The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 1

Chapter 1: Looking back

is Hitachi Autumn. On the Mengbishenghua Mountain, there is still a quiet view of summer and green with shades of trees and mists of mountains, but the red and yellow colors are already sparsely interspersed, and the colorful scene of autumn is beginning to appear.

Mengbishenghuashan is the place where the famous school on the East Shuxuanxianzhou is located at the Vientiane Gate Mountain Gate. Today coincides with the opening ceremony of the mountain gate once in sixty years.

At the end of the day, despite the hustle and bustle, fortunately, all the procedures were finally completed in an orderly manner, and the usual elegance and quietness at the foot of the mountain was restored.

This was the first night when Hua Lan Ting entered the Vientiane Gate of Freedom. He tossed and turned and found it difficult to fall asleep. The night was as cold as water. Since ancient times, autumn was sad and lonely. The chrysanthemum was yellow and the day was still long. It changed the impact of a world for anyone. They were all unbearable and quickly resolved, and Hua Lanting began to miss the days before.

He was born in a small mountain village in Yunlong Mansion, Western Yunnan Province of the Sun and Moon Dynasty.

Western Yunnan is located in a remote area, surrounded by mountains and inconvenient transportation. However, Yunlong Mansion has been a place where caravan merchants gather because of the well-salt production since ancient times. The court also specially set up a salt class promotion department to manage it.

The village where Hualanting lives is called Laohupo. It is a Bai community. There is a long and difficult mountain road from Fucheng, so it is relatively independent.

The village is small, built on the hillside, and has a long history. The architectural concept of the village is peculiar. It not only has a variety of layouts such as “three squares, one wall, four in five patios”, but also has exquisite craftsmanship and diverse styles. It’s unfamiliar.

Although the area around    is sparsely populated, the style of writing is prosperous, and combined with the belief in the trinity of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, the humanities are very splendid. It is especially worth mentioning that the terrain is special. There is a river that curves through the village, naturally forming a shape similar to Taoist Tai Chi Yin and Yang fish. The view from the opposite mountain is very obvious. The locals call it “Tai Chi Locking Water”.

Hualanting’s parents are Han Chinese, and his ancestors migrated from Jiangnan to escape the war. When he was seven years old, his parents fell ill and died one after another, leaving him alone to be taken care of by several neighbors.

The local people are simple and honest. He was very sensible since he was a child. At a young age, he already knew to help adults sink wells and make salt to repay his upbringing. Although those families could not afford him to go to school, they did not become idle because they were uncontrolled.

The first turning point in his life happened when he was nine years old. That year, an old man came to the village alone with a cart of books, saying that he had resigned from office and came to live in seclusion. The village is very literary, and when he saw the old man’s knowledge, he left him here to open a small private school to teach some children in the village to study for a living. The location was chosen in the ancestral home of Hualanting, and Hualanting was also taken by the elderly. As a book boy, the two have depended on each other ever since.

The old man’s surname is Dai, and he really likes Hualanting’s young and sensible. The two get along with each other and become more and more emotional. Hua Lan Ting is very smart and easy to learn, and the old man has a wide range of knowledge and knows a lot. During the day, Hua Lan Ting and other children attend classes together. At night, the old man often tells him many miscellaneous things.

Since the age of ten, the old man will take him out every year during the winter and summer farming leisure time. He has traveled to many famous mountains, large rivers and counties. Over the years, the teenager Hua Lanting has learned more about the world, and he has also seen more of the world’s society. His personality and behavior have become more sturdy and stable, and his performance is more mature than children of the same age.

Originally, Hua Lan Ting thought that life could be so plain and peaceful but with a sense of taste. Who knows that something changed when he was thirteen years old. Hua Lan Ting still clearly remembers the details of that day.

Hualanting had fallen asleep that day, but was awakened by the noise in the yard. When he got up and checked, he found that the old man he usually calls a teacher was not in his own house. The village was usually safe and there were few strangers. He After searching the surroundings, there were still no people. He returned to the room and waited in suspicion, and didn’t fall asleep again.

