The Female Protagonist of The Abuse Article Has a System Mother

Chapter 36

Chapter 35:

Fortunately, the people of Mocheng are simple and honest. After the security guard of the villa saw the two mothers and daughters froze on the ground and asked why, they immediately sent another security guard to trot to the park.

The cart was quickly carried back.

After all, it was sponsored by the butler’s friendship, and it would not be good if it was lost.

The butler didn’t care about it.

It’s just a stroller for children. Just because Qin Yiren entered the information of Xu Wenyin’s mother and daughter into this villa, it doesn’t matter if they lose him!

Xu Wenyin: …that’s not necessary.

In short, after thanking the security guard and the housekeeper, Xu Wenyin took Xu Youyou back to their rooms in the villa.

Lock the door and disappear.

The action is smooth and smooth, and there is no difference in a second.

Xu Youyou also consciously took off her shoes and jacket, climbed onto the bed and covered the quilt: “Mom, I’m sleeping~”

“Mmmm, I’ll watch Yoyo, just go to sleep.”

It was because she left for a while during Yoyo’s afternoon nap that she didn’t find out that Yoyo was ill in time. Xu Wenyin didn’t plan to leave this time, she must watch carefully!

It’s just okay to have a chat with someone.

Ace’s message was sent half an hour ago, because at that time she was playing with Yoyo, and Xu Wenyin ignored him.

Looking at the news now, it turned out to be a virus thing.

Yesterday, after turning her head around and realizing that Ace didn’t mean to let her die, Xu Wenyin used another description to describe the virus.

The core meaning is: Do you think artificial intelligence (AI) will have emotions like humans?

This small world already has a preliminary concept of artificial intelligence, but in Xu Wenyin’s view, the AI that has been developed so far is no different from a fool.

She refuses to confuse this kind of stuff with herself.

But I didn’t find other suitable examples, so I just said that first.

At that time, Ace did not reply to Xu Wenyin immediately, but only said that he had to think about it, and he gave the answer just now.

【I think you can】

This was Ace’s first sentence, followed by a serious explanation of why he thought so.

【The brain is the main source of hormones… 】

In fact, Xu Wenyin’s problem is similar to the robot code problem that has been very popular in recent years.

With the advancement of technology and robots becoming more and more intelligent, some people will wonder, what if the robot betrays human beings?

With human flesh and blood, it is obvious that a robot can’t do it. Once a robot has its own thinking and selfishness, the situation of human beings is a bit subtle.

And then there was another wave of people saying that this kind of thing couldn’t happen, that robots were programmed to obey humans absolutely, and they couldn’t generate something as complex as emotion.

If the behavior does not meet the requirements, it must be the relevant program content set from the beginning.

And the answer given by Ace is yes?

Xu Wenyin also took a serious look at that paragraph of explanation. If you look at the birth principle of their system, Xu Wenyin can refute countless mistakes.

But judging from the situation of your own body, what if it is really not a virus, but it has human emotions?

Xu Wenyin couldn’t help but think of what her seniors persuaded her back then.

It clearly said don’t be in such a hurry, it will be more stable to start with the lowest level tasks step by step.

But 5874 at that time couldn’t listen to it at all. As a system, 5874 felt that it must have been set with the attribute of “competitiveness” when it was born, the kind that wanted to be the first in everything.

But at present, it seems that even if it is a virus, the program runs normally at least, and no data is lost.

Let’s take a look for a while, shall we?

[Did you develop AI? I promise not to tell anyone! Can I see it? 】

Seeing that Xu Wenyin didn’t reply to his message, Ace sent another one.

The words seem to be guessing what artificial intelligence project Xu Wenyin is doing, which is definitely very attractive to a top hacker.

Ace also wants to know, can computers really beat humans?

Thinking of this, Ace, who was a little excited, couldn’t help coughing, and her pale face instantly turned a layer of blush.

Let the nurse on the side hurried forward to caress Mu Heyao, Ace’s own back.

