The Female Protagonist of The Abuse Article Has a System Mother

Chapter 17

Chapter 16:

When they woke up, the five children showed deep exhaustion on their faces, even Xu Youyou was no exception.

They slept on a big bed yesterday. The bed was made of hard wood. There was a thin layer of cushion in the middle, and then the mat was placed roughly. It was harder than the bed in the orphanage.

The material conditions are poor, and the more painful is the sleeping positions of Liu Miaomiao and Qian Xin.

The order of the five of them is like this from right to left, Liu Yanzhi – Qian Xin – Lu Chenjun – Xu Youyou – Liu Miaomiao.

The width of the bed is about three meters, and the length is standard two meters. It is reasonable to say that the five children who lie down are not too spacious, at least not crowded.

For example, Xu Youyou suddenly had a foot on her body when she fell asleep. When she opened her eyes, it was Liu Miaomiao who didn’t know when her whole body turned 180 degrees and fell asleep in a big font.

Xu Youyou: “…”

At this time, Xu Wenyin was not in Xu Youyou’s mind. After all, it was bedtime, so she couldn’t just wait and watch Youyou sleep, right?

The hard-working old mother chooses to make money.

Raising children is expensive. She wanted to buy Yoyo a house and a car. Naturally, she had to work hard, so she missed this one.

Another example is when Liu Yanzhi and Lu Chenjun fell asleep and were suddenly punched. When they opened their eyes, they found that Qian Xin was waving his hands in the air at will.

If it weren’t for the fact that Qian Xin’s eyes were tightly closed and his breathing was even, they would have thought it was his intention.

Liu Yanzhi was even more surprised. He and Qian Xin could be said to have grown up together. Occasionally, they would spend the night together when they were tired from playing, so they didn’t realize that their friends had this problem?

In the end, he attributed this to the fact that the bed at home was too big for two people to meet, and of course they would not be attacked in the middle of the night.

But the bed is so big right now, and I have to train tomorrow, so I can’t stop sleeping, right?

The three who were awakened once again looked at each other, with a strong resentment on their faces.

I was already so tired during the day, and I didn’t let people sleep well at night. What if I didn’t grow taller in the future? !

“Just do it.”

In the end, Lu Chenjun made a final decision. Under his idea, Qian Xin and Liu Miaomiao were moved to the right side of the bed, occupying about two-thirds of the space, and a quilt rolled into a column was placed in the middle for isolation.

And the three of Xu Youyou huddled peacefully on the other side, let them both hurt each other, we’re going to sleep!

This finally slept in a relatively peaceful second half of the night.

But this could not offset all the tiredness, even Liu Miaomiao and Qian Xin opened their eyes unhappy in the morning.

“Miaomiao, why are you so strong!”

Qian Xin rubbed his arms and legs, there were already light bruises on them. He slept well last night, but in the middle of the night, he always felt pressed by something and couldn’t turn it over.

Qian Xin didn’t solve the case until he woke up in the morning and saw Liu Miaomiao’s legs on his stomach, and then he found that he had a few bruises on his body, which made the little guy couldn’t help complaining.

He hadn’t reacted yet. Before going to bed, he and Liu Miaomiao were separated by two people, but when he woke up, they became both of them.

“You are the fat man!”

Liu Miaomiao pointed to the forehead, and now she couldn’t see anything on it, but she couldn’t ignore the fact that she was suddenly punched in the middle of her sleep.

It’s just that Liu Miaomiao’s brain will be confused when she falls asleep. After being woken up, she turns over and continues to sleep. She only remembers this when she hears Qian Xin complaining in the morning.

“You are talking nonsense, how could I hit someone?”

Qian Xin quit, his sleeping posture was obviously very good, even if Miaomiao was a girl, he could not be slandered!

“If you don’t believe me, ask An An!” After that, he had to bring his friends to testify.

Then the two little guys saw three expressionless zombie faces.

Liu Miaomiao and Qian Xin shivered at the same time: “…”

“Why, why do you see us like that?”

