The General’s Wife of the Buddhist Family

Chapter 5

Chapter 4: Set meals go to the pier to sell food.

“The wages are not low, but the job is not something everyone can afford.” Zhao added, “I have to work for five or six hours when I get up early and greedy the dark.”

After finishing talking, Zhao confessed to Boss Chu again: “Don’t think about doing it anymore. Don’t forget that you’ve gotten sick just because you’re tired of doing this work. Counting inside and out, the cost of taking medicine is more expensive than that. You make a lot more money.”

Boss Chu also seemed to think of his body, his expression dimmed.

Luo Jianjia thought, Boss Chu can’t do it, she can.

“Can anyone do this job?” Luo Jianjia asked.

Chu Lao Dadao: “That’s not the case. You have to check your body and check your identity and household registration before you work.”

Hearing this, Luo Jianjia’s eyes were also gloomy for an instant, isn’t it just going to work hard? How could it be so troublesome. Thinking about this, Luo Jianjia asked.

“Why is it like this?”

Zhao knew about this problem and said, “We have many merchants here, and the things are expensive. The court is afraid that someone would try to fish in troubled waters and pretend to be a dock worker and stole things during delivery. After all, Not only does this require delivery, but you also have to follow to the next county. It’s impossible to tell on the way.”

After Luo Jianjia learned of this, he immediately stopped thinking about it.

Even though she has a serious identity, she is a woman, but the gender will bring her down.

Moreover, even if she passed the blunder, Boss Chu and Zhao’s side would not be easy to explain.

She didn’t take this idea as her only hope, and then she asked about the next thing: “I saw there is a pergola over there, there are noodle shops, there are a lot of people coming and going, business must be good, right?”

Chu Lao Dadao: “The herbal tea business is good. Businessmen who come and go like to sit there and rest, and sometimes get a lot of silver rewards. A bowl of noodles is three cents, and some steamed buns are worth one cent, and some are worth two cents. The noodle business is better.”

Luo Jianjia asked a few more questions later, and got a general understanding of the things on the dock.

Although she has a little regret for not being able to do physical work, there is no way to go, and she can do other things. For example, go to a stall and cook some food. If it succeeds, it is naturally excellent. If it does not succeed, then think of other ways.

Although she thought so in her mind, Luo Jianjia didn’t say much to Chu Boss and Zhao.

After a while, Luo Jianjia went back to the house and rested for a while and then began to wonder what to sell.

In the yard, Boss Chu is chatting with Zhao.

“Don’t do it, you just got off the ground at noon, this is a bench again, so tired.” Zhao said.

Mr. Chu laughed and said, “I’m not tired or tired, I don’t know what’s going on today, I feel strong all over my body.”

Zhao originally wanted to refute Boss Chu, but when he reached his lips, he changed his words and said, “Don’t tell me, I also feel that I have been a little stronger in these two days. I wondered, maybe I feel better when I feel better. ”

Boss Chu looked at his wife’s eyes, knowing what she was talking about, and whispered: “Everything is going on at home and everything is right, you don’t listen to anything next door.”

Zhao said: “I know.”

Later, when Boss Chu and Zhao said something she didn’t hear clearly, she heard Boss Chu and Zhao say that they were powerful. Recently, she is very sensitive to the word “force”. After passing through, she inexplicably becomes a strong man.

However, she didn’t connect these two people’s words with herself. After listening to them, she continued to think about her own problems.

After getting up early the next morning, Luo Jianjia went to the kitchen to cook again.

Zhao refused again, but when his daughter-in-law insisted, he didn’t say more. After all, I ate the meal cooked by my daughter-in-law yesterday, and I still look forward to it.

Luo Jianjia didn’t disappoint Zhao, and this time he fried vegetable cakes.

Seeing the contented faces of Boss Chu and Zhao, Luo Jianjia thought that if you put more oil and more eggs, it would be more delicious. However, nowadays the family is struggling, and she is not easy to let go.

Boss Chu and Zhao went to the ground again today, while Luo Jianjia went to the dock. She watched at the dock for a long time, and then asked again, until noon when she watched her work and solved the lunch problem, she went back.

When she waited until the next day, she rushed over to eat.

After watching it for a few days, she probably knew it.

There is a lot of work on the wharf, and there are a lot of merchant ships even for lunch. Workers mostly eat the steamed buns or buns brought by their homes and drink the water they bring. Some go to the side to buy some steamed buns and steamed buns, or eat bowls of noodles.