“Mr. Mu, the doctor didn’t say you can’t be emotional, you want to…”

“I see.”

Mu Heyao interrupted the nurse’s long-winded: “I know it myself.”

The nurse who knew how stubborn the young man in front of her was would not persuade her any more, after all, she was just a nurse.

The family behind this Mr. Mu is not ordinary. Even if Mu Heyao was removed from the heir position due to congenital heart disease, he is still the Mu family.

The current head of the Mu family is also the elder brother of Mu Heyao.

For example, this sanatorium was specially built by the Mu family for Mu Heyao. All the facilities in it are the most advanced, and all the doctors, nurses, etc. only serve Mu Heyao alone.

Don’t look at the fact that she is the only nurse in the room now, there are actually many nurses and bodyguards outside.

Some time ago, Mu Heyao somehow escaped all the surveillance and bodyguards, went to Huaguo alone, and disappeared for a day, almost scaring everyone to death.

Although the person came back safely in the end, the uneasy family head Mu still strengthened security measures and seemed to regard his younger brother as a fragile glass bottle.

But according to the nurses, this young master Mu’s body is not that bad. As long as he is not emotional and has a stable work and rest, he looks no different from ordinary people.

Of course, this is just what I think about it, who knows how these rich people think about it.

After sighing inwardly, the nurse stepped aside and continued her work.

And Mu Heyao continued to look at the microcomputer in front of him, waiting for Xu Wenyin’s reply.

If he can really develop AI with human emotions, does it mean that he will never feel lonely again?

【No, you think too much】

In the end, Mu Heyao received the news from Xu Wenyin.

He was a little disappointed for a moment, but soon cheered up again.

Since Xu Wenyin asked this question, does it mean that she also has this idea?

If the two of them join forces, maybe…

Mu Heyao couldn’t help but glanced at the scenery outside the window.

With lush greenery, flowers, and an artificial lake not far away, it is a holy place for the elderly.

However, the bodyguards who walked by from time to time could not be ignored either.

He has to find a way to go out again, it’s too slow to communicate with Xu Wenyin like this!


“Look, look, the doll I brought you!”

“And mine, mine, I picked this one!”

At about 4 o’clock in the afternoon, Xu Youyou was watching a cartoon in her room after waking up, when she suddenly heard a noise outside the door.

Xu Wenyin quickly appeared to open the door, and sure enough, Liu Miaomiao and other children rushed in front.

They were holding dolls and waiting for various things in each of their arms. After shouting aunty, they went straight to Xu Youyou’s bedside, and couldn’t wait to start sharing the things in their arms.

Qin Yiren and the others were one step behind. Looking at the lively scene in front of them, they couldn’t help laughing and said, “These children, when they see everything there, Yoyo will like it. Bring one for Yoyo!”

Even when a few people had lunch there, they tasted a small cake that tasted good, and they all had to pack a piece and tell it to go back to Yoyo.

This is really what good friends do.

Naturally, several parents would not stop it. As a result, they bought a lot of money without knowing it.

There are not only commemorative dolls, but also some small toys. It is said that Yoyo can play in the room and will not be bored.

Even Lu Chenjun picked out several items and brought them back all the way.

Xu Wenyin turned her head to look at Xu Youyou, who was smiling brightly, and the smile on the corner of her mouth expanded a bit.

This kind of feeling, is it the emotion that human beings say?

Xu Youyou’s body is in good shape now, and her life has returned to its former vibrancy. The doctor said after seeing it that there is no major problem. As long as it is not intense exercise, it’s okay to go out to play for a while a day.

In this case, Xu Wenyin also began to think about “going back” tomorrow.

Otherwise, if it continues like this, the points will be consumed too fast. What should I do if I encounter more serious things in the future?

As for letting Xu Youyou go back with her, Xu Wenyin felt it was unnecessary.

The little guy finally came out to play and returned to Jiangcheng without seeing anything, which was a bit cruel.

According to Qin Yiren’s plan, they should still be able to play for five days.