“Haha.” The three of them sneered in milky voices.

After a minute.

“Impossible, how could I do this?”

“No, no, Miaomiao is the princess, and the princess is the most beautiful even when she sleeps.”

After the two little guys heard the accusations from their friends, they both began to doubt life.

Like Xu Wenyin in Xu Youyou’s mind, she was angry, and it was too much for her cub to not sleep well!

It is said in the book that we must focus on ensuring the sleep time of human cubs, otherwise it will not only easily affect development, but also cause mental stress.

Damn, is this Liu Miaomiao planning to hurt Yoyo in this way?

Xu Wenyin has already begun to think about how to quietly hack the official website of Liujia Real Estate Company.

Fortunately, the instructor appeared in time and interrupted their respective thoughts.

A new day starts with new training.

Yesterday was just an appetizer by the way to “teach” the children, today is the official start.

At seven o’clock in the morning, fold the quilt, make the bed and wash.

At 7:30, have breakfast and wash the dishes by yourself after eating.

Don’t worry about breaking it, because all stainless steel cutlery is used. If it really breaks, the instructor will give you a thumbs up.

At 8:30, warm up, jog and review what I learned yesterday.

At ten o’clock, start processing the dishes for lunch.

Eleven o’clock, dinner.

Twelve o’clock, an hour nap.

Next up are squatting, boxing, and even an hour-long yoga class.

Looking at the instructor who was stubborn all over, he was stunned to be able to break his feet on his head, twisting his whole body into a strange shape, which scared several children for a while.

But when they were learning, everyone was very serious, probably because they thought such “unique skills” were cool, right?

When the parent-child video interaction started at 8 o’clock in the evening, no children wiped away their tears today. For example, Liu Miaomiao proudly told her parents that she could wash dishes.

In just over a day, the child has undergone such a change, and this time it was Mother Liu who wiped away tears.

And the relationship between the five children is also “better”.

At least Qian Xin and Liu Miaomiao can start to dislike each other openly.

“You like to beat people when you sleep, so I don’t want to sleep next to you!”

Liu Miaomiao immediately protested when she heard that she was going to be arranged with Qian Xin again.

Qian Xin didn’t do it anymore.

“You still like to kick people! I don’t want to sleep next to you either!”

After speaking, he looked at Liu Yanzhi, his closest friend.

—Brother, would you be willing to sleep with me?

Liu Yanzhi silently turned his head away.

Qian Xin and Liu Miaomiao looked at other people.

Xu Youyou hugged Lu Chenjun, her tone and expression were very firm: “I and I don’t want to sleep next to you!”

It can be said that the fragile friendship boat was completely overturned in a moment.

The instructor didn’t care about this, he waved his hand directly to let them solve it by themselves, anyway, his little bed would never be let out.

But the bed was so big, it was almost impossible to separate Qian Xin and Liu Miaomiao without the three of them being affected.

Xu Wenyin: “Yuyou, why don’t you three just knock them out!”

This is obviously a bad idea, Xu Wenyin sighed after she finished speaking.

She doesn’t have a body now, so she can’t use many ideas, and she can rely on a few children…

Just when he thought so, Lu Chenjun suddenly started to act.

This huge cement room is actually very empty, and you can read the contents at a glance.

In addition to a toilet, in the main room are a bed for children and adults, five small benches, a water dispenser and a small table next to it, with some sundries on it, such as iodophor, Band-Aid, etc. , is prepared just in case.

In order not to allow children to easily reach the table, the table is slightly higher, about 90 centimeters, about 1.5 meters long, and less than half a meter wide.

Can’t let one of them sleep on the table? It’s no joke if you fall.

At first glance, there is really nothing that can be used.

Otherwise, Xu Wenyin wouldn’t have given up on her own bad ideas.

But Lu Chenjun didn’t think so, he walked to the table and stood on tiptoe, took down the things on it and put them on the ground, and then lifted the table.

Well, of course it didn’t move.

