The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 12 - First use

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“The fairy world is slashing!”

The green robe girl sipped in her mouth, taking advantage of the other three immortal disciples to block the golden ape with a bow and arrow, her body exploded, and the hegemonic sword came out again.

In the piercing wind and howling, the **** long sword drew a **** awn, which was severely cut on the chest of the golden silk ape, and another sword cut it and flew out of full feet.

“Serve with bow and arrow, hurry!”

The other three Immortal Sejong disciples hurriedly set up a black feather arrow, and took the opportunity to launch another round of wild shooting at the golden wire ape. However, it is just some skin trauma, which can’t hurt its vitality at all.

“Aohou ~”

The golden silk ape was irritated, his arms roared, and the ink-colored feather arrows shot on his body were all settled. At this time, it had two huge sword wounds on his chest, and he was tickling down with blood, touching his eyes. Shocked.

That was a gift from the green robe girl!

The continuous deflation obviously made the golden wire ape completely violent. It flapped its arms on the ground, and the ground swayed violently, while the huge body of the golden wire ape jumped up like a moving Jinshan. Towards the girl in the green robe.

Not far away, the three Immortal Sejong disciples suddenly looked stunned. For a moment, they even forgot to rescue.

However, the girl in the green robe was not a mediocre person, looking at the golden giant ape, who was stunned, and then quickly recovered. The exquisite body was like a dragon out of the sea. , Very thrilling to avoid the past.


The palm of the golden silk ape shot on the ground and directly cracked the ground. I couldn’t imagine how powerful this force would be. If it were shot on the green robe girl, the green robe girl would definitely die.

The green robe girl was also eclipsed by her flowers. In the burst shot, she returned to the golden ape with a sword and shouted in her mouth: “The fairy is cut off!”

The sword light flickered, and the sword was hard to split the tough body of the golden wire ape into the full two inches, and the internal organs were almost visible.

“Popy …”

The young girl in green robe gave a mouthful of spout, and she spewed out a bit of blood. She was injured and knelt on the ground on one knee, her face pale.

Three swords, she only cut out three swords, but this is already her limit. After the Three Swords, they were repulsed by the powerful sword qi, causing internal injuries.

“Xian Shi Kai Xian Tian Dian Zhan” is a set of advanced martial arts of Xian Shizong, full of domineering.

It has more than three swords, but it can condense the entire set of swordsmanship into a world-leading three swords. It is only the cleverness of this swordsmanship, but it is also the most deadly. These three swords can double the combat power, but If the opponent is not beheaded by these three swords, the messenger is in danger.

Unfortunately, these three swords of the green robe girl did not kill the golden silk ape. It was too powerful. The beautiful face of the green robe girl suddenly appeared a desperate look.

She had exhausted all her strength, and her body almost collapsed, so it was herself who was killed next.

“Aohou ~”

The golden silk ape was violently thunderous under heavy damage, and roared in his mouth. The body like Jinshan quickly turned around, struggling towards the green robe girl, and brought up a gust of wind, blowing the branches around.

“Sister Ji! Run away!”

Not far away, the three immortal disciples Qi Qi exclaimed, they did not know how to rescue, the ink-colored feather arrows could not shoot the golden silk ape, and it was too late to rush over.

Ten thousand steps back, even if it is too late, they are not opponents of the golden ape, they will only become its delicious meal.

Looking at the golden silk ape, the girl in the green robe is bitter. She can no longer launch an effective attack, and even self-preservation has become a problem.

Run away?

Under a completely violent giant ape, there is no chance of escape!

The huge giant ape, the delicate girl, this contrast is too obvious, without any doubt, the giant ape can shoot the girl into a fragrance with only one palm, and no accident will happen!

On the corner of the green robe girl’s mouth, a trace of blood was flowing, and she was shocked. She suddenly released a smile and slowly closed her beautiful eyes …

Only the next moment, she suddenly opened her eyes again, opened her red lips in surprise: “Huh …”

I saw a young man with a weak figure, and I didn’t know where it came from. In the blink of an eye, he was blocked between the green robe girl and the golden ape.

“Why are you stupid, shooting arrows and shooting its eyes.”

This young man is naturally Qin Yi. He is not overflowing with love and wants to save people, but with his own power, it is impossible to hunt this giant ape.

That’s right, Qin Yi just wanted to hunt this spirit beast, unite the power of five people, and kill him while he was sick. So as soon as he shot, Qin Yi took out his trick at the bottom of the box, without reservation.


