The Age Of Magic Cards: Mythical Talent At The Start

Chapter 92

Chapter 92 The Evolution Of The Armored Beast, The Battle For The Safe House, And The Dangerous Tang Xinyun

At this moment, the armored beast has met the evolution conditions, and the evolution success rate has reached 95%, which is already a super high success rate.

You can let the armored beast evolve at any time!

As for the evolution site, the magical environment of this genius trial space is already very good, and evolution can be performed anywhere.

Especially the magic crystal cave where Lin Feng lived for several days.

So don’t worry about this issue at all.

But Lin Feng still decided to wait.

He remembered that the first day the armored beast came to this space secret realm, its level broke through to black iron level 9.

Normally, the Earth Armor Beast should already be at level 10 of the Black Iron, but due to the daily excavation work delaying a large part of the time, it is still close.

Lin Feng decided to wait for a while, let the armored beast break through the 10th level of black iron, and then start to evolve. At that time, the success rate of evolution will be higher.

In fact, when many magic card masters evolve magic cards, because they don’t have a clear evolution route, they don’t see the fit of evolution resources like Lin Feng.

They all follow the experience of their predecessors and bet on random evolution. The success rate is not high, so they will choose to increase the level of the magic card as much as possible to increase the success rate a little.

Lin Feng asked the ground armored beast to dig out the 【Dragon Blood Spar】, and then put it back into the magic card.

Then came to the ground, and summoned the ground armor beast.

“Go out and fight, upgrade to level 10, and come back to me.”

Lin Feng ordered.


The ground armor beast ran away without saying a word, and soon disappeared.


The Void Mouse anxiously called, completely uninterested in other things.

It stared at the barbecue on the fire, very anxious, and kept barking at Lin Feng, as if to say, the meat is burnt, master, there is no meat to eat.

Tears are almost coming out.

Lin Feng roasted the beast meat again, and left a large portion for Tianli Zeng.

Two hours later, the ground armor beast came back.

At this moment, its level is also Black Iron Level 10, and its evolution success rate has reached 98%!

Lin Feng fed the armored beast first, and greeted his first evolution in the best condition.

After eating and drinking enough, Lin Feng decided to let the armored beast evolve in the magic crystal cave, where the magic power is rich, and it can also prevent the movement generated during the evolution from attracting nearby ominous beasts and monsters.

After coming to the cave of Magic Crystal 07.

Lin Feng took out all evolution resources!

Bronze level 4 perfect quality [Dragon Blood Spar]!

Black Iron Level 9 Rare Quality [Crystal Scale Ore]!

Bronze Level 3 Rare Quality 【Blood Tree Fruit】!

And 10 Earth Demon Crystals.

“At the same time absorb the energy essence in all these resources!”

Lin Feng said to the armor beast.


The earth armor beast looked ecstatic. When the owner took the dragon blood spar just now, it was still very angry, worried that the owner of this treasure would use the black flame dragon pattern python.

I didn’t expect to give it to myself in the end.

Facing the pile of Precious evolution resources in front of it, the Earth Armor beast opened its mouth wide and bit down, but it didn’t crush it and swallow it. Instead, it put it in its mouth and absorbed the energy essence inside.

It can be seen that wisps of red and yellow radiance floated out of those evolutionary resources and merged into the body of the land beast.

The magic power floating in the nearby air was also absorbed by the armored beasts one after another, forming a huge magic vortex.

after an hour.

The Earth Armor Beast has absorbed a large amount of energy essence from evolutionary resources, forming a dark film of red and yellow intertwined all over its body, completely covering the Earth Armor Beast and integrating with the earth

From the red and yellow intertwined dark light film, the earth armored beast’s low grunts and roars can be heard from time to time, and there is a thrilling aura that is strong and weak at times, like a beating heart.

The surrounding magic vortex is also becoming more and more obvious, and more magic power is gathering towards the armored beast!

at the same time.

The entire genius trial space is bustling like never before today!

Those magic card masters who live outside every day, enduring the cold and the danger of fierce beasts that may be killed at any time, finally have the opportunity to live in the safe house!

The second rule of the safe house: the safe house cannot be robbed, but it can be rotated once every 5 days. The rotation rule is to defeat the owner of the safe house and re-enter your own information into the safe house.

5 days have passed, and today is the morning of the sixth day. Those card masters who yearn for a safe house have challenged the card masters who have a safe house!

Among them, some people have already set their sights on the goal to challenge, and I will start the challenge today.

A powerful card master doesn’t care, and doesn’t worry about the safe house being robbed.

Those magic card masters who are average in strength, or who obtain safe houses by other factors, are in danger.

At this moment, near the safe houses, there are magic card masters breaking out wonderful magic card battles, just to compete for a safe house.

Monitoring room.

At this moment, the eyes of the three leaders are also fixed on the battle between the card masters near the safe house.

Only in the battle between card masters can we clearly and intuitively judge who is strong and who is weak, which is much more reliable than the scoreboard.

