Super Urban Master

Chapter 312 - Shadow and Ghost

Chapter 312 Shadow and Ghost

“You have a quicker and simpler method to break this array?” To be honest, Gu Hong did not believe that there was the biggest secret of Medicine Sect behind this stone gate.

The Medicine Sect went through a decline and was hunted by their enemy. So, they had no choice but to move from Ancient Martial World into Semi-Ancient Martial World.

Though they came down to Semi-Ancient Martial World, all the ambitious members took returning to Ancient Martial World as their life-long goal. And the secret behind the stone gate was the key to the re-entry of the Medicine Sect.

At that time, to hide this big secret, the Medicine Sect masters made every effort to build this underground maze. They also gathered some magic array experts to apply some impregnable array to protect it.

This array was half belonging to the advanced one of Ancient Martial World. How could a young boy like Qin Hao break it?

“Grand-master, Uncle Ping, please take a rest and I will break this array.” Qin Hao said it seriously. He was not kidding.

“Hao, don’t be so rash. It is not a simple array for you to break in your way. If you are not careful, you might be hurt in return. So, let’s do it my way.” Gu Hong said in a deep voice.

If Gu Hong’s method cost less time, Qin Hao would not disobey him. But Qin was not that patient to waste so much time. Also, he intended to absorb Spirit Qi in order to break through the middle period of Void Stage.

“Uncle Ping, please take my grand-master to have a rest and I’m going to break this array.” Saying this, Qin Hao sat in front of the stone gate, moving his Qi and concentrating his attention. He put his hands on the gate and started absorbing Qi through the way taught by Bloody Demon King.

“Don’t do this, Hao!” Gu Hong shouted and tried to stop him. But in his condition, there was nothing he could do. “Tianping, stop him.”

Ye Tianping felt embarrassed: “Master, now that he has a quicker and simpler way, why not let him try? After all, he is a young man. He will not stop until he tries.”

Gu Hong thought it made some sense, so he could but sigh: “OK, let him try. I only hope he will not be hurt by the array.”

Then Ye Tianping put Gu Hong down to the ground from his back. They stayed aside to see how Qin Hao was going to break this array and what method he would use.

At the foot of the mountain where the Medicine Sect was located, there was a small town.

Now at the entrance of the only inn in this town, in the dim light of the night, a beautiful dark figure flashed in straight to the guest room.

That was Shadow coming down from the Medicine Sect on the mountain.

Shadow pushed open the door, walked into the room already reserved and closed the door.

All of a sudden, following a snap, the dark room became illuminated. Not ready for the abrupt shift from darkness to light, Shadow felt dizzy. But out of the killer’s instinct, she turned around immediately and changed into a defensive posture, yelling: “Who’s there?”

“Giggle, my little sister, no need to be so nervous.” A burst of ghostly laughter emerged from the room.

Shadow was speechless for a moment. Then she found there was a man in black sitting on the wood chair near the window, with a ghost mask on his face. She certainly knew this man. They came from the same sect, and he was her Senior.

It was him who turned on the lights in the room just now. Surprisingly, those were electric lights.

Semi-Ancient Martial World was not a metropolis like those in the outside world. People even refused the modern things out there, but they introduced electric lights.

They resisted modern things mainly for fear of the pollution coming along. If the environment was as bad as the cities outside, Spirit Qi would dry up and the Martial Cultivators would lose the precious circumstances for cultivation.

But hydroelectricity brought little pollution and influence, so the electric lights representing modern technology was introduced.

” Senior, what are you doing here?” Shadow looked at the ghost-face man and felt a little guilty.

“Giggle,” The ghost-face man made that ghostly laughter again, “Little sister, it is me who should ask you a question. Where have you been this evening? I have told you in the day that anyone involved in this task shall not leave this inn before the task is finished. But you broke the order and left for so long. So, you tell me, how should I punish you?”

After saying this, the ghost-face man stared at Shadow infernally, making her uncomfortable.

“Se…senior, sorry. I, I wasn’t feeling well so I went out to get some medicine.” Shadow explained in a low voice.

“Feeling unwell?” The ghost man lifted his brow, “Then why didn’t you tell me? I could have gone with you or even got the medicine for you.”

“Senior, it was too late and as the leader of this task, you must have been really tired. I was afraid you would be bothered so…”

“So you were being considerate. Well, I was moved. Thanks for your concern. Then where is your medicine?” The ghost-faced man kept staring at her as if trying to see through her heart.

Shadow hesitated a moment, took out a pack of medicine and put it down gently on the table.

The ghost-face man took the pack to his nose. It was indeed a pack of medicine with a strong smell.

After confirming it, the ghost in his eyes disappeared. Instead, there was some gentleness in the way he looked at Shadow. He also softened his voice: “Little sister, let me see what has troubled you.”

