The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 20 - Induction from the third floor

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Will it be disappointing, I will know by then.

Qin Yi smiled faintly and didn’t spend much time on his lips. He didn’t want to delay here. The arrogance revealed by Qiu Shaoxian and Pu Chang made him quite uncomfortable.

After a little compliment, Qin Yi and Yang Shiqi turned and left Donghuang pharmacy.

“Brother Qiu, it seems that your charm is not enough. Look at the fact that Sister Yang didn’t give you a face.” Looking at the figures of Qin Yi and Yang Shiqi leaving, Pu Chang smiled lightly.

Qiu Shaoxian shook his head slowly, shrugging indifferently: “It’s okay, Sister Yang, maybe just a little curious about the kid. After all, these kids are indeed a little amazing these days. When the Wuhui meeting, the kid was abused by someone. As a pig, Sister Yang’s interest in him will instantly drop to zero. “

As the chief disciple of Lingyumen, Qiu Shaoxian has always been full of confidence in himself.

Of course, Qiu Shaoxian disdain to confront Qin Yi at the Shimen Wuhui. Qin Yi does not have that strength. He can hit him in the ring until his chief disciple is still halfway, and he will be defeated by other disciples. .

Not to mention the masters of the inner disciples such as Yunyun, even among the disciples of the outer disciples, Qin Yi was able to win a place, which was already very good.

“Qin Yi, there are ten days to be the Shimen Wuhui. Have you signed up yet?” Yang Shiqi suddenly asked after leaving Donghuang Pharmacy.

“This … not yet.”

These days have been busy with various cultivations, and now Yang Shiqi said so, Qin Yi only remembered that even the name of Shimen Wuhui had not been reported yet.

“Exactly, let’s go back and sign up together, I haven’t signed up yet.”

Yang Shiqi smiled briefly. The charming glazed eyes turned around Qin Yi and carefully evaluated: “Well, with your strength to defeat Guangfei, among the outside disciples, you should be able to enter the top 20.”

Among the top 20 disciples?

Qin Yi smiled secretly, then shook his head lightly.

Sister Yang really didn’t have any confidence in herself. Not to mention being among the top 20 disciples of the outside school, even among the young disciples of the entire division, he also had absolute confidence to enter the top 20. Don’t forget, he There is also a powerful card of “Blazing Three”.

However, it can be inferred from Yang Shiqi’s words that among the young disciples of Lingyumen, they are really masters like clouds, just like the stunning existence of Qin Yi. She also estimates that only the top 20 can be entered in the outer disciples.

After an hour, Qin Yi and Yang Shiqi returned to Shimen and came to the registration office.

The famous school such as Lingyumen naturally has a large number of disciples. Even if it is close to the Wuhui, there is still a long queue at the registration office.

“It is said that this year’s Shimen Wuhui has much more rewards than previous Wuhui.” A disciple said.

“Reward? Haha, Brother Chang is really not a loss. It is the key training object of the teachers. The news is that it is more informed than us. Brother Chang, revealed that this year’s military club rewards.”

A group of disciples immediately surrounded the senior brother who revealed the reward news. Qin Yi glanced at him, and couldn’t help but wonder, how could it be so coincident?

That Senior Brother Chang was Chang Jingxue, and beside him, Rouqin was standing there Huo Ranting.

Seeing the disciples around, they all looked at Chang Jingxue with their admiring eyes. The pretty face of Rouqin was also faintly proud, and felt a special scenery.

“This year’s Wuhui Association, as long as it can reach the top 50, can enter the first floor of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, choose three low-intermediate martial arts, reward a 300-year-old Ganoderma lucidum, if it can reach the top 20 Name, you can choose three advanced martial arts on the second floor of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, and reward one 800-year-old spirit. “Chang Jingxue said with a smile.

“Choose three advanced martial arts, and also reward a 800-year-old Ganoderma lucidum! Gee, it’s really exciting!”

The disciples around me swallowed with excitement.

It’s just that everyone knows how easy it is to reach the top 20?

Qin Yi, who was not far away, listened with a slight expression of joy. If he could enter the top 20 and get the qualification to choose martial arts on the second floor of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, if he himself entered the second floor of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, Would n’t it be possible to use his left hand to bang bang like the last time he entered the first floor of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion …?

Qin Yi blinked and suddenly felt some blood boiling.