A punch hit the golden wire giant ape, but that seemingly mediocre punch, but it seems to have the power to frighten the sky!

A simple punch, but contains the natural avenue, forming a huge air vortex around the fist, as the punch rushed towards the golden wire ape.


Qin Yi’s fist slammed on the golden wire ape, and the huge air vortex also exploded with it, and it blew towards the surroundings.

The huge body of the golden silk ape flew out horizontally, and it flew completely five feet away, and then fell to the ground with a bang.

“So powerful!”

Seeing Qin Yi’s punch, the golden wire giant ape blasted out five feet away. The green robe girl and the three other immortal disciples all opened their mouths in amazement, and a strong shock appeared in their eyes.

Immediately, several of them were relieved secretly, and as soon as the teenager appeared, they were saved.

The golden wire giant ape is a low-level spirit beast. It is unimaginably powerful. Even if Qin Yi uses the tricks at the bottom of the box, it is impossible to kill it easily. I see it jumping from the ground. Pounce on Qin Yi.

The hugeness of the golden wire giant ape is in obvious contrast with the weakness of the juvenile. However, at this time, the juvenile has an absolute upper hand.

“Bullkill II!”

Qin Yi stood there like a javelin, not avoiding it, facing the golden giant ape that was rushing in, and hesitated to play the second form of one-kill three-form.

This punch still looks ordinary and ordinary, without any fancy, but it still seems to contain the natural avenue. The air vortex formed around the fist is obviously a bit larger than the first punch.


The giant body of the golden wire ape flew out again, crushing the trees with thick mouths.

The green robe girl not far away, several of them, blinked their eyes vigorously. What fist did the teenager use to get the bottom? It would be tyrannical here.

At this moment, they felt that the slightly weak figure of the teenager, like the great shore like a mountain, was unattainable.

Qin Yi’s movement did not stop this time, his feet stomped, the whole person followed the burst shot, and hit a third punch towards the golden wire giant ape on the ground–

“Three types of bullying!”

“Boom!” The giant body of the golden wire ape flew out again, squeezing the trees all the way through, making a bang.

After finishing the three forms, Qin Yi himself only felt that the power had disappeared from the body, just like an empty bottle, empty.

At this time, if the giant ape casually shot him, he would be able to shoot him flying and fall to the ground.

It was just that this would not happen. The golden silk ape was already badly hit, and Qin Yi, the domineering three-fist, screamed on the ground a few times. After a while, he couldn’t get up again.

“Kill it!”

Several disciples of the Immortal Sejong came back to God from the consternation that Qin Yi descended on like a god, screamed in unison, and took out the long sword to kill the golden silk ape that had hit the ground.

Qin Yijing stood there quietly, ignoring the **** scenes of a few celestial disciples killing the golden wire ape, but stared at his fists.

At this time, he was empty in his body, but ecstatic in his heart!

Before, Qin Yi had never performed his own set of “Three Types of Bullying”, because he had been in the school and had no chance to perform it. He was afraid that he would be discovered as soon as he performed it.

He has also been wondering how powerful these three forms of punching are.

Today, when he came to the Magic Wind Mountain to hunt, he finally had the opportunity to exert it, and he finally knew the power of these three forms of boxing.

With three punches, you can’t get a golden wire ape on the ground!

With such a mighty power, how can he not be ecstatic?

“Thank you for saving my life!”

The soft voice pulled Qin Yi back to reality. Qin Yiding looked at it and saw that the green robe girl had stood in front of her. The appearance of the green robe girl was very beautiful, but her face was still pale.

The golden wire ape was completely killed by three other disciples of the fairy world.

The golden silk ape was previously injured by the three swords of the green robe girl, coupled with the domineering three punches of Qin Yi later, he was half dead, lost his offensive ability, and was easily killed by the three immortal disciples.

“It’s nothing more than a hand.” Qin Yi said lightly.

The green robe girl smiled lightly: “We are disciples of Immortal Sejong, my name is Ji Shixuan, and these are my disciples. Here is the nearest disciple of Lingyu Gate, should you be a disciple of Lingyu Gate?”

Qin Yi nodded recklessly, paused, and looked at the dead golden giant ape, saying, “This golden giant ape should be a low-level spirit beast with terrifying strength. It can be killed today. It was a fluke. “

If there is no discipline master to declare the previous heavy damage to the golden wire ape, his three types of bullying will definitely not defeat it.

