Sweet Chief Secretary

Chapter 548 - Stop Bothering Your Head about It

Chapter 548 Stop Bothering Your Head about It

“This…” Secretary Yang was unable to answer Old Madame’s question. However, even she seldom saw Old Madame feel so frustrated, which indicated that she was sad indeed.

“Forget it. I don’t want to bother you with this. You open the room door. I’ll talk to the housekeeper in person.” Secretary Yang was just one of her employees, who didn’t dare to interfere with their family affairs, let alone Young Master Mo, the most powerful man of Shen Family was involved in it.

“Yes!” Secretary Yang went to open the door.

Old Madame wiped her tears on the corners of her eyes with tissues. When Secretary Yang opened the door, she would become the venerable Old Madame of Shen Family as usual again.

“Old Madame…” After the housekeeper uttered these two words, he paused, not knowing how to continue the conversation. It was not because he was bad at organizing his words. The fact was that he really didn’t know how to express properly and explicitly.

The housekeeper was in great anxiety because he didn’t know how to make himself sound impartial as well as express his purpose explicitly.

“They won’t move, right?” Old Madame didn’t want to bother the housekeeper so she said it out for him.

“Old Madame, First Madame is outspoken indeed. Would you let her off after you lecture her? She has lived with you for so many years. If she is to move out, you may feel unaccustomed, won’t you?” The housekeeper put on a smiling face and tried to persuade Old Madame aside. When Old Madame shifted her eyes from him, he took a moment to give Secretary Yang a hint by his eye to let her help speak for him.

Secretary Yang parted her lips and didn’t say anything at last. She knew Old Madame so well that she thought it wouldn’t be more helpful after the key points were to be made clear.

“Well. Stop giving hints by your eyes. I’ll make a record for you. Secretary Yang then goes downstairs with the housekeeper.” Old Madame pointed to the voice recorder aside, letting Secretary Yang pass it to her.

“I didn’t expect it would come to such a pass.” Secretary Yang said to the housekeeper in a low voice at the door after she brought the voice recorder with her and closed the door.

“Yes, indeed.” The housekeeper shook his head and went downstairs with her.

Downstairs Second Madame and Shen Yan were divided into two groups. Second Madame persuaded First Madame aside while Shen Yan persuaded Aunt. As for Shen Mo, he sat alone in the corner, smoking cigarettes.

“Sister-in-law, I know it should be blamed on Shen Yan. That lad is always impulsive. I should have reminded him to apologize to his eldest brother. But now Xia Yu is still in danger. Mrs. Xia is in great shock. I have to comfort her while keeping an eye on this lad to prevent him from going to extremes. But I forget Little Mo carelessly.” Second Madame apologized to First Madame again, hoping she might accept it.

First Madame heaved a sigh and her tears ran down again, “Second Aunt, I’m not a narrow-minded person. We are all daughters-in-law, so we know how hard it is. In the past years, we have lived in Shen Family, supporting the family resignedly. But they still regard us as outsiders.”

Under such circumstances, First Madame naturally needed an ally. Shen Yan didn’t live with the family and bought a house directly. When Shen Yan moved out earlier, First Madame was gleeful for quite a long time.

In her heart, only Shen Yan was Shen Mo’s blocking stone in his way. But now she finally realized that the departure of Shen Yan was the first block cleared away by Old Madame for her daughter. Now, their turn came.

To put it in Old Madame’s way, this house was left to her according to her husband’s will, which was different from the company. The company was a joint-stock system. The person who owned the most stock and was more appreciated by other stock-holders had the chance to be president. Supposed Old Madame still had the influence, she could break the rule. But the old house of this family was quite different, which belonged to Old Madame and she had the right to endow.

In the past, First Madame had thought she could inherit this house alone. After these accidents, however, she found it was impossible.

That person of Shen Family was not simple. Needless to say, Shen Yan competed fiercely with Shen Mo on the matter of the company. Shen Yang pretended that she didn’t want to compete, but she might have longed for this house long ago.

She blamed herself for being unthoughtful. She used to think her son was capable so these people were not his rivals and underestimated them. But when they united to cause trouble, she and her son were suffered a lot.

At present, First Madame realized that she couldn’t let this situation continue. To turn the tide, she had to dismantle their alliance. First Madame didn’t see the opportunity earlier, but now she wanted to rope Second Madame in on the matter of the old house.

She was reluctant to believe that Second Madame would remain indifferent before interests. If Shen Yan were defeated by Shen Mo in the competition, they would become a humble stock-holder in Shen Group.

Thinking it over, they would be benefited the least. Shen Yan could own this house and she was still Shen Group’s stock-holder, almost as good as First Madame and Shen Mo.

She believed Second Madame could see the interests. Now that First Madame had given her an offer. She just had to wait for Second Madame to accept it.

“Sister-in-law, don’t say these impulsive words. Only hope these two children are safe and good.” First Madame’s words made Second Madame feel agitated.

