. The fourth day was the first ten challenge and the fifth day. Ten people decide the top three.

In the first round of the preliminary round in the morning, the eight people did not appear to be divided into a group. Although their opponents were strong and weak, they all won and passed the test smoothly. There was an accident in the second round of the afternoon. Yi Liunian first encountered a strong player. He was rushed to the start by the opponent named Ye Yingyang of the first peak. He was defeated without showing his strength. All the other seven won.

Although Yi Liunian was frustrated, it seemed that he didn’t take the defeat too seriously. He said that this was his tactic, and he could regenerate his energy on the fourth day to challenge successfully and directly enter the top ten, saving a lot of energy, and said Smart people do this.

With the lessons learned from the past years, and after the two rounds, there are not many people who pass the pass by chance. Most of the strengths are not far away, and everyone is cautious.

The next morning, after another draw, Hualanting’s opponent in the third round came from the third peak Tianji Peak, named Zhen Jingqi, who was short and dignified.

The two came on the court, and after each held their fists and saluted, Zhen Jingqi took the lead to tentatively attack with a small free fist. Hua Lanting made a deliberately or unintentional hook and entangled his hands to defend, as the spirits of both sides began to follow the moves. , The impact of hands and feet between the hands and the sound of aura breaking the wind banged.

Zhen Jingqi is small and powerful, and has a heavy punch. However, Hua Lanting is not afraid of close and hard hits by virtue of the skill and tightness of the room.

After more than a dozen rounds, Zhen Jingqi saw that she could not have the upper hand in her moves, vigor and spiritual power, and suddenly jumped back and took out a pair of ring-shaped weapons from the storage space. This object is called a dragon and phoenix hanging earring. It is the size of a human face and is made of diamonds. It is as thick as a child’s arm.

Zhen Jingqi with double rings in his hands, with a vigorous momentum, smashed and swept toward the Hualan Court, and moved vigorously. Hua Lanting didn’t want to hardly connect the steel thorns of the double ring, and the aura of the dodge room penetrated from the fingers to dial the double ring and occasionally attack the vital points of the opponent’s chest and abdomen.

Seeing that they gradually opened up some distance, Zhen Jingqi walked away and defended with the left hand ring, but the right hand ring used the length of the chain to fly out. Only the sound of the air was broken in his ear, and the ring body was in front of his eyes. When Hua Lan Ting leaned back to avoid, the opponent’s right hand ring had already flew to the bottom plate. Hua Lan Ting lay on the ground and slid backwards, and then rolled out. The ground just hitting the ground had been splashed by stones hit by the double ring again. .

Zhen Jingqi is not forgiving, no longer enters into short fights, but chain-locked flying rings alternately attack, and at the same time dodges Hualanting’s aura to counterattack with footwork, thinking that he is already invincible, it is better to delay time and consume Guanghualan. The aura of the court.

Hua Lanting placed the spiritual consciousness to five feet away, but he could sense the route of Shuanghuan in advance without fear of being hit. Aura also counterattacked from time to time to force Zhen Jingqi to return to the defense, and the scene was temporarily frozen.

The first two rounds of Hua Lan Ting relied on the extraordinary aura attack power and speed to win against the opponent. At this time, it was decided to take out the leader and the tail of Ruyi Suo to use it against the enemy for the first time in actual combat.

As soon as the leader Suo showed up, he immediately displayed the characteristics of restraining the strange weapons from the lock. He flicked one circle, and then rolled again. When Zhen Jingqi was caught off guard, he first brought his double ring to the ground, and then Hua Lanting. With a single hand, he drew out the leading rope and deceived his body to make progress, raising his hand to infuse the rope with aura, and the leading rope hit the opponent’s door with the sound of the wind like a big spear.

Zhen Jingqi was shocked and hurriedly dodged from left to right. The two rings were too late to defend, and the situation suddenly reversed. After a while, Hua Lanting’s hands circled around Shuanghuan and violently exerted force, the dragon and phoenix ring of the other party dropped his hands and flew. Next, he changed to Hualanting’s left-handed Reiki and right-handed faucet cable alternately to cooperate with each step, and saw that Zhen Jingqi was about to die.

Just when Hualanting was about to step up the offensive to solve the battle, she saw Zhen Jingqi take out a triangular yellow flag from her arms, and quickly read the magic trick in her mouth, raised her hand, and there was a faint light showing, the small flag The wind became bigger, just to protect Zhen Jingqi’s whole body. When Hualanting’s aura and the dragon’s head cable hit it, the surface of the flag only fluctuated without breaking. Hualanting tried several times but returned without success.

It turned out that this was a low-grade spirit treasure obtained by Zhen Jingqi after being promoted. It was called the Three Yellow Bodyguard Banner. After experimentation, with his current level of spiritual power, he could withstand the full-scale attacks of many disciples in the hall without breaking.

