The First Assistant Teased Me and Gave Birth To a Cub

Chapter 1180

Chapter 1180: Tit For Tat

Chapter 1180 A **** for tat

Gu Yunjiao quickly thought that this must be the person Wanyan Zhang sent to protect her.

She was clinging to the window, nervously paying attention to the situation outside.

Gradually, Gu Yunjiao realized that the two men in black who were guarding the door couldn’t stand it anymore. After all, there were six people on the other side.

Gu Yunjiao was a little worried about the safety of the two of them, but she herself was not too panicked.

She has a medicine store, and when it really came to a critical moment, she hid in the medicine store, and no one could find her.

Some time ago, she tried it quietly while Yueniang was asleep. Even if she was holding Yueniang’s hand, she was the only one who entered the medicine store in the end.

At this moment, Gu Yunjiao suddenly heard a sound like raindrops getting louder and closer.

She stayed in the barracks for half a year, and soon judged that it was the sound of hooves.

Before she could understand what the sound of hooves was about, she saw the two people guarding the door fall one by one.

The next moment, Gu Yunjiao’s door was violently kicked open.

Gu Yunjiao picked up a chair and smashed it towards the door.

This time he threw it quite accurately, the man in black who rushed at the front covered his shoulders with an “ah”, and the man behind him bypassed him and rushed up.

Gu Yunjiao took a few steps back nervously. Just as the man in black behind him rushed up and stretched out his hand to grab her, she saw a flash of sword light, the man in black screamed, and the outstretched arm was pierced. Keegan cut off.

Then another knife went through the black man’s heart. Wanyan Zhang withdrew the knife in his hand, threw it casually, strode over, grabbed Gu Yunjiao and looked up and down, “Is there any damage?”

Gu Yunjiao shook her head.

At this time, behind Wanyan Zhang, the men in black were cut down one by one by Wanyan Zhang’s guards.

Wu Ting shouted, “Stay alive.”

Wanyanzhang watched the body of the man in black on the ground being dragged out, and hugged Gu Yunjiao, “I can’t live here anymore, follow me to the palace.”

Gu Yunjiao leaned against Wanyanzhang’s arms and had to nod her head.

Wanyan Zhang picked up Gu Yunjiao and got on the carriage, then returned to the palace.

After setting up Gu Yunjiao, Wanyan Zhang came out and asked Wu Ting, “Did you come up with anything?”

Wu Ting said: “These people are all good players in the rivers and lakes. They said that someone made a lot of money, and invited them to come—”

Speaking of this, Wu Ting glanced at Wanyan Zhang, “Abducted Miss Gu, and also ruined Miss Gu’s innocence.”

Wanyanzhang’s face was extremely cold, “Who is it?”

Wu Ting said: “They don’t know who it is, but it’s a young man.”

“The man gave them one thousand taels of silver, and he said that after the good deeds were accomplished, he would give one thousand more.”

“My subordinates have already asked. They originally agreed to meet in a certain house tomorrow. If they catch Miss Gu, they will give the rest of the money.”

“It’s just that the dark guard who protected Miss Gu sent a signal flare today, maybe they knew about it.”

Wanyan Zhang said coldly, “Anyway, lead someone to ambush nearby, catch the young man, and ask the mastermind behind it.”

Utin agreed and withdrew.

The next day, Wu Ting came over and reported to Wanyan Zhang: “The man was caught, and he was a small steward of the Mu Mansion. He confessed that everything was done by the Mu girl.”

Wanyan Zhang’s lips curled into a sneer, “Very good.”

“Tonight, you personally lead someone to sneak into the Mu Mansion and do to her what Mu Ying wants to do to Miss Gu.”

Wu Ting lowered his head, “Yes.”

That night, Wu Ting led someone to sneak into the Mu Mansion without a sound, and successfully tied Mu Ying out.

Muying was **** into zongzi, and her mouth was gagged.

Wu Ting threw her in a deserted room, and said in a harsh voice, “I’ll give you a reward.”

(end of this chapter)

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