The 300 Heroes of the Manga

Chapter 899

Chapter 899

“It doesn’t make sense otherwise.”

This is what the children say.

Among the children who have the opportunity to go to school, there are even less than 100 children among the more than two million cursed children.

Regardless of strength, no matter the character is strong or weak, all children have a unified voice.

But in any case, relying on only two teachers, there is absolutely no way to teach two million children at the same time.

However, this point has also been resolved today.

Mugong, who opened the system interface because of an inexplicable irritability in his heart, accidentally “discovered” a new function.

That is the privilege of being the master of the Eternal Land-the power to make projections everywhere you want.

Because of this, she was able to teach all the children a lesson at the same time on her own.

When he walked out of the teaching building, Mu Geng’s face was faintly irritated.

A certain deep anxiety was stirring in my heart.

Before Cao Shurui left, the unfavorable premonition, the system’s sudden extra function, and the inexplicable “closeness” of this world to him——

All kinds of factors, like a heavy burden, weighed on her.

She would never think that all of this is unreasonable.

In this world, there has never been a chance.

Yes, it is only inevitable.

These things are definitely related to Cao Shurui.

“Da da.”

After stopping, she took a deep breath.

If you can’t get the answer by thinking on your own, just ask someone who might feel the same.

Raising his hand to open the communication interface, Mu Geng pursed his mouth.

Chapter 022


There is only darkness.

Perhaps this is the body of Void Sea.

Wasn’t the scene before the world conceived the endless darkness?

There are no coordinates to be located, and there is no brilliant starlight.

Can’t distinguish between up and down, left and right, and can’t distinguish one’s existence.

It seems that the word “self” itself is more than a lot.

One is all, and all is one.

There is no difference between the individual and the whole, everything will return to nothingness——

“…Is that right? You are like that too. Sure enough, everyone feels like me.”

The voice was a little low, Mu Geng ended the call, sitting on the altar of the Eternal Arena, looking up at the sky blankly.

When she discovered that the functions of the altar that had previously been shown as black had now all become usable white, the anxiety in her heart almost turned into substance.

Although she has never asked Cao Shurui what functions the system has, she can basically use all the functions he can use.

Except for “Loading Heroes”, which cannot be tried in the Eternal Land, she has clicked all the functions.

–all white.

None of the parts that were supposed to be open to the hero were reserved for her.

It’s almost like–

She replaced Cao Shurui and became a “summoner”.

This fact made her feel a panic that she had never had before.

Even when her family was attacked by a primitive gut and turned into a corpse in front of her, they did not panic as much as they do now.

Of course, this is also due to the fact that he was still young at the time. Compared with panic, hatred was more intense.

However, it is the most terrifying point to lose the hope that has not been gained for long.

Not to mention that Cao Shurui has experienced so much time, but for them, they have not lived in the Eternal Land for two years.

This hard-won happiness will disappear in a blink of an eye?

Just thinking of this possibility made Mu even shiver all over.

This is definitely not because of the joint relationship between the summoner and the hero.

She is too familiar with Cao Shurui.

Even if there is a slight possibility, he will not implicate them for his own sake.

That is rather excessive protection, or rather, doting.

He spent a completely different quality of time from them, leaving them far behind.

Even if they were always weak in his eyes, she would believe it.

The figure is moving so fast that they can only see the back forever.

The apex of the power that a hero can feel has long been indescribable.

That kind of power is so powerful that it surpasses their imagination.

Mu is more worried about his safety.

The permissions are all in her hands, which means that there is no need to say anything at all.

——He encountered a fatal crisis, so he disconnected all of them.

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