The Extraordinary King: Awaken The Traveling Beast At The Start

Chapter 16

Chapter 16, Fierce Battle! The Best! (Two In One Chapter! Ask For Flowers!)

“Next, Fang Ran, it’s your turn to play.”

As another candidate was eliminated by the examiner, Fang Ran stood up from the preparation table and walked towards the stage holding the Zanpakutō as soon as a reminder sounded.

The young examiner looked at his information, and his eyes lit up again: “Yo! Why is my luck so good today, and I met another A-level ability user, is it plant control? Unfortunately, this is not a forest, you can’t exert much advantage, But if it’s A-rank, there should be some means to use it, right? If not, I will sentence you to the lowest!”

Fang Ran smiled and did not respond to the other party’s joke. Instead, he raised his Zanpakutō and asked, “Instructor, can I use weapons?”

The instructor suddenly asked with interest: “You are still proficient in swordsmanship?”

Fang Ran answered earnestly, “It didn’t take long for me to practice, and I’ll just get through it a little bit.”

The instructor narrowed his eyes and said: “I don’t think your posture is like a novice, but it doesn’t matter, you can use whatever skills you have, not to mention cold weapons, even hot weapons are fine, as long as you can make me Just be satisfied.”

“Then I’m welcome.”

Fang Ran said this, but instead of drawing the knife, he held the blade and stomped on the ground.

When the ability was activated, the hard masonry field immediately swelled up, and plants burst out of the ground, growing wildly, looking extremely dangerous.

There were thorny thorns, sturdy vines, twisted roots, even plants with buds and giant piranhas, all of which were like a dance of demons, all of which spread towards the examiner.

“Hey hey hey! This kind of scale can’t be achieved by a rookie who has just awakened, right? This is a stony battle arena! Are you a monster?”

The examiner was really startled, and while his mouth was amazed, he quickly stretched out his palm as a knife and quickly cut off the plants that were approaching.

However, just as he was speaking, the plants with flower buds had quietly bloomed, releasing an intoxicating rich floral fragrance.

After the examiner smelled the fragrance of the flowers, his expression suddenly changed:

“This scent is poisonous!”

He quickly held his breath, and with a serious face, he used the power of qi and blood in his body to dissolve the small amount of poisonous gas he had just absorbed.

Then he stopped holding his hands, his feet suddenly moved, and his body had turned into a domineering afterimage, slamming straight at Fang Ran.

All the plants in the middle that he tried to stop were directly smashed by him, and the branches and leaves flew in an instant.

Daxia Longquan·Longxiang Chongquan!

His speed is too fast, there is no time to dodge.

Fang Ran didn’t want to hide either, he just held the long knife around his waist, and when the opponent rushed in front of him, he immediately drew the knife and slashed!

Luo Tianliu slashes the Dao, and the heart slashes in two ways – Wangchuan Chonglan!

The sharp sword light suddenly burst into flames, with a heavy momentum like breaking a mountain and breaking a mountain, and clashed with the instructor’s domineering charge, causing a roar and a gust of wind.

In the shocked eyes of everyone, the examiner’s fist was wrapped in a real blood-colored energy, and it was firmly pressed against the blade cut out by Fang Ran. It seemed that they were evenly matched!

Even the examiner himself was shocked.

He used 50% of his strength, and activated the blessing of the power of qi and blood in the martial arts, but he didn’t win the opponent with a single move, and even fought against the opponent’s swordsmanship?

He is a power user in the deepening stage of the third realm and a double-material powerhouse of martial arts. Although he did not use powers, and his martial arts qi and blood were not fully released, even so, if he took out about half of his punching power, he would still be attacked. He blocked it, which was a bit of a fantasy.

Even a second-level power user with little success in the martial arts will undoubtedly lose with this punch. Could it be that the opponent has just awakened to have a strength that surpasses ordinary second-level powerhouses?

In particular, there is one thing that makes him very concerned.

“Your swordsmanship has already entered the room, is this also called a little bit of fur?”

The opponent’s strength is obviously not as good as his own, he doesn’t even have one-third of his own, but he can use the sword technique to wrestle with half of his own punch, which must be due to the increase of the sword technique.

Although he doesn’t understand swordsmanship, he is not a reckless man without eyesight. The sword swung by the other party gave him a strange illusion of facing the obstacles of mountains. The layers of resistance came up, abruptly weakening his punching power.

If this kind of swordsmanship cannot be called entering the room, then the vast majority of students in the academy who major in swordsmanship can give up.

“Excessive modesty is arrogance, kid, you are very good, you have aroused my interest, let me see how good your swordsmanship is! Don’t expect you to be easily let go by me like other people.”

“Senior is willing to give advice, but junior can’t ask for it.”

Two pairs of eyes full of fighting intent looked at each other, tit for tat, neither wanted to let it go.

The next moment, the stormy offensive broke out between the two at the same time!

The phantom-heavy blood-colored boxing shadow and the thick sword light that cannot be splashed into each other crazily collided. The sound of iron-like impact was almost continuous. We can clearly feel the strong wind blowing in our face.

At this moment, they were all stunned, completely dumbfounded.

In the face of them, the invincible examiner, who was invincible when facing them, was evenly matched with this freshman who made the knife!

