The Fantasy Entertainment Empire

Chapter 27

Chapter 27 Have their own minds

The war between the two women finally ended.

Una has to go home and won’t stay too late. Ye Jiayi also had official business there, and there was a phone call urging her.

Fan Zhe originally said that he was going to give them away, but Wona’s mother came to pick her up, and Ye Jiayi also had a company car over there, so Fan Zhe didn’t need it.

That’s good, otherwise, who to send first and who to send later will also become a huge problem.

What’s more, in today’s situation, Fan Zhe doesn’t want to be alone with any of them.

Ghost knows what will happen.

It’s best not to.

The girl driving the car, looking in the rearview mirror, the boss’s beautiful profile face stared out of the car window blankly, and couldn’t help but curiously asked: “Director Ye, are you in a bad mood?”

Hearing the question from the female driver, Ye Jiayi woke up from his thoughts: “Ah, no.”

“You can talk to me.”

“Nothing, thank you for your concern.”

The car returned to silence.

In the quiet darkness, the city’s neon brilliance flashed on Ye Jiayi’s face as the vehicles moved forward. This is her favorite atmosphere, and it is also the most conducive to her thinking.

She is a strong-hearted person, she has always thought so.

When she was young, her father’s death taught her to be strong. A few years ago, her mother died of a serious illness, which made her understand the meaning of independence.

But it is shameful to be lonely, and it is even more sad to live alone in this world.

Until Fan Zhe walked into her life.

She is never good at expressing her own mind, but she truly understands that Fan Zhe has become her most important person. The bits and pieces of life in the past few years are the beauty that she can’t give up.

People always have to look forward when they are alive, but she can’t see how she is going to go.

Continue the front with Fan Zhe? But why did I gather up the courage and take the initiative to come to Xunyang, only to see a strange girl who opened the door of Fan Zhe’s house from inside?

Forget Fan Zhe, start my life again?

Then how to give up?

Wona, lying on the bed, remembered what happened to Fan Zhe’s house.

At first, when she knew about Fan Zhe’s marriage, she never drank alcohol. At that time, she poured herself two bottles, and the next day she got a red rash and a headache due to alcohol allergy.

But no matter how painful, fragile or unwilling she is, she has never disturbed Fan Zhe and Ye Jiayi’s marriage.

This is her persistence and her pride. She will not be the third party in Fan Zhe’s marriage.

She also thought about whether she should forget the past and walk her own life. In fact, she has already done so. Giving up a stable job, chasing her dreams, and finding the meaning of her life is the beginning of her career.

And emotionally, she also wants to understand. If you can run into someone who touches her in the future, then let it be. But if not, she would rather stay alone like this than just find someone to live her life.

Unexpectedly, Fan Zhe suddenly got divorced.

She also noticed today that Ye Jiayi, as Fan Zhe’s ex-wife, seems to have no feelings for Fan Zhe. However, Fan Zhe’s own thoughts are difficult to explain for a while.

Even, she is a little confused about what she thinks now.

When she was at Fan Zhe’s house, she instinctively showed her edge to Ye Jiayi, but now, she asks herself, do she still feel about Fan Zhe before?

She doesn’t know, she only knows that her heart is beating.

“Obviously I came first!”

At Fan Zhe’s house, after finishing the table, Fan Qing and Li Rong complained to each other in the bedroom.

“Jia Yi came back, why didn’t you tell me in advance? If I had known it, I would definitely not let Xiaona come to the house! This made it, no one inside and outside!”

“I also wanted to give you a surprise. Besides, you didn’t tell me that Xiaona was at home, otherwise how could this happen?”

“Are you still blaming me?” Li Rong was furious.

“Dare not dare…” In this matter, where does Fan Qing dare to challenge Li Rong?

After having a temper with her husband, Li Rong began to sigh again: “Oh, my son, why is life so bitter…”

Fan Qing rolled his eyes and said, “His fate is still suffering… Two girls compete, one beautiful!”

Li Rong squinted at him: “What are you doing? Are you envious?”

“Don’t envy or envy, that’s my son! Only he envy me! I found him the best mother in the world!”

“That’s about the same…” Li Rong nodded in satisfaction, and asked again: “Hey, Lao Fan, do you think…Xiao Na or Jia Yi, which one is better?”

“Huh?” Fan Qing was stunned, “What do you think? How can you compare it like this? Xiaona and Xiaozhe are friends, and Jiayi is his wife!”

“Isn’t this divorced?” Li Rong said, “Although I also like Jiayi very much, I want them to remarry… But if it doesn’t work, Xiaona is actually pretty good too, do you think Lao Fan?”

“Xiao Na is pretty good…” Fan Qing said, “Oh! Why are you thinking about this? That’s Xiao Zhe’s own business, don’t worry about it.”

Li Rong said with a smile, “I don’t worry about it, I don’t worry about it at all. I can support Xiaozhe now, whatever he chooses, UU reading can choose any one, and I’m satisfied with whichever I choose…”

Fan Qing looked at his wife, and inexplicably remembered the picture that is quite popular on the Internet: I want it all.

The two girls and Fan Zhe’s parents have their own thoughts, but these Fan Zhe no longer think about it.

As long as you think about it, your brain hurts.

Now he actually has no idea about his personal feelings, whether it is Ye Jiayi or Wona.

He still doesn’t want to think about starting a relationship again.

For him, the most important thing at the moment is his career. His time, his energy, and even wishing to split it into two parts, really didn’t have the mind to think about it.

After dinner, not long after the two girls left, Fan Zhe received a call from Miller to report work.

She has completed the last remaining art work of the “Full Time Master” animation.

Turn on the computer and see the picture file sent by Miller. Fan Zhe is very satisfied with the success of his old subordinate’s work.

She still very relieved Fan Zhe.

imported this last image into the ‘Dimension’ system. The calculation time for this last point should not be too long. As long as the calculation of this last point is completed, the entire production of the animated reset version of “Full Time Master” will basically be over.

In this case, he called Ke Jianliang and asked about his preparations.

After learning that his side is basically ready, and the voice actors who should be contacted have been contacted, Fan Zhe booked a ticket to Shenghai online.

He didn’t tell anyone, he was going to go there first, and staring at the dubbing work before it was a serious matter.

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