The 300 Heroes of the Manga

Chapter 902

Chapter 902

Cao Shurui knew it, and knew why he did it.

Because he is the real him only when he is alone in this small room, and he is allowed to be the real him.

Only [self] can chat without scruples.

To put it bluntly, it means talking to oneself.

After being adopted by his uncle’s family, this has become his habit.

Soon, the computer screen lights up.

The familiar icon of 300h/eros appeared before his eyes.

Like Cao Shurui in the past, he was dazzled by the dazzling array of heroes.

One by one, even familiar characters caught his heart.

These characters can be regarded as his friends.

By this time, Cao Shurui had understood everything.

But he still watched quietly.

Looking at the technical crayons, I played round after round.


A white dialog box appears.

It is undoubtedly the beginning of everything.

Blessed to the soul, Cao Shurui silently condensed his body in the corner of the room.

Solemnly opened the system interface, he clicked [make a copy].

He already understood what he should do next.

——【My beginning, start with “I”. 】

The pure white ball of light, which is as invisible as the system panel, appeared in his palm.

A set of rules were woven from the system panel in front of him, and then entered into the ball of light.


With the sound of a mouse click, Cao Shurui threw the light ball formed in his hand.

Doors who don’t know when they are opened, people who don’t know when they appear.

A stick cut from the wooden mop hit the boy’s head heavily.

The warm blood splashing out slid down Cao Shurui’s cheeks.


Laughing low, he felt his body float up uncontrollably.

Taking a look at his uncle who couldn’t control his balance due to excessive exertion, fell on the bed, and fell asleep because of alcoholism, Cao Shurui turned his head and put the whole room in his eyes.

He showed a satisfied smile.

“It turns out that I actually died once a long time ago…”

“Very well, I don’t have any regrets.”

Feeling that his body had become illusory, he looked at the other himself who had also become illusory, and smiled:

“Welcome to become a summoner.”

Perhaps you will endure suffering.

Perhaps you will die several times.

However, it’s all worth it.

“In the name of Cao Shurui–”

Because you will meet important people.

Because you will grow into a more mature “person”.

“Welcome to the eternal place!”

He sent his sincere blessings to his weak and original self.

End of this testimonial

Hello everyone, here is laziness and dumbness.

At 23:32:42 on August 25, 2017, I clicked the upload button in the last chapter.

The last three chapters are all listening to ninelie codes.

By the way, listening to the code word of the song, at first, was because the dormitory was all LOL except me at night-too noisy, but later it became a similar habit. If you don’t listen to songs, you will feel uncomfortable.

It took a day to write this testimonial or something, so I might be the only one.

However, after all, there are still classes during the day, and the roommate would not be willing to go to bed too late, so it was a day off.

After this book, I have learned a variety of things from everyone. Although there is still no progress in the two aspects of daily life and emotion, I can finish telling a story with stumbling.

When I moved out the ending that was finalized when I wrote it in the middle of the novel, I really felt a sense of accomplishment in my heart.

This feeling is comparable to when I played a video game for the first time in my life and saw the final clearance image.

–Very comfortable.

I’m a nameless person, everyone who has been tortured by the protagonist’s name must know this. Therefore, the chapter name is usually only after the content of a chapter is coded.

When I typed the three letters of fin, I felt a sense of relief in my heart.

It’s as if I have witnessed the life of the protagonist I have portrayed.

From 20160814 to 20170825, in a year and eleven days, thank you editor Xi Xi; thanks to the big brothers of Infinite Stream; thank every reader-whether it is always with me or poisoned by me halfway, Or everyone who joined halfway, thank you very much.

Your company is the source of my growth.

Perhaps, the story of Cao Shurui will continue. After all, whether it is the “Alter” who was cut off by restraint, or the news of other people who are also summoners at the end, they will become new road signs.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.