Hua Lan Ting did not want to fully reveal the skill of the entrance period at this time. Seeing that this flag is difficult to attack for a long time, and his heart is good, it is better to use it to test the power of the leading palm thunder that he has been training hard for a month.

So while continuing to attack calmly, let the spiritual power run along the Rendu two channels to accumulate power for three small weeks. After silently reciting the palm thunder jue technique, the spiritual energy gushes from the Laogong acupoint in the palm, and travels along the cable body, from Longkou. The place whizzed out, and with a sound, it was in the middle of the three-yellow shield flag. This time the flag surface cracked.

The remaining energy was not exhausted, and he was about to hit Zhen Jingqi’s chest. The referee next to him was quick with eyes and hands. He came over and pulled Zhen Jingqi away. Fortunately, Xiaoqi was not close-fitted, otherwise Zhen Jingqi would inevitably end up injured.

He won this game without any risk, and Hua Lan Ting has entered the top eighty. After taking a break, he went to see the situation of the others. Except for Lin Xianjing, who had not yet had his turn to compete, the other five had passed the test one after the other. It was just that Song Feifei suffered a slight injury and it was fine and it would not be affected. After the appearance, he relaxed and waited with everyone to watch Lin Xianjing’s game.

Lin Xianjing’s opponent, Fan Qingwu, came from the Fourth Peak. At this time, he was standing on the court with two axes on his face with arrogance. However, this person is also quite capable, and he is introduced on the roster provided by Mu Weihuan. Said to be a tyrannical attack, good use of sun and moon double axes, and unknown spiritual power attributes. The two of them are good at attacking and the other good at defensive fighting.

Lin Xianjing is still a calm and leisurely appearance, beside Song Feifei’s loud cheering, he carried the kite-shaped swallowtail shield and walked onto the field. The iris-shaped swallowtail shield is named after it has an inverted triangle with a flat top and a pointed shape like a kite and a dovetail. It protrudes in the middle and is light and hard. This type of shield is not a large shield, but Lin Xianjing’s one is at its widest point. Chi, six feet high, can completely hide people behind.

Fan Qingwu also seemed to be very interested in this giant shield. He had the heart to stretch it out, so he leaped forward and jumped up at the beginning of the game. The double axe smashed Huashan down with the pressure of Mount Tai.

Lin Xianjing made a defensive posture with a shield in his hand, but just as the shiny blade of axe was about to touch the shield, Lin Xian’s heels turned, and a swarm of light powers was launched, turning around and moving in a small area just to avoid smashing under the double axe. , And then the shield body was pushed down and turned over, and the sharp dovetail slammed into Fan Qingwu.

Fan Qingwu used too much force to withdraw his moves. Fortunately, he was not only brute force, but before he landed, he forcibly crossed the axe and held the swallowtail’s surprise attack in time, but he was also full of energy and blood and suffered a dark loss.

Lin Xianjing followed Fan Qingwu back with a tiger-tailed foot, and continued to push and smash with his shield. Fan Qingwu hadn’t fully relieved in his breath, swung a double axe to constantly resist the shield’s hit, but had to step back one after another. It wasn’t until the flush on the side of the court that his face faded.

originally wanted to come to a fierce offensive to give his opponent a disarm, but was forced to take a passive defensive, Fan Qingwu’s face turned dark and gloomy. Seeing Lin Xian hiding behind the shield and not keeping up with his attack, after he had calmed down his qi and blood stasis, he wisely counterattacked without being disturbed by Song Feifei’s loud shouts, but adjusted his breath for a while. Just swing an axe to attack.

This time the axe body was no longer open and closed, and instead became compact and dense, but the electric light began to swirl around the axe face, obviously using an electric technique.

Lin Xian was shocked by the shield’s wide surface while resisting and wandering backwards. A light yellow light appeared on the shield. Hua Lanting and others knew that it was Lin Xianjing’s earth-based defensive technique called the Wall-breaking Tumbler.

Seeing Lin Xianjing taking a defensive position, Fan Qingwu’s axe method has changed again. Although the chopping is not quick and silent, it makes people feel that an axe is heavier than an axe. Even more densely, the electric light and the yellow light flickered rapidly after contacting the shield body, it was obvious that both sides were spending spiritual energy, it depends on who can hold on for a long time.

At this time, Fan Qingwu was led to the place where Lin Xianjing was waiting for his breath back. Everyone saw a cloud of blue light on the ground flashing away. Fan Qingwu was offensive and almost fell with a shout. The audience watched and saw Fan Qingwu’s. His left foot looked **** and painful.

“Mechanism!” The disciple of knowledge yelled out. It turns out that Lin Xianjing was not idle during the pause. Instead, he used the shield to set up a small stone explosion trap. It took some time and materials to make and cover the mechanism. To everyone’s surprise, no one found Lin Xianjing at the time. There was a big movement, only seeing his hands alternately holding the shield while his footsteps kept moving slightly.

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