The God of All Realms Starts with Harry Potter

Chapter 29

“To be honest, you always think that all teachers are saints.”

Ron said rudely, “I agree with Harry. I think Snape can do everything. But what is he looking for? What is the big dog watching?”

The four people’s exchanges were ultimately fruitless.

However, Hermione and Ye Ting thanked Harry and Ron for taking the initiative to tell them all. The fact that Ye Ting and Hermione encountered a giant monster on Halloween is well known in Hogwarts, and Harry and Ron were able to take the risk to tell them. They were also enthusiastic about the news that Snape might be the culprit.

Then Ron and Harry also invited them to watch Harry’s first Quidditch game.

Early the next morning, Ye Ting was taken to the court by the excited Zhang Qiu, on the grounds that he was observing his opponent to gather intelligence.

Hermione also came, and she made a few small flags painted with lions to show her support.

In fact, she didn’t support Gryffindor, but due to Draco Malfoy’s long-term discrimination against Muggles and his utterly eloquent comments about Ye Ting, Slytherin became her most annoying academy.

Ye Ting cast a magic on the small flag, and the lions on the flag moved. They walked up and down in the flag anxiously, and made majestic roars from time to time.

Ron and a few Gryffindors who had been to the stadium early saw such flags and rushed forward. They spent a few Sicos to buy these flags.

“Before the next Quidditch match, we will do more to earn pocket money.” Ye Ting quietly said to Hermione, who nodded with a smile.

By eleven o’clock, it seemed that all the teachers and students of the school had come to the stands around the Quidditch Stadium. Many students also brought binoculars.

The seats were almost raised to mid-empty, but sometimes it was still difficult to see the game.

Mrs. Hooch in the flight class judged Quidditch. She stood in the middle of the court, holding her flying broomstick in her hand, waiting for the players from both sides to arrive.

“Listen, I hope everyone will participate in the game fairly and honestly.” She said as soon as the players gathered around her. Her words seemed to be specifically addressed to Marcus Flint, the captain of the Slywood team and sixth grader. The Slytherin team often resorts to dirty tricks in the game, and Flint is especially true.

Madam Hooch blew her silver whistle vigorously.

Fifteen flying broomsticks rose from the ground and rose high into the sky. The game started.

Item 0047

“Ghost Flying Ball was immediately snatched by Gryffindor’s Angelina John-what a good chaser that girl is, and she looks very charming -“


“I’m sorry, Professor.”

Lee Jordan is a friend of the Weasley twin brothers. He is under the close supervision of Professor McGonagall as the commentator of the game.

The game was quite fierce at the beginning-of course, only in the eyes of everyone except Ye Ting. Gryffindor scored the goal from the start, it was Angelina John who scored, while Harry Potter was patrolling high in the sky, looking for the Golden Snitch.

Soon he noticed that a golden light flew past Derian Pushey’s left ear, causing him to miss the ghost fly ball.

Harry was so excited that he ran after him, but soon, Slytherin’s Seeker Higgins also found the target, and the two chased side by side.

The chasers seemed to have forgotten what they should do, hovering in the air one by one, watching.

Harry was faster than Higgins, but his opponent had other helpers—Marcus Flint deliberately slammed into Harry. Harry’s broomstick violently deviated from the direction, but he firmly grasped it.

“Foul!” the Gryffindors shouted.

Madam Hooch angrily blamed Flint, and then ordered the Gryffindor team to take a free kick at the goal post. But in the chaos, the Golden Snitch disappeared from sight again.

The game started again, and Harry searched for the Golden Snitch again, but when he dodges another swish ball that flew over his scalp, an accident happened.

Suddenly, his broomstick shook terribly.

For a moment, he thought he was going to fall. He grasped the broomstick tightly with both hands and clamped it tightly between his knees.

Harry tried to turn to the goal post of the Gryffindor team. He planned to tell Wood to suspend the game-then he found that his broomstick was completely out of control.

He can’t make it turn around, can’t direct it.

Flying broomstick turned left and right and shuttled in the air, swaying violently from time to time with “swooshing”, and almost fell him from above.

This time it was Slytherin’s turn to score, and the Slytherins cheered.

No one seemed to notice that Harry’s flying broom behaved abnormally.

The broom twitched and twisted wildly all the way, slowly and higher and higher to keep Harry away from the arena.

But soon, everyone in the stands noticed Harry upward. His broomstick started to churn and roll, and Harry could barely support it from falling.

Suddenly, there was another crazy twist of the flying broomstick, and Harry was thrown off by it. He now grabs the broomstick with only one hand and hangs it in the air.

He almost fell.

“There is a problem with Harry’s broom!” someone shouted.

Ron looked at the opposite stand with his binoculars, and then said to Hagrid next to him in horror, “I knew it was Snape.”

Snape stood in the middle of the stands opposite them. He fixed his eyes on Harry, muttering silently.

“He’s messing around—chanting a curse on Flying Broomstick,” he cried out, then ran in Snape’s direction.

On the Ravenclaw side of the stand, Hermione also noticed something wrong.

“Ye, find a way to save him.” She tugged at the corner of Ye Ting’s clothes.

Ye Ting nodded and drew out his wand to point to Harry’s broom. The next moment, the light wheel 2000 no longer flew around, but it still kept shaking, as if someone on both sides was using it to tug of war. .

And Harry was finally able to stabilize himself, and he crawled back onto the broom with effort.

“Someone is casting a spell on the broomstick.” Ye Ting said to Hermione while trying to control the broomstick with his wand.

“I can feel that at least two people besides me are doing this. I’m sure one of them wants to kill Harry and the other is protecting him.”

“I’ll find out who it is.” Hermione took Zhang Qiu’s binoculars and looked back and forth at the opposite stand.

Suddenly, she let out a scream. It turned out that there was an accident in the stands diagonally opposite. Snape, who was chanting words, was pushed by Ron, who was suddenly rushed, and fell onto the nearby snakes, Slytherin’s. The stands are in a mess.

As soon as Snape’s spell was interrupted, the balance that Harry had maintained on his broomstick was broken.

The broom went out of control immediately, and Harry had to watch the broom dive him towards the ground.

“There’s really no way, I have to use the last trick.” Ye Ting shook his head helplessly, but a smirking smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

He chanted another spell, and Harry was about to be hit by a broomstick on the ground when a blue magic hit him.

He was saved now—but not in the way he wanted.

The magic caused his body to inflate in an instant, turning it into a big balloon. His body shape has become several times larger than before, and his clothes and pants are stretched out at once. Although Harry, who had turned into a balloon, hit the ground, he was only bounced and suffered no injuries.

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