However, at this moment, Chang Jingxue’s eyes looked slowly: “Qin Yi, you don’t have any hope, don’t forget, I am also a disciple outside, as long as I am there, you can not enter the first two Ten. “

Just now, Yang Shiqi estimated that Qin Yi should be able to reach the top 20. Now, Chang Jingxue directly stated that it would prevent him from reaching the top 20.

Qin Yi laughed lightly, too lazy to talk nonsense with him.

Yang Shiqi beside him, frowning slightly, said slightly unpleasantly, “Brother Chang, it seems that you are not very good at publicizing private enmity like this?”

“There is no private enmity in the communique. I will just defeat my opponent severely.”

Chang Jingxue shrugged his shoulders and said lightly: “It’s Yang Sister, you don’t want to put the chief disciple, but you want to be with this kid. Which one is better than Brother Qiu? Yang Sister, not me Say you, you are really talented in cultivation, but in this matter, you are confused. “

Yang Shiqi’s beautiful mouth slightly flicked, and she was not ashamed or annoyed. She smiled and said: “Brother Chang, who do I want to be with? You don’t seem to be able to control it? Besides, Brother Qiu is very good, but he is at best. It’s just a little stronger than me, and Qin Yi is too much better than me. “

“This kid is better than you?” Chang Jingxue’s eyes suffocated and almost laughed out loud.

The soft piano beside him is quite uncomfortable.

“Qin Yi, let’s go.”

Yang Shiqi didn’t say much anymore, she pulled Qin Yi away slowly, and she didn’t say anything in her heart: Qiu Shaoxian is very strong now, but how much time did he spend with the elixir and medicinal materials to reach today’s state, And Qin Yi?

“I don’t know why!”

Chang Jingxue shook his head towards Yang Shiqi, and immediately ignored it. He continued to reveal some information about the Shimen Wuhui to his disciples.

“This time the Shimen Wuhui, if they can make it into the top five, they can get the qualification to enter the third floor of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, and also give a thousand years of Ganoderma lucidum exceptionally.” Chang Jingxue said.

Enter the third floor of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion?

The scene suddenly became quiet, and all the disciples around them showed incredible looks on their faces.

On the third floor of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, I heard that it has never been opened to disciples. It is very mysterious. No one knows what martial arts are stored in it.

“The third floor of the Tibetan Classics Pavilion?”

Qin Yi, who has not yet walked far away, seems to have a heart string, which is gently tossed. This is a very strange feeling. For a moment, he felt that he seemed to have something missing in the Tibetan scriptures. The third floor of the pavilion.

This feeling is very weak, but still captured by Qin Yi.

“There is something on the third floor of the Tibetan Classics Pavilion. Why do I feel this way?”

Qin Yi was stunned for a moment, and his heart was extremely confused. This feeling was really strange.

It seems that this time, the Wuhui must win the top five and enter the third floor of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion to see what happens!

In a flash, Qin Yi made such a decision.

When they came to the registration office with Yang Shiqi, the two of them each received a token or something. Both of them had a number on their tokens.

The number on the Qin Yi token is 132, (6).

The number on Yang Shiqi’s token is 131, (3).

There is no doubt that the number in front is their entire martial arts arrangement number, and the number in parentheses behind is the number of competing groups.

There are at least a few hundred young disciples in Lingyu, according to the rules of the martial arts, but all disciples over 15 and under 25 are eligible to participate.

Of the so many young disciples, naturally included inner disciples and outer disciples.

Here we mainly talk about the outer disciples. There are only 30 inner disciples selected from the outer disciples of Lingyumen, but the number of outer disciples recruited in each session is quite large. The selection of 30 disciples from outside disciples, the brutality of the Wuhui, can be imagined.

After receiving his martial arts ranking number, Qin Yi no longer delayed, said goodbye to Yang Shiqi, and returned to his home.

“Bump …”

As soon as he returned home, Qin Yi closed himself in the door of the room, sat on his knees, and prepared to make a final sprint in practice on the eve of the Shimen Wuhui.

The Shimen Wuhui, masters gathered, and the heroes fighting for hegemony, Qin Yi ’s goal was the top three, to obtain the qualification to enter the third floor of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, to understand what was hiding there, and why he felt like he was missing something. There?

It is not easy to defeat Zhu Qiang in the top three on a misunderstanding. Qin Yi did not dare to take it lightly.


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