The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 1280 - Finale (12)

  Chapter 1280 Finale (12)

  But he himself was completely wrapped in black tentacles, the kind that couldn’t get off.

  Ao Bing’s expression changed: “Father!”


  Ao Guang turned his hands into dragon claws in time and embedded them in the ground in front of him, so he was not immediately dragged in.

  However, the black tentacles seemed to know that he would do this, and the pulling force was even greater.

Ao Bing, who was thrown to the other side, wanted to rush over, but it was too late.

  The black tentacles are like the rhizomes of branches, completely infiltrating Ao Guang’s limbs, drawing his vitality, and his skin and flesh are rapidly drying out.

  Ao Bing’s eyes suddenly widened: “Father!”

   “My father is weak. I used to fear power and sacrificed you. It was my father’s fault.” Ao Guang exhausted his last bit of strength, “This is the last thing my father…can do for you.”

   Ao Bing suddenly shook: “Father?”

  The previous things have passed so long, and he also acted voluntarily. How could he blame Ao Guang?

   “Look, what a touching side.” The lord of the heart demon sighed, “I am moved by seeing this. This kind of life and death is my favorite to watch, don’t mind having more.”

  The more creatures that die in the prehistoric lands, the greater the despair. Correspondingly, the remaining people’s xinxing will be fragile. In this way, the heart demon will be more likely to invade, and in the end, he will be stronger.

  These people are just his nourishment.

  Ao Bing was unwilling to give up. He galloped toward the ground: “Father, you hold on!”

  However, at this moment, Ao Guang suddenly yelled, “Miss Jun, please.”


  At the same moment, the surviving dragons of the Four Seas all turned into dragon bodies, and roared up to the sky, reverberating continuously between the heavens and the earth.

  Countless golden lights emerged from this dragon, hovered into the air, and landed in every corner of the prehistoric continent in a flash.

  The golden light attached to the ordinary primordial spirits, forming a solid barrier to prevent the attack of the black tentacles.


  The next second, the black hole closes in an instant, and then there is dead silence.

  There is no real dragon on the battlefield.

  The Lord of the Inner Demon retracted his hand, his eyes became gloomy: “Sure enough, a bunch of stubborn wastes have come to this time, and they still have dreams of others.”

  He knew what the Four Seas Dragons were doing, and drew out the hardest dragon scales on his body and the purest dragon blood in his body.

  The Ancestral Dragon bloodline has been released, and the Sihailong clan is also classified as authentic, and the power of Xuantong and the bloodline has doubled.

  Whether it is dragon scales or dragon blood, they are all things of extreme sun, and they can indeed resist the demons of the heart.

   However, it won’t last long.

   “Master!” Xuan Ming jumped out of the void and bowed to the Lord of the Inner Demon, “See Master, congratulations Master.”

   “Very good, you did a good job this time.” The master of the heart demon did not stingy with his praise, “You only need to kill Hongjun and the others. The others are not to be feared.”

  Hua Li had never been in his eyes at all. His four disciples chose to give up other powers and cultivated the way of great love. Maybe they could cause some harm to him before, but now it is useless.

  Cultivating the way of great love, you can only choose to dedicate yourself, which is really pitiful and pathetic.

   “Don’t worry, master, I will kill Hongjun, Lu Ya, and Luohu later.” Xuan Ming clasped his fists, “The twelve capital gods and demons have the master’s blessing. Killing them is easy.”

  The master of the heart demon waved his hand casually: “Very well, go.”

Xuan Ming retreated into the void again: “Yes, Master!”

  After being defeated by Pangu’s body again, Lu Ya took a sigh of relief and frowned: “Big brother, is there a way?”

   “At the moment, it seems that there is no.” Hongjun’s eyes were dark, “and you and I are stopped here by him, there is no time to help others.”

  The abacus of the master of the heart demon is very good, knowing that if they join the battlefield, although they cannot be reversed, they can at least sustain the collapse.