She was not a fool. She knew First Madame’s purpose well. Having lived in this swanky family for so many years, Second Madame has already become sophisticated otherwise she wouldn’t stay here.

But she was not as greedy as First Madame. As for stocks, they inherited more than Shen Yang. Therefore, if Old Madame left this house to Shen Yang, it would still be reasonable.

As before Shen Yan said, Shen Yang was Old Madame’s only child in the world. But according to First Madame’s thought, she wanted to take over this house. How greedy?

“Second Aunt, you can’t be such a fool under this circumstance.” First Madame felt discontent about Second Madame’s character.

What did it mean that “only hope these children are safe and good”? Weren’t these two children Shen Family’s members? Shouldn’t Old Madame care about them? She was so timid. How annoying!

“Sister-in-law!” Second Madame kept reminding First Madame because Shen Yang was near them and the two might hold more grudges towards each other if they continued to talk about it.

First Madame felt a shock in her heart. She turned her eyes to Shen Yang’s direction, only to find she was wiping her tears. A bad feeling rose in her heart.

She was Old Madame’s treasure. Obviously, she had heard what First Madame said just now. If she told Old Madame, First Madame would not be given a chance to explain.

What to do? First Madame held Second Madame’s hand tightly.

I remind you so many times but you keep saying. Now you feel frightened? Second Madame said to herself annoyingly. When she was about to say something, Secretary Yang and the housekeeper had appeared downstairs.

“Eldest Miss, First Madame, Second Madame, Young Master Mo and Young Master Yan, here is a record from Old Madame. Hope you won’t make us in a dilemma after you listen to it.” Secretary Yang said and took out the voice recorder.

She pressed the button and then Old Madame’s voice rang through, “I let Secretary Yang and the housekeeper bring this record downstairs. I hope Little Mo won’t make them in a dilemma after you hear it. Little Mo, Little Yan has moved out long ago. It’s time for you to move out too. You bring your mother. She always worries about you so you should take good care of her. As for this house, I tell you frankly that I’ll leave it to one person, only one. It won’t be divided by you, three people.”

What did it mean? First Madame’s face turned pale at once. Leaving it to one person? Shen Yan had moved out, which meant he was not that one.

Now she and her son were to be driven away, which made it clear that they shouldn’t bother their head about the house too. Old Madame, you were so callous!

“Young Master Mo, may I get some people to help you pack up?” The housekeeper asked timidly aside.

It showed that Old Madame planned to drive them away long ago. This time, she took advantage of the quarrel between Shen Yan and them to drive them away.

He and Shen Yan were in a fight while Aunt became the only beneficiary. Good! Very good!

“Well, you let them hurry up.” It was useless to say anything else. Shen Mo immediately called to the maid in his villa to prepare a room for First Madame to live.

“I’m going to talk to Old Madame.” First Madame felt discontent and tried to go upstairs.

Shen Mo stopped her to let her calm down.

Very soon the servants in the house carried those belongings to Shen Mo’s car while Shen Mo held Mother to walk out.

When she was about to leave, First Madame cast a look at Second Madame, meaning “you’re the next”.

Second Madame ignored First Madame’s eye expression. Actually, when Shen Yan moved out, she expected it already. She didn’t leave with Shen Yan just because he left joyfully that day. If she went with him, it would make Old Madame feel embarrassed as if she was driven away too.

Now First Madame and her son left. She felt it was time for her to talk to Old Madame. Otherwise, should she wait her lot to befall when Old Madame found an excuse to drive her away?

“That old thing’s foxtail finally show up. No wonder she makes Xiao Qiang have the surname Shen. She has plotted it in the very beginning.” After she got into the car, First Madame complained blatantly.

“It seems that Shen Yan, that lad has the insight. He knew Old Madame’s scheme so he moved out long ago, avoiding conflicts with her.” Shen Mo took a puff and exhaled slowly.

“I think that mother and her son are so useless. Your fathers are sons of Shen Family, who have the right to inherit the house.” First Madame got angrier after hearing Shen Mo’s words so she shrilled, “If she really wants to leave that to Shen Yan, I do feel annoyed but his father is, after all, Shen Family’s son. I have no reason to argue. But how should she leave that to Shen Qiang? I won’t accept it, whatever!”

“You have to accept it. Don’t you realize that Old Madame doesn’t even think about her grandsons? She firstly makes her cousin take charge. After I presented the evidence of her cousin’s bribery to her, she was speechless in front of me. On the surface, she thinks highly of me but she secretly supports Aunt.” Coming to such a pass, Shen Mo as Young Master Mo saw clearly what Old Madame was plotting.

“It should be! No wonder she insists that you should compete with Shen Yan. She actually wants to make you two worn out by the fight so that Aunt could be benefited.” First Madame gnashed her teeth out of anger and glared.

“She is good at plotting. We are not what we were anymore. This thing will not be decided by her.” Shen Mo snuffed out cigarette butts and then stamped the gas pedal, heading for his villa.

Considering such a big accident, he must negotiate with his think tank at once.

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