The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 28 - Strong attack

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According to the prior arrangement of Lingyumen’s senior management, the selection and elimination rounds are carried out consecutively, and there is only one night’s rest in the middle.

“Easy selection of inner disciples, this result is good.”

In the room, Qin Yi sat on the bed, smiled faintly, and frankly stated that this result was what he expected. This time his real goal was the top five.

Because only the top five are eligible to enter the third floor of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

“What is there on the third floor of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion? Why did I feel a different kind of feeling when I heard Chang Jingxue mentioning the third floor of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion … Was there. “

Qin Yi frowned.

He still remembers that when he heard the third floor of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, he suddenly had a strange feeling in his heart. The feeling was very weak, but he was still caught by Qin Yi keenly.

“On the third floor of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, I must be qualified to go in and see what is inside.”

Qin Yi clenched his fists.

Immediately, he sat on his knees, slowly closed his eyes, and began to practice.

His current practice is the pinnacle of the Three Realms. With the advancement of cultivation, Qin Yi soon discovered that there was indeed a gap between the Three Realms and the Four Realms, which made it difficult for people to cross.

“There is a difference between the Xuan Zhe and the Xuan Shi …”

Qin Yi sighed lightly, knowing that he would be difficult to make a breakthrough in the grade at a short time. If there are a large number of medicinal materials and medicine aids, it may be possible to cross between the Xuan Zhe and the Xuan Shi This gap.

“Now there are 20,000 silver tickets. Take all of these silver tickets to buy medicinal materials and immortals. It is estimated that they will not be able to break through the four realms of Xuan Dao in a short time.”

Qin Yi secretly speculated.

“It seems that after waiting for the knockout game, we must enter the Magic Wind Mountain again.”

The light in Qin Yi’s eyes flickered, and it was absolutely not enough to enter the top five in the final ranking game, and take the current three-state peak repair as an example.

Pay attention to it, Qin Yi breathed out a breath, he was about to tune out the three martial arts of “Fuhu Tianxiang”, “Qi Guijue”, “Kuafububu”, and work hard to practice.

Early the next morning, Qin Yizhao came to the martial arts stadium.

Just like yesterday, the martial arts field was full of vocals and noisy.

Today is the second stage of the Shimen Wuhui, the knockout!

According to regulations, the 30 disciples who won in the trial yesterday will challenge the 30 disciples selected from the original inner disciples to compete for the top 20.

There is a special case here, that is, the top 5 disciples of the original inner disciples do not accept this challenge, they will directly appear in the final round of the ranking game, accept the challenge of the top 20.

The top five young disciples of Lingyumen are Qiu Shaoxian, Pu Chang, Tang Hangan, Xuan Ming, and Yi Ling.

In today’s knockout, the top five young disciples were all here, sitting in five conspicuous chairs and accepting the admiration of other disciples.

Among them, Yi Ling, ranked fifth, is a girl about 17 or 18 years old. She looks very sweet. She can’t believe that she has the strength to rank among the top five.

In particular, the big eyes of the water spirits, as if they were two pools of autumn water, are clever and clear.

Qin Yi ’s eyes slowly scanned the top five, and there was not much in his heart. In short, he had made up his mind that after the Shimen Wuhui meeting, one of the five would definitely give up a seat for himself .

As a deafening drum beat sounded, the second round of the Wuhui elimination round officially kicked off.

“Today’s game, everyone must know that it is a knockout. The top 30 disciples who won the trial yesterday will challenge the 30 disciples selected by Nene.”

Guo Wuchen’s loud voice sounded on the martial arts court: “Now I announce that the knockout will begin–“

There was no group difference in this part of the competition. They were compared on 6 ring platforms, one round came down, and the other round was followed immediately. The effect was very fast.

A total of 60 disciples compete for the top 20. In fact, such a competition is not too fierce, and the highlight of this session is that the strength between the disciples is naturally much stronger than yesterday’s trials.

Especially yesterday, no inner disciples participated, but today is a duel between inner disciples and outer disciples.