  And now the only saints of Heaven who can take action are the Master Tongtian and Laojun Taishang, Huali wants to suppress the inner demon again, it is indeed too weak.

   “He said that Junior Sister was trapped in the reincarnation of the inner demon. I don’t believe it.” Lu Ya’s eyes were cold, “Little Junior Sister is not the kind of person who gives up easily.”

  Maybe everyone will be trapped in the reincarnation of the heart demon, but the younger sister will never.

  Hongjun’s eyes condensed, and he sighed: “I have never witnessed between them, but you also said that they…”

  Speaking of this, he paused and didn’t say any more.

  Affection is too true, falling into the reincarnation of the inner demon, but it will be fatal.

   “Yes, I said it.” Lu Ya narrowed his eyes and murmured, “So that man, it is impossible for the little sister to have an accident…”




  The black hole appears and closes. Every minute and every second, people are drawn into the six reincarnations, but no one can stop this.

It’s just that the only Ksitigarbha king Fufeng who can control the six reincarnations and Cang Yue, who is the truth listener, were sealed in the underworld by the master of the heart demon in advance when the heart demon rioted for the first time, and they couldn’t come to the world at all. Realm, this is equivalent to breaking a back path for the demon gods of the predecessors.

  It is unacceptable that, in such a bad situation, the most thankful thing is that these black tentacles did not attack the other ordinary creatures in the wild.

  Not only that, the power of Pangu’s true body has also been strengthened.

  Looking at Hong Jun, Lu Ya, and Luo Hu who were losing ground, Xuan Ming gave a grin: “Death to me!”


  Pangu Zhen slammed down with a giant axe in his hand, as if he was about to split the heavens and the earth. In an instant, waves and waves broke through the sky, and that terrifying power aura instantly reached its apex.

  This axe reaches the extreme in strength, and it can’t stop it.

   almost instantly broke Hongjun’s defenses, and then dived straight forward, and immediately split the front in half!

  Tongtian suddenly raised his head: “Master!”

   “Hahahahaha—” Xuan Ming laughed loudly, “Being able to kill Taoist ancestor with his own hands, it’s really a lot of face to talk about it later.”

   “Huh.” Wu Jizi, the ancestor of electricity, snorted disdainfully, “He was shocked by this Lu Qian, and today I will see how he died without a place to be buried.”

  The ancestral witches were extremely happy, and only after Pangu’s real body solved Hongjun, Lu Ya, and Luo Yu, they would be able to enjoy the infernal scenery with the Lord of the Heart Demon.

   But suddenly!


I could only hear a series of rapid sonic booms exploding in the air, and I saw two golden arrows piercing the air quickly, with a “stab” piercing through the space, and came straight to the ancestral witches. .

   directly hit the ancestor of the wind Wu Tianwu and another replacement!


   Two screams sounded, and two voids burst open directly. Tian Wu and the replacement didn’t even have a chance to escape, and they were reduced to ashes under the golden arrow.

  The sudden reversal shocked Xuan Ming. He was surprised and angry: “Who?!”

  However, no one answered him, only for the next second——


  Three arrows came from a distance again, this time it was a purple arrow, exuding an extremely intriguing chill, and it was frozen for three thousand miles in an instant!

  Looking at the fierce arrow, Hou Tu was also startled in a cold sweat: “Quick flash!”

  However, it was too late when the words were spoken.


The arrow of    directly penetrates the substitutes of the western golden ancestor Witch Shou, the poisonous ancestor Witch Shebi corpse, the fire ancestor Zhu Rong, and the ancestor of space speed Wu Dijiang!


  The six demon gods were beheaded in an instant, even with the increase of the master of the heart demon, the twelve capital gods and demon formations could not support Pangu’s true body.

  The god-opening axe, which was only a cent away from Hongjun, suddenly stopped. Then, the huge golden body was like a bubble, and it shattered.