If you go back so early, you and Yunyou will be alone at home, wouldn’t it be too lonely.

In the evening, after talking to Xu Youyou, the little guy nodded sensible and told Xu Wenyin not to worry about her.

After all, she also knows that her mother’s time is limited every day, and she can’t always overtime.

Besides, I just can’t see my mother, but she and her mother can continue to chat in their heads.

Thinking like this, Xu Youyou buried her whole body in Xu Wenyin’s arms, rolled in her arms like a kitten, and showed an innocent and bright smile: “Mom, don’t worry about Yoyo, Yoyo will play with Aunt Qin and the others. very happy~”

Looking at Xu Youyou like this, Xu Wenyin only felt that uncontrollable feeling came again, and she really wanted to hug this little doll, no matter what she did, no matter what she did, there would be something that made her very uncomfortable. comfortable feeling.

As if knowing that you can upgrade in the next second?

Is this science?

Xu Wenyin couldn’t get an answer, but whether the subject was scientific or not, she was really satisfied now.

Early in the morning on the third morning, Xu Wenyin got into the car arranged by the housekeeper and drove to the airport.

However, in order to save points, she did not get on the plane of the day. After saying goodbye to the driver, she checked into a nearby hotel as arranged before.

Wait for the time to refresh tomorrow, and then fly back by yourself.

Although a little troublesome, at least it saves time and does not leave any handle.

And when Xu Youyou woke up, it was already half past eight in the morning.

“Yuyou woke up?”


The voice in her head made Xu Youyou understand that Xu Wenyin had left.

She was not sad, she was still full of energy and packed herself with the help of the servant, and then saw Qin Yi and Lu Chenjun who had just woken up.

“Xiaolu, how is your body?”

Lu Chenjun quickly walked towards Xu Youyou, reached out and pressed her forehead, imitating the appearance of an adult and wanted to see Xu Youyou’s situation.

“Alright, alright, I’ll be fine~”

Xu Youyou didn’t stop Lu Chenjun’s movements, and took the initiative to stretch his head: “If you don’t believe me, you can feel it, is it not hot at all?”

At that time, the first person who found Xu Youyou wrong was Lu Chenjun, and it was also when he touched Xu Youyou that she found that her temperature was wrong.

Now feeling the warm and soft touch under the palm of his hand, Lu Chenjun couldn’t help pinching Xu Youyou’s right cheek.

Not to be outdone, Xu Youyou raised her hand and rubbed Lu Chenjun’s curly hair.

Just like two cats and kittens who just met and greeted each other in their own way.

Qin Yiren couldn’t help showing her aunt’s smile again. Seeing this healing scene early in the morning is really a good mood to start the day~

At nine o’clock in the morning, Liu Miaomiao and the others also went downstairs to have breakfast one after another. Seeing Xu Youyou who had recovered, several children had a happy sticking activity.

But after breakfast, some bored children began to sit still.

This afternoon, Qin Yiren, taking into account Yoyo’s body, arranged a sightseeing tour of the zoo without too much effort. You can take the tour bus all the way, as long as you watch the feeding.

But there was really nothing planned in the morning.

Because she didn’t know what time a few children would sleep until they got up.

It’s rare to come out to play on vacation again, and it’s normal to sleep in late, right?

“Let’s go to the park then?” Xu Youyou raised her hand and suggested, “Mom took me there yesterday~ I bought my balloon there~”

As soon as she woke up, she forgot about seeing Uncle Xu yesterday. After all, Xu Wenyin took him away at once.

Now when I hear my friends say that I’m bored, I immediately think of all kinds of hawkers and games in the park.

“Okay, okay, I want balloons too!”

“I want Altman’s balloon!”

No matter how old children are, they can’t escape the charm of balloons.

Thinking that the park is not far from the villa, the four parents quickly agreed to the children’s request.

Even Liu Yan’s grandfather said it doesn’t matter. He is someone who goes for a walk in the park every day.

The park is as lively today as it was yesterday.