In addition to the workers at the docks, the merchants who go to and fro occasionally go to the tea shed to drink tea or eat bowls of noodles before leaving.

Nowadays, there are not many merchants selling food at the terminal, but it is a good opportunity to make money.

In order to eat a full meal as soon as possible, Luo Jianjia did what he said. In the morning of the next day, she went out after eating and cleaning up the house.

This time she did not go to the pier, but to the town.

The town is different from the desertedness of the village, it is lively and lively. Although it is not big, it has all the five internal organs and has all the commonly used things.

After Luo Jianjia went around the town, he went to the grain shop.

Although the original owner didn’t do anything, he still had some money on hand, about 500 wen.

Misanwen costs a catty. Luo Jianjia originally wanted to buy 20 catties. However, after weighing the weight of 20 catties, he changed his mind and bought 50 catties directly.

The guy was about to ask if she needed to send her to where she was, when he saw Luo Jianjia lift up fifty catties of rice very easily, turned around and left.

The man really didn’t expect that this beautiful, delicate and fragile woman would have such a great strength, and she hadn’t recovered for a long time.

For the first time, Luo Jianjia felt that his strength had such a great benefit. Carrying fifty catties of rice with one hand was like carrying five catties of cotton.

As a result, when others looked at her so relaxed appearance, they would never think that there was fifty catties of rice in it, but only felt that it was something light like straw. So the villagers didn’t ask much when they saw her carrying the bag.

If the villagers knew that there was so much rice in her bag, they would definitely have to say something. After all, everyone knows the situation of Mr. Chu. Most of his son is dead and he has no money.

Luo Jianjia returned home leisurely in this manner.

After a while later, the boss Chu and the Zhao clan returned from the field, Luo Jianjia announced his decision.

“Daddy, my daughter-in-law plans to cook some food and sell it on the dock.”

Boss Chu and Zhao had never done business before, and they didn’t expect their daughter-in-law would come up with this idea. For a while, I didn’t know what to say.

After a moment of silence, Zhao said, “How can this business be so easy to do. I heard that you can’t make much money in one month of selling noodles.”

“Daughter-in-law is going to try first. If she can earn money, she will do it, and she will not do it if she does not.” Luo Jianjia said in a relaxed tone.

At this time, Boss Chu spoke: “Did you go home and ask your father-in-law?”

Luo Jianjia wanted to say no, but after carefully pondering what Boss Chu said, he understood what he meant. Although the original owner’s father is very unreliable, he is a business man, and he opened a shop in the town to sell groceries in the early years.

People who do business in ordinary farming are somewhat different, and many people think he has the ability.

Thinking about it this way, Luo Jianjia said: “I have asked, my father said it is feasible.”

Boss Chu nodded and said, “Well, since the father-in-law said so, you can give it a try.”

Zhao’s was obviously also persuaded, but she was more concerned about other questions: “What do you want to sell?”

“Sell stir-fried vegetables and rice.” Luo Jianjia said.

“Isn’t it similar to a restaurant? That’s too much trouble, where to go for cooking?” Zhao asked immediately.

“Fry it at home and take it over.” Luo Jianjia said.

Later, Luo Jianjia explained it to Boss Chu and Zhao. After a quarter of an hour, the two finally understood. However, the method Luo Jianjia said was so novel that both of them felt that they had no bottom, fearing that she would not be able to sell it and would lose money.

“Brother Leng, your cooking is really fragrant, but will the portion be too small and no one will buy it?” Zhao asked.

To put it bluntly, Luo Jianjia actually wants to sell set meals. One rice, two dishes.

“The portion of the dishes is small but the variety is large. I cook two dishes a day and the amount of rice is sufficient.” Luo Jianjia said.

After all, Boss Chu had worked at the wharf. Hearing these words, he asked: “How is the price calculated?”

“Two cents for one. There is one rice, two dishes, and free boiled water.”

Luo Jianjia observed on the dock, and the best seller was the thick noodle steamed buns, two for a penny, followed by steamed buns for one penny. The noodles are also patronized, but because the price is higher, most of them are eaten by merchants.

If she wants to sell to people working on the dock, the price must not be too high.

Therefore, she intends to take the path of small profits but quick turnover.

Hearing the price, Zhao was relieved, and said, “It’s not expensive.”

Luo Jianjia said: “Well, rice costs three cents per catty, and you can sell three or four copies per catty. Green vegetables cost two catties per catty, and celery, eggplant, and leeks are all one cent per catty. Plus firewood money, oil and salt sauce. It is expected that the cost is about one and a half cents, and one can make half a penny. If the labor costs are included, then it won’t make money.”

