Sweet Chief Secretary

Chapter 546 - Having Something to Discuss with Him

Chapter 546 Having Something to Discuss with Him

Xia Yu waited all night longingly, but the fishing boat didn’t arrive even when it was dawn. Her heart sank to the bottom.

Hearing Cheng Xi was coughing in the room, Xia Yu immediately turned into the room. She opened the thermos and helped Cheng Xi up, feeding him some rock sugar Sydney.

He looked ill and listless. After looking at Xia Yu, he closed his eyes again.

Xia Yu bit her lip vigorously to prevent herself from crying. After he drank the rock sugar Sydney and fell asleep again, Xia Yu left the room quietly. She came to the master bedroom for Chen Wenxuan.

She stood at the door and raised her hand to knock on the door. However, when she thought that it was not yet 6 o’clock and Chen Wenxuan must be still sleeping, she supposed that he would be angry if she came to him now. She really didn’t want to make him mad, but thinking of Cheng Xi’s condition, she finally knocked on the door.

She knocked on the door twice, and then heard his voice, “Who’s there?”

“Wenxuan, it’s me.” Xia Yu said immediately.

“Come in.” Xia Yu twisted the door handle and walked in. The room was dark as Chen Wenxuan closed the curtains. When Xia Yu approached him, he turned on the lamp.

“Wenxuan, when will that fishing boat come? Can you call and ask? Cheng Xi was seriously ill.” Xia Yu said in a choked voice, looking anxiously at the man sitting on the bed.

Chen Wenxuan took the mobile phone from the nightstand and dialed a number. Xia Yu was near to him so she could hear the sound on the phone. When the person on the phone said that the fishing boat could not come because of the typhoon, Xia Yu grabbed Chen Wenxuan’s mobile phone and said anxiously, “The typhoon is over now. Let them come over as soon as possible.”

“We have just made a call, but the port is closed now, so we have to wait until the day after tomorrow.” Hearing the day after tomorrow, Xia Yu’s body shook. Cheng Xi could not wait that long.

After hanging up the phone, Xia Yu looked at the man in front of her, begging, “Wenxuan, Cheng Xi can’t wait that long.” Thinking of the way Cheng Xi was suffering from his illness, Xia Yu’s heart ached so much. Her tears trickled down her cheeks.

Chen Wenxuan was still indifferent. After a while, he said, “I’ll order someone to take him to the hospital by plane.”

Hearing this sentence, Xia Yu thanked him excitedly.

After the typhoon was over, Xia Yu came to the plane, holding Cheng Xi in her arms, at noon.

“Xia Yu, you stay here.” Chen Wenxuan said.

Xia Yu held Cheng Xi more tightly, and then said yes. She said to the little guy in her arms, “You go to the hospital with uncle.”

“No, I want auntie to accompany me. I don’t want to be separated from auntie.” Before the words were finished, Cheng Xi cried out and shouted, holding Xia Yu’s neck tightly.

In Cheng Xi’s heart, Chen Wenxuan was a bad guy. He only believed in Xia Yu here.

Seeing Cheng Xi crying, Xia Yu looked at Chen Wenxuan pleadingly. Chen Wenxuan was already impatient, frowning. It seemed that he didn’t plan to take him to the doctor then if they dallied for another while. Xia Yu was shocked and quickly withdrew her eyes.

“Good boy. After you get well, you can see auntie and even your mother then.” Xia Yu comforted him softly.

But Cheng Xi apparently didn’t believe that, crying still. He had a fever, and then vomited while crying.

“Wenxuan!” Xia Yu had no choice but to beg him.

“It is not negotiable.” Chen Wenxuan knew Xia Yu was going to beg him, so he directly stopped her words, and then left indifferently.

Looking at Cheng Xi in her arms, Xia Yu bit her lips and handed him over to a man in blue.

“Don’t worry. I will take good care of him.” The man took Cheng Xi and said.

After vomiting, Cheng Xi even did not have the strength to cry then. He looked at Xia Yu with tears in his eyes, calling her auntie all the time.

Xia Yu had no choice but to turn her head to the side and not look at them. After they got on the plane, Xia Yu looked back at it. When the plane became a small black spot and disappeared in her sight, Xia Yu dropped her sour eyes and slowly walked back to the villa.

“Xia Yu, you know how much it costs to rent an airplane. I treat that little bastard so well.” Chen Wenxuan looked at Xia Yu with a sullen face.

Not even raising her head, Xia Yu said feebly, “Don’t worry. I will pay for it.”

Hearing that Xia Yu would pay for it, Brother Hu’s eyes turned bright. After watching Xia Yu enter her room, Brother Hu took Chen Wenxuan to his room and said he had something to discuss with him.

“What’s up.” Chen Wenxuan said impatiently.

“It seems that Xia Yu doesn’t have a thing for you at all. Since things have come to such a pass, and she is willing to solve the problem with money, why don’t we just take the money?” Brother Hu was very dissatisfied with Chen Wenxuan’s attitude, but he softened his tone because he still had to discuss things with him.

Brother Hu had been thinking these days. He had kidnapped and blackmailed people many times, but he still had his bottom line. The only thing they wanted was money, and they didn’t mean to hurt anyone.

