The Female Protagonist of The Abuse Article Has a System Mother

Chapter 68

Chapter 67:

The condition for completing this A-level task of 5874 is to make Xu Youyou happy.

But the meaning of the word happiness is too broad. How can it be considered happiness?

rich? to be liked? Or are you great?

Xu Wenyin didn’t know and couldn’t judge, but she knew that the life of Xu Youyou in the original novel was absolutely unhappy!

Therefore, in order to be happy, those who bully Xu Youyou and the things that hurt her must be kept away or completely eradicated. The biggest source of misfortune, Lu Haoyu, can go as far as possible. It is best not to appear in Xu Youyou in this life. before.

It’s a pity that the plan couldn’t keep up with the changes. Not long after the official start of the plot, he first went into a dormant state and could no longer protect Yoyo.

Xu Wenyin is regretful. Looking at the 87% progress bar, she knows that the rate of increase will be slower as she goes on.

In all likelihood, Xu Youyou and Lu Haoyu will have an entanglement. Even if the final task is completed, it is estimated that it will take ten years according to the timeline of the novel. At that time, I am afraid that the energy will be exhausted and then dissipated in this small world. Bar?

I’m a little unwilling to not be able to see Yoyo’s happy life at the end.

This was the last thought before the system fell into hibernation, but she probably didn’t expect that Xu Youyou and Lu Haoyu would meet earlier than she expected.

And after meeting him, Lu Haoyu’s male protagonist’s halo had no effect in front of Xu Youyou, and it even got worse.

It seems like a magical curse. In the original book, Xu Youyou was miserable and Lu Haoyu was getting better and better, but here it is just the opposite.

But obviously this is something Xu Wenyin likes to hear and hear. The worse Lu Haoyu is, the less likely he will cause harm to Xu Youyou.

And after Xu Youyou lived the college life of her dreams and gained good classmates, her happiness index rose even further, until she and Lu Chenjun started dating, and the task completion rate directly exceeded 95%!

Career, love, family, friends, these are the criteria for judging whether a person is happy or not. It doesn’t mean that you must have it, but you will definitely be happier if you have it.

Originally, with Xu Wenyin’s efforts, the career and family lines were almost full, and the friend line was almost there, but the love line remained motionless.

Just at this time, Lu Haoyu met Hua’er, Xu Youyou and Lu Chenjun became boyfriend and girlfriend, and both of them started to sprint in reverse.

According to the rules of the novel, the key to the last 5% is still Lu Haoyu.

He has not completely given up on Xu Youyou now, and the Lu family still has the strength to fight. If there is a problem in any link in the middle, Xu Youyou’s road to happiness may be affected.

If Xu Wenyin was still here at this moment, she would definitely suppress the Lu family and Lu Haoyu at all costs, making it impossible for him to turn over in his life, but she was not here, and no one knew about the entanglement between Lu Haoyu and Xu Youyou.

Fortunately, even if they didn’t know the key, with Lu Haoyu’s previous suffocation operation, the Qin family and the Qing family spared no effort to suppress the Lu family in their careers, and the flowers cooperated internally and externally, making Lu Haoyu more and more unintentional about his career.

In just one month, at least one tenth of the market value of the Lu family has evaporated!

But this is not enough. If some people don’t press him to death, there is a possibility of a comeback. In particular, the Lu family’s thin and dead camel is bigger than a horse, and it is easier than ordinary people to get up.

At this time, Hua’er showed her amazing “beauty plan” talent.

Since Hua’er got this opportunity to seize Lu Haoyu, she has no intention of letting go.

In the eyes of the wealthy and powerful families like the Qin family, the Lu family may already be in the twilight, struggling to the death, but in the eyes of most ordinary families, it is better to leak a little bit between the fingers than to work hard for a lifetime.

Flowers can make this face, and it costs a lot of money.

She also understood a truth from it, as long as she has money, she can become more and more beautiful, and no one will hate and despise herself again.

How can it be so easy to make money?

The money for this plastic surgery is all that Hua’er has accumulated little by little in the past four years by showing her figure and her good voice through live broadcasts, and it has been used up long ago.

But her face is still not beautiful enough, there are still flaws!

It just so happened that because of this face, she also heard a few gossips about the Lu family and the Qin family from a boss.

Hua’er has never forgotten Xu Youyou over the years, and has been following her secretly, and even added Xu Youyou’s friends through some means.

It’s just that as she begins to “become beautiful”, Huaer’s ambition is obviously not on Xu Youyou.

Isn’t there someone more beautiful than Xu Youyou? My current facial features can be more refined and better-looking, as long as I have money!

But if you still make money like before, will it take another four or five years to slowly save it?

Flowers don’t have that much time!

After the facelift, she also once thought about entering the entertainment industry, after all, everyone knows that the entertainment industry attracts money.

But I didn’t expect that I was unlucky. I finally got the role of the fifth female in a TV series. The heroine of that TV series was suddenly replaced by Yao Yunyu. Naturally, she would not allow a picture with herself in the same TV series similar face.

Not only broke Hua’er’s fortune, but also clearly expressed his dislike for her.