  ”Master!” Tongtian was finally able to pass, “Master, are you okay?”

   “Small injury.” Hongjun shook his head lightly, “It’s just too powerful.”

   “Who? Who is it?!” Xuan Ming was almost mad, “Who dares to ruin Lao Tzu’s good deeds?!”

  Houtu was forced to retreat back, eyes full of fear.

  With only five arrows, he killed six demon gods. Even if his strength is beyond the heavenly saints, he must be at the pinnacle level of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

  And this arrow actually possesses two energies of extreme yang and extreme yin, which happens to be able to restrain them separately.

   Thinking of this, Houtu’s expression changed: “Could it be…”


  At this moment, a figure fell from the sky to the ground.

  It was a very petite girl, with a pair of thin blue-purple wings behind her, and the sacred light flowed away, dazzling and dazzling.

  The enlisting Taoist was overjoyed, and he excitedly said: “Tongtian, apprentice, my apprentice!”

  Tongtian: “…”

   Knowing that it is your apprentice, who doesn’t have an apprentice yet, show off something.

   “Huh…” Bliss carefully retracted his wings and scratched his head, “It’s not bad, isn’t it? Where is my family’s admiration?”

  She scanned the surrounding area, but she didn’t see Jun Muqian’s figure, she couldn’t help but feel a little puzzled.

   “It’s not bad, it’s too bad.” Then she laughed, but her eyes were slightly red, “But it would be better if we could come a little earlier.”

“Bald! I blame you!” Hearing this, Bliss was furious, “Obviously you set me a barrier for cultivation. If I don’t reach it, I won’t be able to get out. If I didn’t fight for this old life to achieve it. Now, it’s flying over again, let’s meet in Huangquan.”

  Receive the lead person: “…”

   “Master.” Xuan Ming was still too angry, “Kill her, you must kill her!”

  He lost his brothers, but the twelve capital gods and demons were interrupted. No one restrained Hongjun and the others. After they returned to the battlefield, they were able to protect the other demons.

   “Bah!” Bliss turned his head, “You are ugly, don’t talk.”

  Xuan Ming directly furious: “You are bold, do you know who you are talking to?”

   “I don’t know, I only know that you are ugly.” Bliss is very innocent, but the aura on his body is extremely powerful, “Or—”

  She held the black bow and arrow in her hand and pulled the bow again.

  Xuan Ming shuddered in shock, and subconsciously hid back.

   “Hahahahaha!” Bliss laughed, “You are not only ugly, you are also timid.”

   “You…!” Xuan Ming was so angry, but he really didn’t dare to pass.

   “Oh-there is another little butterfly.” The master of the heart demon raised his hand to stop Xuan Ming, and glanced at Bliss, with a contemptuous look, “There is also a sun-shooting bow, which is really good.”

  Hearing this, Xuan Ming was taken aback: “Isn’t the sun-shooting divine bow destroyed?”

The   Sun-Shooting Divine Bow is made of Pangu’s flesh and blood, and it is also a divine object enshrined in the Pangu Hall by their twelve ancestor witches.

  Before the Lich War, in order to avenge the great witch Kuafu, the Great Witch Houyi invited the sun-shooting bow from the Pangu Hall and shot it for ten consecutive days.

  The sun-shooting divine bow is infinitely powerful. When the bowstring is opened, you can form an arrow from your own. You don’t need to prepare your own arrows. It can also shoot cathode and anode arrows according to the original attributes of the enemy.

  This was once the treasure of their witch race, how could they not know its power?

  The sun-shooting divine bow that can be used in the hands of Houyi is not as strong as this.

   “Tsk tsk, can’t you see this?” The master of the heart demon was not surprised, “It must have been done by the good disciple of the master.”

  ”Master…” Hou Tu gritted his teeth, “What should I do now?”

  Hongjun and the others are already out of trouble, **** all the roadblockers?

   “What should I do?” The master of the heart demon raised his eyebrows in a casual tone, “Just do it.”

