The Giant Creator

Chapter 7 - Episode [007] Episode: Hero or Devil?

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“Turn Leeds into a giant-Mad Loya!”-The Yorkshire Post

“Crazy Loya enters Elland Road, Leeds United carrier is about to set sail!”-“Leeds Metropolis Daily”

“The most loyal fans buy Leeds, he represents the will of the majority of fans!”-“Yorkshire Evening News”

“New City Hero-Crazy Roya!”-“Leeds United”

In Yorkshire, major newspapers have reported Zhong Cheng’s acquisition of Leeds United, and almost all support Zhong Cheng. This moment detonated the entire Yorkshire, all Leeds United fans praised each other.

Everything that Zhong Cheng has done for Leeds as the most loyal fans of Leeds United, all Leeds fans are watching. Although Zhong Cheng ’s previous behavior was a bit silly, Zhong Cheng ’s heart for Leeds United, that The affection deeply impressed every Leeds United fan.

When the news of [the craziest fan in history] came out, countless Leeds fans worshipped Zhong Cheng as an idol and as a god. Now Zhong Cheng has acquired Leeds United and saved Leeds United among the fire and water. The fans of Leeds United have cast their grounds at Zhong Cheng and shouted for Zhong Cheng.

The fans of Leeds United are full of hope for the prospects of Leeds United. They firmly believe that under the leadership of Crazy Loya, Leeds United will create new glories.

The excited Leeds United fans posted their excitement on the official website of Leeds United, expressing their support for Zhong Cheng and Leeds United.

“Crazy Loya’s arrival has shown me hope. He is the most loyal fan of Leeds United, and he has all of us together. Leeds United will become a team led by fans, she will Head in the direction we most expect. Long live Loya, long live Leeds! “-Captain Leeds

“To build Leeds United into a giant, this sentence is to see the urine! Crazy Loya is powerful and domineering, Leeds United is about to fly Huang Tengda! We love you, crazy Loya, you are our beacon, and even more Our patron saint! “— Jackson who loves you

“Loa has arrived, can the championship be far behind?”-A small soldier before the general

“The leaderless white army has finally ushered in her legion leader, Crazy Roya! Crazy Luoya is the best commander. He is the only hope for the rise of the White Army. Under his leadership, our White Army will be invincible. No disadvantages! The great commander of the Legion, Lord Loya, Lieutenant Edward, First Lieutenant of the White Corps, pays you his highest respect! “—— Lieutenant First Lieutenant of the White Corps

“Bad my brother! Crazy Loya really bought us Leeds, and even bought Karma, is this the rhythm of Leeds United to take off? Lord Loya, rest assured, I bought the package this season, brother I must go to the scene to support you! “—— Alice

“Just by the name of Crazy Loya, Leeds United must rise!”-Jack’s son

“Unconditionally support Loya! Loya is synonymous with us, and Loya has brilliance. Leeds United, go forward!”-Leeds service help

Leeds United ’s official website was almost crowded by these passionate fans. The official website was full of praise for Zhong Cheng ’s comments. Zhong Cheng has an extremely sacred position in the hearts of Leeds ’fans.

In addition to the Internet, in reality there are also many Leeds fans who support Zhong Cheng. In order to show their support for Zhong Cheng, the fans of Leeds United spontaneously took to the streets and held up the flag of “Supporting Loya, Long live Loya” to express their truest thoughts.

Fans of Leeds United who marched on the street also composed a song for Zhong Cheng, singing while walking:

“We have crazy Roya,

We are not afraid of anything!

All Leeds fans have come to keep up with Loya,

Let ’s go to the world together,

To create the most beautiful flourishing prosperity! A

This has attracted countless media reports, Zhong Cheng’s reputation in Yorkshire is getting better and better, he has become a **** in the eyes of Leeds fans.


“The biggest joke of the century has turned Leeds into a giant!” —— The London Evening Standard

“Self-digging the grave, Leeds United is about to be buried in the hands of a lunatic!”-“The Liverpool Echo”

“We will be the giants of the English-African League-Madman Loya!”-“Manchester Evening News”

“The most idiot lunatic in history-Loya, the lunatic!”-The Sun

“Crazy Loya takes over, Leeds United is about to usher in the darkest era!” — The Mirror

Contrary to Yorkshire’s praise, almost all non-Leeds fans are not optimistic about Leeds United. They believe that Zhong Cheng’s admission is the biggest sadness of Leeds United. Letting a lunatic and an idiot lead the team is simply since Dig a grave.

And the most sad thing is that the Leeds are unaware of themselves, and they are still in a illusory dream, unable to extricate themselves.

Fans from all parts of the British mainland have ironically mocked Zhong Cheng. In their opinion, how can Zhong Cheng, a hypocritical and mentally retarded lunatic, be able to run a club well, Zhong Zhong’s IQ, it takes effort to eat, and also runs the team. It’s just a joke.

