The Fantasy Entertainment Empire

Chapter 13

Chapter 13 Pay

There are two choices before Fan Zhe.

, I do the dubbing myself. He alone can take care of all the dubbing work, and then hand it over to ‘Dimensional Tuning’ to process, and finally process it into a sound similar to the many characters in the original version.

But if that’s the case, the dubbing quality of the final work… it must be horrible. He still has self-knowledge. After his dubbing level is released, 10,000 people must question: Why did the original dubbing level of XX have fallen so badly?

Something that can’t be helped, just forget it; but if it can be done, even if it is a little more troublesome and costly, he also hopes to do the best.

After all, this will be the first work of ‘Dimension Studio’ in the future, and it also shoulders the important task of hooking up the Lewen Group for Fan Zhe.

Therefore, he gritted his teeth and decided to go the second way: to find a more professional dubbing team, complete the entire dubbing, and then repair the voice through the ‘dimension’. In this way, the problem of timbre can be solved by intelligent calculation, and the quality of dubbing will also be guaranteed.

Although domestic dubbing is not comparable to the extremely high-level voice actor industry cultivated in places like Japan with a developed animation industry, it is at least much better than Fan Zhe himself.

The problem of dubbing    is a serious concern for Fan Zhe. This problem has been solved, and the project of the reset version of the special chapter of “Full-time Master” can be officially started.

I finished a character design yesterday, but there is still a lot of work left. Start early and finish early to seize the opportunity.

It is certainly not as fast as several people working together. On this matter, Fan Zhe still intends to find Miller to cooperate. At the same time, there is a sound problem, and he has to find a helper.

picked up the phone and rummaged in the phone book for a while, and he found the right person.

A call was dialed, and the person over there was a young voice: “Hello? Mr. Fan?”

“It’s me.” Fan Zhe said, “Xiao Ke, what are you doing lately?”

“When the company closed, I had to eat too, so I found a new job. I just went to work right now. What can I do with Fan?”

Hearing that the other party had re-searched for a job, Fan Zhe’s heart sank a little.

Xiao Ke on the other side of the phone, whose full name is Ke Jianliang, is a former employee of Fan Zhe’s company, responsible for the sound effects of the company’s game projects.

In Fan Zhe’s impression, Ke Jianliang is a very capable person. Although he is young and his work experience is not rich, his craftsmanship is indeed good.

The key is that Fan Zhe knows very few people in terms of sound effects, and Ke Jianliang is one of them. The purpose of contacting him is of course to find a sound engineer for the next “Full-time Master”.

However, they have already found a new job, which is a bit troublesome.

But after another thought, what happened to having a job?

He asked, “This is Xiao Ke. I recently had an animation project, and there are fewer sound effects artists… I know, I know, listen to me first. It hasn’t been long since you joined the job, and you certainly won’t change easily. Work, but are you interested in outsourcing?”

The word outsourcing touched Xiao Ke.

“Um…how much? I have done animation sound effects. I have experience and can do it.”

“The price is based on the market, and I will definitely not treat you badly.” Fan Zhe said, “For the specific situation, my project has not yet come to the time to make sound effects. After some time, I will send you the information. Watch to get it down?”

“Okay, no problem.”

No matter what you do, there are more difficulties than imagined.

But compared to the word ‘difficult’, Fan Zhe prefers to call it ‘challenge’.

After solving the challenges on the road, you will stand at the end without knowing it.

The two major issues of dubbing and sound effects have been dealt with. The remake of “Full Time Master” can speed up the operation.

In art, he still doesn’t plan to do it all by himself. If possible, he is still willing to pull Miller together.

The kung fu of the musicians has always been trustworthy.

However, before looking for her, Fan Zhe decided to confirm the money settled in the animation at the beginning of “Assassination Squad”.

Although Miller is his old subordinate, the two have a good personal relationship, and the young mother also trusts Fan Zhe, but this is not the reason why Fan Zhe can support others at will. Mi Le also has to support his family, and money is always a big problem.

I was poor before, and I can’t help it. Now I’m a little richer, and I should settle the salary for my hard work in the previous month and a half.

took out his mobile phone and clicked on the bank APP software. After seeing that the 300,000 yuan had been paid into the account, he called Miller.

After a greeting, Fan Zhe asked about their mother and daughter’s current situation, and said: “I will settle the salary for the previous two months, and send me your bank account. A total of 50,000 yuan, yes No comments?”

Miller expressed some opinions: “Too much, right?”

“Not much, you can end your vacation early to help me, I can’t thank you enough, you deserve it.”

“Okay, thank you boss.”

“You’re welcome.”

Making the animation of “Assassination Squad” took up more than a month and a half of Mi Le, and UU reading would have to give them 30,000 or 40,000 yuan based on their salary. As for the extra 10,000 yuan, it can be regarded as a project bonus.

Actually, this is really not much.

According to Miller’s level, she went out to find a job, and a lot of game and film companies would ask her for a salary of 20,000 yuan a month. An original artist with rich work experience, proficient in a variety of painting styles, and a large number of mature works may have no hope of making a fortune. Finding an ordinary person to look at a high-paying job is not a big problem.

From now on, I can see that doing things in this area, such as CG animation, really burns money.

If you follow a general special effects company and employ a team of more than ten individuals, the types of work include a series of digital art workers such as original painters, modelers, and renderers. Let’s not talk about whether you can finish the opening animation of “Assassination Squad” in three months. It is just the cost of this salary, I am afraid it is almost the same.

Including the equipment…No Shabi company will take this 550,000 order, and it’s almost the same if it doubles it several times.

After clearing the salary issue, Fan Zhe asked if Miller would like to join his next project, Miller agreed without hesitation.

At the end, the young mother asked: “Boss, are you going to make a comeback?”

Fan Zhe’s heart was a little shaken, he scratched his head subconsciously, and said, “I haven’t figured this out yet…”

Mi Le said: “Well, the boss, if you think about it, tell me.”

“I want to really set up another studio, would you still work with me?”

“Yes.” Miller said of course: “You are such a good boss, where can I find another one?”

Then, she thought for a while, and added: “But don’t let me wait too long, I still have to raise Xiaoxiao.”

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