You’re not playing us, are you? When you hit us, you punched one punch, and now even the power of qi and blood is used, and it is still like this?

I can not accept!

“Is this guy really a freshman? Isn’t it a power user who has awakened or started practicing for several years?”

“No way? I remember that if it’s not a freshman, the Academy has other assessment criteria, and it’s impossible to put it together with the freshman.”

“Looking at his swordsmanship, he wouldn’t be a son of a wealthy family, would he?”

“How is that possible? Have you ever seen a wealthy boy dressed like this?”

“If this is a freshman, it will be awesome, and there is no limit to the superior potential, right?”

“It depends on what the examiner thinks, but I also think it’s more than superior.”

“I’m thinking he won’t be a dual ability user? Plant manipulation plus knife technique specialization, otherwise there’s no way to explain his strength!”

“Are you a Chinese cabbage when you think of a dual ability person? The entire Xia Kingdom has a population of billions, and the known dual ability person is only the number of palms. How can we see it so easily.”

“That’s right, there are only two dual abilities even among the generals of the town.”

“Nothing can change the fact that this guy is really awesome.”

“That’s bullshit? That’s like a heifer flying on a plane – bullshit!”

Everyone was talking, only Lu Yufei stood there, the conversation with Fang Ran kept echoing in his mind, and a terrifying thought rose in his heart:

He said that he came across the forest to Longmen City, wouldn’t it be true?

No matter how shocked the audience was, Fang Ran didn’t have time to think about it, because he was now fully focused on the battle in front of him.

The examiner’s Daxia Longquan is extremely pure, and every punch is extremely deadly. Although his Heart Slash II is a rare defensive sword technique, he does not dare to use the elemental power of Zanpakutō to cooperate. Incomplete, over time, but also somewhat dwarfed.

After all, the opponent’s strength, experience, realm, and vision are all far above him, and any punch that he can punch requires his full strength to deal with it. If it wasn’t for the strength of Bengyu, he would have been hit long ago.

Although Bengyu was there, it was only a pain when they were hit, but they were now competing on skills. Whoever got hit would lose, and Fang Ran, whose competitive spirit was aroused, would of course do his best.

“I can’t defend anymore, I have to fight back! One blow decides the outcome!”

The situation was not good, Fang Ran’s heart immediately became ruthless, and for the first time, he advanced forward and slashed horizontally.

The momentum of this sword changed greatly, it was no longer a heavy mountain, but a fierce and violent attack like a slashing sea.

Suddenly, from defense to attack, it was quite abrupt.

However, the examiner was not surprised but delighted, thinking that the young man just couldn’t hold his breath, and he wanted to take a risk when he was at a disadvantage.

The timing of making a surprise move should be after a well-planned calculation, not in a reckless and blind gamble!

It should be the turning point of the final victory, not the horn to launch an attack.

Let me teach you this truth!

The examiner had a smile on his lips, seeing the flaw in his forcible change, and threw a punch with extreme precision.

This punch was the surest way to save the enemy. He believed that under this punch, Fang Ran’s moves would definitely be broken, and he would be directly knocked into the air by himself, and the blade in his hand would also pass him by, without hurting him in the slightest.

He calculated it very well, and if it was carried out normally, it would definitely be as he expected, but at this moment, a thick wooden root suddenly popped out from under his feet, very cleverly using his own movements to exert a new force , which suddenly caused his movements to be slightly deformed.

It was this small change that produced a completely different result.

“Fuck! It’s yin!”

The examiner only had time to flash this thought, Fang Ran’s cross-cut slash had already slashed directly from his side.

Luo Tianliu slashes the Dao, the heart slashes in three ways – the sea is flowing!

The figures of the two passed by, Fang Ran kept his knife forward, and the examiner kept his backhand punch, and the picture was instantly frozen.

After a while, the examiner looked down at his abdomen, where the clothes were cut open at some point, and a long and narrow wound appeared, and the blood had soaked the clothes.

He closed his fists and stood up straight. With a thought, the muscles at the wound tightened suddenly, stopping the bleeding instantly.

“You are not bad, even I was put together by you. I instinctively regarded you as those stubborn guys in the school who were obsessed with the way of the swordsman, and subconsciously ignored your abilities.”

“Being able to find the balance point of my contribution at that moment and exert influence is also an extremely amazing ability to use, and your swordsmanship is changeable and sharp in movement. You have obtained the essence of swordsmanship and walked out of your own. The road is very good!”

“If those swordsman masters in the academy saw you, they would probably go crazy for you, rushing to accept you as their apprentice.”

He was not stingy with his words of appreciation for Fang Ran, but Fang Ran was not too excited, he was still calm, neither pleased with things nor grieved for himself, he just closed his sword and said humbly:

“The instructor has won the prize, and I’m still far behind.”

Can you slap the Buddha with both hands? Can you slash the island with a single sword?

There is nothing to be proud of if you can’t.

This is what Fang Ran has in mind.

The examiner could see that he was serious, but he admired him even more in his heart, only to hear him say:

“It’s been a long time since I’ve seen a freshman with such potential as you. Come on boy, your future must be bright! My rating for you is—”


As soon as the voice fell, there was an uproar outside the field! A sensation!

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