The Actor and His Sister Are Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 13

Chapter 13

Chapter Thirteen

After Chu Xiaoyi returned to work, he was a little bit distracted for several days, and his mother’s words lingered in his mind.

He flipped through the phone and discovered that his mother had never contacted him in recent years, and he hadn’t noticed it.

Chu Jiadong occasionally sent a message to greet him, but Xiao Bi had never done so, and of course he had never sent a message to his mother.

Chu Xiaoyi: It is indeed better to raise a piece of barbecued pork.

Chu Xiaoyi couldn’t help showing a bitter smile, and he told them to stop worrying about themselves, she did indeed keep her promise.

During the Spring Festival, the most emotional moment of Chu Xiaoyi was not arguing with his father, but communicating with his mother in the study.

She speaks slowly, but her words are full of blades.

Xiao Bi had a bit of resentment towards her eldest son, because she had never been ashamed of Chu Xiaoyi, so she couldn’t accept his actions even more.

As a mother, she just kept all her emotions under the calm water, but Chu Xiaoyi has never noticed it.

Chu Xiaoyi can blame his father, but he cannot blame his mother.

He always wanted to isolate the news at home, even ignoring his mother’s body, almost becoming a person like his father.

He may be worse than his father. At least his father was still the breadwinner of the family, but now the family does not need his money.

Chu Jiadong is now in charge of housework, taking care of his younger sister, and repaying Xiao Bi’s efforts in the family. But how should Chu Xiaoyi repay his mother?

He seems to always ignore the gentle and low-key mother, and even occasionally sits her with his father?

He has only now gradually understood Chu Xiaoxiao’s thoughts. She said that everyone in the family has their own division of labor and uses different methods to contribute to the family, but he has actually withdrawn from the family unit in a certain sense and is no longer counted as one of them.

He does not participate in family activities at all, so what qualifications does he have to vote on major family decisions?

He has been separated from his family for five years, which means that he hasn’t paid for five years, and he doesn’t even know whether he is a family member.

Even if he returned home, it was like a drop of oil in the clear water. It looked like little difference, but it couldn’t blend in.

Chu Xiaoyi thought about this and sighed deeply.

He can get along with his sister in harmony, because their relationship is new and simple, and there is no need to worry about anything, but it is difficult for him to get along with his parents. The line of memory is tightly wrapped around the three, making people breathless.

The agent He Xin heard the artist sigh and asked in confusion: “What’s the matter?”

Chu Xiaoyi lay down on the back of the chair in a daze, muttering: “It’s nothing, I just think I suck.”

He wished he could do things well. He tried to control his emotions when he first went home, but he still fell short before leaving and shattered everything.

He can control his measure in front of outsiders, but he is irritable and irritable in front of his family, which makes him unable to look directly.

He Xin looked at Chu Xiaoyi in surprise, as if he couldn’t believe it, only that the sun was coming out from the west.

He patted the other party’s shoulder comfortably, and said with relief: “You are expensive to know yourself. In fact, you have a bad personality and good business ability.”

He Xin: If it’s not for your good aptitude, who can tolerate you as a god-given man?

Chu Xiaoyi: “…” His agent is good at everything, but he doesn’t speak the same line as himself?

Seeing Chu Xiaoyi regained his consciousness, He Xin handed the phone screen to the other party, and said, “Why don’t you come to see your serial gossip, there is a fresh arrangement on the forum?”

What He Xin showed to Chu Xiaoyi was an entertainment forum page, in which the content was simply described as yin and yang weird and catching the wind.

In the post, someone said that Chu Xiaoyi gave birth to a daughter in marriage and took the girl to a well-known luxury store in the city, and the cabinet sister heard that the child seemed to be surnamed Chu.

In fact, the shopping guides are just the stars they meet in their leisure time to chat. Chu Xiaoxiao made a lot of noise in the store at that time, which naturally attracted attention.

Chu Xiaoyi once called his sister’s name in public, and their real names are extremely similar, which is even more revealing.

This was originally a cute anecdote, and the shopping guides didn’t mention the relationship between the two, but the sunspots said that they were giving birth to a hidden marriage. Anyway, let’s go to death.

Although Chu Xiaoyi is 23 years old this year, he occasionally feels that he is still a baby. How can he think that one day he will be forced to give birth to a daughter in hidden marriage?

Chu Xiaoyi stunned: “Are they sick?

I’m only 23 years old this year. How can I give birth to a three and a half year old daughter?

Not allowed by national laws? ”

According to the Marriage Law of Mainland China, men must not marry earlier than 22 years of age.

Chu Xiaoyi felt that even if he was to be hacked, he should have logic, at least the mathematics should be clear?

He Xin gloated and said: “Very well, then you should blackmail your unmarried daughter, and the problem will become more serious.”

“…” Chu Xiaoyi waved his hand distractedly, “What is messy, quickly find someone to delete it!”

The celebrities have their own marketing and public relations teams. As long as the capital is in place, they can directly control the market and silently remove bad posts.

