The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 15

Chapter 15: Favorably

“The first one, I want to ask you, do you feel that you are delaying your work every day?” When the four of them were silent, Mu Jiao continued: “Cultivation can be roughly divided into physical training, qi training, and **** training. There is a saying in the secular world called externally refining the muscles and bones, and internally for a breath. This refining is the foundation, don’t you think that your physical strength has increased recently?”

“There is a type of practice in the realm of cultivation, and some people specialize in body training, just like the hard work of the outer door such as the tiger’s golden bell and the dragon’s iron cloth shirt in the secular world, but it is much more powerful than that. , Refining to the extreme without fear of physical blows or even sword qi and spiritual attacks. If combined with refining qi and refining gods, you can enter the water without drowning or burn, and achieve the undamaged body of the King Kong. With this, you can soar beyond the vulgar body. So don’t reject body refining, but building walls and wiping tiles is just an ordinary method. You will come into contact with higher and deeper body refining supernatural powers in the future.”

“As for qi refining, it is to absorb the spiritual energy of the heavens and the earth into the body through the practice of free Wuji, and continuously enhance the strength of the qi, blood and meridians, so that it can be absorbed and released outside, and finally the big ze is burned without heat. It’s not cold, but thunder breaks through the mountains, the wind shakes the sea without being shocked, you can ride the clouds, ride the sun and the moon, and swim beyond the seas, life and death will not change to yourself, and you will be fascinated.”

“God refining is a more advanced technique. It can turn spiritual energy into vital energy, so that the primordial spirit can come out of the orifice, the spiritual consciousness can be embodied, and all things can be experienced. Besides. This is still far away from you, so don’t think too much. In the early stage, start with body refining and qi refining, and then slowly find a path that suits you.”

Looking at the thoughtful appearance of the four people, Mu Weizheng then turned to the second question: “This second point has nothing to do with martial arts and martial arts. It is some of my experience to share with you.”

“Some people say that cultivators are selfish, and cultivating is about cultivating oneself, in order to become immortal. For the sake of self-strength, they can take advantage of everything they can do. The so-called dead dao friend does not die poor dao, he can live and die as well as benevolence and morality. Regardless. Some people say that in cultivating the Tao, you must cultivate too much emotion, cut off the seven emotions and six desires, and each one will sweep the snow in front of the door, and don’t care about other people’s frost.”

“In my opinion, the former is to enter the devil’s way, the latter is taken out of context. It is true that the world is not benevolent and everything is a humble dog. It is true that the cultivation of Taoism is true, and that life is selfish and not false. Enter the Tao, go to the extreme or reach the Tao.”

“Getting the Dao as the goal, the Dharma as the means, and the evil ways to gain the Dao by means of evil ways are not taken by this door. Human beings follow the earth, the earth follows the sky, the heavens follow the Tao, and the Tao follows the natural. Why is it natural? You can discuss it again. Keeping her female; knowing her white, guarding her black; knowing her glory, guarding her humiliation. There are three thousand weak waters, and I take a drink alone. There are countless ways to coexist, and everyone can fight against the sky and the earth. There is a glimmer of life in the middle of the world, but fighting with people, I think it means to unite with the same way to fight the devil’s way. At least I personally understand it this way. You can slowly realize your own way, but there is one thing, the way is different. .”

After giving everyone some time to appreciate, Mu Weihuan went on to say: “This topic will stop here today. Let’s take a third topic that you are interested in. I remember that on the first day I said that there is a subject called unintentionally linked hands. This set of martial arts is a set of kungfu that the predecessors have learned from the craftsmanship that you look down on and have been continuously improved. Let’s go outside the temple and I will demonstrate to you. You are not yet ready to learn this martial art, but you can first Feel the feelings personally.”

The five came to the outside of the hall, and Mu Weihua let the four of Hua Lan Ting let go and attack him, only to see that he stayed on the spot and just turned around to deal with the attack of the four, his arms and hands flew up and down in a small area like plastering walls. , The hand-shaped body and body are round and round and stick together like a candied haws skewer.

As the spiritual power began to be released, the four of them were gradually pushed away, farther and farther away from Mu Weihuan. But no matter how hard he exerted his strength, his body was not under his control, and it was difficult to get rid of his traction. In the end, Mu Huan’s strength increased slightly, and all four of them fell to the ground.

Mu Yuzheng clapped his hands and said: “This is just the most basic technique. The so-called hooking, the core is a word-wrapping tactic, like a brick wall plastering, the clouds and flowing water are constantly sticking together, and you can’t get out of the body when you stick it. It is divided into upper winding and lower winding. , Left winding, right winding, front winding, back winding, inner winding, outer winding, forward winding, reverse winding, large winding, small winding, forward winding, unwinding, virtual winding, real winding, continuous winding and loop winding, etc. Kind of tricks.”

