The Entertainment Industry Waits For Our Divorce

Chapter 17

: Did not leave on the seventeenth day (repair)

Liang Yan was thinking when the phone in his pocket suddenly rang.

Liang Yan took out his cell phone and looked at it. The caller ID was a string of unfamiliar numbers.

Jiang Mu: “Who?”

“I don’t know.” Liang Yan hesitated, then answered the phone: “Hello.”

There was obviously a man’s voice on the other side: “It’s me.”

Liang Yan had to continue to ask: “Who are you?”

“…” The person on the other end of the phone seemed to pause, and finally said, “Lu Lincheng.”

“!!!” Liang Yan was so frightened that the phone slipped from his palm, and he caught it after several laps in the air.

In the receiver, Lu Lincheng’s voice was muted after staying up all night: “Liang Yan, let’s meet and talk.”

Liang Yan thought that Lu Lincheng would scold him and say that she was self-deprecating. No matter how bad he was, he would have to stab her a few words to dispel his hatred, but he didn’t expect his tone to sound quite normal, as if he was making a good filming. There was another person who was caught in the cusp of the storm by her operation. Liang Yan didn’t expect that taking a pass would cause such a big trouble. After all, this time it was all caused by her. He felt guilty for hurting Lu Lincheng, so his momentum was obviously short when he spoke. For a while, he only replied in an orderly manner: “Oh.”

Lu Lincheng: “You should be free the day after tomorrow, I will go home the day after tomorrow.”

“…Home?” Liang Yan didn’t react at first, and then realized that the “home” Lu Lincheng said should be the apartment of more than 200 square meters in Nanjing District. Jiang Mu said it was the house of the two of them.

“Yeah.” Lu Lincheng replied lightly, “If there is nothing wrong, I’ll hang up first.”

Liang Yan put down the phone, and the call record of just one minute and thirty seconds on the screen reminded her that it was not a dream.

When Jiang Mu saw Liang Yan’s reaction, he knew that it was Lu Lincheng who had called. He leaned over and asked, “What did he say? He scolded you?”

“No.” Liang Yan shook his head, “he just said he wanted to talk to me in person.”

“Talk in person?” Jiang Mu frowned. “Did he say anything to talk in person?”

“Neither.” Liang Yan continued to shook his head, but he had already guessed in his heart.

I’m not angry at all about being taken off and going to hot search, my tone is calm when I call, and I have to talk face-to-face.

Liang Yan only thought of one possibility—

Because Lu Lincheng wants to talk to her about divorce in person.


Jiang Mu found that Liang Yan suddenly became quiet after a phone call, and sat there quietly holding his mobile phone, like a lonely cub.

Liang Yan sniffed.

Sure enough, he was still divorced.

As if back when I was a child, the parents who were always arguing suddenly stopped arguing one day, and the two of them took her to a restaurant for dinner. Liang Yan remembers that at that time she was jumping around with her left hand and her father’s right hand and her mother. Blushing with joy, they led them to the local closed sports school.

Liang Yan bit her finger and watched that she was handed over to the life teacher of the sports school by her parents. Her mother squatted down and tidied her collar: “Dad and mom are already divorced. We can’t take care of you anymore. Yanyan lives in the school. We will come to see you when we have time, okay?”

Liang Yan is not the kind of girl who grows up in love and has the capital and willfulness. Knowing that these warm and soft words are the last tenderness, he said “OK” with red eyes, and then he saw the man and the woman. The entrance of the sports school is like a divergence.

Liang Yan looked at the two figures, clenched his small fists, and did the most daring thing.

She suddenly cried and ran up to chase after her, crying heartbreakingly from behind, the two of them seemed to hear her crying, but they still didn’t look back.

The old iron gate of the sports school was closed mercilessly.

She had been waiting for them to see her at the beginning, and she worked hard every day to train so that they could proudly tell them about her achievements when they came. When they left her, she said she would come when they were free, but she waited and waited. At the end, she didn’t know how many years she had counted, but they never came.

Since then, Liang Yan has been terrified of being abandoned. Many times when she was a child, she woke up from nightmares, and she was always in front of the cold iron door that separated her young childhood.

Liang Yan buried his head.

Maybe she was too afraid of being abandoned. After her amnesia, no matter how much she thought about it, she never thought about taking the initiative to divorce Lu Lincheng.