When it was near dawn, I heard the door ring in the yard, but when I went out to look, I saw the old man staggering in, with blood on his chest and clothes.

When he was taken aback, he would scream out, but was dragged into the house by the old man to silence him. I saw that the old man first took out a pill from a cabinet and swallowed it with water, then changed into a clean clothes and meditated on the bed for half an hour, before his face turned from white to red, and then he spoke something that shocked Hua Lanting. Endless past events.

It turned out that the old man’s real name was Dai Anlan, and he was an ordinary official of the Sun-Moon Dynasty in the Qintian Supervisory Hall who was responsible for observing celestial phenomena, formulating calendars, and calculating good and bad luck.

Dian Lanben was not noticeable in the Qin Tian Prison, but for a while his calculations suddenly became very effective. He inferred in advance the occurrence of several favorable events for the court, and was promoted to deputy supervisor, but he did not expect it. It aroused the suspicion of Qin Tianjian Jianzheng, and began to suppress Dai Anlan from all aspects, for fear that he would replace him.

Supervisor is a vicious person and has a great backstage background in Chaozhou. Di Anlan was worried that it would lead to a murder, and was forced to resign to avoid the disaster, and chose Yunlong Mansion, which is a corner of the house, to settle down.

Dian Lan originally thought that this was the case. He never married in his life, and originally wanted to teach here until his old age. Moreover, he is cautious, and has not traveled far since he settled down. It was not until a year later that he felt that no one inquired about his origins before he began to travel with Hualanting, and decided to pass on his life learning to Hualanting before he was old. So as not to be noticeable, I don’t want to be found here.

That night, three masters from the Ministry of Internal Affairs led him to the outside of the village and forced him to ask him the secret of his sudden and diligent calculation of the secrets.

After talking, he learned that Jianzheng did not put down the search for his whereabouts afterwards, but he faded after being unable to find it repeatedly, but he did not expect that this time, the internal affairs office of the Jianzheng backstage would send someone to Yunlong Mansion to do other things. It’s a coincidence that these three people happened to be the people who were entrusted to track his trace at the time, and they still learned his location and appearance inadvertently. Under suspicion, they rushed to the village to investigate before confirming that they were replaced by other people. Will not expose the deeds.

The three of them insisted on taking Di Anlan back to Beijing. Di Anlan didn’t want to pass on the secret that his teacher had allowed him to improve his arithmetic ability.

The three of them didn’t know that Di Anlan was actually involved in martial arts. They were caught by Di Anlan and killed them first. The remaining one was left for interrogation and was killed and buried on the spot.

Hualan Court has also seen feuds while traveling. Although he was frightened to hear the murder and burying the corpse, he still resisted uneasy and asked: “Teacher, you are injured. Does it matter?”

Di Anlan smiled slightly: “Good boy, I know that I care about being a teacher first. It seems that I didn’t look at the wrong person. The three people fought back, and I hit the first two with a palm and a knife. It’s not fatal, but the last one’s The secret to feed poison dark green child of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is very powerful. I was shocked to dissipate my skills and could not control the spread of toxicity. Although there was a master’s pill to resolve the problem, it was not correct. The three of them had no antidote. Half a year ago.”

Hua Lanting was terrified and shocked: “How about that? Let’s go to the capital to find the antidote.”

Di Anlan shook his head: “No, I have to heal now. Not to mention that the capital is far away. I shouldn’t travel far. Even if you go, you and I will not be able to fight against the power of the prison. There is life and death. My master used to be It was calculated once for me, saying that I was calm by nature and I would spend my whole life safely, but there was a big catastrophe at the age of fifty-seven, only that it seemed to have a ray of life.”

“Now it is true. Even though I am in distress, I can survive for a while. Don’t panic. I have something to tell you. I wanted to wait a few years for you to be 18 years old before telling you this. Now I can only tell you this in advance. NS.”