“The so-called intentional or unintentional refers to the level, from knowing to being familiar, then to practice making perfect, to the ability to produce fineness, and finally to the use of tricks. The so-called splitting of tendons, bones and nerves refers to skill and efficacy, from the beginning stage close to the body Divide the tendons and stagger the bones to the broken tendons in the space, and then to the empty acupuncture points of Bengjin to cut the pulse and pluck the nerve.”

“Similar wire-winding is found in many boxing techniques, but if it is urged to cut off the meridians or the nerves by the masters of the free and infinite power level, even if the elixir is used immediately, it will not be able to continue perfectly, and it will remain. Long-term hidden injuries and disabilities. The most advanced techniques are too vicious, so they are generally forbidden if they are not a deadly fight. This skill is even more powerful when combined with Shangfang Jiewa and kicking the cloud step.”

The four of them were fascinated by what they said, and when Mu Xiuhua saw it, he said again: “Don’t worry, apart from the skill, the teaching of this skill depends on the disciple’s savvy character. Now I have finished the performance. It’s yours, everyone. Show me all the tricks you know.”

All four of them practiced in the open space. Among them, the defensive skill used by Lin Xianjing on Wubi is called “iron gate bolt”, and the light skill used by Zhugeyun on the edge of the waterfall is called “grass smoke light after shadow step.”

After watching this, Mu Suchua said: “They are all pretty good, and they have a good foundation for light skills. Let me just say that these secular martial arts have their own characteristics in the way of exerting force and the skills of movement and strength, relying on the free and infinite power. These techniques can all be used, but you need to consider whether you need it, how much you use, and where you use it.

“One more point, in the martial arts of the secular world, there are many traces of learning from animals in nature, like tiger-shaped cranes, etc. The secular world lacks aura. It is understandable to learn from animals to use their power, but the aura in Xianzhou is not a problem. The most important thing is that the body structures of humans and animals are fundamentally different. Simply imitating animal-derived skills here will inevitably be inferior. This is what you need to correct.”

“On the next question, I want to hear your thoughts first. You all started with the foundation of martial arts in the secular world. Each of you has different characteristics and strengths. In the future, you will be faced with different choices in the direction of practice. So here comes the question. You all know the short-board effect of the wooden barrel theory, that is, how much water a bucket can hold depends on the shortest piece of wood. The question is whether it is better to develop from the lack or to develop from the best? Or to develop in a balanced manner? How about you? Look?”

Yi Liunian first said: “Don’t you often say that what is right for you is the best? Sometimes manpower is poor. I think it’s better to choose one or two developments that I’m good at, and to be extremely proficient. Heaven? I choose to develop the longboard longer.”

Zhuge Yun then replied: “In terms of practice and kung fu, I used to learn all the kung fu as soon as possible, so I will choose to try my best to develop in a balanced way. Of course, I have to have strengths, but it is best not to have short weaknesses. .”

Lin Xianjing went on to say: “In terms of individuals, I agree with them, highlight the longboard but don’t have short shortboards. But if you think of a team as a wooden barrel, in fact, the water storage capacity also depends on the barrel’s capacity. The diameter, the shape of the wooden barrel, the thickness of the board, the size of the bottom surface, the size of the gap and other factors, so the overall coordination is the most important. Everyone has their own strengths and there is no shortcoming.”

Hua Lanting finally said: “They are all right. I add that it depends on the state of use of the barrel. Standing upright is the normal state. If we keep the barrel tilted, UU reads then the barrel. It can hold more water than when it stands upright, and how much water it holds is not how short the short board is, but how long the long board is. Of course, you can’t put it all down.”

“In addition, the position, order and connection of the boards are also very important, and at least two boards must be firmer to hold the handles. Also, the barrel is dead, and people grow. This is a dynamic In the end, the more water, the better, it’s enough and can be picked up.”

Seeing the four of them looking at him, Mu Xiu smiled and cursed: “What are you looking at me? You four guys have said everything you can say, so what else do you want me to say? Anyway, you are still young and young. Very, some are capital squandering.”

“I said that there are many lectures in the Academy. You can listen to what you are more interested in when you have time, and then make a choice later. Again, the situation will tell you all, and all the choices you can give will be given to you. How to choose is up to you, unless it involves fundamental questions about the right and wrong of the principle and the bottom line direction, neither I nor the school will force you.”

“The last question today is about the practice of free and infinite kung fu. This school is always learning from each other’s strengths to make up for the weaknesses and continuously improving, but the first few levels have been tempered, so all you have to do is to practice according to the rules. , I can’t come at the slightest falsehood and slack, and I don’t want to check you. If you have any questions, I should ask the senior fellow from the Construction Department. If you really encounter a bottleneck, please come to me, or let Senior Aunt Yijun and Elder Zhou Ji give pointers. Your skills.”

“Let’s stop here, go back and think about what I said today. By the way, a friend came to me in the evening, and you guys will come over after dinner. Do you have any questions?”

Hua Lan Ting asked a question: “Daomen practice requires calmness, but you don’t seem to oppose participating in mundane affairs. There will be contradictions, right?”

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