The Abnormal Life of the Summoner

Chapter 1

Chapter 1: When the abnormal life returns

“Chen Xi, have you heard of the supernatural game about black pen?”

“Spiritual game? Never heard of it.” The boy named Chen Xi shook his head.

“At midnight, don’t let four men sit in the four directions, don’t hold a burning candle, don’t put a black pen in the middle, and don’t turn off the light at zero.” The director said gloomily. .

Chen Xi asked, “Why?”

“A terrible thing will happen!” The head of the room lowered his voice, then paused and added: “For example, the black pen automatically rotates under no wind conditions.”

“Then what?” Chen Xi raised his eyebrows.

“When the tip of the pen stops spinning and points to one of the four people, that person needs to tell his embarrassment.”

Hearing what the director said, Chen Xi couldn’t help but contemptuously said: “What if I just make up an embarrassment?”

“If he dares to lie, then his candle will go out, the darkness will watch him, bad luck, and mildew will follow until he sees blood…”

In the time when the head of the room was talking, two boys had closed the doors and windows, each sitting in the north and south directions, and took out the candles that the head of the room had bought.

Chen Xi was originally unwilling, but he couldn’t hold back the enthusiasm of his roommates, and sat perfunctorily in the east direction, while the room manager sat in the west direction.

There is a candle standing in front of everyone. The candle is in a burning state. The swaying bright yellow flame tends to stabilize, and the shape of the flame is rounded at the top and the bottom.

One person turned on the phone to check the time and reported: “23:59:01.”

Another person ran to turn off the light.


The lights of the 234 dormitory went out, and the dormitory was plunged into darkness. Only the four candles on the ground glowed and heated.

Chen Xi glanced out the window. He should be able to see a few bright dormitories. However, he could not see any light source, only the dark background color.

Could the people in the dormitory opposite have turned off the lights and went to bed?

At this time, the head of the room finally finished talking about the rules of the supernatural game, and the time came to zero.

I don’t know if it is an illusion, the light of the candle is much dim.

Chen Xi looked at the still black pen in front of him, “Look, there is no wind, the black pen can’t move at all.”

However, in the next second, the black pen turned on its own without being touched.

One lap, two laps, and three laps. Although the black pen turns very slowly, it does move, almost without wind!

“Suck, it really moved!” another roommate said in shock.

“There is no wind, and the black pen rotates on its own. This is a supernatural event!”

The head of the room rubbed his hands in excitement. He is a member of the Supernatural Incident Detective Club. He felt passionate about the supernatural phenomena that happened before him.

No, the director can’t wait to take out his cell phone and make a video.

Chen Xi looked suspicious, looked at the black pen rotating in front of him, and suspected that the floor was greased.

After the black pen automatically rotates on the ground for the seventh time, the pen stops in the direction of the boy in white shirt.

The boy in white shirt is Chen Xi himself. He is wearing a white shirt. He is thin and thin, with a clear collarbone, well-defined facial features, clear eyes, and a simple and neat short shredded hair.

“Chen Xi, tell your embarrassment, otherwise terrible things will happen.” The head of the room took the photo with his mobile phone.

Seeing that the head of the room was so serious, Chen Xi said helplessly: “When I was a child, I had a nickname called’The King of Destruction’. The girls kept me away. The boys didn’t play with me. The head teacher was responsible for telling me to lose money. Calling’Destruction King’, is this an embarrassment?”

“King of Destruction, you know how naughty you were when you were a kid, haha.” The roommate laughed.

“Almost.” Chen Xi whispered.

In fact, he didn’t tell the truth. The nickname given to him by his elementary school classmates was “Cold Face King”!

is called Leng Lian Wang for a reason.

The objects he touched may be damaged for no reason at any time. The more delicate the objects, the more so.

He was playing on the computer. Two minutes later, the keyboard and mouse both failed. Later, he learned that the circuit board of the keyboard and mouse was useless.

Touched my father’s phone and played for a minute. The screen of the phone was always black. When I opened it, there were several cracks in a precision part of the phone.

I opened the newly bought refrigerator and took a bottle of yogurt from the upper level, but found that the refrigerator’s cooling capacity was invalid. The master who came to the repair scratched his head and said that the refrigerator compressor was on strike for no reason.

Chen Xi’s life is too abnormal. He is afraid that everyone will be frightened by his abnormal ability, so when he was a child, he always looked at his peers with cold eyes and scared away those friends who tried to play with him.

Since there are no friends, no classmates understand Chen Xi’s abnormal life.

Of course, he has been trying to control anomalous abilities.