Luo Jianjia couldn’t do this by himself. Boss Chu and Zhao both had to help. It really counted the labor costs of the three people. If you sell too little, you will lose money.

Boss Chu and Zhao were stunned.

“What’s the labor cost? Both my father and I can help. We don’t need to hire people. Also, we don’t need to buy any food at home. For firewood, your father can go to the mountain to pick up some.” road.

Indeed, according to Zhao’s algorithm, the cost is spent on rice and oil and salt sauce, and one can make about one cent.

Luo Jianjia said: “Well, what my mother said is right, but my daughter-in-law is calculated according to the cost of the town. Like the three of us, everyone in the town can earn about five cents a day, vegetables and firewood. It is also calculated according to the price in the town.”

The Zhao family wanted to ask again. Boss Chu quietly grabbed her and decided: “You can try, there is not much work in the field, and your mother and I can help.”

Later, he asked Zhao to get money for Luo Jianjia and buy rice in the town.

Luo Jianjia said, “Don’t worry, my daughter-in-law has already bought it.”

“Ah? How can you spend your money, how much you spend, mother will take it for you.”

In their eyes, the daughter-in-law is their own family when they marry, and Hua’s daughter-in-law’s dowry will be looked down upon.

“No need, my daughter-in-law wants to try it first. If this business can be done, it won’t be too late for you to give money again.”

Luo Jianjia’s tone and eyes are very firm, making people believe her unconsciously. They always live in the same family, and they won’t be hungry for their daughter-in-law. Give up the money.

Later, Luo Jianjia asked Boss Chu and Zhao to prepare some tables and benches for the guests to sit on, as well as plates, spoons, chopsticks and so on.

When preparing, Zhao asked Boss Chu quietly: “Why didn’t you let me ask clearly? Brother Leng’s daughter-in-law has never done business, what if I lose money?”

Boss Chu said: “We don’t understand business matters. Her family has done business, and she knows more than us. My father-in-law said it is feasible, presumably there is no problem, let’s wait and see.”

Zhao suddenly realized: “You are right, no wonder I don’t understand it.”

Boss Chu sighed and said, “Now that Brother Leng is still alive and dead, the family’s money is almost exhausted, if we can make some money.”

Thinking of his son, the light in Zhao’s eyes suddenly fell, and his eye sockets quickly became wet.

“I don’t know if he is still alive…”

Boss Chu was silent for a long time, and said in a deep voice, “Brother Leng is dead, and he will definitely be alive.”

Since they learned that they were going to sell food, Boss Chu and Zhao were even more nervous than Luo Jianjia. They asked Luo Jianjia whether the chopsticks were suitable for a while, and then asked her whether the spoon would work.

After preparing for two days, the Zhao clan got up early on the day when it was officially sold.

Luo Jianjia was very calm, and did not rush to make breakfast. After breakfast, he began to prepare the food to be sold.

She didn’t dare to make more for fear that it would not be sold out, so she steamed five catties of rice.

Smelling the fragrant rice, Boss Chu and Zhao looked a little different, and their eyes were full of eagerness.

Not to mention them, even Luo Jianjia felt eager to eat, but she resisted it.

She is not in a hurry at this time, when the business starts, she will be able to eat.

Later, Luo Jianjia started cooking.

The folks picking, washing, and cutting vegetables were done with the help of Mr. Chu and Mr. Zhao, and Luo Jianjia made the last cooking.

Originally, Zhao wanted to take on this job, and was afraid that Luo Jianjia would not be able to stir so many dishes with her thin arms and legs. However, when she saw her frying freely, it seemed very relaxed, so she didn’t say any more. However, I also thought in my heart that the strength of my daughter-in-law was not small.

Luo Jianjia didn’t know what Zhao was thinking, she was very happy now.

Now her strength is too great. When frying the weight of three people, she must be careful every time, for fear of poking a hole in the pot or breaking the shovel. There are a lot of dishes now, and there are so many sprinkles.

Today she fried three dishes, one is celery, one is eggplant, and the other is pickles. Zhao’s pickled vegetables were too salty. Luo Jianjia reprocessed it a bit, put some oil in the pan, put some chili, and fry it. The taste was different from before.

After doing this, Luo Jianjia was full of the smell of oily smoke.

Seeing that it was almost noon, the three people pushed the small cart in the corner and placed two tables. They put rice, two pots of vegetables, a jar of pickles, a bucket of water, bowls and chopsticks on it. Went to the pier.

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