The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 19

Chapter 19: Youth sprout

In the next few days, the Yuehe Town incident was controlled in a small area and was characterized as a fire and water and gradually subsided. The door became as calm as usual. Only the four of Hualanting could feel a tense atmosphere. There were many guesses. The countermeasures must be carried out in secret.

The four of them experienced a shock of life and death, and they all worked harder in their cultivation.

On this day, Hualanting’s body had healed, so that night, he and the other three came to Zhidao Academy to listen to the lecture.

Tonight is the monthly big class, and a teacher from Tianshu Peak will give a lecture on the signs and precautions when breaking through the unity of the return to the beginning. The four of them happened to meet Feng Qingjun, Song Feifei, Wen Yin, and Zhang Hanyun at the door. Song Feifei still asked quickly:

“Brother Hua, I heard San Shao say that you have been sick in the past few days?”

Hua Lan Ting smiled and said: “It’s okay, I feel the wind is cold, thank you for your concern.”

Song Feifei pulled Feng Qingjun, and said: “It’s not that I care about you. I asked Qingjun on behalf of Sister Qingjun. Her family has been practicing doctors for generations to learn the source, do you need to get your pulse?”

Feng Qingjun blushed and said, “I want you to talk more.”

Song Feifei smiled and said: “It was originally. We cultivators rarely get sick. If you are sick at this time, it is not conducive to a breakthrough. It is better to let Sister Feng take a look.”

Yi Flowing interjected: “Crow’s mouth, Lan Ting is very good, otherwise let’s compare who breaks through first?”

Song Feifei pretended to be surprised and said: “Isn’t this Senior Brother Yi who is embarrassed this night? Don’t you dare not speak when you see Senior Sister Wen Yin?”

Seeing Yi Liunian’s embarrassment, Wen Yin pushed Song Feifei a little bit: “Die Nizi, you talk a lot, go to your brother Lin.”

Several people said and laughed and entered the hall to find a seat, but Feng Qingjun looked at Hualanting a few more times, and Hualanting whispered:

“You are a bit weird today.”

“Why is it weird?” Feng Qingjun asked.

“It’s so beautiful,” Hua Lanting replied.

Feng Qingjun said: “Sure enough, I’m sick, talking nonsense.”

“Whoever disturbs my heart will worry a lot today.”

“Where did I mess with you?”

“Qing has a beautiful face of the country, a face of drunken moon, chaos and disturbing people.”

“The country is easy to pass away, and the beauty is easy to grow old.”

“The white head and the flower do not smile, the years have never defeated the beauty.”

“Ignore you, look at Fai Fei here.”

Song Feifei pouted and sat down beside the two of them angrily. Feng Qingjun asked her: “What’s the matter? Don’t you sit next to your third brother?”

Song Feifei said indignantly: “He said that I talk a lot, which affects his attendance. What’s wrong with me, is this princess not worthy of his third master? I am not happy to chase after him!”

Yi fleeting joked: “The third child may think you are short.”

Song Feifei wasn’t afraid of passing years, and counterattacked: “What’s the matter with being short? You look down on people. I am under pressure. If you want to talk to me, you have to bow your head to me. When you see me, I can’t hold my head up. Come on. I’m short, full-length on the chest, okay? What’s the comparison with everyone who is more than three feet tall? You are tall, that’s compensation for your ugliness!”

Yi Fannian was choked by the words. He glanced at Song Feifei’s chest angrily, shook his head, and muttered to himself: “There is nothing on my chest. Where can I get the dust? Follow my father.”

“What did you say?!”

“I said, what I said is that long **** are as rich. The ancients are not deceived by me. You are so rich. My poor **** can’t tell you.”

Everyone was said to be happy by him. Lin Xian was shocked and said: “You have no eldest brother in the fleeting years, so you are poor and ugly. Don’t despair when you think you are ugly and poor, because at least your judgment is still correct. of.”

