The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 24

Chapter 24: Dougong mortise and tenon

Hua Lan Ting thinks that this arrangement may be due to the large number of disciples. If the single round-robin system is adopted, disciples will have more chances to compete, but there are too many games and rounds and the time-consuming is too long. This is a complicated problem. A method of transformation.

Slowly, complex problems are simplified. It is simple to make things complicated, but it is very complicated to make things simple. This shows that when dealing with matters, we should grasp the main essence and solve the fundamental problems.

Hua Lanting remembered that teacher Dai Anlan once said simple thinking when teaching Ziwei Doushu, meaning that the complexity of any problem is due to the failure to grasp the most profound essence and fail to reveal the most basic laws and problems. The shortest connection between them only stays at the surface complexity, but it will be farther away from solving the problem.

Simple thinking is the most economical, labor-saving, optimized, and accurate thinking.

So what is the problem that I am facing? Do you have too many exercises and skills? The ability is too balanced? No features? Lin Xianjing is good at defensive, Zhuge is better at offense, and Yi is fast offensive and defensive, but his balance itself is also a characteristic!

So what kind of problems are caused by more exercise skills? Difficult to decide what to do on the spot? And some skills are not proficient enough? Proficiency depends on the accumulation of time to solve, and free conversion is currently not easy to come by. So do you want to focus on only one or two things to cultivate? It’s also right or wrong. Simplification is not simply about reducing, but about addressing the essence of the problem.

Then, what is the essence of practicing exercises and skills? It is said that the road is still too far to rise, and it is a little vain to say that it is a little bit to refining the body, refining the qi and refining the spirit. The top priority is the competition, so what is the most important thing in terms of defeating the opponent at the current stage?

Yes, strong offensive power and tough defense, as well as the speed of offensive and defensive conversion.

Offensive and defensive conversion is difficult to improve in a short time, so it means that the main points of attack and defense are to link up the exercises and skills, which is conducive to the rapid improvement of offensive and defensive power. Otherwise, it will be abandoned first.

doesn’t seem to be quite right either. Anything well practiced will help attack and defend. So what is the nature of the attack? strength? speed? Coverage? What is the nature of defense? Physical strength? Anticipate in advance? Defensive skills? We are all.

Which aspect is the easiest to improve or form a combination within the scope of your current strengths and capabilities?

My biggest advantage is to reach the stage of entering the room of the one yuan return to the beginning stage. The skill is relatively deep, but it needs to be able to strike the opponent. The palm thunder is one kind, and the dragon head rope is one kind. Hooking hands is not proficient in making it on their own.

Yes, the dragon head cable can amplify the spiritual energy, so you should practice the method of transmitting the spiritual energy through the dragon head cable to send out the palm thunder! If it succeeds, the attack is strong and far away.

Is it defensive? It is inevitable to evade by light effort, and I am considered good at it, but the time to turn to Shangfang Jiewa to kick the cloud step is still short, and it is difficult to improve the speed quickly. It’s okay to rely on the thick skin of the skin, but that is the last resort, waiting for the opponent to hurt the body, it means that the person has broken the defense, and the attack must be blocked at the periphery.

Your own spiritual sense can cover within ten feet, and you can predict the opponent’s attack point and strength, so you need to intercept and resolve the method, but it seems that you haven’t learned any active defense techniques?

While thinking about it, Hua Lanting looked left and right unconsciously. Suddenly a manual came into view, but it was the “Creative French Style” that I hadn’t read for a long time. I opened my hand and was quickly attracted by one of the explanatory texts. :

Although the ancient buildings did not use any nails and glue, they were very earthquake-resistant. Although they would shake and even collapse in an earthquake, the skeleton was still strong. The secret lies in the tenon and bucket arch structure. It is a tenon and a concave is a mortise. With the help of arch, square and other wood materials, the dougong is naturally stuck between the materials, tightly buckled, and the sky is seamless. Not only can it evenly support the extremely heavy eaves, once an earthquake, the dougong will loosen but not Falling apart, can flexibly offset the destructive power.

“Building French Style” introduces dozens of linking methods, such as dovetail tenon, chuck tenon, raglan tenon, shoulder tenon, scalloped groove and so on. In addition, the pillars deep into the foundation will be broken during an earthquake, but if the beams and pillars rely on the above structure to build the ground and do not penetrate into the foundation, they will only shake and shift, but will not collapse.

Seeing this, Hua Lan Ting couldn’t help but his eyes light up, thinking that this structure is not a good defensive system? You can both fight and unload your strength, but how can you achieve this effect?

The human body cannot bite, but drawing on the meaning is not just hooking and entanglement? Isn’t that just a deliberate attempt to link hands? It turns out that the profound meaning of hooking hands is like this!

Wall-laying, plastering, and arch and tenon are the same principle. You can wrap your arms and faucet cords. The aura of the disciple in the ascension phase can only be released in a straight line, but during the entrance phase, it can barely achieve multi-point scattering excitation of the aura in a small area and short-term lag, so the aura can also be linked together, and can be used for offense and defense.

Thinking of this, Hua Lan Ting suddenly understood. It seems that in the last month before the competition, his focus was to consider the attack method of the combination of the leading cable and the palm thunder, and to practice deliberately or unintentionally to hook the hand-wrapped tactics on the defensive end. Various methods of application.