In the same way, if there was no rescue by oneself, these disciples of Immortal Sejong would surely die here now.


Teacher Ji nodded with emotion, and there was a trace of fear in his heart.

“Then the next step is to assign the golden wire ape.” Qin Yi said slowly, “I only need the golden beast’s spirit beast pill, and I will give you the rest.”

All the valuable things in this golden wire ape add up, and the golden hair, ape skin, bones, teeth, spirit beast pill, etc. should be worth about fifty thousand two silver.

However, the Spirit Beast Pill is the big head, and it is worth thirty-two thousand silver alone!

“Boy, you hit three punches, and you still want to be the beast of the beast? You dream!”

Among the three disciples of Immortal Sejong, a fat disciple immediately called out. The other two disciples also followed Echo and said, “Yes, this distribution is obviously unreasonable.”

“How do you think it is reasonable?” Qin Yi frowned, looking slowly at the three immortal disciples.

“It must be reversed, the spirit beast pill belongs to us, and the rest belongs to you.” The obese disciple shouted, “you can’t kill it if it wasn’t for Sister Ji before.


Qin Yi had n’t spoken yet, Ji Shixuan had a pretty face with thin anger, and shouted, “If it were n’t for this disciple of Lingyumen, I would be dead, I ’m dead, you guys want to run There are no doors! Therefore, it is reasonable for this younger brother to get the spirit beast pill. “

“Sister Ji?”

The three immortal disciples were stunned and looked at Ji Shixuan inexplicably.

They had never imagined that their sister actually gave up the Spirit Beast Dan generously, and helped this disciple of Lingyu to teach himself!

Qin Yi was also stunned for a while, this Ji Shi declared that he was a man who understood the truth.

“Why are you still stunned? Go and divide the body of the golden ape!”

Ji Shixuan Xianxian frowned, drinking at the three disciples. The three immortal disciples murmured a few words. Although they were very unwilling in their hearts, they had to go to work.

After an hour, the golden silk ape has been divided. According to the previous consultation, Qin Yi only needs the spirit beast, golden silk hair, ape skin, bones, teeth, etc. Qin Yi generously announced them to the discipline master .

Looking at the red spirit beast pill in his hand, Qin Yi’s heart was slightly happy, but it was a full thirty thousand two silver!

It is obviously more than enough to use thirty-two thousand silver to buy cultivated medicinal materials, and to break through the middle of the second realm.

“Your fist is really fascinating. I have never seen such a clever fist. Can you tell me your name? I want to remember your name.”

Ji Shixuan’s eyes were slightly hot, and he looked at Qin Yi without blinking. For the young man in front of her, she was naturally grateful and admired.

“Qin Yi.”

Qin Yi said lightly that he would no longer delay, he would pick up the business and go home.

“Qin Yi …”

Looking at the back of Qin Yi’s departure, Ji Shixuan’s slender Liu Mei frowned slightly: “There was such a disciple at Lingyu Gate, and it is said that the righteous son Qiu Shaoxian, who was at the head of Lingyu Gate, was far inferior to him.”

“Qiu Shaoxian? That’s the first person inside the Lingyu Gate!”

The fat man’s expression was startled, and a strong admiration appeared: “He is not only the first person in the inner door of the Lingyu Gate, but also one of the five young geniuses in Phoenix, as early as two years ago, Breaking through the four realms of Xuan Dao, now, I am afraid that at least it will be in the late stage of the Four Realms, isn’t this kid comparable? “

The top five young geniuses are the rising stars of this Phoenix city, and they are proud of thousands of young generations.

Any one of them is a true Xuan Shi, leaving his peers far behind.

“Yes, Sister Ji, I also think that Qiu Shaoxian is much stronger than this kid. With this kid’s current strength, I’m afraid I can’t get three moves in front of Qiu Shaoxian.”

Another Xian Shizong disciple said.

“Qiu Shaoxian, it was just that Cang Songyi, the head of the Lingyu Gate, fed it with a large amount of medicinal materials and elixir, but even so, compared to the Qin Yilai in front of him, it was still a big difference.” Ji Shixuan Qiong nose sneered dismissively.

The three immortal disciples heard the words and looked at Ji Shixuan strangely. They didn’t understand why this sister Si would not despise Qiu Shao to lift Qin Yi, even if Qin Yi saved her life, it didn’t have to be so. ?


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