Yi has gone white and Lin Xian has a startled look: “Others stab a brother twice, and you stab a brother twice for a woman. I am so happy to know you.”

Lin Xian was surprised: “How happy are you? You are too happy too soon, right.”

Seeing Zhang Hanyun, Zhuge Yun took the initiative to explain: “Lin Yi duo, a famous joke player.”

Lin Xian was surprised to look at Zhuge Yun: “Brother Zhuge is the standard person who is concise and concise. As the so-called rustle is like a meteor, he hides merit and fame deeply. We all rely on him to support the field. You two say yes. no?”

Hua Lan Ting nodded: “I agree, thinking is unique, language is as refined as spring and autumn brushwork, known as a cannon in the world.”

Yi fleeting nodded: “I second, people are invincible.”

Zhuge Yun: “It’s hard to dismantle people!”

At this time, the uncle Tianshufeng Yidaizi entered the arena, and everyone closed their conversations and sat down and listened.

Yi Daizi is dressed in a plain robe, spotlessly clean and well maintained. He looks like a middle-aged handsome man. He is generous, unsmiling, and known for being stern. What he is talking about today is the symptom manifestation and problem handling before and after entering the One Yuan Returning Beginning Realm. Among them, he emphasizes the need to accumulate and let the flow go.

Hua Lan Ting is interested in his interpretation of “Tao Law of Nature”.

He said that nature at home has never meant nature. The two words nature are the most primitive combination, ‘self” is oneself, “ran” is the appearance, and “nature” is the appearance of oneself. Everything keeps its own way, and there is Tao in it. Tao is everywhere, everything can be more or less, or dispensable, but Tao is not affected. The Tao is unchanged, just like the waves on the sea are turbulent, undulating, and changing, but below the sea is unchanged.

After the class, Hualanting returned to the room, first recalled what Daizi said about the natural way of Taoism, and then prepared to continue practicing. However, for the first time he was in a situation where it was difficult to settle down. At this time, all that appeared in his mind was a lingering smile with a clear voice.

walked to the window and opened the sash, and there were slivers of snow floating outside the window, mixed with winter rain. A blast of cold air blows in, but it can’t dispel the thoughts in the heart; the clouds in the sky are like the scattered thoughts in the heart.

Alas, it’s been almost seventeen years. Before, I was young and far away without distracting thoughts. After several years of traveling with my teacher, I left my hometown. No girl has ever entered my heart. Nowadays, the wind suddenly blows, wrinkling a pool of cold water, and the ripples will never disappear. This wind is annoying.

Hua Lanting returned to the table. Since you have no intention of practicing, let’s do it naturally. Spread the paper and draw the pen, thinking like a fountain, and write the first love story in your life:

Fei Fei, like the drizzle that sneaks in with the wind, silently wets my heart; the little stars of the elephant that accompany the moon, gently splattered in front of my window. The drizzle was silent, and the starlight was sleepless.

The words are still not finished, and I made another poem with hidden heads:

A girl from the Feng family has grown up,

The clear jade quality is painful.

隽Forever like a poem and flowers are drunk,

Good people are safe forever.

Outside the window, quiet, snowy night, light wind; inside the house, sitting alone, a light, like a bean.

Hua Lanting was finally about to enter, and suddenly heard someone knocking at the door, he quickly put away the love poems, got up to open the door, and saw Lin Xianjing and Yi Liunian raising their legs and coming in.

Lin Xian was shocked and sat down on the bed with a golden sword, and said: “The spring of the year, my heart is sprouting, I can’t sleep and I can’t settle down, come to me to ask questions, I have always been chased by people, I have never chased a girl, this is not Come to you to learn more.”

Hua Lanting laughed with a guilty conscience: “They are all junior brothers, no one is better than anyone, how can I help?”

Lin Xianjing spread his hands and said: “No way, they are all brothers, brainstorming and writing love letters for the passing years. If you like it, you have to confess it. What if you have a spare tire?”

