Super Urban Master

Chapter 309 - Ye Siyu's Broiling with Envy

Chapter 309 Ye Siyu’s Broiling with Envy

Word Count: 3140Update Date: 2015-05-17 00:07:58

Seeing the hole before, Shi Bingying said to Ye Siyu, “Miss Ye, let’s go.”

“Step aside. I will go alone.” Ye Siyu suddenly rushed forward and pushed Shi Bingying away. She rushed in alone.

Shi Bingying did not expect that Ye Siyu would do that. She could not support herself until she was pushed back for a few steps. She almost fell down.

“Sister, you okay?” A few disciples rushed forward and asked her.

Shi Bingying shook her head, “I am ok.”

“Sister Ying, why the guy acted like that? You helped her and she should be so rude. That’s too uncultivated.” Another people from Serenity House said with anger.

“That’s right. Since she does not need us anymore, we’d better not enter it and let her go.” Another people added.

Shi Bingying smiled, “That’s okay. Maybe she worried about her dad’s security. It makes sense. We shall not talk anymore. Let’s enter it. Life matters.”

Shi Bingying insisted to do so and the other few people could do nothing but to follow her.

In a quiet and remote place, there were only Bloody Demon King and Qin Hao.

Qin Hao was in cultivation and meditation, trying to internalize the tremendous spirit qi absorbed to the body before. Bloody Demon King stood aside to protect him and stared at the changes in Qin Hao’s body. Meanwhile, he looked at him with hope. He wished that Qin Hao could have one level up so that he would be in middle period of Void Stage.

Just now, Bloody Demon King could have absorbed the spirit qi himself, but he gave it to Qin Hao. He did that to support Qin Hao so that he could grow as fast as possible.

And he had received much more precious treasures from the treasury in Jinwu Sect. Therefore, it made sense that he gave spirit qi to Qin Hao.

Moreover, if Qin Hao grew into a more powerful figure, he would be a strong backbone of their living. With the existence of Qin Hao, no one could bully them.

It was a pity, though, that when Qin Hao internalized all the spirit qi and opened his eyes, Bloody Demon King did not see any sign of leveling up.

Damn, this guy was a freak. He couldn’t even make level up after absorbing so much spirit qi.

Qin Hao did not have a level up. However, he had a much stronger and steady power.

“Master, it is finished.” Qin Hao stood up, “Let’s go.” He wanted to rush to save Ye Tianping.

“Ok.” Bloody Demon King said no more, and they walked towards the direction of the stone cave.

In the cave where it went in for about twenty meters, there was an underwater prison, which was tied with two pieces of thick and heavy iron chains. Half of them were above the water.

“Dad. Grand-master.”

Ye Siyu went to the side of the water prison and saw the two people in the water. She could not help crying and shouting with sorrow.

There were two people. One was Ye Tianping, and the other Ye Tianping’s master, the figure with prominence in the area, the elderly man Gu Hong.

Few people would discuss why Ye Tianping ended up as such a tragedy. However, people who knew the reputation of Gu Hong would sigh after knowing his current situation.

South Gu Hong, north Du He. That was the two names known almost to all people in the semi-ancient martial world. They were all immortal legends in the world.

However, the prominent Gu Hong was then a dying poor old man trapped in the water prison.

Ye Tianping in the water prison first found Ye Siyu and he shook with excitement. He instantly made the sound in the water and said, “Yu, you, why are you here?”

“Dad, I come to save you. Wait, I will save you out.” While crying, she rushed to the iron lock beside the water prison. She was to unlock it.

However, the giant lock was so big that she couldn’t hold it, and she had no key. How could she unlock it?

Without the key, she had to use her power. With all her strength, she attacked the iron lock with a palm. Nothing happened except for the pain of her hand.

“Yu, no more attempt. You are not strong enough.” Ye Tianping shouted in the water.

“No, no, I will save you out.” Ye Siyu did not want to give up.

“Miss Ye, let me try.” After her, Shi Bingying went here.

Ye Siyu turned back and found that it was Shi Bingying. She was to turn down. She could lose to anyone but not Shi Bingying.

However, she had to compromise to reality.

The power of Shi Bingying was proved by her palm on the stone gate. Shi Bingying was indeed stronger than herself.

Then it was a priority to save people. She did not want her father trapped in it. Therefore, she compromised and made Shi Bingying try.

Shi Bingying bowed down and touched the iron chain and the giant lock. She used power to try. With such an attempt, she frowned. Without the need of another try, she knew that she could not open them. Only Qin Hao could do it.

“We should wait for Hao. I cannot open it.” Shi Bingying stood up and said with an apology.

Ye Siyu had a cold look and said with contempt, “You can just step aside if you are not capable enough. Don’t make a disturbance.”

“What? How dare you say so? Sister Ying is so kind and she tries to help you. You don’t have any gratitude.” Serenity House’s people could not bear it, and one of them stood out to shout to her.