Cheng Xi was still a child. Although he was so sick before, Chen Wenxuan was still indifferent to his condition. What Brother Hu knew while Xia Yu didn’t know was that Chen Wenxuan would not have sent Cheng Xi to the doctor if he had not got mad at him because he didn’t want anyone to die here.

Brother Hu regretted somewhat at this time. Since Xia Yu was willing to give them money, they had better get as much as they could, which was better than making things worse. It would be a bad thing if they ended up like Li Tianci.

“Brother Hu, is that all you want? How much can she give us? Ten million or twenty million?” If Chen Wenxuan had not married Kang Lan and had not lived such a rich life, he might agree with Brother Hu’s idea. While he had married Kang Lan before.

People would be happy to adapt to a rich life after living a poor life, while they could not adapt to the poor life again after living a rich life, just like Chen Wenxuan.

“Chen Wenxuan, are you serious? Is ten million or twenty million a small sum? When you worked in the restaurant, the boss only gave you a few thousand dollars a month, but you still worked for him!” Brother Hu finally couldn’t help it. He wanted more, but he didn’t deserve more.

“Bold people can get everything while timid people starve these days. Why not take a chance at this opportunity?” Chen Wenxuan really looked down on Brother Hu. He had followed Li Tianci before, while Chen Wenxuan thought he was so cowardly.

“Chen Wenxuan, you know my boss Li Tianci, and his boss Zeng Ziqiang. They were brave enough, but what happened to them then? One of them is dead now, and the other has been sentenced to death, awaiting execution. So if that little boy or Xia Yu died, what you think would happen to us then?” Brother Hu pounded the table and glared at Chen Wenxuan.

Although he was known as a desperado, he never meant to kill anyone, as it could bring about his destruction, and he would not let his men do that as well.

“Wait two more days. If she was still so determined that time, I would talk to her.” Finally what he could get was still money after making such a big scene. He should have taken the money Xia Family gave him before if he had known it.

At least, Xia Family would be grateful to him.

“We’d better hurry. Xia Yu was not a problem, but that kid has been badly scared. In case he died, we would get in big trouble then. Since you’ve sent him out, I think that it’s better to let your men throw him at his community.” Brother Hu really didn’t want Cheng Xi to come back.

“What are you talking about? Would Xia Yu stay here obediently without that kid here?” Chen Wenxuan knew Xia Yu too well. As long as she knew Cheng Xi was safe, she might jump into the sea immediately as she was a person who preferred death to surrender.

“Everything I say is bullshit to you. You’d better talk to Xia Yu as soon as possible.” It was hard to talk with Chen Wenxuan. Too lazy to talk to him again, Brother Hu left the room.

Chen Wenxuan then went upstairs. After he left, one of Brother Hu’s men came and said angrily, “Brother Hu, this guy is crazy. We really don’t need to be crazy with him.”

After getting along with Xia Yu for a few days, Brother Hu’s men had a good feeling for her. Although she was a rich second generation, she didn’t act arrogantly at all.

Especially when they learned from Xia Yu that Cheng Xi was an orphan and Wanru adopted him because he was so pathetic, they felt worse.

These people hadn’t got much education, and they were even at the bottom of society, but they had a basic view of right and wrong. And they didn’t want to hurt a kid who was even more pathetic than them.

“You’re right. We just wanted some money to live a better life at first. But if that little orphan really died here, how would our peers think of us then?” Brother Hu touched his head and turned back to the man who was talking with him, “Go. Go to Xia Yu’s room.”

When they opened the door and came in, Xia Yu was wiping tears. Brother Hu twitched his lips and didn’t know what to say. He opened his mouth after hesitating for a long time, “Miss Xia, the maid’s cooking is really terrible. Can you make lunch for us?”

“You trust me?” Pausing for a while, Xia Yu asked slightly.

Brother Hu laughed, “Miss Xia, of course we trust you. If someone didn’t trust you, he could refuse your food.” The man he was talking about was Chen Wenxuan apparently.

“Okay. I’ll make lunch.” Xia Yu stood up and walked out. Since Cheng Xi was under their control, Xia Yu could only please them to avoid Cheng Xi from suffering.

However, Xia Yu was still worried. She prepared the food in worry. When cutting vegetables, she almost cut her fingers as she was abstracted. She made three burnt dishes finally, and two of them were too salty and even bitter.

“I’ll cook again. Please wait. It won’t take long.” Seeing Chen Wenxuan’s somber face, Xia Yu shivered, picked up the dishes and returned to the kitchen, pouring the food into the trash.

Then she opened the refrigerator, took out the beef, eggs and tomatoes, preparing to make stir-fried beef and scrambled egg with tomato.

The dishes were not that bad this time. Xia Yu tasted them when she finished cooking, which were not salty.

“You can eat now.” Xia Yu put the dishes on the table and said to Chen Wenxuan and Brother Hu.

“We have received a call. The kid has been admitted to the hospital.” Brother Hu knew that Xia Yu was worried about Cheng Xi, so he told her about the situation of him.

Hearing Brother Hu’s words, Xia Yu was relieved at long last. Looking up, Xia Yu cast a grateful look in Brother Hu’s direction.

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