The Ascension of Contracted Spirits

Chapter 4 - 3: D-Class Authority · Examiner_1

Chapter 4: Chapter 3: D-Class Authority · Examiner_1

"Whoosh Whoosh"

The dust was everywhere, and a cacophony filled with from a giant bird erupted amidst the chaos.

Jia Pengpeng sent an apologetic glance to Ye Hanjun, quickly moved forward, and repeatedly pat the rough, long, and fuzzy thigh of the giant bird, strenuously soothing it:

"Alright, alright, Da Xiong, keep calm!"

"Can't you tolerate being in the contract space for just five or six hours? Surely it's not too much for a big boy like you, right?"


The frantically flapping wings of the giant bird slowed down gradually.

It lowered its head and held Jia Pengpeng's head in its mouth, its eyes full of kindness reflected in the glow of its yellow pupils.

"Pah! Pah pah pah!"

Jia Pengpeng struggled violently, finally freeing himself from the "embrace of love", his upper body was wet and sticky, covered in drool.

Ye Hanjun, who was standing by, stepped back two steps, successfully avoiding the splashes of unidentified liquid.

"You always greet me like this, can't you find another way?"

Jia Pengpeng seemed to be accustomed to it, sighed, and looked up at the giant bird.

Harassment and helplessness on one side, excitement and eager anticipation on the other, it was like playing the lute to a cow.

"Well, Da Xiong, I have to tell you something, I hope you don't mind."

"Koko? (?•?_•?)?" ƒгeewebnovё

"That is..."

"Our blind date activity planned for today might have gone south. How about we schedule it for tomorrow?"

"Kokoda! (^ 3 ^)!"

The five-meter-long, scarlet giant bird with a wingspan of five meters, stood proudly.

When it lowered its head to look down at its master, it twisted its strong neck by 90 degrees. The insightful look in its eyes was full of wisdom.

"Alas, lack of intellect makes such complex communication, even with the contractual relationship, require repeated and endless communication. Mr. Han, I apologize for the awkwardness..."

Jia Pengpeng gave a sheepish smile, then firmed up his expression, and sternly instructed the giant bird:

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"Da Xiong, we have to take this young master on an important task!"

"Meaning! Things have changed, and you won't get to see the giant sparrow sister today!"

"Kokoda (?ò ? ó)??"

Giant sparrows are wild beasts, and a common characteristic of wild beasts is "having strong limbs and simple minds".

The one in front of them was as typical as it gets.

Jia Pengpeng, the beast's master, explained the situation in many ways for quite some while before Da Xiong finally understood with a roar.

Then, it started flapping its wings again in furious anger.

The seemingly sturdy walls were bombarded with a large area of cobweb-like cracks, and countless stones fell off.

The ensuing alarm scared Jia Pengpeng so much that he flinched:

"Are you trying to kill me! Damaging the city's architecture! They'll dock my pay!"

"It's already tiring enough to support you every month, could you behave a little and not always lose your temper!!"

"Kokoda!!! Kokoda!!!"

The crying call of the giant bird was filled with grief, as if it had encountered the greatest misfortune in its life. It did not heed any of Jia Pengpeng's reprimands and allegations.

Ye Hanjun, who was watching the farce, kept his usual silence, only silently observing with an eye full of scrutiny.

While beasts do have trouble communicating.

In the mating season, the instinctual physiological needs are further exaggerated, which is not hard to understand.

However, Jia Pengpeng is not a new spirit host, and the giant bird in front of him is not a fledgling chick.

There is likely a bond between them that lasts over thirty years!

Despite such a long investment of emotional energy, the spirit host still loses control over the spirit beast.

Being in such a situation on a battlefield would be an extremely dangerous signal and could pose a lethal risk!

"What are you guys doing! Destructing the academy's architecture intentionally, do you think Canghai Pavilion doesn't have a law enforcement team?

"Eh, Jia Pengpeng, it's you again?"

"As an employee of Canghai Pavilion, knowingly violating laws, don't you understand you need to compensate twofold?"


After a large sum of spirit stones was deducted, Jia Pengpeng was badly beaten and utterly disheveled.

He took Ye Hanjun with him and quickly fled to a deserted lawn. Then they climbed onto the back of the giant bird, and Jia Pengpeng stamped his feet in frustration.

"Causing a mess every few days! Causing a mess every few days!"

"There's priority to people and urgency to events, don't you know to prioritize business? Am I not setting you up for dates at all?"

"Koko Da! Da Da Da!"

Da Xiong seemed defiant, looking around with its wings spread, and immediately locked its gaze on Ye Hanjun, its eyes glaring wide.

Due to the proximity, the aura of life, like a raging fire, came head-on. The violent force surged, creating an atmosphere of imminent battle.

"Are you trying to commit suicide! If you lose your temper again, I will never arrange for you to meet with the Giant Sparrow. That includes Flower Bird, Hill Bird, Flame Bird... none at all. You will be alone for the rest of your life!"

After a severe beating and threats about both ' food ' and ' sisters '.

Da Xiong lowered his stubborn head, and the upper half of his body lay flat on the ground, allowing Ye Hanjun to climb on him.

Ye Hanjun hesitated for a moment.

According to his usual principles, riding on others' contracted beasts, especially those that are so disobedient, can be inherently risky.

Especially now that he had lost his guard and his life-saving tools, and his physique was also in unprecedentedly weak condition.

These factors stacked together, he should not take unnecessary risks.