In terms of strength, Lu Chenjun may not be as big as Liu Miaomiao.

Fortunately, at this kind of awkward moment, Xu Youyou appeared.

“Do you want to move the table?” Xu Youyou asked while putting both hands on the other side of the table: “Did you come up with a good idea?”

Lu Chenjun nodded: “Move to the bed.”

“Okay!” Xu Youyou didn’t ask any further, the two children exerted force on both hands at the same time, and the table was really a few centimeters off the ground, but it was still a bit difficult to move it ten meters away.

“Juju, Yoyo, I’ll help you.”

Although Qian Xin and Liu Yanzhi didn’t understand what their friends were going to do, they moved their bodies honestly first.

Even Liu Miaomiao joined in with an inexplicable expression: “Why do you need to move the table?”

Xu Youyou: “There must be a good way to do it!”

Liu Miaomiao was curious: “what’s the best way?”

Xu Youyou shook her head honestly: “I don’t know.”

Liu Miaomiao: “…”

If she was a few years older and her vocabulary was richer, she would definitely be able to spit out a lot at this time.

It’s a pity that she can only use silence to express her speechlessness now.

Soon, with the efforts of the five children, the table was brought to the side of the bed.

Then, under the command of Lu Chenjun, the table was turned over and placed on the bed, with the long side touching the bed, and the four table legs facing the left side of the bed.

Seeing this, Xu Youyou suddenly realized, and slapped the edge of the bed hard: “I understand! You are so smart, Juanjuan!”

The other three: “???”

What, understand what?

But asking now seems to be very stupid.

Xu Wenyin also understood, should she deserve to be recognized as a genius in the novel? The method is actually not difficult, the key is whether you can come up with it.

The three who didn’t understand just watched Xu Youyou and Lu Chenjun go to bed together, and together they pushed the table that was coming over to the left until the legs of the table passed through the guardrail on the edge of the bed.

A small space measuring 1.5 meters long and 90 centimeters wide suddenly appeared on the bed.

Lu Chenjun then pointed at Liu Miaomiao: “You, sleep inside.”

Liu Miaomiao and Qian Xin, one likes to move around while sleeping, and the other likes to punch with both hands, so this space is more suitable for Liu Miaomiao.

It was definitely not enough for an adult, but it was more than enough for Liu Miaomiao, who was a little over eighty centimeters tall and was obviously short.

Let her turn it by herself, anyway, the side of the table becomes a natural baffle, and it hurts herself when she hits it, and it doesn’t affect other people.

Little Lu Chenjun thought ruthlessly.

Qian Xin also slept alone on one side as before, separated by a quilt. The three of them had enough space, and the three of them slept honestly and didn’t move.

As for what Liu Miaomiao thinks is so ugly, it is no longer in their consideration, and people with poor sleeping positions are not qualified to have an opinion!

In the end, the minority obeyed the majority, and Liu Miaomiao could only hold her own blanket and walked into her small space aggrievedly. The five children soon fell into a deep sleep.

Finally got a good night’s sleep tonight.

The instructor on the side couldn’t help but quietly sent a message to someone.

“Boss, your son is awesome!”

Dad Lu, who only saw the news two days later: “???”

The seven-day training felt very long at first, but I was really immersed in it and it passed in a flash.

On the seventh morning, as usual, get up, eat breakfast, and train.

Several children did not need to be urged by the instructor in the morning, and naturally woke up at the same time.

I thought it was another hard but fulfilling day. During lunch, the instructor suddenly announced at the dinner table: “Congratulations, the first session of training has ended successfully, and your parents will come to pick you up later.”

“So fast?”

It was Liu Miaomiao, who was the most reluctant at the beginning, who asked this question.

And looking at her appearance, she was really surprised.

When she first came, she would break her fingers to count the number of days, but after she got used to the training and she was incapable of counting, the number of days soon became chaotic.

“What? Don’t want to leave? Then stay and continue training.”

The instructor made a “joke” with an expressionless face. Seeing Liu Miaomiao shaking her head repeatedly, she felt amused in her heart.

