The Age Of Magic Cards: Mythical Talent At The Start

Chapter 9

Chapter 9 Mutated Bloodthirsty Spider, Found The Target

Lin Feng did observe all the hatching eggs.

Among these hatching eggs, there are a total of twenty-one whose aptitude has reached Silver Primary.

And there are only three of them whose aptitude reaches Silver Intermediate!

They are the [Centaur] with both offense and defense, the flying beast [Speed ​​Bird], and a [Mutated Bloodthirsty Spider]!

These three are the elites among the elites, especially the last [Mutated Bloodthirsty Spider], as a mutant baby, it is very outstanding.

But Lin Feng was still slightly disappointed.

Good stuff in a hatching egg, a little below expectations.

But this is also normal. Before the hatching eggs are sent to the cultivation secret realm, they must first be observed and tested by the school experts.

Those high-quality babies that are easily identified may be taken away by the school’s high-level officials. After all, the high-level magic card master also wants to seal Rare’s ferocious monsters.


Lin Feng’s original goal in cultivating the secret realm was the cubs of ferocious beasts.

Look at the hatching eggs first, which are mainly used as an alternative to avoid missing high-quality babies.

So it’s time to see the beast cubs next.

If the qualifications and talents are the same, Lin Feng will definitely choose the beast cub and the hatching egg.

Greatly save cultivation time, resources and energy!


Lin Feng was deeply puzzled after seeing the beast card contracted by Zhang Wei and Chen Ligang.

Why were these two fierce beasts burned by a mysterious dark flame?

Although Zhang Wei’s [Rock Turtle] is not very good, it is very good in defense.

Chen Li is now a black iron level 1 magic card master, and she owns a fierce beast magic card [Poison Pink Butterfly].

Her talent card is not bad either, it is a C-level [Flying Dance].

It can reduce its own weight and become more agile. It can increase the flight sensitivity of the flying magic card.

Normally, Chen Li can seal the black iron level beast, but the success rate cannot be guaranteed.

In the cultivation space, there are only ferocious beast cubs and hatching eggs.

Theoretically, the highest level of a beast is gray level 9 or 10.

Therefore, the gray-white Level 10 [Venomous Needle Bee] that Chen Ligang sealed has excellent combat power, and its attacks are also highly poisonous. It should be at the top of this cultivation secret realm.

But such a powerful beast was also burned by the dark flame and fell into weakness.

“Teacher, you don’t have a fire magic card, do you?”

Lin Feng asked.

He could see Guan Chunlin’s information, and indeed there was no fire magic card.


“My talent card is of the water type, so I’m taking the route of the water type magic card master. Why do you ask this?”

Guan Chunlin asked back after answering.

“That’s right!”

Lin Feng’s eyes flashed brightly.

Generally speaking, the teacher will help the students injure and suppress the monsters to be sealed, so as to increase the students’ chances of sealing.

But Guan Chunlin does not have a fire magic card.

In other words, the common injuries of [Rock Turtle] and [Venomous Needle Bee] were caused by other monsters!

The existence of being able to burn the [Venomous Needle Bee] must be a more excellent beast cub than the [Venomous Needle Bee]. Lin Feng must go to see it.

“Lin Feng, don’t change the subject, why, don’t you dare to face my [Poison Needle Bee]?”

Chen Li felt that she was completely ignored by Lin Feng, and shouted even more angrily.

The [Venomous Needle Bee] she just sealed was so Excellent, Lin Feng ignored it indifferently, which made her feel ashamed.

A pure novice without a beast card, what would he pretend to be in front of himself as a black iron-level card master?

“Chen Li, as a black iron-level magic card master, you have 2 fierce beast magic cards, what are you doing now?”

The class teacher Guan Chunlin stared away.

In her class, bullying is not allowed.

After being scolded by Guan Chunlin, Chen Li immediately calmed down.

It’s really embarrassing for a dignified black iron-level magic card master to bully a classmate who doesn’t have a magic card.

The reason why she lost her composure was because Lin Feng’s words and deeds were so irritating that she lost her mind.


Chen Li didn’t care too much, and snorted coldly: “Come back, poisonous needle bee!”

The poisonous needle bee floating above her head turned into a ray of light, condensed into a gray and white magic card, and landed in Chen Li’s hand.

“Student Lin Feng, let’s go see the beast cubs.”

Since Lin Feng made this request, Guan Chunlin had no choice but to comply. This is her responsibility as a teacher.

Moreover, for a pure novice magic card master who does not have a fierce beast magic card, nurturing a fierce beast cub in the secret realm is also extremely threatening, and it is easy to lose his life, so he must have a teacher to escort him.

“The two of you have already sealed the beast card, if you want to go back, you can go back first.”

Guan Chunlin said to Chen Li and Zhang Wei.

“Teacher, Lin Feng’s vision is so sharp, I really want to see what beasts he can seal, and I’m not in a hurry to go back.”

Chen Li was out of breath, and her words were barbed.

If the ominous monsters sealed by Lin Feng are bad, or even Lin Feng fails to seal again.

Then she definitely can’t miss this opportunity, she must ridicule and teach Lin Feng well, and let Lin Feng know that he has enough respect for the black iron magic card master!

“Teacher, me too.”

Zhang Weina must stay here with Chen Li.

Chen Li stood up for him just now, how could she leave behind her crush?

And this Lin Feng is really hateful, he obviously has the same E-level talent card as himself, but he still looks arrogant.

Dare to look down on me Zhang Wei.

After a while Lin Feng sealed the first monster card.

He just competed with Lin Feng here, let Lin Feng lose face, and let Chen Li and the teacher look at him with admiration.

“Teacher, take me to see the place where you helped Zhang Wei and Chen Li seal the beast, and then go to other places.”

Lin Feng wanted to search for the source of the dark flame.

“Why, you also want to seal the rock turtle, poisonous needle bee?”

Zhang Wei couldn’t help chuckling.

He thought that Lin Feng had approved his and Chen Li’s beast card, but he didn’t want to say it out of shame.

not for a while.

The four of them came to the place where the rock turtle was sealed.

Lin Feng would observe all the beasts and monsters he encountered along the way, but he didn’t find any outstanding ones. The only advantage was their higher level.

In front of him was a pile of rocks, with various traces of a battle.

But at the moment, there is nothing here except a rock turtle with a lower level and poorer qualifications.


The four of them went to the place where the [Venomous Needle Bee] was sealed. Here is a lush grassland, and there are traces of fighting everywhere.

There are large areas that have been burned.

At this moment, the sky is getting darker and darker, and the vision is very unclear.

Guan Chunlin couldn’t help cheering up and being vigilant around her in case of sneak attacks by ferocious beasts and monsters. It would be a serious dereliction of duty for her to let the students die here!

But Lin Feng found that in the dark, his vision was less affected, and he could see the surrounding environment more clearly.

“Is this also the effect of the talent card [Mysterious Eye]?”

Lin Feng thought to himself.

Just then, Lin Feng discovered something.

On a piece of burnt pitch-black messy grass, there seemed to be a thick pitch-black branch, covered by grass ash, which was easily overlooked in the dark.

You don’t even care if you walk up to it.

But when Lin Feng looked at the past, lines of text information suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

This is a beast!

Looking at its specific information, Lin Feng was even more delighted and surprised!

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