At that time, Yao Yunyu had the background of the Lu family, and those people naturally wouldn’t offend her for a powerless little brat, so Huaer’s star career ended before it even started.

Since you cut off my fortune, I will rob your man!

Hua’er is very sober. Getting money from marrying Lu Haoyu is not only troublesome, but also she doesn’t want to be bound to a man in fear from now on.

As long as he becomes beautiful again, what is Lu Haoyu? There must be a lot of better men who like me.

Therefore, Hua’er just wanted to make a fortune from the Lu family. She got a preliminary understanding of Lu Haoyu through some collected information and then decided to find the Qin family.

Hua’er has confidence in her acting skills in everything. The only problem now is that if someone checks her, then everything will be over.

She can’t change the background by herself, and ordinary small bosses can’t resist Lu’s investigation. Hua’er can only ask Qin for help.

It is said that the enemy of the enemy is a friend, and the Qin family wants to bring down the Lu family, and they want to retaliate against Yao Yunyu and more money. This is not a conflict.

After all, the plan went well.

Lu Haoyu just eats “I love you and ignores you”. The more she resists and the more she is forced to compromise, the happier he is.

Is this man a pervert?

No wonder Yao Yunyu wanted to hang him all the time. Once this kind of man got his hands without special circumstances, he would never cherish it.

But flowers don’t need his cherishing either.

she! want! nice!

And the only way to be beautiful is to have a lot of money.

To this end, Hua’er can do anything, she has obviously fallen into a crazy appearance anxiety, and even developed a morbid state.

In just a week with Lu Haoyu, all the clothes and jewelry on Hua’er’s body were changed. Even if he said “no”, Lu Haoyu would force her to accept it.

In Lu Haoyu’s words, you are now my woman, go out and represent my appearance, you can’t lose face!

Naturally, the flower could only be accepted “reluctantly”, and at the same time secretly estimated how much these things could be exchanged for at that time.

Clothes are estimated to be several discounts, but jewelry will not depreciate too much.

This bracelet is worth what I had earned by working hard for several years. Sure enough, the world of the rich is different.

The only troublesome one is the old man Lu. The look in his eyes is probably about to attack him. Hua’er decisively turned to Qin’s help, and exchanged some protection from the news he got from Lu Haoyu.

Things went well after that.

Hua’er was injured, and Lu Haoyu was furious.

As a result, it turned out that it was his grandfather who was injured.

In Lu Haoyu’s heart, even grandpa can’t hurt his own woman!

The old man was decisively seized power, and was directly sent to the nursing home by his most optimistic grandson to be “guarded”.

And the injury this time has further heated up the relationship between the two.

Lu Haoyu sent messages to Yao Yunyu less and less and asked for warmth. After Yao Yunyu took the initiative to send messages, he was very slow to reply. Such an attitude made Yao Yunyu a little flustered.

Especially after hearing that Lu Haoyu had a woman who was very similar to him, Yao Yunyu thought about it and finally decided to return to China early!

Even if she doesn’t like Lu Haoyu, she won’t allow this spare tire to be taken away by others!

Hua’er is not the Xu Youyou in the novel. She and Yao Yunyu will definitely have a good show to watch.

But before the good show started, Lu’s scandal broke again.

Since Lu Weiyao was ousted from power, Mr. Lu sent people abroad directly, out of sight and out of mind.

Then Zhao Xuanyi naturally passed by together.

After all, it is his own son, and Lu Haoyu still has some feelings for this father, so there is no shortage of Lu Weiyao in terms of money.

Who knew that this guy was actually infected with drugs!

This thing is a bottomless pit, the more money you spend, the faster you spend it.

Soon the money given by the Lu family could no longer satisfy Lu Weiyao’s consumption. He went mad and accidentally killed Zhao Xuanyi’s younger brother when he was not satisfied. It was too late when the news came back to China and Lu Haoyu wanted to suppress it.

Don’t say that the current chairman of Lu’s is not Lu Weiyao, the father’s debt is paid by the son, the father is a murderer who smokes drugs, how can the son be better? Shouldn’t the Lu Group be a drug den?

As a result, Lu’s stock fell by the limit that day, and all kinds of black materials that had been spread in a small area in the past were exposed, causing heavy losses.

“Aunt Qin.”

It was another Saturday. Xu Youyou was painting in her manor. During her break, she listened to what Qin Yiren told her. She sighed and realized that something was wrong: “That Zhao Xuanyi…isn’t it?”

“Does she have a good relationship with that brother?”

Going crazy and killing people is naturally a normal thing for a person who has committed a drug addiction.

But Xu Youyou thinks that no matter how you look at it, Zhao Xuanyi’s chance of being injured is higher than her brother’s, right?

“Yeah, Youyou is really sharp.” Qin Yiren praised Xu Youyou with a smile.

“The information I got here is that Zhao Xuanyi’s younger brother eats, drinks, prostitutes, and gambles. Zhao Xuanyi entered the entertainment industry to repay his younger brother’s debts, and Lu Weiyao would become addicted to drugs, which was encouraged by that younger brother. At that time, the two of them were taking drugs together.”

