The Fantasy Entertainment Empire

Chapter 21

Chapter 21 Is the money so good?

The substantial increase in hardware configuration has brought about a huge increase in productivity.

The    ‘Dimension’ system has performed even better after having a powerful carrier. The most straightforward performance is that the efficiency is greatly improved when performing intelligent calculations.

Before, Fan Zhe was actually very worried about whether he could finish the reset version of “Full-time Master” before the deadline. He can work hard by himself, but the computer performance is here. To make a feature film, the calculation of the “dimension” also takes a lot of time. How long will it take to rely on the broken notebook before is still a question mark.

Now, change shotgun! Fan Zhe was full of confidence.

He continued to devote himself to work as if he had been beaten up with blood.

At present, most of the original character paintings and scene designs of “Full Time” have been completed. Fan Zhe and Miller’s work have been devoted to the drawing of key frames.

The process of making CG animation and 2D animation in ‘Dimension’ is slightly different.

CG animation production requires a series of steps such as ‘dimension’ to complete modeling calculations, motion design calculations, light and shadow calculations, and material calculations. Finally, the semi-finished project files are combined and then rendered to be completed.

In the middle, the modeling calculation requires the original painting design, and the subsequent work requires a large number of illustration grade shots and some text descriptions. These things play the role of guiding the direction when the ‘dimension’ performs intelligent calculations.

But making anime is different.

In the production process of 2D animation, Fan Zhe needs to draw the key pictures, import them into the “dimensions”, and then directly use the “dimensions” to calculate and complete the content between the key pictures by themselves. There is no need to render in the follow-up, just directly The finished product is out.

This is a bit like traditional animation production, but in essence it is almost the same.

The production of traditional animation is generally done by an excellent master animator who designs the key frames in the animation, and then the assistant completes the drawing of the intermediate frames.

Here, in general animation, there are many ways to save effort.

is like some animation, when the character speaks, as long as the mouth is moving. Even for some voice-overs and mid-brain, the picture is simply static, and it doesn’t move.

The famous EVA, in a certain episode, a certain picture is very simply frozen for 64 seconds, saving countless funds, but also included in the annals of animation; a certain anime, known as the’Reminiscence Ninja’, is the story of the later memories, one Jineng spends most of its time playing things that it has previously missed.

This kind of method saves effort and time, and the key is to save money.

This question does not directly determine the quality of a work, but in any case, it is inevitable to pay a price to do so. It is inevitable that word-of-mouth declines and people complain about it.

It’s like some two-dimensional animation movies, which are shown in cinemas, and this kind of problem is almost or rare.

This in itself is a manifestation of well-made.

In the ‘dimension’, problems similar to the above cannot exist.

The powerful calculation ability of ‘Dimension’ completely replaces the work of the middle assistant, and there is no need to save money in this way.

And if it’s just that, the ‘dimension’ is not that great, but its most terrifying thing is that its calculation ability, to a certain extent, even replaces the work of the main beauty.

Fan Zhe only needs to import a small number of more important key scenes for the transformation of large scenes, and all other processes can be handed over to Dimension to solve.

General animation works, a fierce and exciting battle scene, must be the bulk of the workload. There are a lot of movements and changes, which means that a lot of key pictures need to be drawn, and the completion of the middle pictures also requires a lot of manpower to complete.

But under the calculus of ‘Dimension’, only one or two pictures are needed. There are characters and scenes in it, that’s enough. All combat actions, the ‘dimension’ can be smoothly completed in accordance with the pre-imported text description.

This saves a lot of effort.

However, although the workload is much less than normal, the workload shared by Fan Zhe and Miller is still very large because there are only two people.

But fortunately, I and Miller can draw at the same time, and after drawing one, import one into the ‘Dimension’ system. The two tasks are performed simultaneously. Moreover, the key frame accuracy required by animation is completely different from the large number of detailed and detailed material representation illustrations required by CG animation production. Otherwise, Fan Zhe and Miller will not finish painting.


Unconsciously, time came to the end of July, and the entire animation project was almost completed.

Under the powerful function of Dimension, 2D animation production is much simpler and faster than CG animation.

At present, there is still a backlog in the ‘dimension’, and there are not many parts waiting for the calculation. Fan Zhe doesn’t need to worry about the other key pictures that have not been finished yet. Miller is doing it.

What Fan Zhe needs to consider now is the follow-up issues of this project.

Good wine is not afraid of deep alleys. This is true, but in this era, it may not be suitable.

The quality of a work determines the upper limit of the work, but if there is not enough publicity, the lower limit may be infinitely low.

It might be a better choice to find a company and do some marketing.

Fan Zhe has passed the second phase, he would not be naive to think that as long as the quality of the work is good and uploaded to the Internet, he can kill the Quartet shock the animation industry.

is not entirely impossible, but in the same way, there is also a high probability that after thrown into the sea of ​​the Internet, it will sink to the bottom of the sea without a splash.

It is possible that over time, the final work will slowly rise. But what Fan Zhe hopes is that the work will quickly become popular, arouse a certain range of repercussions, and eventually affect the attention of the copyright owner of “Full Time Master” and grab the production rights.

Waiting for the time to settle… Don’t let Fan Zhe sink into the sea first.

But after contacting several online marketing companies to inquire and consult the prices, he couldn’t help but question his life: “Is money so easy to make?”

After knowing what Fan Zhe was going to do, they opened their mouths with astronomical figures, which directly scared him away.

What is a Weibo large-scale repost that costs 100,000 yuan, how much is the V letter public account to post an article, anyway, Fan Zhe forgets it, he can’t afford it.

But propaganda is always going to be done, and he doesn’t have the resources in this area himself, so he can only find someone else to do it.

Of course, the price cannot be what people say. Fan Zhe can’t afford to be taken advantage of.

He has to choose some more suitable and economical plan.

Within a few days, Fan Zhe discussed with an online public relations company and signed an agreement. After carefully discussing the propaganda plan, he was quoted with a price of 100,000 yuan. Compared with those big battles, he was a little trouble.

Related publicity will be roughly divided into two steps.

The first step, preheating, will begin in the near future.

Fan Zhe will release a few silent small clips of the completed animation, which will be circulated on the Internet under the name of “Streaming Publishing” and so on, to create a wave of momentum first. .

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