He naturally saw the change in Liu Miaomiao. This child was indeed spoiled, but fortunately, the roots were not rotten, and now he can change in time at a young age.

“Instructor! May I ask what’s next?”

Xu Youyou raised her hand to ask questions. She remembered that Aunt Qin had said that this training camp would come several times.

The little guy feels that although a lot of things have happened here in the past few days, he has also learned a lot of new things, and he feels more powerful!

Thinking like this, she is one step closer to her goal of protecting her mother. Xu Youyou can’t wait to think about the second and third times. After a few more times, she will be able to punch a bad guy like those powerful brothers and sisters on TV. right?

The instructor also likes active children, and Xu Youyou made a good impression on him, so he didn’t hesitate to answer this question: “It should be October, I hope it will still be the five of you by then.”

“Instructor! Can I take that blanket away?” This is Qian Xin, who has already developed feelings for the blanket.

“Instructor Instructor, after you go back…”

Five, no, the series of questions from the four children made the instructor a little bit overwhelmed, so he could only face up again: “Don’t ask questions, eat!”

Well, the children bow their heads and cook silently.

After eating, I consciously picked up the plate and went to the sink to stand on the small bench to wash it and put it on the shelf on the other side.

Looking at this level of proficiency, I know that I have done these things a lot these days.

The instructor was also very pleased to see that several people had completed the last thing seriously.

Seeing that there were still five minutes before the appointment, he walked directly to the gate of the training camp with the children.

Thinking that the next meeting would be more than a month away, the instructor rarely said kindly: “Isn’t there a lot to say just now? Come on, I’ll listen.”

As soon as these words came out, everyone seemed to have untied some kind of seal, chattering like an instructor surrounded by a group of little sparrows.

“Instructor, Yoyo will definitely miss you~”

“Instructor, do you have any children? I can play with him in the future. I have a lot of toys.”

“Instructor Instructor, why are you so dark?”

“Instructor, why don’t you laugh? My mother said that people who love to laugh are not bad luck. Instructor, are you bad luck?”

Instructor: “…”

Hey, hey, what kind of bear children are these! It’s already been involved in a personal attack, okay?

But after all, it was Haikou that he boasted about, and he endured it until the door.

The moment the door opened, the little kids who were cheering around him scattered in an instant, throwing themselves into the arms of their parents.

Especially Liu Miaomiao, who was happily asking all kinds of questions just now, and now she is crying in Liu’s mother’s arms. Those who don’t know, think how the training camp abused her.

Well, it does seem like abusive to her.

These parents saw their children they hadn’t seen for a long time, and the video meeting was not counted, but they were also very excited.

Even Qin Yiren was not immune to the vulgarity, so he wanted to show Lu Chenjun a hand and cook delicious food for him.

Lu Chenjun: “…”

His mother’s cooking skills are probably not as good as that of a deer.

In order to prevent his stomach from being poisoned, Lu Chenjun cleverly found a new way.

“Mom, you are fat.”

The smile on Qin Yiren’s face froze: “I, am I fat?!”

After saying this, she couldn’t help but look at Xu Wenyin, who was playing with Xu Youyou and held high.

After the child was gone for seven days, Xu Wenyin “live broadcast” the food and broadcast for six days.

And Qin Yiren couldn’t stand it the next day, and knocked on the door to join the event.

Don’t say, the child is not around, you really want to eat what you want, and you don’t have to worry too much.

And Qin Yiren is not short of money. In the next few days, the recipes of the two parents will be rich.

Those who fly in the sky and swim in the sea are the only ones they don’t want to eat, and nothing that Qin Yiren can’t get.

After eating and drinking like this for almost a week, Qin Yiren looked at Xu Wenyin, who was still slender and slender, and silently pinched the flesh around his waist.

I have already made the same emoji package of the world famous painting “The Scream” in my heart.

Is there anything more painful than eating and eating with your best friend, and she is still so thin after you gain weight?


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