The Actress is My Favorite

Chapter 93

Chapter 93 – As A Child 7

“What do you want to play?” Zhou Hanchi bought three glasses of drinks and held them in his arms, and said gently.

Yun Feiwu looked at Xia Ruan first, and waited until she said “it’s okay”, and then excitedly jumped a few times: “Roller coaster! Hanging roller coaster!”

Xia Ruan’s fingers were stiff.

Yun Feiwu turned his head immediately, and said with concern: “Ruan Ruan, are you afraid…? Then we won’t play the roller coaster.”

“No, I’m not afraid.” Xia Ruan shook her head, “I’ll play with you.”

“Really?” Yun Feiwu was dubious, “But your hands are shaking…”

Xia Ruan: “…”


In the end, Yun Feiwu went to ride the roller coaster alone, Xia Ruan and Zhou Hanchi watched from below.

The roller coaster rushed into the sky, getting farther and farther away from the ground.

The two looked up at the sky eagerly.

Xia Ruan’s face was full of worry: “It’s so tall…Uncle Zhou, will Mao Mao be afraid of her?”

Zhou Hanchi smiled: “I don’t think… probably not.”

The roller coaster made a circle on the track.

Xia Ruan frowned tightly: “Uncle Zhou, will Maomao be vomited?”

As she spoke, she took out a tissue from her bag and looked at the roller coaster more nervously.

Zhou Hanchi continued to smile: “I think…with such physical fitness, there should be no problem.”

Suddenly, the roller coaster rose to the highest point and dropped sharply from the air, causing a burst of screams.

Xia Ruan was so nervous that she was about to cry: “Uncle, I’m so scared.”

Zhou Hanchi kept smiling, and tried his best to perfunctory: “…Well, I’m not afraid.”

He could see that Xia Ruan was full of cats and cats at this time, and didn’t listen to him at all.

Sure enough, Xia Ruan didn’t react at all, and was still staring at the roller coaster. After the car parked on the pergola below, Xia Ruan almost immediately rushed over: “Cat…!”

“Soft! Soft!” Yun Feiwu also rushed towards Xia Ruan, hugging her, “It’s great! It’s super fun! I like it so much!”

Xia Ruan also became excited with her, completely forgetting how nervous she was just now: “Then do you want to play again?”

“No!” Yun Feiwu shook his head resolutely, “Let’s go and play what everyone can do.”

There was a smile in Xia Ruan’s eyes.

The two little girls bounced and walked in front, Zhou Hanchi followed behind with a drink in his arms, and suddenly heaved a deep sigh—why did he look like a forty-four-year-old self who was leading two girls even though he was only twenty-four years old? The illusion of a daughter coming to an amusement park?

Later, I played on the rotating swing—a big swing that slowly turned to a height of about 20 meters. Although it looked very high, it was not scary. This time, Xia Ruan also went to play for a while, and she was sitting next to Yun Feiwu, holding hands.

When the swing turned to the highest point, the wind was very strong, and Xia Ruan was blown so hard that she could barely open her eyes, and she didn’t dare to open them, but Yun Feiwu yelled against the wind:


The little girl’s crisp voice was carried far, far away by the wind.

Xia Ruan suddenly blushed.

“Is it fun?” After the two got down, Zhou Hanchi leaned over and asked.

“It’s fun, it’s fun!” Yun Feiwu smiled, “Uncle Zhou, we’ll help you get drinks, so you can go and play too.”

“Okay.” Zhou Hanchi didn’t refuse, “Thank you all.”

When Zhou Hanchi was sitting on the swing, Xia Ruan and Yun Feiwu were watching from below, their two little heads put together, looking at the swing that was constantly spinning in the sky.

“Ruan Ruan, did you hear what I yelled just now?” Yun Feiwu said lightly.

Xia Ruan blushed: “…I heard it.”

Yun Feiwu chuckled a few times with a “hehe” and blushed.

The two watched in silence for a while, but before the swing fell to the ground, Xia Ruan suddenly lowered her head, and leaned into Yun Feiwu’s ear, her voice was as soft as a mosquito: “I also… like cats the most.”

