The God of All Realms Starts with Harry Potter

Chapter 23

According to the gossip, Malfoy lost his temper in the common room and then wrote several long letters to the family.

Of course, I just mentioned another recent news, that is, the famous savior Harry Potter was exceptionally admitted by Gryffindor and became a seeker.

But with Ye Ting Zhuyu in front, the news did not cause much sensation in other colleges. Only the little lions of Gryffindor were happy for him.

But on the second day after the news came out, the joy of the little lions turned into anger.

Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, and Neville Longbottom were caught by Filch during the night tour, and each of them deducted 10 points from Gryffindor.

When eating breakfast, Ye Ting could hear the loud noises of the Weasley brothers across several rows of tables: George and Fred kept praising them for their three night tours, saying they were so cool. , And asked Harry why he didn’t bring them; but Percy was furious at Ron and said that he wanted to write to his mother to report all this.

On the Slytherin side, Malfoy and his two followers laughed together, as if they had succeeded in trickery.

Ye Ting knew why. In the original book, Malfoy also invited Harry and him to a duel between wizards in the prize showroom at midnight. But it was just a bait. Harry and Ron ran to find him in the middle of the night after hearing what he said, only to be caught by Filch.

But unlike now, Hermione followed them in the original book, and then they escaped by mistake. Perhaps it was the butterfly effect caused by Hermione being assigned to Ravenclaw now, and Harry did not escape Filch this time.

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Ye Ting was adding meat sauce to the fried noodles. Anthony Goldstein next to him stabbed him, and quietly gossiped in his ear: “Hey, great genius, have you heard? The three of them went to Si last night. It’s so bold to explore the forbidden corridor in the building. When will we sneak in to take a look?”

Before Ye Ting could reply, Hermione on the other side interjected: “I heard, Anthony! How could you encourage him to do this? This will cause us to deduct points from the academy.”

“Oh, Hermione, can you stop being so disappointed?” Terry Butt next to him was a little helpless.

They agreed that Hermione was good in everything, but too serious and too nosy.

“Yes, great genius, please take care of your’little girlfriend’.” Michael Kona also booed aside.

“I’m not her little girlfriend!” Hermione flushed with anger, but when she said this, her voice was a little quiet, and her eyes were also moving up and down Ye Ting, obviously lacking confidence.

“Well, Hermione, everyone just discuss it, don’t be so serious.” Ye Ting put down the fork in his hand and touched the girl’s thick long hair to comfort him. He was already very skilled in this action.

Hermione was obedient and silent immediately, which made Ye Ting a little strange-since the accident in the flight class, this situation had happened several times, and every time Ye Ting could easily appease the angry Hermione.

But before, every time Hermione would argue with him for a while, she didn’t stop until Ye Ting was speechless.

On the other side, Zhang Qiu smoothly shifted the topic of discussion: “Who knows what’s in that corridor? I heard that many senior seniors sneak in to explore, but they never tell me what they have found. .”

“There is a three-headed dog.” Penello, who was sitting across from Ye Ting, answered the question.

Now she is also a member of this small group, often staying with Ye Ting, Hermione and Zhang Qiu.

“I also tried to sneak into the corridor to take risks before, but I was stopped by a three-headed dog. The big dog was much taller than me, and it was grinning and terrifying. Although it was loud and loud most of the time. Sleep, but one head is always awake. By the way, I found a trapdoor on the floor where the three-headed dog was lying on its stomach. I think the secret is in that trapdoor.”

Then, she lowered her voice and whispered quietly: “I heard that during the summer vacation, Dumbledore summoned Professor McGonagall, Professor Flitwick, Professor Sprout, Professor Snape, and Professor Quirrell. Hagrid built a level-breaking game there together, and everyone designed a level.”

“Is this true? Why are they doing this?” Hermione was in disbelief.

“I guess, there is definitely something hidden there that you don’t want people to get.” Zhang Qiu said with some certainty: “Otherwise, I wouldn’t have spent so much effort using levels to stop others.”

“I think so.”

“I think so too.”

Others agreed.

But Ye Ting, who was a traverser, put forward different opinions.