"Rest assured! Although Da Xiong can occasionally be a little temperamental on the ground, once he's in the sky he's as cautious as can be!"

"Lord Han, trust me once again, give me another chance to gain your trust!"

Jia Pengpeng repeatedly assured him, and the Giant Sparrow, which had lowered its head, was now obedient and still.

Considering that the Giant Sparrow could only make low-level flights and that the Night Trial had begun, from this point forward, the dangers and difficulties they would need to face would only be more numerous and complex than imagined.

Ye Hanjun let out a sigh and stepped on Da Xiong's head with one foot.

He combined three steps into two, nimbly lying down on the back of its neck. He held on tightly with both legs gripping the bird's body, his hands grasping the creature's red feathers, fully prepared for what was to come.

"...Mr. Han really is capable indeed!"

Jia Pengpeng had intended to instruct Ye Hanjun on how to ride the Giant Sparrow.

Unexpectedly, Ye Hanjun just opened his mouth and had not yet spoken, but the task was already perfectly accomplished on his own.

This caused Jia Pengpeng to swallow the rest of his words with a polite and somewhat awkward smile.

"Go on!"


With a stamp of a foot, the Giant Sparrow took off.

Unlike past experiences of riding high-ranking flying Contracted Spirit Fond Spirits, there was no sensation of weightlessness while soaring through the clouds, nor was there a feeling of unreality like the rotation of the stars. Instead, it slowly and leisurely began to ascend into the air, the entire process rigid and clumsy.

It is easy to go from simplicity to luxury, but it is difficult to go from luxury to simplicity.

Ye Hanjun had a momentarily uncomfortable adjustment period.

Especially since his perceptions were stronger than before, all the details were further magnified, everything seemed strange and novel.

"Mr. Han, Director Jiang has lived for over a hundred and thirty years and was originally a student of the Canghai Pavilion."

"After his graduation, it was said that he had only a short period of adventurous travel before returning to the Canghai Pavilion in the Blue Frog Kingdom and serving as a mentor here."

"He has a deep love for the academy, and throughout the years, he nurtured and trained generation after generation of elite students through his actions."

With the Giant Sparrow flying at a steady low altitude, Jia Pengpeng began to introduce the key figures one by one:

"At his peak, Director Jiang only reached the 3rd Tier realm; now his strength and his Fond Spirits are declining.

"Despite this, his status in Canghai Pavilion is still not to be underestimated, compared to those star mentors."

"Given his seniority, he might even have more say than them."

"He is, of course, notoriously stubborn, which is associated with his power, temper, experience....."

"What is Director Jiang's rank?" Ye Hanjun asked the question that he had wanted to ask.

"His rank..."

Jia Pengpeng's face became serious as he remembered:


"D-class position--Examiner!"

"No wonder."

Ye Hanjun slightly raised his eyebrows and slowly nodded.

"Such positions are rare. Given that he has such a position to back him up, it's no wonder that he has become an old kid at Canghai Pavilion."

"Mr. Han, you've heard of it?"

Jia Pengpeng was surprised, which was soon covered by worry:

"In the past, Director Jiang always had a seat at the core of all the events, trials, and activities in the Canghai Pavilion."

"In recent years, he has taken a backseat, no longer bothering himself with many troublesome matters, and has started to lead a semi-retired life."

"But I still think convincing this elder will be a huge challenge..."


Ye Hanjun didn't respond this time. He picked out a few key questions and continued to ask during his careful consideration.

Before they realized it, an hour had passed.

The scenery in their view changed from the hustle of the academy city to the untamed wasteland and progressed in sequence.

By the time a lush primordial forest appeared before them, Jia Pengpeng licked his dry lips and breathed deeply.

"Mr. Han, we have arrived."


The Giant Sparrow named Da Xiong replied, its voice no longer intense.

This creature, despite its substantial figure, was not skilled at long-distance flights, and this distance was pretty much at its limit.

"Well done, we'll reward you with a feast later!"

Jia Pengpeng patted the Giant Sparrow's back, and the latter began to adjust its flight posture, landing near the hidden lake deep in the forest.

Five minutes later, Ye Hanjun set foot on solid ground with Jia Pengpeng's help.

He raised his head to face the front. In the distance was the gradually setting sun, while up close was an undulating lake.

A few huge Red-eyed Frogs leisurely soaked in the water occasionally catching a big fish with their long tongues. Their lives seemed quite comfortable.

"Cough, cough! Cough, cough!"

Ye Hanjun covered his lungs, an uncomfortable cough breaking the harmonious natural environment.

Jia Pengpeng cast a worried glance, but Ye Hanjun shook his head indicating he was fine.

However, when he put his left hand in his pocket and found it empty, that's when he frowned.

"The handkerchief is gone, and I am covered in filth and sweat."

"If I don't settle down soon, I'm afraid I'll start getting lice."

After hesitating, Ye Hanjun pulled out a used handkerchief and wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth.

Then, he washed his face and hands in the clear, icy lake water, carefully cleaning the area between his fingers, nail beds, and the back of his ears -- spots where dirt and grime were easily accumulated, rinsing it three times to ensure cleanliness.

Afterward, he used the surface of the lake as a mirror to fix his clothing and appearance.

Only when he could barely tolerate his current state did Ye Hanjun nod slightly. His gaze landed on a small castle built by the lake about three hundred meters away.

The castle only occupied dozens of acres. Compared to the other buildings in the academy, it was neither luxurious nor outstanding and had no remarkable merits.

But its owner's surname was Jiang.

This was Jiang Yongnian's private residence.

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