The Golden Invincible of Basketball

v4 Chapter 1435.5: End of testimonials! !!

The book was issued on October 9, 2018, and completed on November 9, 2019.

3 million words, one year and one month.

The first order is 2700, both are 6000+, and the higher order is 15,000.

The time span, word count, and grades of this book, all of which are invincible with gold, are all new history since the book was written.

Shuizha should thank the book friends who are supported by the genuine subscription. Without your support, all this cannot be done.

Writing a book is a long time. I write it day after day, and I have to maintain my passion for creation, which is a great challenge to people’s physical and psychological.

Fortunately, I have persisted, and I really appreciate your support.

The phrase “your support is motivation” is not an empty word, it is a word of heartfelt after real experience.

Here I would like to thank the 29 allies who specialize in this book, and more than a thousand rudder owners.

I am eighteen years old: Suddenly, one day, I started to support me strongly one day, and I continued to support it until the end of this edition, and the two of us had a lot of private exchanges. As the author, I really appreciate it from the bottom of my heart, please Be sure to invite me to dinner (づ ● ─ ●) づ.

Magic Feather: Everyone knows the starting point of the fantasy feather guy, but I did n’t expect that he would read sports books, and it was a thief. He also kept telling me that he hoped to have Yao Ming ’s book. The book can be satisfied, and another Lin Linyu prototype in the book is him.

Yun Jie / Zhao Zilong: They are my allies who have supported me very early, thank you very much, and it is strange to say that the two of them have always appeared together before, so my impressions of them are almost the same, I do n’t know if you are private Also recognize.

Shiro_Karasu: This is the reader of QQ reading. He deliberately went to the starting point to reward the leader, and also rewarded the short water. It seems that the style of the short water and me are much different and similar, (* ^ ▽ ^ *)

Persist Yinuo: Yinuo was originally a **** **** leader. I didn’t expect him to support me at first, but this strength makes me feel more confident. From the communication, I can feel Yinuo is a book reader and For those who like reading books, all I can say is that the next book will be more exciting.

Blue wind and snow marks: Needless to say, the snow marks have supported me since early and early, and he is a soldier. I almost wrote that he was retired. Sometimes the fate is really a coincidence. I hope to have a chance in the future. You eat a meal (don’t make mistakes every year, this is the treatment gap).

I don’t want to change my name: I haven’t bubbling for a long time, but I still love him.

The cat who can’t program: The cat is one that I want to especially thank, because he is basically responsible for the activities of my book, and I also know that being a sports book is relatively disadvantaged in these aspects, especially in the case of a bit of weakness in the later plot, He still does it himself, thank you very much, and hope to continue the next book ~ (^ _-)

Twilight Star: Old Twilight has known each other for a long time. He should be very happy to read this book, but after the incident of Popovich, it should be a big blow to him. In fact, Pink Duncan is fine. A good one. The news is that in the next book, the Spurs are likely to be villains.

The first drop of tears is heartburning: Heartburning should be a representative who supported me but did not read. In fact, this is also a limitation of sports. The previous summoner wrote a small white cool text. The reader does not need to know too much professional knowledge, but basketball texts are not. , But my goal has always been to make everyone a fan, and I hope to work hard in this book.

One star is in Miao: One star has communicated with me a lot, including QQ and WeChat, and my support has always been there. In fact, I always wanted to have the opportunity to send you this autograph or something in the future. Hey, I want to have One day with this autograph book, you can give away everywhere!

Xingfeng Xiaoye: Xingfeng also supports me for several books. Hardcore book fans, I have been thinking about it. When I have time to see if I can organize hardcores to come here to play, I am the kind of hospitality.

The lonely little fireball: The little fireball is the largest nail household in the group, and it is almost the monthly ticket king. It is really moved day after day. I am touched in the next book.

Qingxi Hidden, Dragon Gods 1, Ruo Bing, Lu Lucky Legend, and Ming Ming are all not talking much, Zheng Heshan, goglegogo, dream seeking wind, year after year in a daze, and a million sheep with bad tails Xi Dog Roe Deer, Flying Flower Deer Li, Zhong Huan Trumpet, Tong Tang, and Poplar are all unaffiliated.