“There are still some good seedlings, which were not discovered before, but have shown their edge today.”

Qiao Ye said.

In the safe house occupied by magic card masters with A-level talent soul cards, there are relatively few challengers.

After all, A-level talent is already considered an excellent talent. As long as the effect of the talent soul card itself is not too bad, the basic strength of the magic card master is still very strong.

The geniuses in all cities in Nanning Province don’t know much about each other, so they miss this opportunity in order to avoid failure and injury.

Most people will judge the opponent’s strength based on the opponent’s talent and soul card level, and try to challenge the magic card master with A-level talent or lower.

However, there is one exception, and that is Chen Luoying from Yunhai City!

Chen Luoying is also the owner of the A-level talent soul card, and the talent [Wind Element] is very excellent. It stands to reason that there should be very few people who challenge her.

But she is the one who faces the most challenges among the A-level talent soul card owners.

As for the reason, it must be attributed to Lin Feng.

As mentioned earlier, due to the standings, Lin Feng’s points have always been 0 points, and he has always been the bottom one.

All the students who enter and leave the base every day can see this list, and they will see Lin Feng’s unchanging points and the bottom one.

In addition, someone learned that Lin Feng’s level is also the lowest among all the people participating in the genius sprint plan, even the lowest in history!

Under such circumstances, Lin Feng has almost become the object of ridicule and despise by everyone. What qualifications does such a waste have to compete with them?

In the city where they are located, there are many more talented card masters than Lin Feng Excellent, and none of them has a quota. Why does Lin Feng have this quota?

Almost every day, as long as you are near the leaderboard, you can hear the voice of laughing and ridiculing Lin Feng.

Even the other magic card masters in Yunhai City couldn’t hold their heads up in this genius trial space, and were ridiculed by all the students.

And the quality of the magic card masters in Yunhai City is indeed not good, there is nothing they can do about it, they are powerless to refute it, so they can only endure it.

Even Chen Luoying, the owner of the A-level talent soul card [Wind Element], also encountered some criticism.

They think she is a waste of Excellent’s talent soul card, and think that her strength must be weaker among the A-level talent magic card masters, not as good as the A-level talent magic card masters in other cities.

Therefore, many students from other cities challenged Chen Luoying today.

Once he wins, his reputation will increase greatly, and he will also give Yunhai City a hard foot.

“Isn’t Lin Feng already dead?”

Liu Xueling guessed.

It’s the sixth day of the genius sprint plan, so far 8 students have died, and several of them were wiped out directly after encountering powerful beasts, and they didn’t even have the chance to activate the token teleportation to leave.

There are also some students who rested in the wilderness at night and were attacked and killed by nighttime beasts.

The base determined that the student was dead, either the monitoring room monitored it, or the student’s body or wreckage was found, or the identity token was destroyed.

But there will also be some special cases. The monitoring room did not detect the death scene, nor did the body or wreckage be found, and the identity token was not destroyed, but the person was still dead.

Perhaps, Lin Feng was in this situation, and he didn’t know where he died.

“It’s the sixth day, and there is no sign of him, and the points haven’t changed, maybe he is really dead.

Ye Nanfeng said.

“It’s a pity. He died just after entering the genius trial secret realm. He obviously sealed two Rare-type monster cards, but his current level is too low. As long as he has enough time to grow up, his achievements will definitely not be low. ”

“It is estimated that the senior management of Yunhai School will regret sending him here.

Qiao Ye felt a little sorry.

“Try to be careful. If you see the beast card sealed by Lin Feng, move freely outside, break away from the card master’s control, or even be sealed by other card masters, then you can be sure that he is dead.”

Ye Nanfeng said to the two colleagues.

On the other side, Tang Xinyun put her safe house into the mobile mode, and the safe house automatically lifted up, and a tank-like track appeared underneath, carrying the entire safe house to transfer positions

Tang Xinyun wants to hide in some places where there are fewer magic card masters, so that he can stay in the safe house for as long as possible, and seize the time to increase his strength to the strength that can hold the safe house!

“Gaiefeng Silver Claw Tiger, cut down the big tree in front of you.”

Tang Xinyun said, the big tree in front blocked the way to the safe house.

Gaefeng Silver Claw Tiger Record [Broken Wind Claw] easily cut off the giant tree.

The safe house moved forward slowly.

“I found you, Tang Xinyun, Yunhai City!”

At this moment, a voice came from behind.

A red-clothed girl showed joy, and rushed over with her fierce beast Moka!

Tang Xinyun has been in the genius trial space for so many days, and has almost recognized most of the students. The girl in red who came before him is named Mi Shichun.

Qingyuan Bronze Level 1 Magic Card Master!

Tang Xinyun’s current level has been raised to Black Iron Level 9, and if you let her face a Black Iron Level 10 magic card master, she still dares to fight.

After all, in the black iron class, if there is a difference of one level, winning or losing is really not certain.