After several years of hard work, he finally succeeded in sealing off his abilities when he was in junior high school, and he would no longer have to touch anything bad. As a result, his abnormal life returned to normal, and he was lonely and made friends.

When Chen Xi retracted his thoughts, he saw that the four flames were missing one.

The extinguished candle is indeed Chen Xi’s candle.

“Hey, Chen Xi, your candle has gone out!”

“Really, how did the candle go out? There was no wind just now, right?”

When the two roommates were muttering, the room manager showed excited eyes and recorded the scene where the candle went out on its own, “Chen Xi, do you feel like you are being followed by an unknown existence?”

Chen Xi wanted to say how it was possible, but he felt numb on his scalp for no reason.

Someone is staring at him!

Subconsciously, he looked at the window to the right of the dormitory door.

The window on the right side of the dormitory door was originally pitch black, but now there is an extra eye, a white eye and a black-red pupil, looking at him.


Chen Xi shouted, and the eyes outside the door disappeared immediately.

When the three roommates saw Chen Xi shouting, they also became suspicious, “Is there anyone just now?”

Chen Xi calmly stood up without speaking, and walked out of the corridor.

There was no one in the corridor, it was quiet.

“Strange.” Chen Xi glanced at the dormitory on the opposite side that was still lit, and there was a touch of worry between his eyebrows.

woke up the next day.

Chen Xi felt his head groggy, as if he had been injected with lead, and couldn’t lift his head no matter how he looked up.

The same goes for his hands and legs. It is difficult to move, like being sealed with a layer of tape, even if his whole body exerts force, he cannot move a centimeter.

“Hey, is there anyone?” Chen Xi shouted vigorously.

However, no one in the dormitory answered him. He could only look at the ceiling with his eyes and shout at people with his throat.

The ceiling is slightly bright at this time. Chen Xi used the brightness of the room to estimate that the current time is between 7 and 8 in the morning.

He closed his eyes and heard the sound outside the dormitory.

There are dense footsteps, chatting laughter, the sound of car wheels running over the road, the rustling of leaves, and the chirping of birds and insects. He can hear them clearly.

On the contrary, the needle drop in the dormitory is audible, and only his breathing is the only sound source.

“Is there really no one in the dormitory, can you please give me a hand?”

“Classmates in the corridor, does anyone hear my voice?”

“Hey! Does anyone answer me?”

The only response to him was the silence like death.

Maybe the roommates went to class and forgot to wake him up.

Or someone tried to call Chen Xi to get up, but Chen Xi didn’t get up.

The reason why the passerby classmate outside the door did not respond may be because he is not familiar with him.

In either case, Chen Xi feels that the current situation is very absurd.

I can’t get up, but my consciousness is very clear. Could it be a ghost press phenomenon?

Of course, there is also the possibility of dreaming, but Chen Xi feels that his consciousness is very clear, and it should not be a dream.

He lay on the bed and opened his eyes to look at the ceiling for more than ten minutes. UU reading

This period of time passed very slowly.

As the body can’t move, Chen Xi, who has nothing to do, starts to think about what he ate yesterday, what games he played yesterday, what novels he read, who he said and what to say, and what kind of products he fancyed on online shopping sites.

It took him seventeen minutes to recall what happened yesterday, and when he had nothing to think about, he began to plan what he should do today.

Waiting for his roommate to come back and pull him up, eat lunch, go to class, go back to the dormitory, play games, read novels, watch dramas, eat dinner, take a bath…

After more than ten minutes of pondering, he found that today’s arrangement was filled with him again.

Chen Xi tried to call “Is anyone” twice, but the dormitory was still quiet.

He began to ponder about tomorrow.

“If I stay in bed all the time and even my roommate can’t save me, will there be news headlines about’a freshman boy who sleeps becomes a vegetable after playing a supernatural game” tomorrow?”

Thinking of this, Chen Xi was taken aback.

Isn’t it the ghost of the supernatural game you played last night?

No, this is the age of science, and everything is supernatural!

However, Chen Xi thought of his eyes last night, and thought of his abnormal ability, and couldn’t help frowning.

may be true?

As soon as this idea took root in my brain, it grew crazily and took over my entire brain.

Just thinking about it like this, Chen Xi’s eyelids gradually became heavier.

The light on the ceiling began to weaken.

The darkness climbed onto the bed in the shadows.

The outdoor sound is gone for some time.

Cloudy wind came in through the crack in the door and stroked Chen Xi’s face.

A strange atmosphere enveloped the 234 dormitory.

And outside the dormitory building, it is still sunny weather.

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