Saying this, the ghost-face man stood up and took a step closer to Shadow.

This action frightened Shadow to back off hurriedly. She stared at him with alert and said in a panic: “Senior, I, I’m much better now. Thank you for your concern.”

“You…” He gave a disappointed sigh, “Are you really scared of me so much?”

“Senior, I…” Shadow did not know what to say.

The ghost-face man smiled: “Sister, when we finish this task, go back with me. Don’t stray outside because I don’t want you to end up like Long Taibai. When we are back to our sect, let’s get married.”

Hearing the words of “get married”, Shadow trembled in her heart and said hurriedly: “Senior, I’m not ready for…for the marriage thing.”

“Huh, we’ve been engaged for over a decade and you say you are not ready? Fine, I will give you another couple of days to consider it. After that, whatever the result of your consideration is, I will marry you anyway. In this life, you can only be my woman, the Ghost’s woman.” He said both like a tyrant and a killer. “Remember, do not give any chance to other men, or I will give him a miserable death. You know how many ways I can achieve that. Now have a good rest. When the target shows up, I will wake you up.”

Then Ghost walked out with the ghostly steps. When he disappeared, the door only moved slightly and did not seem to be opened. He was like a real ghost.

Shadow looked at the leaving Ghost, and her beautiful brows wrinkled grimly with concern.

Out of the room, the Ghost walked a few steps and stopped beside a black figure.

“Was it much fun to eavesdropping? I can take it as if I didn’t see it, but if there was a next time…You know what would happen then.” The Ghost said in a chilling voice, like an arrow shooting right into the heart.

The figure in the darkness seemed to have something to say, but the mouth hesitated and only opened without a sound.

The Ghost walked past the black figure as he finished his words.

“Senior, are you going to let go what Shadow did? Do you really believe that she only went outside to get some medicine?” The figure in the darkness finally dared speak. It was a woman’s voice. “Anyway, I don’t believe that. She went out without permission and came back this late, and there must be some dirty secret of her to do so.”

“If you still want to see the sun tomorrow, shut your mouth now.” The Ghost turned around in anger. The eyes behind the ghost mask became sharp like a knife stabbing straightly over.

The woman felt a shiver and knelt down with fear: “Senior, I’m so sorry. Please forgive me and I will never speak like that again.”

“Again? If we were not taking this important task, I would not keep your life for you to say it again. Now get lost!”

“Yes, Senior. Thanks for your mercy.” The woman in the darkness hurried to stand up and flashed past Shadow’s room. At the moment she passed the door, she glanced at it with enmity. Deep in her heart, she was full of hatred and jealousy.

She knew that the Ghost was covering up for the woman in that room. Clever as him, it was impossible for him to believe Shadow lie. What a clear bias!

Why Senior preferred Shadow rather than her? So she envied her, but she hated her more.

She swore one day she would prove to her Senior that except the look, she was ten thousand times better than Shadow in all the other aspects. It was she that was the best partner for her Senior.

Then the woman disappeared in the darkness, along with her hatred and her vow.

At the Medicine Sect, in the underground maze.

At the moment, Gu Hong and Ye Tianping were staring at the change on Qin Hao with surprise. They saw a sea of Spirit Qi gather crazily from the array pattern on the stone gate to his hands and be absorbed into his body. Both of their opened mouths were big enough to put an egg in.

As the Spirit Qi gradually faded, which indicated that it was almost exhausted from the Spirit Stone in the array pattern, there arose some thin cracks on the stone gate.

“It’s time.” Qin Hao kept his effort and filled his hands with a fierce force. Then he suddenly pushed forward.

“No-” Gu Hong shouted to stop Qin Hao, but it was too late.

With a huge rumble, the entire stone gate and half of a wall fell apart. Dirt rolled up and filled the underground path, making the three into men of dust.

When the dirt dispersed, a slight ray of light came out. It was the light from some rare pearl.

Through the light, Gu Hong looked at the broken wall and gate, and regretted bitterly. If he had known Qin Hao’s method earlier, he would rather have died than agreed.

Although it was true that Qin Hao only took half an hour to break the array, more than twice quicker than Gu Hong’s method, he destroyed this stone room and made it useless. Could they hide other important secrets here in the future? Absolutely not, unless they had someone repair it. But the problem was that to rebuild the stone room was easy, but to restore the array might be impossible. They could never find masters to set the same powerful array here, at least such masters could not be found in Semi-Ancient Martial World.

What Gu Hong wanted was breaking the array, not destroying it.

While the old man was still regretting, Qin Hao had rushed into the stone room, throwing them the words: ” Grand-master, Uncle Ping, the door is open. Please come in.”

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