“The teacher came from the Shuangfeng Luohui Pavilion, one of the three major hidden gates in the rivers and lakes. The master gate was very popular more than a hundred years ago. Later, because of the difficulty in learning the exercises, the disciples were sparse and fell down, and they were hidden from the world. Now the title is still there. But the reputation is no longer visible in the world. In my generation, there are only two disciples, and I also have a junior brother named Jiang Zhecheng.”

“Shimen’s fine arts are divided into two categories, one is martial arts skills, and the other is heavenly secret skills. I don’t like fighting as a teacher, and I have inherited a number of master skills. Health preservation, apart from using it when I was young, I haven’t practiced much and never revealed it again.”

“My younger brother Jiang is talented and fascinated in martial arts, and inherited the martial arts of the master. He did not walk in the rivers and lakes after he became a master. It was very true, but because of this, the contact was gradually broken. The two brothers had their own idiots. I later joined the imperial court Qin Tianjian so that I can refer to the various ancient books in it and continue to study the number of heavenly secrets. You know what happened later. .”

said here, the old man Shuo Shuo looked at Hua Lan Ting and asked, “I’ll ask you, are you willing to formally apprentice and pass on my mantle?”

Why would Hua Lanting refuse at this time? The old man is already his only relative in the world, so he bowed down and worshipped. After receiving the ceremony, Dai Anlan was very relieved: “Although it’s late and time is running out, I can only I’ll lead you to the beginning, but after all, there is no such thing as a master of Fine Arts, and there is still this after all.” The old man solved something from his neck.

Hua Lanting looked up and saw that it was a jade-like thing, the size of a baby’s palm, and it was an irregular flat shape. It was neither gold nor iron like jade, and there was no material to see, but there was a faint turquoise brilliance flowing.

Di Anlan said: “This is what Jianzheng wanted. In fact, he still doesn’t know what it is. He only knows that I must have a secret. This thing was passed to me by the master, and the master called it Kongtian Qingyanyu. ”

“This thing is unnamed, it is not something passed down by the teacher’s family, but it was accidentally obtained by a master master hundreds of years ago. At first, I didn’t know what it was useful for. I felt that the material was special and kept it. UU read www.uukanshu .com first appeared white, and three things happened during that period, and I realized that it was a rare treasure in the world.”

“The first time I blocked a mortal attack for the master, I found that this thing was extremely hard and there was nothing to hurt.”

“The second time it was passed to my master’s master. One day when the color was blue and white, a formula appeared in the master’s mind by itself. After reciting the formula, a drawer-sized invisible storage space was opened, which was unheard of before. Shocking the world is the biggest secret of this door. The so-called guilty of guilty, this matter has been passed on from generation to generation by the head of the family. By my generation, this space has been the size of a cabinet, and now this door has Shuhe most of the secrets of martial arts are kept in it.”

“The third change happened to me. After the sky blue smoke and jade gradually turned to turquoise, one day I suddenly found that I was very clear in my arithmetic calculations. It was like a divine help, something that was difficult to solve in the past. It becomes clear at a glance, and the backlash that is usually added to oneself by calculus will disappear, and his spirit is getting stronger and stronger, and even the internal strength that has been stagnated for many years is also growing on its own. Otherwise, my previous cultivation base may not necessarily be those three. The opponent of the masters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.”

After taking a sip of water, Di Anlan continued: “I was very excited at that time and lost my vigilance. I helped the court to calculate the secret success and get a promotion several times. This caused the jealousy of Jianzheng. There were follow-ups of these things, but also Therefore, to form a bond with you as a master and apprentice is actually good.

“According to several generations of ancestors, the sky blue smoke jade should come from outside the sky, and it can absorb the aura of heaven and earth to change its color. The darker and richer the color, the more functions. I will pass this jade to you today for my teacher, and I hope you can discover it. More effects. But before you can control this thing and protect yourself, don’t make it public.”

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