The Entertainment Industry Waits For Our Divorce

Chapter 20

: Twentieth day left

The next day, a little-known marketing account named “Orange Entertainment” released a news Weibo:

“Lu Lincheng’s ex-wife Liang Yan refuses to support his biological mother. Is it a loss of family affection or a loss of morality, so cruel?”

In the news industry, this kind of family support drama between children and parents is generally the most **** and refreshing, and the protagonist of this event turned out to be a famous star in the entertainment industry, and the most important thing is Lu Lincheng’s ex-wife, which is immediately concerned. Degree report.

In the news video, a woman named Chen Xueyun who claimed to be Liang Yan’s mother complained to the camera in tears.

“My biological daughter, I worked so hard to give birth to her and grow her up. I know that when I was a child, she couldn’t let go because I divorced her father, but her father was drunk every day. What should I do? I know I am sorry for her, so Over the years, I tried to make up for it as much as possible. I thought that blood is always thicker than water. For so many years, I have always nurtured her, but I didn’t expect her to be so cruel that she would kill her mother and her brother!”

In the main body of the news, according to Chen Xueyun’s description, Liang Yan was ungrateful after he became famous, and has been indifferent to his family for several years. Now something has happened in the family, and his mother is desperate and asks her for basic living expenses. Liang Yan is clearly rich but has nothing to do with it. , Even threatened to sever mother-daughter relationship with her mother.

Everyone read the news, but they didn’t expect Liang Yan to be such a person in private. He would not even pay alimony from his own mother. The most important thing in the world is filial piety, and the comment area is filled with indignation.

[God, being a celebrity earns so much money even if you don’t support your own mother, are you still a human? 】

[No wonder Lu Lincheng wants to divorce her, this woman is too vicious. 】

[I am also a single-parent family, and knowing that divorce is not easy for my parents, I have long let go of it. Why is Liang Yan like this? 】

[Only I am curious about what happened to her house? 】

[Even if she has no money, she won’t even be able to support her own mother. 】

[Stop teasing, how could a celebrity have no money. 】

[Oh, this aunt is so pitiful. 】

[Fortunately, Lu Lincheng has separated from this woman. 】

Soon, “Liang Yan’s unfilial daughter” was on the hot search.

Liang Yan’s expression was numb, watching Chen Xueyun’s tearful accusations in the video, and watching the insults and attacks on her in the comment section.

Her Weibo private messages have exploded. Unfilial piety seems to be worse than marrying Lu Lincheng, and all kinds of vicious curses are overwhelming.

Oh, this is her real mother.

Jiang Mu was so angry that he scolded a few swear words, walked around on the ground with his hips akimbo, then took out his mobile phone: “I will call the media to clarify now!”

“What kind of orange entertainment, distorting the facts and hearing only one side of the word, are you not afraid that we will sue?!”

“Wait a minute.” Liang Yan stopped Jiang Mu out loud.

Jiang Mu angrily said: “Wait, don’t you have the heart? Liang Yan, not everyone who has been born and raised is worthy of being called a parent.”

“No.” Liang Yan looked at Jiang Mu, “Things have become such a big deal, everyone has a preconceived impression, I will now directly issue a statement to explain, the most likely is…” She sighed. “I’m deliberately whitewashing.”

The actress and her mother are tit-for-tat in the media for money, and the scene is really ugly.

Jiang Mu was startled: “Then, what should I do?”

Liang Yan looked at his mobile phone, and on Weibo, in the “Wolf’s Gathering Place”, the fans suddenly became quiet today. A few small fans couldn’t help but asked tremblingly:

“Yanyan, what the **** is going on?”

“Yanyan, is that Chen Xueyun really your mother?”

“Did she wrong you, Yanyan, you have troubles, right?”

“Don’t be sad, we believe you smoke and smoke.”

Liang Yan was silent, quit Weibo, turned to the communication log, looked at the strange number that suddenly called yesterday, smiled self-deprecatingly, and pressed the dial button.

The people over there seemed to have been waiting for her call, and they were connected immediately.

Chen Xueyun: “Liang Yan.”

Liang Yan: “Yeah.”

Chen Xueyun sighed on the phone: “I was really desperate to ask you for money. Why should I make this happen? If you give me 8 million now, I will call those reporters to explain.”

“I know you have money. Eight million is not difficult for you. I give birth to you. Even if I have not raised you, isn’t it worth eight million to give birth to you?”

“Your brother is in the bureau now, and the people over there said that if you don’t lose money, you should sue him.”

Liang Yan’s voice was very cold: “I have no money, and I can’t find money to give you. I just hope you don’t go on like this anymore.”

She paused, and her voice suddenly became choked: “Mom.”

“Do you have any contact information for Yuji, let them explain it again, really don’t force me, okay?”

Chen Xueyun thought Liang Yan was afraid to take the money when she called, but she didn’t expect to say this, so she shouted on the phone:

“Haha, this is the good daughter I gave birth to. Believe it or not that I made you ruined, there is no daughter in the world who doesn’t give money to their parents!”

“Look at whether those people believe me or believe you, I’ll tell you, when you come to me next time, you won’t be able to solve the problem of eight million, but eighty million!”

“I want you to hold your head up in this life!”

Liang Yan hung up the phone directly.

She looked at Jiang Mu and said, “Let’s go to the police station again.”