There are also idiot fur seals, _John_, assault, human, dark white, wing · Xiang, riding ants on elephants, blue and white crickets, blasphemy … No plus groups are silently supporting.

There are also active smiles xi in the group, Fang Yunling, Ruyi golden hoop popsicles, the only 10 of love, star mark Tong Jie, shallow smile あ Fan Chen, sleepless sleep, Yao thin …

Including QQ reading, there are good Ruoshui, Brother Sansheng, Bingwu Hanyu, smoking addiction, seeing all flowers blooming, a … There are also more than a hundred helm masters, because it is not a starter, there is usually no communication, but I have always watched To your rewards and book reviews, if you need to add a brief introduction group.

There are too many readers to thank. If you did n’t mention it, do n’t worry. Just like I said before, your support is my biggest motivation. I am grateful to each of you.

——— I am a dividing line ———

Thanks readers, and then, as in the past, summarize after writing.

When the basketball godfather finished the book, I said it was a book with a breakthrough in the eyes of **** and a passer in the eyes of passersby.

I also said that the next book will focus on people and plot description, and write more exciting.

Regardless of the number of readers or word-of-mouth of the subscribed book, Wujin Wudi should have fulfilled my original promise.

After so many years of writing books, each book has improved a little bit, and water eggplant is actually very lucky.

I’ve learned a lot about this book, but overall it’s still better and worse.

On the plus side, my talents are indeed better. The most successful is Durant, I believe that after reading this book, I may have a deeper impression on him than the protagonist. “Kay” Jimmy Butler, “Keep Your Image” James, “Stupid” Davis, “Ten Thousand Years of Abuse” Thompson, “Jestery” Westbrook, “No Vision” Xiao Hua, “Talking” Lin Yi, there are many others, although not perfect, but there is progress in the people, which is what I will continue to improve in the next book.

People can do it, but the outline of the plot is incomplete before writing, and it is a bit weak in the middle and even later periods, and even some dismissal plots, such as inadequate preparation when losing the warriors, are not only too sudden but also written well Not enough to accept, there are many problems with this type of plot.

These deficiencies are also a major reason why the book can’t go up even if it is 6000 booked, and I need to improve this book.

Like the previous book, the next book has requirements and goals for itself, which can be achieved.

The goal of my next book is to write a masterpiece in the eyes of passersby and passersby.

This boutique is not a high-quality product ~ ~ but in all aspects, from writing to rhythm, from person to story.

In other words, for the first time that Shui Jie wrote a book, I was ready to devote myself to writing a book.

This is a big goal, but I think I can already try to do it because I know where I am lacking.

Of course, it is more difficult to achieve such a goal than ever before, so I will prepare the outline very carefully and carefully. Take what I have already done now, the person set plus the golden finger plus the previous three seasons The outline is more than 30,000 words.

Slow work produces fine work, good dishes are not afraid of late, so new books will be relatively late, the earliest is January, and later may be later.

But this time, I don’t want to write in a hurry, where can I write, and I don’t want to let you down again.

Finally, I thank my beautiful editor, Gray Grey, for reading this platform, for the powerful motherland, and for wishing you a happy, happy and happy life.

Finish sprinkled!

ps: There are three groups in the book’s profile, including fan group, subscription group and alliance group. You can add it if necessary.

ps2: If you are not a book reader who reads books on the starting point Chinese website and want to support water eggplant, you can come here to support a wave of genuine subscriptions. After all, water eggplant also depends on this to eat, and sports books basically live on the main station subscription. , So really thank those who support genuine subscription support.

ps3: I saw many people in the book review area talking about Morey and the NBA. I would like to say that those of us who write books do not pay NBA copyrights. In fact, we pay taxes to the country in NBA NBA, and reading books and supporting the NBA are completely The contact, our author is also a Chinese first, basically scolding Morey and Xiao Hua, this is even more so, in the book, both Morey and Xiao Hua can’t be miserable.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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