The Female Protagonist of The Abuse Article Has a System Mother

Chapter 8

Chapter 7:


Seeing Xu Wenyin’s Xu Youyou, she abandoned the little boy and ran to her in an instant.

After successfully holding his mother’s hand, the little guy unwillingly pulled her to the boy: “Mom, tell him quickly, my name is Yoyo, not Xiaolu!”

Xu Wenyin: “…” Has this topic been over yet?

Just like that, Xu Wenyin doubted whether the little boy could understand her.

Not knowing what to think, she couldn’t help but glance at the boy.

It’s cute long.

His face is white and tender, which is unique to children. Although his facial features are still immature, he can see that every part is very delicate. As long as he does not mutate when he grows up, he is a handsome guy who will not run away.

The key is this little guy is still a little curly hair?

It doesn’t seem to be hot dyed but natural.

“Hahaha.” Another female voice came: “Sorry sorry.”

The person who came was a woman who looked about the same age as Xu Wenyin, but she was different from Xu Wenyin’s intellectual gentleness.

It’s not the kind of vulgar beauty. Seeing her, she doesn’t think of some messy things, but only feels aggression.

Beauty is very aggressive.

“I don’t know which two words the little beauty’s Yoyo is?”

Probably everyone has a love for beauty, even the system is no exception. Xu Wenyin answered this question naturally: “Youyou my heart.”

Green Zijin, Youyouwoxin.

This is the origin of Xu Youyou’s name, and it is also the name that the real Xu Wenyin chose for her daughter at the last moment.

It’s a pity that the person she was waiting for didn’t come in the end.

“Did you hear?” The unknown lady rubbed the boy’s curly hair: “It’s not Yo Yo Luming’s Yo Yo!”

– It turned out to be a misunderstanding of these two words.

In order to be a literate parent, Xu Wenyin had already imported the 300 ancient poems, the Book of Songs, and poets from different dynasties into her database, and she immediately understood the meaning of the person in front of her.

But does such a young child know the poem “Yo Yo Lu Ming”? This is genius!

Anyway, Xu Youyou definitely doesn’t know these two sentences, but she can understand that the boy made a mistake.

Before the word “forgiveness” in his heart came out, the little boy put away the book and stood up, looking straight at Xu Youyou.

“Little deer!”

There was a bit of stubbornness in the boy’s tone.

-It is exactly the same as the deer!

That’s what his eyes said.

The two adults present: “…”

Is there something wrong with this kid?

The strange feeling that Xu Wenyin had just noticed appeared again.

Logically, children’s eyes are clear and smart, but this boy’s eyes are very…

Probably similar to, you ordinary people, I am too lazy to talk to you.

It’s the look of a “genius”.

– Damn, what the **** is this kid pulling!

Xu Wenyin is upset, no one has ever been able to drag her in front of her!

The boy’s… should be his mother?

He seemed to have also discovered Xu Wenyin’s guess, and showed her a slightly apologetic smile.

She knew that as long as her son recognized one thing, it would be difficult to change it. She was very happy to see that he was willing to talk to a little girl.

did not expect…

The woman was about to pick up her son and take her away when Xu Youyou suddenly stepped forward.

He tilted his head and leaned in front of the boy’s face. The first reaction of ordinary people should be to take a step back, but the boy still stood there motionless.

I don’t know if I’m too lazy to move or not.

“Is it a nickname for Yoyo?”

Xu Youyou knows what nicknames are, and children in welfare institutions often take nicknames for each other.

For example, Huahua’s name is of course not these two words, but she likes things like flowers very much, and then she was called Huahua by a close friend at first, and then she became everyone.

Grandma Wu said that nicknames like this that are not meant to be ridiculed are taken between good friends, not a bad thing.

He nicknamed me – good friends – we are friends!

Xu Youyou’s mind instantly formed a line.

– I have friends!

The next second, the excited little girl blinked her eyes: “You call me Xiaolu, what should I call you? What’s your name?”

Not afraid of her son?

The woman’s eyes lit up instantly, and her original action immediately paused: “His name is Lu Chenjun, and he has a nickname called Juanjuan. You can call it another name, little beauty.”


