Super Urban Master

Chapter 310 - The Biggest Secret of the Medicine Sect

Chapter 310 The Biggest Secret of the Medicine Sect

“Hao, you…”

Ye Tianping was about to say something, but he was grabbed and lifted.

Qin Hao was lifting them with both hands back to the shore from the void.

Ye Tianping still didn’t recover from the shock after reaching the shore.

“Dad, Grand-master, what happened to, to you?” Ye Siyu shouted and threw herself forward in tears.

The appearance of Ye Tianping and his Shifu Gu Hong was really beyond acceptance, and all the women on spot all turned their heads and stopped looking.

Their pants were eroded by the water and so were the legs. Some bugs were on the wounds, which appalled everyone.

Even Qin Hao could not bear the scene, and said, “Ye Siyu, don’t cry. Get them out of here and give them some treatment.”

And Qin Hao, as well as others, found a house that was still standing in all the ruins, and helped them clean and treat the wounds.

All were finally done at nightfall, and Qin Hao was very tired because others were all women and he had to do a lot of things like helping them wash and change clothes.

The Bloody Demon King was a male but as a king, he would certainly not help washing the two Martial Cultivators from the Semi-Ancient Marital World.

And the work was all left to Qin Hao.

After all were done, Shi Bingying and others cooked and made soup for the two wounded.

After living in that dark place for so long, they were very hungry and didn’t care about their image in front of the young people and wolfed down all the food until they were full.

After the food, Ye Tianping asked, “Hao, how did you improve so quickly in such a short period of time?” He was genuinely confused.

“Well, nothing to be surprised of. He’s my disciple.” Bloody Demon King said proudly.

And Ye Tianping finally noticed Bloody Demon King. In his opinion, he was only at the level of the late period of the Perfection Stage, not nearly as good as himself, and he was the master of Qin Hao? He was able to teach him that well? He was in doubt.

Meanwhile, the old man Gu Hong was looking at Bloody Demon King seriously and said respectfully, “Senior, may I ask if you’re from the Ancient Martial World?”

Bloody Demon King looked at him again and said, “Good thing that you’ve noticed.”

Ye Tianping froze. Gu Hong would rarely call someone a senior, let alone someone like Bloody Demon King, a young person with little ability. But he did. And he had to take back his attitude.

And he was from the legendary Ancient Martial World, and that made him more impressive. Maybe he learned how to hide his real level and others couldn’t see it.

Qin Hao was also impressed that Gu Hong could see Bloody Demon King was from the Ancient Martial World. And he became interested in the old man.

“Uncle Ping, this gentleman is…?” Qin Hao asked, looking at Gu Hong.

Ye Tianping finally remembered to introduce him. Previously with all the mess, nobody cared, including Ye Tianping himself.

“Hao, come here and meet your grand-master.”

“Grandmaster?” Qin Hao was confused. He remembered Ye Siyu calling him grand-master. Was he…?

“Damn. Don’t call him that.” Bloody Demon King was upset. If he was Qin Hao’s master and the old man was his grand-master, then he was a level below him. As a king, of course, he didn’t want to.

“This senior is my Shifu called Gu Hong. He is the Shifu of Qin Hao’s father Qin Ying, and of course, he is Qin Hao’s grand-master.” Ye Tianping explained.

“Anyway, don’t do that. I’m Qin Hao’s Shifu and if Qin Hao calls him grand-master, he would become my master.” Bloody Demon King was angry.

“Senior, you don’t have to say that. An old man like myself could never be your Shifu.” Gu Hong said with all the modesty in the world.

“Good thing that you know.” Bloody Demon King said and pronounced a “huh” to the sky.

“Well…” Qin Hao was a bit speechless. It was REALLY hard to have Bloody Demon King bow to anything.

“You’re Qin Ying’s son?” Gu Hong looked at Qin Hao with all the surprise, excitement and a quivering voice.

“Shifu, I told you that Martial Brother Qin had a son called Qin Hao. That’s him.” Ye Tianping quickly said.

Gu Hong quivered and tried to stand up but couldn’t because his legs were broken and the tendons on his arms and legs were broken, too. He had totally become disabled.

“Shifu, take care and don’t move.” Ye Tianping quickly said and held him.

“Awwwww…” Gu Hong said and was disappointed. Famous as he was, he didn’t realize he would end up like this and it was his friend who did it. Otherwise, he would not let it happen. Nobody could hurt him behind his back.