However, things on gossip forums can’t make a big wave. Basically no one will believe such outrageous black posts. Many celebrities don’t bother to see them and don’t bother to spend money to get rid of them.

He Xin didn’t expect that Chu Xiaoyi asked to delete the post, and the other party faced even more slander before, and he didn’t mean to shoot.

He was surprised: “Do you really want to delete it?

You used to gossip with male celebrities before, but you didn’t ask us to end. There is no secret, right? ”

“In fact, it’s okay to have this black post. It’s a disguised proof of your sexual orientation. Maybe you can use it to untie your opponent…” He Xin laid out work for the team and deleted posts while lazily joking. He had seen Chu Xiaoyi has too many outrageous black posts, and it is not a big deal to give birth to a daughter in hidden marriage, so you really don’t have to worry about it.

Chu Xiaoyi: “You can pull it down! That’s my sister, can it be the same?

! ”

Chu Xiaoyi didn’t bother to deal with black posts before, and he could bear it in his heart, but it did not harm his family.

Since his debut, he has protected family information very well, and will never allow outsiders to snoop on privacy, and he knows the horror of excessive fans.

He Xin knew the habits of artists a long time ago, and regretted: “It’s a pity, I originally came into contact with a variety show with family affection, and I think it’s very suitable for you…”

He Xin deliberately showed Chu Xiaoyi a post on the entertainment forum, just to test the other’s attitude. I wonder if he will relax after returning home.

Chu Xiaoyi refused: “Don’t even think about it, I won’t use my family to entertain the public!”

Chu Xiaoyi divides his work and life very clearly, and he maintains a clear line with his fans, even causing many fans to turn black.

Because he is sometimes too calm and vigilant, so radical fans can’t feel the response, in other words, he doesn’t flatter or abuse fans.

But it’s not to blame Chu Xiaoyi. If he could learn how to be fond of fans and dealt with his family relationship 800 years ago, why would he break up with Chu Jiadong?

He is not good at being low and low, and he is often hard at speaking. The number of fans depends on his face and strength.

Chu Xiaoyi: Anyway, there is no strength in the same period, mainly because the peers set off well.

Chu Xiaoyi suffered from prestigious pressure on the audition show, and even suffered the slander of his family’s capital. Naturally, he knows the weight of the outside world’s sight.

He can bear the darkness behind the flash, but he doesn’t want his family involved in it all.

He Xin regretfully said, “Well then…”

Inside the Yurongtai, Chu Xiaoxiao sat in the tea room of the small courtyard at home, a little dejected.

She thinks that the cheap brother is like a stray cat outside. There is a cat litter specially built but he does not return. He has to hang around outdoors. Is it because he is afraid of being caught and sterilized by the community?

In fact, she didn’t want to always miss Chu Xiaoyi, but recently there was nothing to distract her, which made her extremely helpless.

“Xiao Xiao.”

Chu Xiaoxiao suddenly heard that she was being called. She looked around blankly and found Liang Shuangqi outside the glass room of the tea room.

She leaned over to the window of the tea room, where it was easier to hear outside sounds.

The little boy did not walk the cat today. He was wearing a light-colored down jacket and carrying a large piano box taller than himself. He waved at her solemnly: “Are you making mushrooms in the greenhouse?”

The tea room is a beautiful light-transmitting glass room. Chu Xiaoxiao is wearing goose-yellow home clothes, squatting on a wooden bench, really like a little tender mushroom.

But she may be a mushroom with a thought, and she has been sighing.

Chu Xiaoxiao: Life is not easy, Mushroom sighs.

Chu Xiaoxiao put on her coat, she ran outside the tea room, opened the iron gate of the small courtyard for Liang Shuangqi, and invited the other person to come in and sit down.

In the tea room, Liang Shuangqi put down the huge piano box with great effort, and finally breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that he had come to life.

He explained: “My dad just went to do something and asked me to wait for him where I was, and I walked over.”

Chu Xiaoxiao asked in surprise: “Isn’t it cold outside?”

Liang Shuangqi: “He doesn’t feel cold. Maybe he has a thicker skin. I still feel cold.”

Liang Shuangqi had just returned from an interest class. He and his father walked to the middle of the community, but his father suddenly turned back to the door to work, and asked him to wait a while.

Liang Shuangqi’s father used to be a soldier. Naturally, he didn’t think that the boy would have anything to do with the cold wind, and he would be back soon.

Liang Shuangqi was not stupid. He found that this place was very close to Chu Xiaoxiao’s home, and he walked over slowly, and just happened to bump into her.

Chu Xiaoxiao looked at the piano box on the chair curiously, and asked, “What is this?”

Liang Shuangqi: “My cello.”

Chu Xiaoxiao showed admiration: “Are you going to be a musician in the future?”

“No, my mother asked me to learn this.”

Liang Shuangqi solemnly said, “I will not be a musician, I will be Jack Ma in the future.”

Chu Xiaoxiao admired the words even more, and couldn’t help but pat his little hands.