Fans from all over the place are expressing their opinions, they are the most true response written on the online social platform.

“Is that [the craziest fan in history] the lunatic? I even bought Karma and he bought Leeds United? Amen, my benevolent Lord, may God be with Leeds!”-Captain Jack

“Ha ha ha ha ha ha! Is this true? This joke is not funny at all. Just the fool who surrounded the rich can buy Leeds United? Hell!”-The blue sky

“The first thought of seeing this news is unbelief, the second thought is still unbelieving, the third thought is still unbelieving, the fourth thought, Liz United, I wish you good luck!” —— The Lord of the Rings

“Crazies and Leeds are a perfect match. The English-African league is yours. Leeds will go, don’t send them!”-I am a red demon

“I can only say that the world is changing too fast, and I can no longer keep up with the pace. A hooligan who blocks the rich, a lunatic with a negative IQ, how can he buy Leeds United, are the Leeds really stupid?” — — Indifferent to everything

“Well! It turned out to be the craziest fan in history. He actually bought Leeds United. This time, Leeds is going to be unlucky. Do we have to celebrate ahead of time, the demise of Leeds?”-My heart red

“It’s really a world full of wonders. Loya Loya even bought Leeds United. I want to know, where did Loya Loya ’s money come from? Was Loya Loya found a rich man who was willing to pay for him? Is there such a fool in this world? And when it’s just two, I am really convinced! “-I watch the night scene in London

“Loya is mentally retarded. Leeds are more retarded than Loya, and the identification is complete!”-Dr. Diana

There are many such remarks on the Internet, and even some worse comments on the Internet. At this time, Zhong Cheng once again became the laughingstock of the British mainland. Once again, these people were pulled out of the whip corpse. These people sneered at Zhong Cheng fiercely, and found Zhong Cheng’s unprecedented superiority.人 These people are now waiting to see Zhong Cheng’s joke, they think Zhong Cheng can not even persist for a month.


At this time, major TV stations are rushing to report this news, and even the TV sports channel has established a special section to talk about Zhong Cheng’s acquisition of Leeds United.

The show is not only to invite some famous football players to express their views, but also to randomly interview some fans or the crowd on the street, it is simply entertainment for all.

At this time, Sky Sports invited Gerald Krasner, the former chairman of Leeds United.

Gerald Krasner served as chairman of Leeds United before Zhong Cheng took over, but resigned and left Leeds after Zhong Cheng took over.

Sky Sports wanted to know the inside story, so they found Gerald Krasner and asked for an interview.

In an interview with Sky Sports, Gerald Krasner said this: “I have no intention of selling Leeds United. Although we have been downgraded, we are still a good team and have very strong The famous team, we are not short of anything, it is lack of funds! “

Gerald Klasner continued: “At the beginning of the year, I persuaded a group of rich people in Leeds to form a consortium and acquire Leeds United. This is not a group of visionary investors, they are too focused on the front Then they are hopeful that the team can relegate. “

Gerald Krasner sighed and said, “But after the team was relegated, after the team was relegated, these tyrants lost their confidence in the team and did not see the hope of cost recovery. They thought Leeds United It’s finished, so they hurriedly wanted to shoot the team. “

Gerald Krasner groaned and continued: “Unless I didn’t know, they actually contacted the buyer. It wasn’t until yesterday morning that I knew that they were carrying everything I had talked about and they were overhead. Got me, and sold the team to that lunatic in my presence! “

Gerald Krasner’s disdain at this time: “I dare to assert that this is a very bad decision, this decision is even more disastrous for Leeds. Loya may be the most loyal fans of Leeds, He has a deep affection for Leeds United, but in terms of running the team, he is completely a layman and he knows nothing. Such a person can run a club, I don’t believe it! “

Gerald Klasner also said: “From Loya’s style of behavior, we can see that he is a somewhat treacherous, crazy, pitiful, and emotional person. He has no plan, no vision, no Wisdom, can such a person lead Leeds to success? Ha ha! “

Gerald Krasner said that he finally laughed lightly, and facing the camera, he said decisively: “I dare to conclude that Leeds has no future under the leadership of Loya, and will even fall into endless. abyss!”

From here, you can hear Gerald Krasner’s unwillingness. Perhaps he never thought about leaving Leeds United, but in the end he went to be ruthlessly abandoned by the consortium behind him.

Gerald Krasner continued: “I wouldn’t believe Loya. Someone once said that the more I like it, the more I won’t let others touch. Loya loves Leeds to the extreme, and he can’t Tolerate other people’s touch on Leeds, Leeds will be regarded as his private property, his personal toys, at that time, it will be a nightmare for all Leeds. “

It can be seen that Gerald Krasner is a firm Zhong Chenghei, and every sentence he says here is directed at Hei Zhongcheng.

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