“I think this is a trap deliberately set by Professor Dumbledore.” Then he explained: “If Professor Dumbledore wants to hide something, he can hide it on his own. Know the place.”

“But now, Professor Dumbledore’s choice is to put things in that corridor and tell everyone that no entry is clear. This is obviously telling others: there is a secret here. Professor Dumbledore invited the professors to build the level together. The news has spread, which further supports this conclusion: Professor Dumbledore himself does not want to conceal the secret, and it is even possible that he just wants to let everyone know what is hidden there.”

“The role of checkpoints lies in screening. Normal students can’t pass the checkpoints. Only those who can pass the checkpoints can discover what he hides, and this is his purpose.”

Having said this, he paused on purpose. Around him, three girls and three roommates all cast expectations and approval glances at him, so he continued.

“I think these levels may be Professor Dumbledore’s test of us. I hope that students can pass these levels to conduct a practical assessment.”

“Another possibility is that these levels are used to catch thieves. The thief wanted to steal from Dumbledore, and the professor used these levels to set up traps and put what the thieves wanted as bait into the trap. In. The thief will probably think that these levels are just Dumbledore’s anti-theft measures. In fact, the levels are just a disguise. The ultimate goal is to attract the thief’s attention and make the thief believe that what he wants to steal is there-everyone I believe that the more precious things are protected, the better. If the thief does break into the level, then he will be fooled because Dumbledore wants to draw him out.”

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Ye Ting’s analysis made everyone suddenly realize that although they still had some doubts about whether Dumbledore would arrange a conspiracy trap, they generally believed Ye Ting’s rhetoric.

However, the point of “testing students” caught their attention all at once.

The three roommates got together and muttered for a while, then turned to Ye Ting and said that the three of them were ready to go together to challenge the level in the corridor.

“We won’t take you.” Anthony explained to Ye Ting: “Your strength is too strong. With you, all kinds of troubles can be solved, so what’s the use of us?”

Upon hearing this, Hermione sneered sharply: “If you want to show your ability, don’t refer to Ye Ting’s homework every day.”

These words just hit their painful feet and ran them so speechlessly. It took a long time to suffocate one or two excuses like “Too much homework” and “The wizard’s is not a copy”.

So Anthony, Terry and Michael left with their trays in disgrace.

After a while, Hermione suddenly said to Ye Ting quietly, “Or…or let’s find time to see the corridor. I also want to try Professor Dumbledore’s test.”

Sure enough, it was Hermione. As soon as she encountered exams, quizzes, and the like, she would become more sensitive, and she would try to compete for the first place.

So he readily agreed, because he himself did have some interest in the Philosopher’s Stone hidden in the magic mirror.

Then, they invited Penello and Zhang Qiu to explore together. Penello expressed interest and could go with them again, but Zhang Qiu refused.

“I hate those terrible magical creatures.” She explained: “I feel scared at the thought of the three-headed dog with grin and drool, so don’t call me.”

When referring to the time of action, Ye Ting gave another idea: “I don’t think we need to rush to explore, because we don’t even know what else there is besides the three-headed dog. I think we should find and deal with the three-headed dog first. The method of the head dog, and then make plans.”

“In other words, we should go to the library. I remember that there is a “Monster Book of Monsters” that records many dangerous magical creatures. It is very likely that this animal will be mentioned.” Hermione analyzed.

In response, Ye Ting nodded and said yes, but he said, “Actually, there is a more direct way, that is to find the designer of this level and get more clues from him. Among the professors who came here, who would treat the three-headed dog as a checkpoint?”

After the three were silent for a second, they gave the answer in unison.

“It’s Hagrid!”

The three girls suddenly realized, and immediately reacted, and then cast admiring glances at Ye Ting.

“You are really witty.”

“I actually thought of thinking from this perspective.”

Ye Ting waved his hand modestly, and then suggested: “Now let’s not move. On the one hand, we can check the habits of the three-headed dog in the library, and on the other hand we can find the opportunity to ask about it from Hagrid.”

In fact, Ye Ting felt that he was now capable of reaching the end of the level alone.

He has read the original and knows what the levels are.

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