At 7 o’clock that afternoon, Liang Yan, who had been silent for a whole day after being scolded, suddenly posted a Weibo.

“When you were very young, you were very gentle that day. You said you would come to see me in the future. I smiled and said goodbye to you. I waited and waited, but you never came again.”

There is also an audio recording released at the same time.

-You were born to me. Who will pay you back these eight million!

—I tell you, you not only have to pay off your brother’s debts, but you also need to support me. You must give me 200,000 living expenses every month!

—Yes, I have never raised you, but you are not alive and well. I knew you were such a white-eyed wolf. It was better to sell you directly. Who wants to raise a money-losing daughter!

—You idiot! Divorce from Lu Lincheng and don’t need any alimony. You let him sleep for nothing? !

—Oh my god, when a daughter doesn’t care about the life and death of his mother and brother, he has to watch his brother go to jail!

-Look at whether those people believe in me or in you, I tell you, when you come to me next time, it won’t be eight million, but eighty million!

Immediately afterwards, the Weibo “Liangyan National Support Association Official Blog” released a long Weibo, which was the certificate of Liang Yan’s enrollment in a full care sports school from the age of seven to seventeen. The accommodation type read: “Full care The guardian’s column is clearly filled in: “Children without guardianship”.

There are several remittance slips at the back. One is that Liang Yan wanted to transfer 4 million yuan to Chen Xueyun two years ago, and the other is Liang Yan who paid for many years of living expenses to the sports school after going to university.

The crowd who had been aggressively condemning Liang Yan suddenly quieted down.

Liang Yan looked at the recording on his Weibo.

Chen Xueyun was ignorant and did not know the whole process of monitoring and recording in the mediation room of the police station.

On one side, Chen Xueyun cried to the camera, not knowing whether it was true or false, and on the other side, Liang Yan’s recordings, all the proofs were all real hammers.

Public opinion turned overwhelmingly.

[Fuck, I left my daughter alone when I was young, and now I grow up and come to her to ask for money, who is this! Point your face! 】

[How can there be such parents in the world. 】

[Looking at Liang Yan’s appearance, she thought she was from a very good family. 】

[Unguarded children, aren’t they orphans? 】

[I’m in a muddy horse, I’m almost crying. 】

[I know that sports school, there used to be many parents who left their children there and didn’t care, it was half an orphanage. 】

[I have already given four million and are not satisfied, eight million, eighty million, this is already extortion! 】

[Only I noticed that Liang Yan and Lu Lincheng didn’t need a penny for their divorce… I thought she would beat Lu Lincheng hard. 】

[She has also worked-study in university and paid back the living expenses and tuition fees of the sports school for so many years. It is not easy. 】

[Liang Yan, don’t give them money! 】

[Very distressed Liang Yan. 】

[Liang Yan, come on! 】

[Only I am curious about what kind of project Liang Yan used to practice in sports school? Based on her height and appearance, rhythmic gymnastics or synchronized swimming? 】

Liang Yan’s WeChat account was about to explode, and many familiar and unfamiliar friends and work partners sent messages to comfort her.

There was even more cries in the “Spike Tooth Gathering Place”, and the fans felt terribly distressed. I didn’t expect us to smoke and smoke so much from snacks.

Liang Yan comforted in the group: “It’s okay, the food at the physical school is pretty good.”

Then this kind of optimism arouses the fans’ affection more than selling miserably.

“Yanyan I love you!”

“Woo, what a good idol I have had.”

“It seems to have traveled to the past to hug you.”

At this time, a fan asked in the group: “Yanyan, what project did you practice before?”

“We smoke cigarettes with so long legs, we must be practicing track and field.”

“No, Yanyanchang is so good-looking and flexible. It must be rhythmic gymnastics.”

“Synchronized swimming.”

Liang Yan looked at the fan’s weird guesses, thought for a while, turned out the photo in the corner of the phone album, hesitated for a moment, and posted it.

In the photo, the little girl is eight or nine years old, with a yellow T-shirt and shorts, with short hair drooping on her scalp, and her cheeks against two piles of rustic plateau red, struggling to lift a barbell that has fallen out of paint.

The posture is the standard clean and jerk.

A fan posted a Weibo with this photo:

“Fuck it, no wonder Liang Yan is so good at moving bricks hahahahahahaha”


The column is followed by the article “Xiao Dai Jing” for an advance receipt, thank you everyone who is still following the article.


In a large-scale star military camp experience reality show, the company commander, Li Jing, finally barely confided his requirements for the future partner after several inquiries by the program director:

“I don’t like a girl who is too beautiful, just ordinary. I hope she will be mature, calm, and wise in the future, and can stand by my side.”

Then the camera turned, and the entertainment industry’s number one vase beauty, Qiao Fei, had her knee scratched during the march, and she sat there crying.

Many netizens left comments asking Li Jing to severely treat this naive, hypocritical and squeamish woman, dragging him up and running for ten kilometers.

Li Jing thought so too.

Only later, when gathering at night, Qiao Fei fell to the end again, stepped on the shoelace and fell, delaying the progress.

Li Jing went to teach her personally.

In the moonlight, the man held the girl’s white calf, his thin lips cautiously kissed the scar on her leg.


Qiao Fei remembers what Li Jing said to the choreographer,

Looking at the man kissing her knee,

So raise the leg

Fly a jio

She laughed out two Limao: “Hey, sorry, I just bounced on my knees.”

Li Jing: “…”

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