Hua Lan Ting: “Since ancient times, confession is often white, and love letters are hard to write; I laughed at how many years I was young, and often lived a humane life. But in that case, catch the ducks on the shelves. Don’t worry about the fleeting years. We can’t do anything else. The chord surprise can still be dropped. Let’s just say, Wen Yin likes vulgar or elegant?”

Yi Liunian said bitterly, “This is not so good, and I don’t know what she likes?”

“Then it’s all on the hour, you choose, first come the vulgar.” Hua Lanting and Lin Xianjing began to write, and Yi Liunian came over to read and read:

“Be my female ticket. If it works, I promise. If it doesn’t work, I will think of a solution?”

“Can you wash something for me? Wash what? Like me.”

“I like you without permission, sorry.”

“Leaves return to their roots, and I belong to you.”

“If you don’t know dawn in spring sleep, can you be a good partner?”

“My country, is it enough to feed you a calamity?”

“I’ll make a calculation, your five elements lack me.”

“The sky blue is waiting for an affair, and I am waiting for you.”

“It’s not good for you, it’s a foul to look good.”

“Why did the boat of friendship turn over when it turned over? How else would you fall in love?”

Yi Nian shook his head: “It’s unbearable, arrogant and beautiful, change.” “That’s better, look.” The two continued to write:

“There are three loves in the floating world, the sun, the moon and the Qing, the sun is the morning and the moon is the evening, and the Qing is the morning and evening.”

“The moon under the sea is the moon in the sky, and the person in front of you is the sweetheart.”

“The stranger is like jade, and the beauty is unparalleled.”

“A visit in my life, the most long-term love, life is like a journey of rebellion, only you can remember.”

“For the rest of your life, it’s all you; for the rest of your life, please advise.”

“Straight loves you unintentionally, so melancholy is frivolous.”

“Drink tea under the moon, UU read read Qing Tianya.”

“The monarch is connected to me, and the Qing is what I remember.”

“The night breeze is cool, the pillow is cream, and the dreams are twins, okay?”

“I hope the sun is warm, the breeze is not dry, time is not old, you and I are good.”

“Once the sea was difficult for water, but Wushan is not a cloud. Take the time to look back at Hua Cong lazily, half-married monarch and half-married monarch.”

“Mountains have trees and trees have branches, but I don’t know what you are.”

“I wish to look back over the years, and to regain love with each other.”

“There is a beauty, and you will never forget it. If you don’t see it for a day, you will be mad. Feng Fei soars and seeks the phoenix from all corners of the world. Helpless beauty is not in the east wall. Let the piano speak for Xi, and talk about it. When will you see Xu? Xi, comfort my hesitation. May words be worthy of virtue and Xi, hand in hand to meet each other. Not to fly Xi and make me perish.”

“We will not be spared when we meet on a narrow road in our lifetime, and there will be entangled lines on the palms of my hands. If we are sensible, it will only last a day, and if we can’t keep it, we won’t be counted as a fleeting year.”

Seeing this, Yi Liunian sighed and said, “Forget it, she knows that I can’t write these sentences. She can pick up people’s teeth and be creative.”

The two of Hua Lin were unhappy after hearing that, and they still wrote. Lin Xian was surprised that I had wringed out the milk for you. After thinking about it for a long time, he said to Yi Liunian, “What you said is right. Even if you want to write, you have to do it yourself. But the art of war is clear, knowing yourself and knowing that the enemy is a hundred battles. The passing years are also right. The most important thing at present is to figure out what Wen Yin likes. Should I ask Song Feifei to explore the military situation first. ?”

Yi Fuli’s eyes lit up and said, “Okay, okay.”

“What a good thing, then I owe Fai Fei favors again, do you think she is not enough to stick to me?”

“How about good brotherhood for a friend to stab at it?”

“I’ll cut you twice, I’ll break it first, and I’ll talk about it tomorrow.”

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