Ah, this—

Xu Youyou’s mind turned a few corners: “So?”

She didn’t finish her sentence, but Qin Yiren understood what she meant.

No one knows what role Zhao Xuanyi played in this incident.

She was miscarried by Ruan Rou Rou and has since lost her qualifications to be a mother. Does Zhao Xuanyi hate her?

You must hate it, right?

But apart from Ruan Rourou, doesn’t she hate Lu Weiyao and her younger brother, the culprit?

Anyway, since the police didn’t find Zhao Xuanyi guilty, no matter how much the outside world speculates, they won’t hear it when they are abroad.

The only one who was hurt was the Lu family.

“This Lu family is really hopeless.”

Xu Youyou shook her head and sighed, “Fortunately, Aunt Qin, you got out quickly.”

Otherwise, you have to be implicated to death.

At the same time, I am once again fortunate that Uncle Lu and the volume roll out of the mud and are not contaminated, and they are not contaminated with the stinky problems of the Lu family!

“You can rest assured.” Qin Yiren said with a smile: “If you dare to faint, I don’t want this son right away!”

Xu Youyou: “…Aunt Qin, Juanjuan will cry.”

It’s not that Xu Youyou blindly trusts, she and Lu Chenjun have known each other for more than ten years, have they grown up together and still don’t understand each other’s character? But she also knew that Qin Yiren was joking, so she changed the subject again: “Is the Lu family dying soon?”

Qin Yiren remembered Qin Xiao’s words, nodded first and then immediately shook his head.

“However, the bankruptcy and liquidation of listed companies is not so fast, and it is possible in a few years.”

And the Lu family has not yet reached the point of bankruptcy.

“It’s okay, it’s a matter of time before going bankrupt.” Xu Youyou didn’t like or even hated Lu Haoyu, and after hearing some things about the Lu family, he didn’t like the rest of the Lu family, and it was even a bit unclear to see them fall. happy.

Seems like… a big revenge?

Xu Youyou shook her head, tossing away this strange happiness, and then returned her attention to her painting.

It has been nearly five years since she last held an art exhibition. Xu Youyou’s agent, who usually helps her with a series of matters such as publicity and sales, suggested that Xu Youyou could almost do it again.

The reputation of the painter also needs to be continuously consolidated and expanded. Xu Youyou can just use the name of coming of age at the age of eighteen to make everyone have a deeper impression of the “genius painter”.

Moreover, after seeing Xu Youyou’s recent paintings, the agent also felt that she had made great progress. She was passionate about her paintings and intentional in her paintings. It was hard to imagine that this was the work of an 18-year-old girl.

Generally, many children of this age are still in carefree ivory towers.

After thinking about it, Xu Youyou did not refuse, and then, accompanied by Aunt Qin, the three sat down to discuss the time, place, publicity methods, etc.

In recent years, the development of the Internet has become better and better, and the means of publicity have become more and more abundant. The key point of Xu Youyou is that there are still many points that can be promoted. Just this face that is not inferior to the stars, if you manage it well, it is simply a traffic password.

In addition, the top students who are still admitted to the A University, in Huaguo, there will always be an extra layer of filters for those with good academic performance.

Xu Youyou is multi-talented, Wen Neng plays the violin and piano, and Wu Neng beats a few scumbags.

The agent sometimes thinks that it would be great if his baby was half of Xu Youyou’s, and he could wake up laughing in the middle of the night!

The time for the art exhibition is tentatively set for December. The time is a bit tight, but it is not a big problem for the agent. At least there is no need to worry about the venue. The Qin family is happy to provide it.

And what Xu Youyou needs to do is to concentrate on creating during this time, and strive to draw better works.

So for the next weekend, Xu Youyou spends almost all of her time in the manor, which can give her more inspiration.

Occasionally, they would read books with Lu Chenjun in the study, feed the fish by the pond, and watch the stars in the attic. It was obvious that they had just become lovers not long ago, and the two had already lived the life of an old married couple.

Another Saturday night, Xu Youyou was about to go to bed and was about to fall asleep when she suddenly received a message to verify her friend.

【I am Mu Heyao】

Mu and Yao? Of course Xu Youyou knew each other, but didn’t he communicate with his mother all the time, why did he suddenly add her as a friend?

Xu Youyou passed the certification while guessing.

When she was thinking about how to say hello, the other party couldn’t wait to send a message.

[Xu Wenyin is not human, is she? 】

Xu Youyou paused as she was about to send an emoji, but she didn’t hesitate or hesitate.

【? ? ? what are you saying? Of course my mother is human]

However, Mu He Yao did not back down.

【Tomorrow, I want to meet you】

[Your mother may have an accident]

Xu Youyou’s hand suddenly tightened, what does he mean?

Did she know that her mother was recovering from her injury, or did it have other meanings, or was she just cheating on her?

Countless thoughts flashed through Xu Youyou’s mind, but in the end only one word came back.

【it is good】

No matter what Mu Heyao knew, Xu Youyou had to meet him.

But she couldn’t go there unprepared, she had to decide the location by herself, and she also had to prevent being ripped off.

Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night.

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