  Hou Tu was taken aback.

  The next second, she saw a shocking scene.

  A huge black hole appeared on the central battlefield, and countless black tentacles were still gushing out of the black hole and swept in once again.

  This time, the black tentacles were the first to attack the Taoists and the Master Tongtian, and they succeeded!

  Su Qingli’s pupils shrank: “Su Su!”

  She held the Master Tongtian’s hand in time and pulled it back vigorously.

   “What is this?” Bliss was taken aback, and ran over, “Bald, you can’t deal with it?”

  This bald head is a heavenly saint, the strongest existence in the prehistoric world.

  The face of the lead is extremely serious: “Apprentice, don’t care about being a teacher, there will be nothing wrong with being a teacher for a while, you have to protect yourself.”

  He still has the twelfth-grade merit golden lotus, and the black tentacle wants to pull him into the six reincarnations, and it will take a while.

   “Bald, don’t preach to me.” I was ecstatic, and did not leave, “I can still kill myself.”

   took the lead with a wry smile: “Being a teacher doesn’t mean that…”

  Black tentacles rushed out frantically, and a new attack swept in once again, even Hongjun was entangled in it, and could not get out.

  Lu Ya’s expression changed slightly: “He really kept his hands.”

  Previously, the Lord of the Heart Demon just spotted the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian to attack, but this time, the heavenly saints became the target of the attack.

  The Lord of the Heart Demon is too powerful, and no one is his opponent at all.

“Jie Jie Jie…” The lord of the heart demon laughed presumptuously, “Finally understand it? I said it a long time ago, no matter how much you resist, it is useless. The lord has kept you for such a long time, just thinking Just play with you.”

   “It’s so funny watching you guys want to live so much, Jie Jie Jie——”

   “Su Su, hold on… hold on!” Su Qingli gritted her teeth, “As long as we hold on, there will be opportunities, and there will definitely be!”

   Hearing these words, Tongtian’s eyes became softer, like a clear stream of water: “Li’er.”

  ”You must remember what you promised me!” Su Qingli’s throat choked, “You can never leave me alone!”

   Tongtian’s eyes moved, and he smiled: “I remembered it.”

the other side–

   “A Ling!” Di Jun stretched out his hand towards Xihe, “Give me your hand.”

   “It’s useless…” Xihe shook his head slightly, his expression was very calm, and smiled slightly, “If you come over, you will also be sucked in.”

  Dijun emphasized again: “Give me your hand!”

  Xihe sighed and stretched out her hand.

  Things like this happen in every corner of the battlefield.

  The black tentacles are like the branches of a tree, pulling people into the black hole one after another.

  But as if holding a hand, it blocked life and death.

  ”What are you still supporting?” Seeing this scene, the lord of the heart demon was really puzzled, “Is there any difference between going down sooner and going down late?”

   Those who are struggling to support, have to endure tremendous pain.

  To save others, but to put yourself in, why bother?

  Su Qingli grasped Tongtian’s hand tightly. She raised her head and looked at the Lord of the Inner Demon, and said every word: “Because we always believe that there is a belief called Jun Muqian.”

  There is a belief called Jun Muqian.

  There is a kind of guardian called Shence Army.

  There is a kind of unyielding, called the **** of the wild.

  So, no one will admit defeat!

“Faith?” Hearing these words, as if it touched some angry immortal, the voice of the lord of the heart demon instantly became cold, “Then I will let you see with your own eyes how this lord destroyed you with your own hands. Belief!”

  He waved his hand to reveal the scene in the reincarnation of the inner demon.

   Before he could move, a sneer sounded.

  ”Destroyed faith is no longer faith.”


   A loud noise fell, and a figure slowly landed.

  There will be business tomorrow during the day, so it is still a big chapter, and the rest will be updated continuously on Sunday (it is a small explosion, this week must be over!

  (End of this chapter)

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