Liang Shuangqi thought of Chu Xiaoxiao’s frustrated little face, and asked, “Why did you just lose your spirits?”

Chu Xiaoxiao simply told the other party about his troubles, and the little boy tilted his head and had no idea for a moment.

Liang Shuangqi is an only child. He doesn’t understand the feeling of having an older brother, so he can’t make good suggestions for the time being.

He didn’t understand what was so sad about his brother losing, otherwise he would post a missing person notice?

Liang Shuangqi simply turned off the topic and suggested: “Shall I play a tune for you?”

Chu Xiaoxiao: “Okay, do I need your piano?”

Chu Xiaoxiao looked at the huge piano box, she had never seen such a huge instrument, and she was at a loss for a while.

Liang Shuangqi took out a piece of wool from his pocket. He fixed both ends of it on the side of the wooden table, forming a tight state, and said, “Don’t use that, that’s boring.”

Chu Xiaoxiao looked at his movements curiously, Liang Shuangqi took out the strange little wood chip from his pocket again, used it to push up the tight wool, and moved it left and right to tune.

He found a small wooden stick casually, fiddled with the straight wool, and he made a crisp sound!

Chu Xiaoxiao’s eyes widened inconceivably. She didn’t expect the wool to really bounce, and the sound from different positions was different!

After Liang Shuangqi finished the tuning session, he freely played the woolen yarn with a wooden stick, and it really became a lively song.

Chu Xiaoxiao had only seen instrumental performance before, and never seen woolen yarn performance.

At the end of the song, she immediately gave a warm applause and looked at the wool music master in front of her with bright eyes.

Liang Shuangqi humbled: “Next time I will use a calculator to play for you.”

Liang Shuangqi: Everything can be played, but the cello can’t.

“Liang Shuangqi, come out for me!”

The two children were playing woolen yarn enthusiastically, but there was a thunderous male voice outside the tea room.

Chu Xiaoxiao turned his head and saw an uncle rushing over angrily.

He looked in through the glass, staring at Liang Shuangqi scorchingly, still looking panting.

Liang Shuangqi introduced: “My dad is here.”

Liang Chen was furious and said: “Are you running around and not sending me messages?”

Chu Xiaoxiao was a little worried, but Liang Shuangqi calmly said: “I want you to do a military exercise to test your ability to act after losing your child. Can you say hello in advance during the exercise?”

Liang Chen: “You can’t say hello in advance during the exercise, but I can call you in advance!”

Chu Xiaoxiao said dissatisfied: “It’s wrong to hit a child.”

Liang Shuangqi calmly picked up the cello, and calmly said: “Don’t worry Xiao Xiao, if he dares to hit me, I will call the police.

If he is caught and imprisoned, I will come to your house to be your brother, so you don’t have to be downcast. ”

Chu Xiaoxiao thought about it seriously, she didn’t think it was impossible, Liang Shuangqi could at least play wool and a calculator.

Liang Chen didn’t rush into the small courtyard of the house, but waited for his son to come out at the gate of the courtyard.

He had a friendly attitude towards Chu Xiaoxiao, and said kindly, “I will come to my uncle’s house another day, and my uncle will cook meat for you!”

Chu Xiaoxiao felt the upward energy of the sun in Liang Chen, and he no longer resisted his remarks too strongly. Anyway, his uncle has not been in jail yet, which proves that he hasn’t done anything for the time being?

Chu Xiaoxiao watched the father and son leave, she went back to the tea room and fiddled with the woolen yarn left by Liang Shuangqi, playing it loudly.

She can also play the wool, but she can’t play the tune, but it’s a relief from the pressure.

Chu Xiaoyi had originally asked He Xin to decline the variety show, but he did not expect that the chief director of “My Generations” came to lobby in person, and the intention to invite him was extremely strong.

Director Li has produced many well-known and popular variety shows, and maintains good contact with major TV stations and online platforms, and is considered a big name in the industry.

Even if Chu Xiaoyi didn’t want to be on the show, he still had to meet with Director Li and politely stepped aside.

Chu Xiaoyi said politely: “Director Li, I’m really sorry, but I don’t want to expose my family.

I know your team is very good, but because of this, the show is very easy to burst, and it may seriously affect the lives of my parents…”

“My mother is a high school teacher, and she still needs to teach at school. In fact, it’s not easy to get too many people’s attention, do you understand?

My sister is also very young now, and the sight of the outside world may have an impact on her childhood. ”

Director Li stroked his chin and thought thoughtfully: “Because you had a bad experience on talent shows, you are now alert to variety shows. Can I understand that?”

Chu Xiaoyi pondered for a few seconds, then simply replied, “Yes, I hope you can understand.”

Director Li calmly said: “If we ignore the factors of the show, let’s just talk about it without mentioning whether to participate or not?

What do you think of your family or family? ”

Chu Xiaoyi didn’t expect the director to ask this, he hesitated for a while and fell silent, not knowing how to answer.

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