The First Strong

Chapter 9 - See you in the playground

Dong Wenbin is not in the hospital.

His father is the big boss in the county. He thinks that he doesn’t say the young master. At least he has the head and face. The doctors and nurses must recognize him. This face is so obvious that he is kicked, and he is kicked out. Not to become a laughing stock in the county?

The county is so big, he doesn’t want to lose his face!

So he didn’t go to the hospital, didn’t go home, let the two of them go to another house in his house, and then got some ice to put on the pain.

In addition to not speaking, he also ordered the two horses not to say it, nor to tell his father about it.

If a sinking wave in the district is uncertain, do you want to ask the dad for help, and face it out? Still eager to self-proclaimed school tyrants?

But he must be revengeful!

Dong Wenbin will not come out again. In the morning, he called a few foreigners who knew outside. Let them wait outside and let Lin Yun bring the two waves out before the class.

In the attitude of Shen Lang’s morning, it is obvious that Dong Wenbin’s name cannot be called, so he directly used Dong Dawei’s name and said that he would disturb his parents.

Lin Yun and Li Rong were both blamed by Dong Wenbin for blaming the morning. They were also very wrong and angry. They thought that they would no longer underestimate the enemy, and they would be prepared to do so without the need for outsiders. Shen Lang packed up.

Unexpectedly, two people were taught a meal by licking their necks and returned without success!

In the afternoon, they didn’t have a face to go to school. If they couldn’t come out, they couldn’t openly swear at him. The three men discussed what better way, and did not expect the teacher to call. Dong Wenbin simply complained about it, thinking about letting the teacher learn the lessons of the waves.

However, the teacher did not believe that the three of them were beaten by Shen Lang. They thought that his wicked man had complained and implicitly warned him.

In this case, Dong Wenbin is certainly not reconciled. I was still planning in the afternoon, and I thought a lot of ideas to make waves.

In the evening, the teacher called again. He thought that he was going to go back to class, and he was preparing to take a tone and let the teacher severely criticize Shen Lang before returning to class.

As a result, Teacher Wang, the class teacher, waited for him to speak, and severely warned him to let them stop doing things, and not to provoke the waves, or the school would seriously deal with them!

This made Dong Wenbin depressed and almost dropped the phone!

When was he wronged by this, that is, the principal is also the guest of his father, and their family also donated a lot to the school. From the teacher to the principal, they all had his father’s red envelope.

So in general, he has any problems, but also implicit criticism, and now he is sternly warning him for the sake of Shen Lang!

Under his anger, Wang, who wanted to dial back and hang up his phone, and Lin Yun Li Rong both took him. The analysis said that the attitude of the teacher in the afternoon is not so good. It has changed so much in the middle of the day. Is there something wrong with Shen Lang?

Although they didn’t go to class, they had classmates who were familiar with them, whether they were in their own classes or in other classes. I also told them the information that Shen Lang could not find in one afternoon, but the news of Shen Lang’s return has not yet been passed.

When combined, they wondered if Shen Lang was going to commit suicide, and the teacher would become so severe.

Although today’s abnormal appearance of Shen Lang is not like a person who will commit suicide, but he dares to fight so boldly, maybe he is determined to commit suicide, even if he is not afraid of death, he is not afraid of them!

Dong Wenbin listened to it. It is only possible for this reason. If this is the case, he can accept it, prepare to press it first, and then make a decision after learning all the situations…

The deep waves in the classroom, like everyone else, have been self-study until 10 o’clock. In the morning, he continued to plan and review in order, but the speed was much faster than in the morning, and he also remembered what he had seen and could understand the financing.

But there is one thing that makes him a little distracted. There was a night of self-study, and he noticed that he was watching the rain several times!

The observation power of Shen Lang can now be far better than that of the average person. The first time, it seems that the squad leader is patrolling the whole class, watching classmates talking and playing mobile phones.

But after a few more times, he felt it. Although it was the gaze of the whole class, but the four-second scan, two seconds was on him!

He still does not think that this is a special concern for him. It is so good that he has nothing to do with him. He has nothing to do with him for three years. It should not be worried that Dong Wenbin will deal with him, or that his performance today is impressive.

When I think about it, perhaps she paid special attention to the conversation that Mr. Wang told him to go out. He might have heard the words of “I can’t bear it anymore”!

Shen Lang did not pay attention to him. He is an indirect warning to Dong Wenbin on this aspect.

On the other hand, just like the public goal in the morning, deliberately using these to explain his sudden change is the eruption of the road!

At the end of the tenth night, at the end of the self-study Shenlang’s mobile phone received a short message, which was sent by a strange number.

“After ten minutes, come to the playground flagpole.”

Nowadays, few people send short messages, strange numbers, and even more familiar classmates and friends.

Judging from what happened today, it is very likely that Dong Wenbin sent them and wanted to call him to the playground for revenge! After eating a loss, they will definitely be ready to go, possibly with weapons, and they will start directly without saying anything.

However, Shen Lang feels that it should not be them. The fools know that they will be wary of them. At least they must be sensible to be able to deceive people.

He moved in his heart and looked at the rain.

It was here that the rainy eyes were glanced over and still stayed at him. Under the eyes of the two men, she also slightly decapitated and immediately regained her sight.

is her?

Shen Lang slightly frowns, Dong Wenbin, they are not soft, just need to keep good and not make big problems, you can do it casually.

The snobby class teacher, Mr. Wang, is also a direct hard-top in the past, no need to care about their feelings.

But the rain, whether it is this morning or afternoon, is concerned about his safety. Even if this concern has nothing to do with personal relationships, it is only because of the responsibilities of the squad leader, but he is still grateful.

Combined with her previous attention, she can basically guess that she heard the words of him and the teacher and wanted to persuade him not to go to extremes.

If you don’t like her, you can only endure it.

Falling rain is the squad leader, knowing that his number is not strange, but this way, it is equal to let her know.

She did not come directly to call him, I did not want everyone to pay attention. It is said that after ten minutes, Shen Lang will clean up and go out first.

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