Marriage is a big event. She didn’t want to be like those two people. Since she had to turn around so indifferently in the end, why did she decide to be together in the first place.

At least she is unwilling to be the one who volunteered.

Now Lu Lincheng is about to mention it to her, Liang Yan feels exactly the same as when he was locked in the iron door when he was a child.

Jiang Mu tried to get closer: “Are you okay?”

“It’s okay.” Liang Yan raised his head again.

Liang Yan was afraid of being thrown away when he was a child, but when he grew up, he is no longer afraid.


Two days later, the apartment in Nanjing District was unoccupied for a long time, but the cleaning lady still came regularly, and every piece of furniture was spotless.

Lu Lincheng sat on the sofa, dressed in casual gray home clothes, with slippers under his feet, the glamorous man in front of the camera removed his disguise, and the whole person was filled with a sense of **** laziness from the inside out.

Opposite him, Liang Yan has a small face with exquisite makeup, a delicate red on her lips, her eyelashes are brushed clearly, and her hair is slightly curled after being carefully managed. She wears a black slim trench coat with a turtleneck sweater. , With his most expensive bag on his lap, his back stood like a little white poplar, and he was so decent that he didn’t feel like staying in his own home.

Liang Yan glanced at the slack-dressed man opposite, and narrowed the corners of his mouth.

She got up at five o’clock in the morning to get her hair and make-up, in order to be abandoned today and to be abandoned decently. The man on the other side didn’t seem to take it seriously, so he came to divorce her when dressed like this. Obviously, this marriage is not respected.

Lu Lincheng took a sip of water from the glass on the coffee table and looked at Liang Yan. He didn’t seem to expect her to dress so grandly.

When Lu Lincheng went home this time, he found that the cloakroom was quite empty, and Liang Yan’s clothes were gone, so he asked, “Have you moved out?”

“Yeah.” Liang Yan nodded.

After hearing this, Lu Lincheng nodded, then tilted his legs, his left and right fingers facing each other, his eyes turned to the ground, as if something was brewing.

Liang Yan thought that Lu Lincheng hadn’t figured out how to talk to her about the divorce. She felt that instead of being thrown mercilessly, she might as well give herself a break, so he took a breath and said, “My stuff in this house. I almost moved.”

“The last time I was wrong, I didn’t expect to be discovered by fans so quickly and I was on the hot search. I’m sorry, I really didn’t think about self-declaration and your enthusiasm. Although I don’t know why I am inexplicably following You are married, but I still want this face.”

“Don’t worry, I won’t touch any property that is not mine. I don’t care about the common property after marriage. Although I lack money, I won’t be short of that share. What you earn is yours and me. It’s ok.”

“I also know that you hate me. I don’t care about empty numbers or anything. If you want to leave, leave me alone. From now on, as the fans say, we will be safe and stay away from each other.”

Liang Yan finished speaking in a huff, her eyes were slightly red. She wanted to make herself look indifferent as much as possible, so she stopped looking at Lu Lincheng, her eyes fixedly looking forward, her chin lifted slightly, revealing a slender white neck.

It doesn’t matter, what she said herself is not considered abandoned again.

Liang Yan tried to make himself seem calm, even though his whole body was trembling slightly.

After listening to Liang Yan’s words, Lu Lincheng didn’t seem to expect that she would say it so happily, his expression was astonished.

He had been preparing for a long time, knowing that Liang Yan would be sad when he heard it, so he was so tactful that she couldn’t be more euphemistic, but he didn’t expect that she would say it directly, without any breakdown or dissatisfaction, with a decent smile on her face.

Lu Lincheng looked down and said, “Liang Yan, I’m sorry.”

Liang Yan took a deep breath and forced himself to squeeze a smile, then he took out a signature pen from his bag and snapped off the cap: “It’s nothing I’m sorry, I won’t suffer after two years of marriage with you, as long as you Don’t let me pay your alimony, everything else will do.

“What about the divorce agreement? I’ll sign it now.”

After half an hour, Weibo users Lu Lincheng and Liang Yan both posted Weibo.

There is no text, only a picture.

“divorse agreement”.


Double change on Saturday.

Thank you for signing the cherry blossoms, orange Persian Gulf, north of Yanshan Mountain, the mine of wood skulls!

Thank you hunk for the mine×3!

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