A month’s time passed quickly. During this period of time, the Academy lectures were suspended, and all the disciples were immersed in hard training. Even Song Feifei didn’t come to the construction site and entangled Lin Xian.

Although everyone complained about the big game system, it was the first official competition for newcomers after they came to the realm of comprehension. Everyone attached great importance to it and wanted to be able to stand out. In addition, although the specific content was not announced, it is rumored that the rewards of the winners are more than It used to be more lucrative.

After knowing the rules of the competition, Mu Weizheng has allowed everyone to reduce the frequency of duel exercises and concentrate on personal training.

After Hua Lan Ting shared his experience on intentional or unintentional hook-ups, at the request of the four people, the working time in the morning was changed to group learning hook-ups. Mu Xiuyan also found several places. Brother from here came several times for guidance.

What’s interesting is that Mu Huanzhen, who was both rough and fine, gave four people a booklet one day, which briefly recorded the basic situation of the best among the sixty-generation disciples of the five main peaks, Huozaofang, and General Affairs Hall.

Although Lao Mu did not mention the ranking requirements of Tai Bi, this act of spying on intelligence still exposed his importance to Tai Bi.

Hua Lanting still arranges to practice the sting dragon sleep pill technique and the tightening of the skin and muscles and bones in the evening. As the sky and the sky are green and there is another spiritual feedback, he gradually has some feelings about the rhythm of the feedback.

The day before the Grand Competition was the Mid-Autumn Festival, the gate gave all the disciples a collective holiday for a day to freely move in the mountains, and Song Feifei, who had not harassed Lin Xianjing for a long time, just pulled Feng Qingjun, Wen Yin and Zhang Hanyun in the name of Autumn Outing. Came over to invite the four people from the Construction Department to go out to play, this time Zhuge Yun surprisingly did not refuse.

Mengbi Shenghuashan has a wonderful autumn scenery, and the eight people did not specifically choose places of interest. They just walked along the mountain road randomly, and the topic was still focused on tomorrow’s big comparison.

During the conversation, the four members of the Construction Department learned that Feng Qingjun had chosen the spirit weapon Fenshui Emei thorn and an offensive hidden weapon Lingbao. Song Feifei’s choice was a fire attack technique and a Phoenix-winged Chaoyang sword. Wen Yin was a water spell and got a sword, Zhang Hanyun chose a pair of male and female swords and a rare light attribute spell.

Yi Liunian and Song Feifei are used to quarreling, this time is no exception, and asked: “Faifei, Dabi draws lots randomly, what if you and your third brother ran into each other?”

“What’s the difficulty? Let go and hit him, anyway, I can’t beat him.” Song Feifei replied casually.

“Then what if the two of us are right?”

“Then you need to say, as long as you don’t run away, this girl will keep you hitting the floor and looking for teeth, and you will scream if you burn.”

“What does it mean that I don’t run away? It means that I don’t understand the speed, the world martial arts, only fast and not breaking, even if it is dodge, it is a tactical evasion that retreats as advancement.”

“You are a tactical man. I know that you are a gang member in the duny world. Take Sister Wenyin as an example. Don’t think she has the power to bind a chicken when she comes, but she is one of the first advanced disciples of Fifth Peak. First, Master Zhang Feng said that she is very spiritual and has a very high affinity with water attribute spells. I visually predict that you can’t beat her now When it comes to Wenyin, it is easy to flow. I won’t say anything, but this time I still muttered in a low voice: “You turn black and white, distort the facts, refer to the deer as a horse, spit out people, insinuate, and irrespective of right and wrong. I come from a chivalrous gang, withered and unhappy, jealous like hatred, doing everything possible to eliminate the evil, punishing the past, saving the dead, helping the wounded, helping the poor with justice, eliminating violence, and plundering the rich and helping the poor. ”

“Hey, Yi Daxi has a lot of skills. I think you are poor, poor, poor, poor.”

“Neither, nor too, I am poor and humble, poor and happy, poor and indifferent. Don’t worry, I won’t ask you to borrow money.”

“I won’t borrow it from me, but if you are short of money, I can burn it to you.”

Seeing that Yi Liunian had to fight back, Lin Xian was shocked and interrupted: “Okay, fleeting, you really are a clear stream in the cultural world, knowing that you are good at learning and are already a literati, should you evade tactically and be strategic first? Retreat, let’s be a little serious.”

Yi Liunian rolled his eyes and replied: “Where am I being serious? The four-character idiom is open and there is nothing wrong with it? Is it easy for me this year? If I really can’t beat them, then I spend all my time studying culture. Go on. If you want to say that to me, then I will ask you very seriously, you use the celestial prediction technique to see if the eight of us can take the top eight?”

Song Feifei has always been a “husband sings and women follow”. At this time, he did not continue to interrupt with Yi Liunian. Instead, he said: “The competition will be really fierce. As far as I know, the quality of this disciple is really good. There are indeed many powerful people in Wufeng. I think many of them are already close to the stage of entering the room, and some people usually hide their kung fu at the bottom of the box, waiting for the big competition to be a blockbuster.”

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