There are many children playing roller skating, and there are also many vendors selling things.

The five children looked around, holding hands, and soon each had a balloon tied to his wrist.

But considering Feng Lao’s age and physical strength, and the three mothers were a little tired after walking for a while, the four parents found a bench and sat down, allowing the five children to move within sight, and wait for them to rest enough. Then go to other places.

The children nodded one after another, and even if someone ran away unknowingly in the middle, they would be quickly pulled back by their friends.

The five supervise each other and are very safe.

Just when the children were having fun playing eagle and catching chickens, Xu Youyou suddenly stopped.

At a glance, she saw the… uncle who was watching her in the crowd not far away?

It’s the bad uncle that mom said yesterday!

Xu Youyou also remembered his Mediterranean baldness and that uncomfortable face.

Seeing Xu Youyou looking over, Uncle Xu immediately showed a self-proclaimed kind smile.

After going back yesterday afternoon, he hurriedly contacted his younger brother and told them what happened, even his own guesses.

The two families discussed this matter in the evening. In general, the two families felt that even if Xu Wenyin came to ask for a house, an orphan girl would not be a big deal.

Uncle Xu didn’t take Xu Wenyin seriously at all. Couldn’t the two of them be able to get a weak woman with a daughter?

But everyone is also relatives after all, and it is not good to make too much trouble.

So after the discussion, Uncle Xu decided to come to a “ceremony first, then soldiers”, sit down and have a good chat, it would be best if Xu Wenyin could take the initiative to hand over the house. After all, this is the property of the Xu family. What qualifications does her daughter marry from outside have?

In case Xu Wenyin really did a toast instead of eating and drinking…

Then don’t blame them for not caring about relatives.

However, Xu Wenyin walked in a hurry yesterday, and Uncle Xu didn’t catch up. Now I really don’t know where the two mothers and daughters live. The number on the phone before calling her was also empty, and it seemed that the number had been changed.

Uncle Xu can only come to this park early in the morning to try his luck.

Unexpectedly, Xu Wenyin was not found, but she saw her daughter.

That face, at a glance, knew that it must be Xu Wenyin’s biological son.

“Little girl, where is your mother?”

Not only did Xu Youyou see Uncle Xu, but Xu Wenyin in her mind also saw Uncle Xu.

Good guy, how dare you approach Yoyo while she’s not around? Looking at the wretched smile, I knew it was definitely not a good thing.

Xu Wenyin suddenly exploded.

“Yuyou, do you still remember what your mother taught you? What should you do when you meet such an ugly uncle who takes the initiative to talk to you and laugh?”

Xu Youyou had a serious face: “Youyou understands!”

After replying to Xu Wenyin, Xu Youyou quickly pulled over the nearest Lu Chenjun and Liu Yanzhi, and also greeted Liu Miaomiao and Qian Xin who were farther away, while taking a deep breath.

next second.


The loud child’s voice instantly attracted the attention of the people around.

“Run! There are traffickers!”

Saying that, Xu Youyou dragged a few children and ran to where the adults were.

It looks like you have to run away when you encounter a bad guy.

Uncle Xu, who was suddenly confused by Xu Youyou’s outburst: “???”

What is this little girl talking about?

Uncle Xu was about to chase after him quickly, when he saw the adults with bad eyes gathered immediately.

Uncle Xu: “…Wait, I’m not a trafficker!”

It’s a pity that this feeble excuse is useless.

“I saw him sneakily looking at those children just now!”

“Hurry up and call the police. You’ll find out if the traffickers wait until the police arrive.”

“It’s a crime, Xuan Xuan pulls Grandma’s hand tightly, someone is a trafficker!”

Just when Uncle Xu was at a loss for words, Qin Yiren also appeared in front of him with his bodyguards folded in front of him, and behind her were several adults with even worse expressions.

Seeing this situation, Uncle Xu couldn’t help but have a bad premonition.

He’s not messing with someone who shouldn’t be messing with!

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