Xu Youyou instantly looked up and saw Lu Chenjun’s curly hair, like a baa sheep, so cute.

“Curly, can I touch your hair?”

My mother said that if you want to do it, you should do it boldly. It is one thing if you succeed or not. If you don’t do it, you will never succeed.

Now Xu Youyou wanted to touch the curly hair, but she also knew that this matter needed the consent of the curly hair, so she asked directly.


Before Lu Chenjun could answer, his mother decided for him first.

“Okay, Yoyo, right, you can touch it, Juanjuan won’t mind.”

Rather than saying it doesn’t matter, it’s better to say it doesn’t matter.

Lu Chenjun is a very well-behaved child. If you let him eat, he will eat, if he is allowed to sleep, he will sleep. If he is given a book, he can sit and read without moving for an afternoon. It can be said that it is very easy to support.

However, this kind of behavior is not right.

Qin Yiren’s smiling face couldn’t help but flash a trace of sadness. If she had a choice, she didn’t want her child to be so obedient at all, it’s perfectly fine to be naughty.

Their husband and wife also took Lu Chenjun to have a check-up. There is no problem with their IQ and body, and they are not autistic. Not only is there no problem, but they are also excellent.

Far beyond the excellence of ordinary people.

Lu Chenjun’s IQ test is 168.

The IQ of ordinary people is generally around 100.

For example, a dog’s IQ is around 40. Lu Chenjun’s feeling of looking at ordinary people is probably the same as ordinary people’s feeling of looking at dogs.

There is absolutely no common thread.

It’s better to immerse yourself in your own world.

“Juju~ Juju~ Then I touched it?”

With the permission of the adults, Xu Youyou happily stood on tiptoe, and placed her small hand on Lu Chenjun’s soft and fluffy curly hair.

Wow, it feels as good as she imagined.

Xu Youyou’s eyes instantly lit up a few degrees, as if she had obtained a large doll, and wished to take it home immediately.

But she also understood that Juanjuan was a human being and could not be carried home by her.

After enjoying the wonderful touch a few more times, Xu Youyou bent down, and the little tug on top of her head touched Lu Chenjun’s face: “Then, I’ll touch mine too.”

A good friend just has to come and go. If you touch the curly hair, you will also touch the curly hair back.

Xu Youyou didn’t mind at all.

She also likes her little tweezers very much, and she often moves it back and forth with her hands, so new friends will also like it, right?

However, after bowing her head for a while, she didn’t notice the hand touching, Xu Youyou thought that her new friend was embarrassed, and consciously grabbed Lu Chenjun’s right hand and put it on her head: “Touch it, touch it, Youyou won’t be angry Da~”

Xu Youyou was not angry, but Xu Wenyin on the side could hardly control her expression.

Curly! Lu Chenjun!

She has already matched the little guy in front of her with the genius boy with high IQ in the book!

In the original story line, Lu Chenjun was a super genius who entered the junior class at the age of twelve and won the International Science Award at the age of fifteen.

It’s just that this young man with only a few strokes in the book only exists in the sigh of the male protagonist.

It’s the male protagonist’s cousin who had a bright future but died young!

The only function of shaping this cousin is that the male protagonist has become the only orthodox heir of the Lu family’s generation, and the status is even more different in an instant.

If this Lu Chenjun doesn’t die…

Xu Wenyin couldn’t help but start to think, isn’t the scumbag less powerful and forced to act as a substitute?

The book says that the enemy of the enemy is the friend!

Xu Wenyin looked at the little curly hair in front of her, and even her originally unhappy eyes began to look kindly at this moment.

Take a closer look, this little curly hair still exudes a smart person~

It’s a pity that all Xu Wenyin can know in advance is what is written in the book.

Therefore, Xu Wenyin didn’t know how old Lu Chenjun died, nor the date. The book only said that she was underage and the cause of death was a car accident.

This information is too little, and the introduction of Lu Chenjun is not as long as the dog raised by a certain male protagonist. She can’t let Lu Chenjun not go out after the age of fifteen.

However, do you really want to get involved with the Lu Chenjun family?

If Yoyo and this kid became friends, but Lu Chenjun still didn’t escape the fate of death, Yoyo, this kind child, would definitely be very sad.

