The 300 Heroes of the Manga

Chapter 901

Chapter 901

When he has no limbs, in addition to chatting with people, he relies on the system to relieve boredom.

Therefore, a new and extra option on the homepage has long attracted his attention.

Chapter 023-The Beginning of Everything (fin)

-Make a copy.

This inexplicable option appeared after the battle with the red dragon species was over.

Its function is also very simple, which is to make a copy of the system itself.

This copy will carry the same functions of the system he holds.

The only difference is that he can choose whether to change the hero interface. It is his freedom to keep the same hero interface as him, or to replace it with the interface of the hero he has contracted.

“If you don’t want to cheat people, then of course you should keep the original. I have too few heroes contracted, and the combat effectiveness is not particularly outstanding.”

With a wry smile, Cao Shurui muttered so low.

As a summoner, he is qualified but not qualified.

The result of single-minded pursuit of power, mixed with small selfishness, resulted in insufficient number of heroes and insufficient quality of the heroes he contracted.

From this point of view, he is undoubtedly unqualified.

However, he who even defeated the Red Dragon Seed and achieved the Summoner’s graduation goal, he was undoubtedly qualified.

However, Cao Shurui’s ideas are obviously superfluous.


The familiar voice of the system rang in his mind.

“The number of contract heroes detected is less than 100, and a new version of the system cannot be made.”

The corner of his mouth raised, Cao Shurui turned off the interface of the system, closed his eyes and lay down.

At the end of the battle, he sacrificed the power of the ten incarnations-the power that had accompanied him for a long time.

However, he did not regret it, because–

“It’s okay, just find the guy from the military **** to come back. He won’t refuse the good thing that can defeat him.”

Golden ripples appeared above the raised right hand, and the holy relic of Velesrana fell into his hand.

“With this, we can meet again anytime, right?”

——But I am looking forward to seeing you again.

Whispering, he threw the holy relic casually, and before it fell into the golden ripples, he slowly closed his eyes.

The warm afternoon is the time for a nap.

The summoner, who was relieved of his responsibilities and regained his freedom, became lazy after a long absence.

How long have you not experienced such a mindless nap?

In a daze, Cao Shurui felt his consciousness plummet.

The muscles contracted instinctively, and he stood silently.

The narrow six-square-meter room was the place he was most familiar with.


He moaned silently from his throat, and he felt a stream of heat surge into his eyes.

“This is really… long time no see.”

Cao Shurui suppressed her breath and turned into mist despite the surging emotions.

I don’t know how I got back, but is it important?

Maybe this is just a dream.

The system interface can still be opened as usual, and there is no restriction on the whole body, then it is impossible to be trapped.

If this is the world of the past, with his power, the whole world can be turned upside down overnight.

The world where the highest force is only nuclear bombs or neutron bombs, there is no way to kill him.

But he did not choose to go outside the room-even though the red window that leaked into the setting sun beside him.

Subvert a world? Is he idle?

This kind of completely uninteresting and meaningless thing, he wouldn’t be able to ask him.

In this world where there is no magical aura in the atmosphere, it is better to continue like this.

Perhaps this is the best.

Thinking about things, Cao Shurui quietly waited for the passage of time.

In the room, there is no dust on the furniture or the floor.

This is enough to prove that it is still being “used” here.

Maybe you can see “him”.

If there is any nostalgia for this world in Cao Shurui’s heart, it must be the last moment of “him”.

If he can’t know that point, he will probably remember it forever until he returns to this world.


As the door was pushed open, a gloomy boy with eyes walked in.

The moment he closed the door, he seemed to relax, with a hint of expectation and a smile on his face.

In front of people, he is never good at words.

Because the people who can listen to him have long lost two forever.

He has more inner dramas than anyone else.

And now, he can’t wait to turn on the computer.

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