Ye Siyu suddenly turned back and glared at the people. In the face of these few people, she did not care. Except for the powerful Shi Bingying, these people were all below middle period of Inner Stage. Comparatively, a peak of Inner Stage expert like her could beat them easily.

“One more word and I will kill you.” Ye Siyu was not kidding, and there was a cold look in her eyes. There was evil killing spirit in her body.

The woman trembled and stepped back. However, she thought that there was a Perfection Stage Expert Shi Bingying on the scene. She still said in a strong tone, “I said, you know nothing about gratitude.”

“You are dead!” Ye Siyu suddenly attacked her with a palm. She was really thinking of killing her.

In fact, she acted so evilly for her envy on Shi Bingying. She wanted to let it off.

No one expected that Ye Siyu would kill her, including Shi Bingying. Luckily, Shi Bingying was much stronger than her. Therefore, she stopped her palm at an advantageous speed and counteracted her attack even if she reacted one second later.

“Miss Ye, my senior sister just said a few words. She does not deserve death. Why you made it so fatal?” Shi Bingying was a bit angry.

“Yu, what are you doing? Stop.” Ye Tianping in the water prison could not bear Ye Siyu’s deed. He yelled with anger.

Ye Siyu turned to Ye Tianping. She stamped and shouted with a crying voice, “Dad, they are bullying me.”

“Nonsense, they did not bully you. It is your fault.” Ye Tianping scolded her without caring for her moods.

“I…” Ye Siyu shed tears.

“What’s going on?” At that time, a familiar voice was heard. Qin Hao, Bloody Demon King and other Serenity House people who were waiting outside all came in. There were instantly dozens of people, making the atmosphere livelier.

Seeing Qin Hao, all the people inside were quite happy. Ye Tianping cried of happiness. It was Qin Hao who came here.

“Hao, Hao, hurry up. Save us out.” Ye Tianping yelled in a hurry.

Qin Hao saw the Ye Tianping in the water prison and all his eyes were full of the fire of anger. Someone should treat Uncle Ping like this. He would definitely kill the man with a palm if he stood before him.

“Uncle Ping, wait for a while. I am saving you.” Qin Hao walked to the iron chain while answering loudly.

“Hao, these chains and lock are tough. I cannot break them.” Shi Bingying besides said with an apology.

Qin Hao looked at her for comfort, said softly, “I will do it. You can have a rest.”

Seeing Qin Hao’s being so gentle to Shi Bingying, all Ye Siyu’s heart was trembling. She had her envy rising while looking at Shi Bingying again.

“Hao, the iron chains and lock are all made of thousand-year dark steel, which are hard to break without a key. You’d better look for a key.” Ye Tianping said loudly in the water. He did not think that Qin Hao could open the lock with power.

“Got it, Uncle Ping. I will have a try.” Qin Hao held the lock and he used his power. Under his great strength, “crack”, the lock was distorted in his hand.

People all saw the scene. They opened their eyes wide, looked at Qin Hao as if they had been looking at a monster. He was so damn strong.

“Crack! Bang!”

With two weird sounds, the lock was broken and thrown on the ground by Qin Hao’s power.

“Well, Hao you…” Ye Tianping was shocked by Qin Hao’s power. How could he be so strong? It should be noticed that even he himself couldn’t break the lock with his hands.

He was already the middle period of the Spirit Stage expert. He remembered that when he last met Qin Hao in Rong City, Qin Hao was merely a martial cultivator in Perfection Stage. It had been only a few months when they met again after that departure.

What stage in Qin Hao in? Spirit Stage? No way. Spirit Stage was hard to achieve. With so little time, a genius could not progress from Perfection Stage to Spirit Stage, not even in a magic way, let alone he was in the city, a less advantageous cultivation environment.

However, he would not simply break the lock if he was not in Spirit Stage, which couldn’t be achieved by a Spirit Stage expert. A martial cultivator in Perfection Stage was not able to do that.

“He reached the early period of the Void Stage at such a young age. I have lived for so many years and today I witness this miracle. It is really true that there is always a stronger man in this world.” At that moment, the elderly man tied behind Ye Tianping sighed.

Ye Tianping was shocked, turning back instantly, “Master, what? Void, early period of the Void Stage?” He was so shocked that his tongue trembled, and he could not speak fluently, which told how shocked he was then.

Gu Hong nodded and identified the truth.

Ye Tianping could not believe others’ words but not Gu Hong, his master.

“My goodness. Hao, you should…”

“Uncle Ping, we can talk about it after landing. Now I will save you out.” Qin Hao’s voice was heard above Ye Tianping’s head, interrupting Ye Tianping’s words.

Ye Tianping raised his head and saw Qin Hao who was floating in the void. Words totally failed him.

He did not believe Gu Hong’s words just now. However, there was the truth before him. Only Void Stage experts could stand in the void and walk in the air.

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