Survival In the Wilderness: My Luck is 100 Million Points

Chapter 1495

Chapter 1495 Hillman’S Disease

The new generation earthworm team, from Ukraine, the two players are Hillman and Dibbs.

The two are the only surviving group of players on the island who discovered the bug of eating earthworms.

Life has been quieter since the last time they took out a black bear with a trap tool.

But in fact, there are still many viewers who have been watching, and the reason is very simple, because the commentators in this live broadcast room are two beautiful women.

They didn’t come to watch the live broadcast, but to watch the beautiful women.

Now, most of the audience is watching the live broadcast.

Because there is a situation on the side of the new generation earthworm team.

“What happened?”

“Who is it, it’s annoying to keep saying this!”

“Hillman turned off the live broadcast just now. He should have gone to the toilet, but suddenly, there was a scream in Dibbs’ live broadcast!”

“Scream? Oops, did Hillman get attacked by a beast when he was shitting?”

“Are there beasts coming to steal shit?”

“Say something serious, you guys, so what’s the situation now?”

“Dibbs has arrived at the scene of the incident. Hillman seems to be fine. What is he screaming?”


The live broadcast at this time showed that after hearing the screams of his teammates, Dibbs had rushed over as soon as possible to check the situation of his teammates.

“Hillman, what’s wrong with you?”

Dibbs asked anxiously.

At the same time, because of his arrival, Hillman’s picture also appeared in the live broadcast.

He crouched there, showing half of his buttocks, and the eagle-eyed audience saw blood on the ground.

But this was quickly coded by the staff of the program group.

“I saw blood, Hillman was blown away!”

“Hey! Did something get in there?”

“I advise you, don’t talk nonsense, because it’s easy to make people laugh to death, hahahaha!”

“Is it pulling blood? I’m familiar with this, most likely it’s because of hemorrhoids!”

“Ten men nine hemorrhoids, ten women ten hemorrhoids, who doesn’t have hemorrhoids?”

“So, Hillman has hemorrhoids? Hey! I thought it was a big deal, so I ran over in a hurry!”


A large number of barrages surged, and the audience kept sending barrages to discuss this matter.

In the live broadcast, Hillman waved his hand.

“Dibbs, I’m fine.”

“It’s just a pain in the butt, you go first, I’ll squat for a while.”

Hillman said, and moved his position to hide behind a tree.

Only then did Dibs react, and his arrival, this is to let his teammates go live!

“Okay, call me if you have anything.”

With that said, Dibs quickly left Hillman’s place.

In the live broadcast, Hillman was nowhere to be seen.

This wave of him is considered passive, but in any case, there is one more person who is shitting on the live broadcast.

They are Li Guang, Master Wu Chen, and Hillman.

As the saying goes, when people are always negligent, the team should continue to expand.

It took another twenty minutes or so before the audience saw Hillman again.

He has already turned on the live broadcast, and it is displayed on the screen that he is slowly walking back.

Seems to be more difficult.

Some people say that his legs are numb, and some people say that his butt hurts.

But the real answer is both.

“Hillman, how do you feel?”

Dibbs asked quickly.

His guess is similar to that of the audience, so this shouldn’t be a big problem.

But it will also affect their game!

“I feel very bad.” “Is it because the bear meat I ate recently is not digestible, I can’t pull it out.”

“I touched it with my hand just now and found that I have hemorrhoids.”

Hillman’s face was very ugly.

“Then what?”

Dibbs was also in trouble.

There is basically no good way to get sick on the island.

Hemorrhoids, constipation, that is also a disease!

In fact, there are many people who suffer from constipation and hemorrhoids.

There is a joke on the Internet saying, don’t look at some goddesses, she is beautiful on the surface, but she can’t poop behind her back, it’s really pitiful.

“Drink more water and try it.”

Hillman sighed and said.

There is really no good way, but try to drink more water.

“Okay, I’ll boil some water for you to drink.”

Dibbs said, and started to make a fire to boil water.

At this time, the audience who came to watch the excitement also dispersed a lot.

I thought something big had happened, but I didn’t expect it was just Hillman’s constipation.

Kind of disappointing!

These audiences are all afraid that the world will not be chaotic, and that things will happen on the island every day!

The picture at this time came to the Yuyu team.

The former Yuyu team has become history, and now there is only Christovsky left in this team.

And since Tompkin retired, he has not started the live broadcast.

Until now, he has only restarted the live broadcast.

“I don’t know if you are watching the live broadcast, Tompkin, my dear teammate.”

“I’m sorry, I’m really sorry!”

Christovsky bowed.

At this time, his face was haggard, his eyes were sunken, his eyes were red, and his lips were pale.

It can be seen that he has had a very bad two days.

But in the hearts of many viewers, they are still very dissatisfied with him and are unwilling to forgive him.

This is also normal. If you do something wrong, you only need to apologize and it will be fine. What else do you need the law for?

But in Tompkin’s view, he was very pleased.

Yes, Tompkin happened to be watching the live broadcast at this time, and when he heard the news that Christovsky had started the live broadcast, he immediately came over to watch it.

After all, he and this guy lived together on the island for more than 200 days.

I don’t know if Tompkin has a masochistic tendency. I haven’t heard Kristowski talk about aliens recently, and he even misses it a little.

In fact, it is mainly habit, the power of habit is very powerful.

“This guy is really not bad, you see, he is apologizing to me.”

Tompkin said to the nurse who came to change his dressing.

However, before the nurse could respond, he saw that in the live broadcast room, Christovsky’s expression changed, appearing mysterious.

“Just last night, aliens contacted me!”

After saying this, some viewers who had forgiven him in their hearts just now felt strongly insulted!

And gave birth to an urge to get into the screen, go to the island, and beat him violently! M..

Damn it, damn it!

Aliens contact you, beep, beep!

Pure stupid beep is this not?

“The alien told me that there will be a disaster on this island, and I will retire!”

“I thought about it all night and decided to listen to the aliens. Now I will retire and go to the hospital to take care of you!”

“Because of my mistake, you were injured. When the time comes, I will give you some compensation for my bonus!”

Christovsky said.

Many viewers were silent because they really didn’t know what to say.

They were all speechless by this guy!

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