Yun Feiwu bent down and smiled happily.

“What are you whispering about? Your face is so red.” After Zhou Hanchi got off the swing, he went straight to the two children.

Yun Feiwu immediately stuck out his tongue at him: “Secret.”

Zhou Hanchi shook his head with a smile and didn’t ask any more questions.

Next, there is the Ferris wheel.

The two little guys were sitting on the same side of the Ferris wheel, looking at the land farther and farther away, they talked about some philosophical topics inexplicably. What about “freedom and the future”, “a goshawk looking down at the grassland while soaring”, “the ants looking up at the sky”…

Inexplicably said a lot.

Later, the ferris wheel rose to the highest point, and both of them stared down in a daze. Xia Ruan was a little scared, and Yun Feiwu hugged her from behind.

Perhaps it was just after discussing the reasons for life, the Ferris wheel was a little dull, and Yun Feiwu’s face was tense, Xia Ruan thought for a while, and changed the subject to coax her: “I heard that couples who rode the Ferris wheel together finally We will always be together.”

Thirteen or fourteen years old is the age when love begins, and Yun Feiwu is no exception. Every night, she and Xia Ruan will catch up with a recent popular idol drama.

Xia Ruan originally thought that after she said this, Yun Feiwu would discuss it with her enthusiastically, but unexpectedly, the puppy’s face became more dull, and her voice was also dull: “Ruan Ruan, do you like it?” people?”

Last year too, I told her that I wanted to go to Iceland with the person I like.

Thinking that Ruan Ruan might like others, fall in love with others, ride the Ferris wheel, and go to Iceland, Yun Feiwu felt that his heart was going to explode.

“…Ah?” Xia Ruan blinked in a daze.

It took several seconds for her to realize why Yun Feiwu was angry, and she clumsily took her hand: “Maomao, I, I won’t like others…”

Listening to Xia Ruannuuo’s voice, Yun Feiwu suddenly felt sweet, soft and itchy in his heart.

Usually, Xia Ruan is crying, she tries to coax Xia Ruan again, but now it’s the other way around, she is angry, Xia Ruan came to coax her, it feels pretty good…

So Yun Feiwu raised her lips, hummed, and continued, “Ruan Ruan, you are not allowed to like others, and you are not allowed to fall in love with or marry others, and you are not allowed to leave me.”

“Ah…?” Xia Ruan obviously didn’t expect that Yun Feiwu would say such a series of “unreasonable” demands, and he couldn’t help feeling a little dazed for a moment, and his voice was weak.

However, seeing the puppy’s expression change from arrogance to disappointment to crying and tearful, Xia Ruanming knew that Yun Feiwu was pretending on purpose, but she still hurriedly rubbed her head, and said softly: “Okay .”

As soon as the voice fell, the ferris wheel just stopped at the lowest point.

Yun Feiwu burst into laughter instantly, grabbed Xia Ruan’s hand and ran out.

The warm sun shines on them.

Xia Ruan’s eighteenth birthday, Yun Feiwu’s fourteenth birthday.

In order to celebrate Xia Ruan’s coming of age, everyone in Xinghui specially set up a wine table. A glass of wine was placed in front of everyone. Everyone drank lively and happily.

But as another protagonist of the birthday party, Yun Feiwu could only drink the juice by himself, as if he didn’t fit in with the people at the table around him, so pitiful.

Yun Feiwu’s eyes rolled, taking advantage of Xia Ruan’s inattention, she touched her wine glass with her little hand, but Zhou Hanchi saw it: “Yunyun, underage is not allowed to drink.”

Yun Feiwu didn’t listen to Zhou Hanchi’s words very much, so he made a face at him, and put the wine into his mouth with a smile, but before he finished drinking, he met Xia Ruan’s “resentful” eyes.

After drinking, Xia Ruan was not the same as usual, she was not so restrained, and kept talking to the people around her, with a sweet voice, like a child. There seemed to be light spots flickering in Xing’s eyes, and the look at Yun Feiwu was filled with inexplicable resentment and resentment.

Yun Feiwu opened his lips slightly, was stunned for a while, and obediently put down his wine glass.