She has confidence in her silver-evolved 【Galewind Silver-clawed Tiger】.

However, if the enemy is a Bronze Rank Magic Card Master, the gap will be huge. Tang Xinyun has no confidence in winning.

“Tang Xinyun, with the strength of your Yunhai City, you are not worthy of owning two safe houses. Should you hand them over obediently, or hand them over after you are defeated by me?”

Mi Shichun sneered.

“I’m sorry, I’ve taken a fancy to this safe house!”

Just then, another person arrived here.

This is a square-faced boy with slightly mature features, like a man in his twenties.

He is a genius magic card master in Sanchuan City, Song Zhongwu, a bronze level 2 magic card master!

Tang Xinyun looked at Song Zhongwu, a boy with a square face, and the look of despair on his face became more intense. A second-level Bronze Card Master, he has no hope at all, and he can’t keep this safe house.

“Song Zhongwu, I didn’t expect you to come here too, so you should come first.”

Mi Shichun showed a look of fear, and stepped back a few steps, letting Song Zhong and Wu go first.

Actually, she is

If I want to use Tang Xinyun to see Song Zhongwu’s strength, it is best to use up Song Zhongwu’s magic card.

Then after Song Zhongwu wins, challenge Song Zhongwu himself, maybe he still has a chance to win.

Song Zhongwu also saw Mi Shichun’s little thoughts, but he didn’t take it to heart, he passed Mi Shichun calmly and came to the opposite of Tang Xinyun!

“Your Yunhai City is really bad, the bottom of the points ranking has been occupied by Lin Feng, the trash of your Yunhai City, for a long time!

“You are also the weakest member of the 100 safe houses, and you can be said to be the last one!”

“Why do you Yunhai City like the bottom one so much?”

“Now that someone else is challenging your so-called first talent in Yunhai City, Chen Luoying, maybe by then, you won’t even have ten safe houses in Haishi City.

Song Zhongwu looked down at Tang Xinyun from the 610 Office, and laughed with disdain.

Mi Shichun felt that this was not wrong.

These days, the students in various cities have become accustomed to suppressing and laughing at the magic card masters in Yunhai City.

“Hand it over obediently, lest your magic card get hurt!”

Song Zhongwu looked cold.

“I’m really weak. I’m the person with the lowest strength among the 100 safe houses. However, Lin Feng is not. If you meet him [you may not be his opponent!”

Faced with this situation, Tang Xinyun knew that she was hopeless, so she gave up resistance in her heart.

But Song Zhongwu’s contempt for Yunhai City and the insult to Lin Feng made her feel uncomfortable, so she directly opened up.

“Hahaha, it’s a joke, am I the opponent who ranks last in the standings? Are you crazy?”

Song Zhongwu laughed.

But for Tang Xinyun to look down on him so much, saying that he is not as good as Lin Feng, he is still a little annoyed, what qualifications does that kind of bottom-of-the-line trash have to be compared with him?

Song Zhongwu decided that even if Tang Xinyun conceded defeat and handed over the safe house directly, he would give Tang Xinyun some color.

“Hmph, that Lin Feng you mentioned might have died a long time ago!”

Song Zhongwu looked cold and approached Tang Xinyun, ready to strike directly.

“No, he won’t die so easily!”

Tang Xinyun immediately refuted.

Song Zhongwu is not the first person to say this. In the past few days, many other students have said this.

After all, Lin Feng’s points hadn’t been moved, and he hadn’t seen Lin Feng’s shadow for so many days.

Tang Xinyun didn’t think Lin Feng would die so easily.

After all, Lin Feng performed so brilliantly in the trial secret realm of Yunhai No. 1 Middle School, breaking the school’s historical record and winning the first place.

Here, how could Lin Feng die so easily?

What’s more, Lin Feng’s strength, Tang Xinyun is also very clear, her 【Glaetic Silver Claw Tiger】has fought against Lin Feng’s 【Black Flame Dragon Pattern Python】, and was completely suppressed, it is her defeat.

However, it is already the sixth day.

There was no sign of Lin Feng, and Lin Feng’s points did not change.

Even if Tang Xinyun believed in Lin Feng’s ability and strength, she gradually became suspicious that Lin Feng might have encountered an accident.

After all, there are still many powerful threats in this genius trial space, so powerful that even the top students dare not provoke them.

Lin Feng may have been unlucky, he encountered a particularly powerful beast monster at the beginning, and he was already killed.

Thinking of this, Tang Xinyun’s face showed sadness.

Seeing Tang Xinyun’s expression, Song Zhongwu couldn’t help but sneered: “I refute it on the surface, but your expression has already betrayed you. You have already believed that Lin Feng is dead!”


But at this moment, Tang Xinyun heard movement behind her, and she turned her head to look.

He actually saw a familiar evolutionary beast.

“Black Flame Dragon Pattern Python!”

Tang Xinyun recognized it immediately. .

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