There is no shortage of masters among the inner disciples.

Chang Jingxue, for example, showed incredible strength, defeating his opponent in two consecutive rounds and winning endless applause on the field.

Every time he knocked down a disciple, Chang Jingxue would look directly at Qin Yi, provocative, and self-evident.

“No. 132 vs. No. 21!”

As the referee shouted, Qin Yi exhaled slightly, and finally it was his turn to play.

The profound energy in his body surged slightly, and he jumped into the ring.

“Qin Yi!” “Qin Yi!”

Qin Yi’s performance yesterday was too stunning. All the people above and below the Lingyu Gate remembered his figure. As soon as he stepped on the ring, a roar of disciples from outside rang.

You know, Qin Yi was killed by outside disciples.

People’s psychology is very wonderful. Yesterday they looked forward to someone ousting Qin Yi from the ring. Today, there is no disciples inside. Those outside disciples, subconsciously, regard Qin Yi as a hero among outside disciples.

“I give up!”

Qin Yi ’s opponent was a disciple of the inner door. When he saw Qin Yi coming up, he played a cold war in an indistinct form and immediately abstained.

Qin Yi was slightly stunned.

Yesterday’s trial, this inner disciple also came to watch. He knew he was not Qin Yi’s opponent, so he simply conceded defeat.

In this way, Qin Yi easily won this round, even Lien Chan did not fight.

Back in his seat, Qin Yi looked at the other five rings and found that Yang Shiqi was on the ring, which was also brilliant and easily defeated his opponent.

Yang Shiqi smiled at Qin Yi from afar, Qingling jumped off the ring and returned to his seat.

“Sister Yang, it seems to be fighting with me …”

Qin Yi smiled helplessly.

After a while, it was Qin Yi ’s turn to take the stage again.

This time the opponent is a green-robed young girl with a clear eye.

“Ask for defeat.”

Qin Yi felt that the other party’s cultivation practice was only three levels in the middle, one level worse than himself. He could not bear to shoot at a weak woman.

The girl in green robe bulged with pink cheeks, pursed her ruddy mouth, and said stubbornly, “I know you are strong, and you haven’t lost a battle, but I won’t easily admit defeat.”

The temperament looks like me.

Qin Yi shook his head helplessly, and then said no more, and punched with a punch: “Overlord fist!”

The unpretentious basic fist looks ordinary, but it seems to sway the natural avenue, the fist is strong, and the green robe girl is shocked by two feet and falls to the ground.

One punch to win, simple and time-saving!

“I lost!”

The green robe girl climbed up and walked down the ring with a sad look.

“No. 132 wins!” Guo Wuchen admired Qin Yi from afar.

The game is proceeding in an orderly manner, but Qin Yi’s momentum is still fierce, and he can’t feel the pressure and advantage of the inner disciples.

“I abstain!”

“No. 132 wins!”


Qin Yi’s game was very easy. Many of them were frightened by his momentum. He directly abstained, even some stubborn temperaments, and could not persevere with a few moves, he was defeated by Qin Yi.

Qin Yi ’s current competition scene was almost copied yesterday, and he sang along the way. The seniors in the school were increasingly looking at the young man with a weak figure.

In his free time, Qin Yi’s eyes will also glance at other platforms, paying attention to the competition there, and Yang Shiqi and Chang Jingxue’s competition platforms are always the most noisy like their own platforms.

Qin Yi noticed that Chang Jingxue seemed to be the representative of the 30 inner disciples. Every time he defeated an outer disciple, he would win the applause of the inner disciples. At the same time, he would also use provocative eyes. Looking far from Qin Yi.

“Look at everyone, Chang Jingxue and Fu Yu are up!”

At a certain moment, there was an uproar on the field.

Qin Yi looked sideways and saw Fu Yu floating on the ring, looking at Chang Jingxue calmly.

Fu Yu, who was the first outside player, was the only person who did not show any signs of defeat in front of Qin Yi in the trial yesterday.


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