Afterwards, the banquet ended, and Yun Feiwu helped the limp Xia Ruan back to the dormitory. The drunk Xia Ruan was completely different from usual, obedient and silly, she talked a lot at the banquet just now, but she followed Yun Feiwu back to the room, stopped talking, just stared at Yun Feiwu with big eyes . Whatever Yun Feiwu said, she would do it, she was so cute.

“Ruan Ruan, how much is this?” Yun Feiwu made a “2” gesture in front of her.

Xia Ruan opened her eyes wide and shook her head: “I don’t know.”

Yun Feiwu made another “1”, Xia Ruan still shook his head.

Yun Feiwu couldn’t hold back, holding his stomach and laughing for a while. For her, the Ruanruan after drunk is too novel, which makes her want to try drinking too.

Yun Feiwu was about to help Xia Ruan take a bath when there was a knock on the door of the dormitory.

“Ruan Ruan, sit here and don’t move, I’ll open the door.”

After seeing Xia Ruan nodding obediently, Yun Feiwu got up and went to open the door.

“Sister Huang, Uncle Zhou?” Yun Feiwu stood at the door and greeted them politely.

After Huang Qiongyi and Zhou Hanchi were drunk, it was obviously different from normal times. Huang Qiongyi became taciturn, but Zhou Hanchi could speak very well. Although he obviously had a big tongue, the logic was not very clear:

“Let’s take a look at Ruanruan… She didn’t vomit, did she? Are you feeling sick?”

“I didn’t vomit, and I don’t seem to be uncomfortable.” Yun Feiwu glanced back, Xia Ruan was still sitting on the bed, feeling her gaze, raised her head and smiled sweetly at her.

Yun Feiwu also smiled back at her.

“That’s good.” Zhou Hanchi nodded, “If Xiaoruan is not feeling well, just, just mix some warm honey water for her…”

Zhou Hanchi gave a lot of instructions.

Yun Feiwu wrote it down carefully, and asked again: “Uncle Zhou, why did Ruan Ruan become a little… silly after being drunk? None of you are like this…”

“Everyone’s situation is different, and some people will go crazy with alcohol.” Zhou Hanchi smiled, “But as the saying goes, you tell the truth after drinking. Generally, when you are drunk, what you say and what you say is the truth…”

Yun Feiwu blinked, thoughtful, completely ignoring what Zhou Hanchi said next.

After a while, Zhou Hanchi and Huang Qiongyi left, and Yun Feiwu mixed a cup of honey water to feed Xia Ruan, and then helped her to take a bath.

After taking a shower and sitting back on the bed, Yun Feiwu remembered Zhou Hanchi’s words before, lowered his head, bit his lips, and poked Xia Ruan tentatively: “Ruan Ruan, I have a question for you.”

Xia Ruan lay on the bed in a daze, nodded: “Yeah.”

“Do you…have a boy you like?” Yun Feiwu asked.

Xia Ruan’s head shook like a rattle: “No, no!”

Yun Feiwu’s eyes lit up.

She rubbed up a little bit, buried her face in Xia Ruan’s neck, trembled and smiled for a while before raising her head.

Yun Feiwu wanted to ask something else, but Xia Ruan had already fallen asleep.

Yun Feiwu propped himself up, turned off the bedside lamp, and went back to lie down next to Xia Ruan, but couldn’t fall asleep for a long time.

In the darkness, Yun Feiwu stared at the outline of Xia Ruan’s face for a long time, his eyes flickered, and the corners of his lips curled up slightly.

“Ruan Ruan…” She asked in an extremely soft voice, “When I grow up, I will marry you… No, I will marry you and go home, okay?”

In her sleep, Xia Ruan murmured vaguely, and instinctively hugged Yun Feiwu into her arms, resting her chin on her furry head, and fell asleep again in satisfaction.

She dreamed of Yun Feiwu.

In the dream, Yun Feiwu seemed to be asking her some question, but she couldn’t hear clearly, only vaguely heard the last three words were “OK”.

But it doesn’t matter, no matter what Yun Feiwu asked, the answer she gave her would always be—

“it is good.”

The author has something to say: sweet or not! !

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