Well, those people didn’t end up well either. They were killed in the battle that wiped out the whole Sect. But he didn’t feel happy about it. He felt worse because the Medicine Sect was doomed. The Sect he fought so long for, was gone.

Actually, he would rather die than to see this.

Had it not been for those bastards, he would have been there and nobody would have dared to destroy the Medicine Sect, let alone succeed.

Therefore, the Sect was not destroyed. It destroyed itself.

And that very fact hurt him badly.

But he didn’t want to give up and let the Sect fall. He wanted to rebuild it and make it even better.

And he saw hope in Qin Hao.

“Hao, I don’t expect you to call me grand-master, but you’re the son of my disciple Qin Ying, and in a sense, you belong to the Medicine Sect, so I have a favor to ask you, is that okay?” the old man looked at Qin Hao expectingly and even imploringly.

It was the Shifu of his father and Qin Hao could not say no. He nodded and said, “Anything. As long as I can.”

“Thank you. I’ll be at rest with your promise.” And he turned to Ye Tianping, “Tianping, carry me, and we’ll go somewhere with young Hao. Senior, can we do that?” he asked for Bloody Demon King’s opinion.

Bloody Demon King raised his eyebrows and said generously, “Just go!” But he was mumbling silently that they had to do this behind his back and were not so impressed.

“Thank you very much!” Gu Hong said and turned to Ye Siyu, “Siyu, entertain the guests well.” Siyu was half an owner, and of course, she would do the job.

“Yes, grand-master.” Siyu said with respect.

“OK, let’s go, Tianping.”

“Yes, Shifu.”

And then Ye Tianping carried Gu Hong on his back and left with Qin Hao. They left the house and went to the prison underground again.

Qin Hao was back and asked curiously, “Uncle Ping, what are we doing here?”

“Hao, don’t speak and follow us. I’ll show you the greatest secret of the Medicine Sect. Something only I know.” Gu Hong said in his low voice with authority.

Qin Hao stopped talking but became more curious. So did Ye Tianping. He’d been to the prison many times and wondered what was the secret hiding there. Having spent decades here, he had never heard of one.

It was something only Gu Hong knew, so even the head of the Sect didn’t know.

Ye Tianping kept wondering what secret it was, and he started to walk faster.

Outside, for the room of Bloody Demon King, Ye Siyu organized everything and served everything from tea to water and did quite a good job.

As for the people from the Serenity House, she pointed at the remaining rooms and said, “We have three rooms left and they’re all yours.”

They were angry since there were more than 20 of them but only three rooms.

“Sister Ying, that’s too much. How about we go to the hotel instead.” someone said angrily. Shi Bingying was the leader here and had more right to speak than the head.

“Sisters, that’s all we have. Please bear with us. Shifu and Head will live in one room others will share the remaining two with me.” Shi Bingying didn’t want to find trouble for Qin Hao and was trying to comfort everyone.

“But we don’t have so many beds.” people were frowning.

“Then we can sleep on the floor. Please follow me to find some beddings outside.”

After she said this, others stopped and followed her to find beddings in the ruins.

There was a lot actually, since many people lived here once. The stuff remained in the ruins.

“Sisters, we have a lot of covers here. Let’s collect.” Shi Bingying asked them to spread out and she too chose a direction.

In the ruins of wood and bricks, Shi Bingying found a corner of a quilt. She rushed there happily, and pulled it out more or less whole, moving the huge wood and bricks with her ability of a Martial Cultivator in the Peak of Perfection Stage.

After she was about to leave with the quilt, a cold wind was blowing behind and she turned quickly, “Who’s that?”

She was not ordinary Martial Cultivator and was much sharper, and realized it was not just wind, but someone moving behind her.

But she could not see anyone.

“Was I mistaken?” Shi Bingying frowned and looked again and didn’t find anything but a letter.

She dropped the quilt and picked it up.

It was clean and with some fragrance. It was not buried in the ruins but left by someone. Otherwise, it would not be so clean, but would be dirty in the sand and stones.

But who would have dropped it?

Well, not without looking at the letter.

She stopped guessing and pulled out the letter. The writing was good.

It was clear that it was from a woman.

“Tell Qin Hao that the great master of the Jinwu Sect is rushing here. He’s in the late period of Void Stage and the top 10 of the Semi-Ancient Martial World. Tell him to be careful.”

Shi Bingying was surprised that such a letter was delivered to her in order to inform Qin Hao.

A woman that could drop the letter about Qin Hao without being seen. Who was it?

Suddenly, Shi Bingying thought of someone. It was Shadow.

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