It’s better to stay away from Lu Chenjun, the big deal is that she works hard to start a business to make more money, so that scumbag will have to weigh it up if she wants to take it by force.

Xu Wenyin, who hadn’t figured out how to treat Lu Chenjun for a while, didn’t have time to stop Xu Youyou from grabbing Lu Chenjun’s hand and putting it on her head.

By the time she saw it, it was too late.

Xu Wenyin: “…”

It turns out that Xu Youyou, who was inferior and timid when she grew up, was so familiar with it when she was a child?

Compared with Xu Wenyin’s entanglement, Lu Chenjun’s mother Qin Yiren was overjoyed.

That’s right, even if Lu Chenjun hasn’t had any special reaction so far, it’s still good news.

His obedience is limited to his own mother, and he is more ignorant of outsider Lu Chenjun.

And ignoring the reaction is not even giving you a look.

Just now, I would argue with the little girl for her name, but now the little girl has not refused to grab his hand, which is a huge improvement!

Qin Yiren couldn’t help but start to think, could it be that his son is still a face control?

No matter, since her son has a “new friend”, she can’t hold back the mother!

Qin Yiren naturally began to chat with Xu Wenyin, and then she happened to find out that the two are still neighbors!

The building where Xu Wenyin lived had two elevators and two households, but there was a big difference between households.

Like their mother and daughter, it is suitable for single people, although the sparrow is small and complete.

Although Qin Yi’s family lived on the same floor, they lived on a large flat floor of more than 200 square meters, which was five or six times that of Xu Wenyin’s.

“That’s really a coincidence!” Qin Yiren obviously likes this kind of coincidence: “Our two families are so destined, my husband is usually not at home, and I am bored by myself. Youyou mother, if you usually bring Yoyo is inconvenient, just leave it at my house!”

In the chat just now, Xu Wenyin has portrayed herself as a single mother with children, and she is still the kind without a formal job.

Ordinary people may think that she is not working and living in such a good community with children, but Qin Yiren doesn’t think so. She is completely dependent on her relationships with people, and Xu Wenyin’s temperament and conversation are not like that kind of person .

So she took it for granted that Xu Wenyin just hadn’t found a job for the time being. Since Yoyo is so young, it must be inconvenient for a single mother to take care of children in many ways. Of course she can help.

Qin Yiren doesn’t need to work. She is a standard rich N generation. The company’s annual dividends alone can ensure a good life for her family, not to mention her husband’s identity.

In fact, their family just moved in not long ago. The reason why they didn’t choose a high-end villa area was mainly for Lu Chenjun. Qin Yiren hoped that he would have more contact with other children and be more lively and cheerful.

“Huh? This is too much trouble for you.” If it wasn’t for the half-year’s rent and deposit paid in one go, Xu Wenyin would even be thinking about moving.

But seeing Xu Youyou’s happy smile, even if the book didn’t clearly say what to do in this situation, she still gave up the idea of moving.

Look everywhere first.

With this little devil’s indifference, maybe Youyou will get tired of it after a while.

Xu Youyou, who didn’t know Xu Wenyin’s concerns at all, was still happy that she had her first friend, especially that this friend had a very comfortable little curly hair.

“Roll! Please eat candy!”

After speaking, without waiting for Lu Chenjun’s reaction, Xu Youyou tore off the wrapping paper and directly stuffed the lollipop into Lu Chenjun’s mouth.

The new friend is slow to respond, and Xu Youyou has already figured out a little way to get along with him.

Sure enough, Lu Chenjun didn’t spit out the sugar, but looked at Xu Youyou with his big dark eyes, and said in a vague voice, “Stupid, egg.”

Xu Youyou: “Roll~ candy is delicious! I still have it~”

Lu Chenjun: “…No.”

Xu Youyou: “What book are you reading, Juanjuan? It looks amazing!”

The adults present: “…”

They know what it means to talk with ducks and chickens.

But looking at the smile on Qin Yiren’s face, it was obvious that this mother didn’t mind her son being persecuted, and she was very happy watching the play.

Then Xu Wenyin doesn’t matter. The book says: A good human being needs a lot of younger brothers.

Youyou must have listened to her words and was accepting her younger brother.

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